Vehicle registration plates of Indonesia explained

Vehicle registration plates of Indonesia
Issuer:Indonesian National Police Traffic Corps

Motorized vehicles in Indonesia are required to have registration plates, which must be displayed both at the front and back of the vehicles. The issuing of number plates is regulated and administered by SAMSAT, which is a collaboration between the Indonesian National Police, provincial offices of regional revenue, and the national mandatory vehicle insurance operator Jasa Raharja.

Registration area codes

The lettering convention denoting the area of registration is a legacy of the Dutch colonial era and does not reflect the current regional divisions of the country into provinces. They follow the old system of Dutch Karesidenan or residencies lettering systems, which were adopted in the 1920s,[1] and the Territorial Police system which was abolished in 2010.

The list of area codes are:[2]

Prefix Division
Banten, except Tangerang Regency (East region), South Tangerang, and Tangerang City
Central Java ex Kedu residency: Magelang Regency, City, Purworejo, Kebumen, Temanggung, Wonosobo
East Java, ex Madiun residency: Madiun Regency, City, Ngawi, Magetan, Ponorogo, Pacitan
East Java, ex Kediri residency: Kediri Regency, City, Blitar Regency, City, Tulungagung, Nganjuk, Trenggalek
Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang Regency (East region), City, South Tangerang, Bekasi, Bekasi Regency
West Sumatra
North Sumatra, West Coast region: Dairi, Pakpak Bharat, Samosir, Toba Samosir, North Tapanuli, Humbang Hasundutan, Central Tapanuli, Sibolga, South Tapanuli, Padangsidempuan, Padang Lawas, North Padang Lawas, Mandailing Natal, Gunungsitoli, Nias, South Nias, West Nias, North Nias
South Sumatra
North Sumatra, East Coast region: Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang, Langkat, Karo, Serdang Bedagai, Tebing Tinggi, Simalungun, Pematangsiantar, Batubara, Asahan, Tanjungbalai, Labuhan Batu, North Labuhan Batu, South Labuhan Batu
Bangka Belitung
Riau Islands
West Java, ex western Preanger Regencies Residency: Bandung Regency, City, Cimahi, West Bandung
South Kalimantan
Mainland of North Sulawesi
West Sulawesi
South Sulawesi, South region: Makassar, Gowa, Maros, Pangkajene Islands, Takalar, Jeneponto, Bulukumba, Bantaeng, Selayar
North Maluku
East Nusa Tenggara


North Sulawesi

Sangihe Islands, Talaud Islands, Sitaro Islands

Central Sulawesi
South Sulawesi, North region: Barru, Parepare, Pinrang, Sidenreng Rappang, Enrekang, Tana Toraja, North Toraja, Luwu, Palopo, North Luwu, East Luwu
West Nusa Tenggara

Lombok Island

Southeast Sulawesi
South Sulawesi, Central region: Bone, Soppeng, Wajo, Sinjai
West Java, ex Cirebon residency: Cirebon Regency, City, Indramayu, Majalengka, Kuningan
West Nusa Tenggara

Sumbawa island

East Nusa Tenggara

Flores Island, Alor, Lembata

East Nusa Tenggara

Sumba Island

West Java, ex Bogor residency: Regency, City, Cianjur, Sukabumi Regency, City
Central Java, ex Pekalongan residency: Regency, City, Tegal Regency, City, Brebes, Batang, Pemalang
Central Java, ex Semarang residency: Semarang Regency, City, Salatiga, Kendal, Demak
Central Java, ex Pati residency: Pati, Kudus, Jepara, Rembang, Blora, Grobogan
West Kalimantan
Central Kalimantan
East Kalimantan
North Kalimantan
East Java


East Java

Madura Island

East Java, ex Malang residency: Malang Regency, City, Regency, City, Pasuruan Regency, City, Lumajang, Batu
East Java, ex Besuki residency: Bondowoso, Situbondo, Jember, Banyuwangi
West Papua
Highland Papua[4]
South Papua[5]
Central Papua[6]
Southwest Papua[7]
Central Java, ex Banyumas residency: Banyumas, Cilacap, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara
East Java, ex Bojonegoro residency: Bojonegoro, Mojokerto Regency, City, Tuban, Lamongan, Jombang


West Java, ex Karawang residency: Purwakarta, Karawang, Subang
East Java, ex Surabaya residency outside Surabaya City: Sidoarjo, Gresik
West Java, ex eastern Preanger Regencies Residency: Garut, Tasikmalaya Regency, City, Sumedang, Ciamis, Pangandaran, Banjar

Several areas provide license plates for non-motorized transport vehicles. In Yogyakarta, is used for rickshaws. A white-on-blue license plate with area code is issued for rickshaws operating in the city of Surabaya. In Banjarmasin, rickshaws operating in the city are issued with plate using a unique format, .

