In string theory, a worldsheet is a two-dimensional manifold which describes the embedding of a string in spacetime.[1] The term was coined by Leonard Susskind[2] as a direct generalization of the world line concept for a point particle in special and general relativity.
The type of string, the geometry of the spacetime in which it propagates, and the presence of long-range background fields (such as gauge fields) are encoded in a two-dimensional conformal field theory defined on the worldsheet. For example, the bosonic string in 26 dimensions has a worldsheet conformal field theory consisting of 26 free scalar bosons. Meanwhile, a superstring worldsheet theory in 10 dimensions consists of 10 free scalar fields and their fermionic superpartners.
We begin with the classical formulation of the bosonic string.
First fix a
A world-sheet
Strings are further classified into open and closed. The topology of the worldsheet of an open string is
R x I
Meanwhile the topology of the worldsheet of a closed string[3] is
R x S1
In order to define the Polyakov action, the world-sheet is equipped with a world-sheet metric[4]
Since Weyl transformations are considered a redundancy of the metric structure, the world-sheet is instead considered to be equipped with a conformal class of metrics