Defunct area codes

There were some area codes that are no longer in use anymore. These include:


Colonial era

Vehicle registration plates were first introduced in the Dutch East Indies in 1900. The early format included regional codes such as for Cirebon, for Surabaya, and for the eastern coast of Sumatra; and registration numbers with no official standards. Plates were not always installed at the front and the rear of the vehicle; some owners affixed the plates on the side of the vehicle. For international purposes, the Government of the Dutch East Indies introduced the code for government vehicles. plates were elliptical and the registration numbers were placed below on a rectangular plate.[9]

A more-structured system was introduced in 1917 with the implementation of regulations regarding the content of applications for number and driving licenses, the specification of numbers and letters, the models of number and driving licenses, the establishment of registers of holders of the licenses and the publication of the contents of the registers. The regulation obliged vehicle owners to register their vehicles. The Karesidenan-based system was first implemented on Java and afterwards elsewhere in the colony.[10] The alphabetical codes were:

Until the 1920s, regional codes were added along with the Karesidenan regional expansion. For example, Bogor used the code , Bojonegoro used the code , and Western Papua used the code .[11]

Post-colonial era


The early format of registration plates remained in use after Indonesia proclaimed its independence in 1945. At the beginning of the 1980s, plates with four-digit numbers separated by a dot at the bottom that denote the month and year of expiry (e.g. ) was introduced. Vehicle owners must pay a tax to renew the plate every five years. The typefaces are embossed. There were two variations of design during the New Order; the expiry date would be placed above or below the registration numbers.[12]

21st century

Along with the increase of motorized vehicles in Indonesia, the technical design and specification of vehicle registration plates began to be regulated by the Direktorat Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia/Ditlantas Polri (Traffic Directorate) of the Indonesian National Police. The size of the license plates during the 2000s was 395× (four wheel vehicles or more) or 250× (two or three wheel vehicles) with wide alphabets and a stripe that separates the registration numbers and expiry date.[13] In the lower left and upper right corners is the Traffic Police symbol, and at the lower-right and upper-left corners is a "DIRLANTAS POLRI" sign as a security feature and proof of the originality of the license plate.

In April 2011, the design of the license plate was redesigned. The new plates are 5cm (02inches) longer to accommodate more characters and the typeface is slimmer. The Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police (Korps Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia/Korlantas Polri) introduced their more-complete coat of arms, with shield and ribbon with the letter "Dharmakerta Marga Raksyaka". The phrase "DITLANTAS" became "KORLANTAS". The license plates are made from 1mm-thick aluminium with edge lines with the same color as the numbers. The size of the plate for two-or-three-wheeled vehicles now is 275x, while for four-or-more-wheeled vehicles they are 430mm135mm.[14]

Since June 2022, The Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police changed the color scheme for personal and rental vehicles from black plates with white letters to white plates with black letters. The new color scheme was implemented to ease the detection of motoring offenses with traffic enforcement cameras. To increase the effectivity of the new color scheme, FE-Schrift typeface was first implemented for regular personal four-wheel plates only since November 2022. Besides that, commercial/public transport (black on yellow) and government-owned (white on red) vehicle plates began to use FE-Schrift at the same time.

Registration plate design convention

Size and formating

Indonesian vehicle registration plates for four-wheel vehicles are approximately 460x and plates for two-or-three-wheel vehicles are approximately 275 mm × 115 mm. All plates are constructed from stamped sheet metal. With some exceptions, plates use the following format: where "L" are letters of the Latin alphabet, and "N" numbers from "0" to "9" (the first number is never a "0"). The first single-or-double-letter prefixes denote the area of registration. This is followed by number between 1 and 9999 without leading zeroes. This is then followed by one or two letters although they may be optional. For example: is a vehicle registered in East Jakarta city; it begins with B. A smaller, four-digit number separated by dot is located at the top (old format, with horizontal line as divider) or bottom (newer format, commonly without divider) of the plate with following format: denoting the month and year of the plate's expiry (e.g. means until January 2028). The owner must pay a tax to renew it every five years.

Color scheme

Vehicles in Indonesia are coded based on their classes and uses. These are:[15]

Use! colspan="3"
LetterPlateBottom trimFour-wheeled vehicles or more (cars, trucks, buses, etc.)Motorcycles and three-wheelers
For privately-owned vehicles. Trucks that are registered for private use are issued with this plate, so are the ambulances.BlackWhite
For commercial vehicle or public transportation vehicles, such as buses, taxis, angkot, auto rickshaws and commercial trucksBlackYellow
For vehicles used by fire departments, government ambulances, government officials and other governmental vehicles administered under their respective local governmentsWhiteRed
For vehicles exclusively used in free-trade zones i.e. Batam (see Indonesia–Malaysia–Singapore Growth Triangle)BlackGreen
For vehicles belonging to diplomatic or consular corps of foreign countries, commonly used by foreign embassies or vehicles belonging to international organizations. Diplomatic plates are always using prefix code, while consulars use,WhiteBlackBlack trim

Electric vehicles

The Indonesian National Police has set a special license plate for electric vehicles with additional blue trim at the expiry date row in accordance with the regulations in the Decree of the Head of the Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police in 2020.[16] [17] [18] However, when personal fossil-fueled vehicle plates have changed the color scheme, personal EV plates are still using the old one (white on black) with blue trim, added with the implementation of FE-Schrift since November 2022.

Use! colspan="3"
LetterPlateBottom trimFour-wheeled vehicles or more (cars, trucks, buses, etc.)Motorcycles and three-wheelers
For privately-owned electric vehicles and rental electric vehicles.White (for regular registration plates)Black (for regular registration plates)Blue trim
Black (for customized registraion plates)White (for customized registration plates)
For commercial or public transportation electric vehicles, such as electric buses, electrically-powered taxis, and commercial electric trucksBlackYellow
For electric vehicles used by fire departments, government ambulances, government officials and other governmental EVs administered under their respective local governmentsWhiteRed
For electric vehicles exclusively used in free-trade zones i.e. Batam (see Indonesia–Malaysia–Singapore Growth Triangle)BlackGreen
For electric vehicles belonging to diplomatic or consular corps of foreign countries, commonly used by foreign embassies or vehicles belonging to international organizations. Diplomatic plates are always using prefix code, while consulars use,WhiteBlack

Temporary registration plates

Temporary registration plates currently have two formats, namely:

Former color scheme

Use! colspan="2"
ColorUsage periodImage
LetterPlateFour-wheeled vehicles or more (cars, trucks, buses, etc.)Motorcycles and three-wheelers
For privately-owned vehicles. Trucks that are registered for private use were issued with this plate, so are the ambulances. Superseded by the black on white color scheme but still valid during 5-year transition period.April 2011–July 2022
August 2019–July 2022 (customized plates)[19]
July–November 2022 (regular registration plates)

Special code examples

Vehicle category (Jakarta only)

In Jakarta, these codes are applied based on vehicle categories. These include:

For example, indicates that the vehicle is a pickup, while indicates that the vehicle is a minibus.

State officials

A separate format exists for private vehicles belonging to government, military or police officials. Because most of these agencies are based in Jakarta, vehicles belonging to state officials use the suffix, along with the four numbers that are assigned to the vehicle. The sub-area suffix is replaced with suffix code, indicating the vehicle belongs to a state official, followed by another letter that indicates the corresponding agency or institution of the state official.[20]

For example, indicates that the vehicle belongs to a civilian official, whilst indicates that the vehicle belongs to a police official.

On 27 January 2023, the Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police announced that special plates would be discontinued in October 2023, due to often being misused by numbers of people.[21] By July 2023, the special plates has been replaced by plates.

Special plate designs

Military and police vehicles

Military and police vehicles have their own colors and alpha-numeric conventions, including their insignia and/or the rank of the officer owning the vehicle, especially for high-ranking officers.

Army-personnel vehicles are yellow on green background, plus a yellow star on the top. Navy-personnel plate is yellow on light blue, plus a yellow anchor. Air Force-personnel plate is yellow on dark blue, plus a red and white air force roundel. Police plate is yellow on black. Personnel in Armed Forces Headquarters uses yellow numbers on red background plates. Slightly similar, Ministry of Defense vehicles also uses yellow on red plates, only replacing Armed Forces' insignia with the Ministry's insignia. This is also being implemented on other military vehicles, such as motorcycles, jeeps, trucks, and tanks.[22]

Military and Ministry of Defense vehicles use the numerical convention where "N" is for numbers from "0" to "9" for registration and "S" denotes a special suffix number/letter which denotes the type of office or unit in which the person who owns the vehicle belongs to.[23]

The suffix codes are:[24]

Armed Forces



Air Force

Ministry of Defense

National Police
Armed Forces HeadquartersArmy HeadquartersNavy HeadquartersAir Force HeadquartersMinistry of DefenseNational Police Headquarters
Staff and Command SchoolArmy Strategic Reserve Command (KOSTRAD)1st Fleet Command1st Air Operations CommandNational Defense InstituteAceh Police Region
Military AcademyArmy Special Forces Command (KOPASSUS)2nd Fleet Command2nd Air Operations CommandDirectorate General of Materials, Facilities and ServicesNorth Sumatra Police Region
Legal Development AgencyMilitary Regional Command (KODAM Jakarta Raya)3rd Fleet Command3rd Air Operations CommandWest Sumatra Police Region
Military Supply AgencyEducation & Training CommandMilitary Sealift CommandMaterial Maintenance CommandRiau Police Region
or Presidential Security Force (PASPAMPRES)Military Regional Command (KODAM Iskandar Muda)Marine CorpsDoctrine, Education and Training CommandSouth Sumatra Police Region
Army AcademyCommand and Staff CollegeQuick Reaction Forces Command (KOPASGAT)West Kalimantan Police Region
Command and Staff CollegeMain Naval Bases from 1-14Metro Jaya Police Region
Army Territorial CenterWest Java Police Region
Infantry Armament CenterCentral Java Police Region
Cavalry Armament CenterEast Java Police Region
Artillery Armament CenterBali Police Region
Military Police CenterEast Kalimantan Police Region
Directorate of EngineersSouth Kalimantan Police Region
Directorate of Supplies and TransportationSouth Sulawesi Police Region
Directorate of EquipmentNorth Sulawesi Police Region
Directorate of Supplies and TransportationMaluku Police Region
Directorate of HealthPapua Police Region
Directorate of the Adjutant General Central Kalimantan Police Region
Directorate of TopographyCentral Sulawesi Police Region
Directorate of FinanceSoutheast Sulawesi Police Region
Directorate of LawWest Nusa Tenggara Police Region
Information ServiceEast Nusa Tenggara Police Region
Mental Development ServiceBanten Police Region
Psychology ServiceYogyakarta Special Region Police Region
Research and Development ServiceLampung Police Region
Information and Data Processing ServiceJambi Police Region
Aviation ServiceBengkulu Police Region
Military Area Commands from 1-18Bangka Belitung Islands Police Region
Gorontalo Police Region
North Maluku Police Region
Riau Islands Police Region
West Papua Police Region
West Sulawesi Police Region
North Kalimantan Police Region

Government officials

Executive branch

Vehicle registration plates belonging to senior government officials like the president or vice president always begins with which stands for Republik Indonesia and are followed by a number. For example, the president's registration plate is, and the vice president's is . Other senior officials such as government ministers, the chairman of the House of Representatives, the commander of the National Armed Forces and the chief of the National Police also share the same convention and are assigned the numbers after the President and vice president. These plates are used for everyday activities and have a black on white design.

There are some very special numbers, which are and for the president and vice president, respectively. These numbers are used for ceremonial purposes, such as presidential/vice-presidential inaugurations, national day ceremonies and armed forces day. On inauguration day, at the time the new president and vice president take the oath, the plates are moved from the former presidential/vice-presidential cars to the new car. These numbers are also used for all ceremonial presidential/vice-presidential cars, and have a white-on-red design.

or President of Indonesia
or Vice President of Indonesia
The First Lady
The Second Lady
Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Speaker of the Regional Representative Council
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court
Chief of the Audit Board
Chief of the Judicial Commission
Governor of Bank Indonesia
Chief of the Financial Services Authority
Minister of State Secretariat
Coordinating Minister for Politic, Legal and Security Affairs
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs
Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs
Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs
Minister of Home Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Defense
Minister of Religious Affairs
Minister of Law and Human Rights
Minister of Finance
Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology
Minister of Social Affairs
Minister of Manpower
Minister of Industry
Minister of Trade
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Minister of Public Works and Housing
Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Minister of Communication and Informatics
Minister of Agriculture
Minister of Environment and Forestry
Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration
Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Chief of the National Land Agency
Minister of National Development Planning/Chief of the National Development Planning Agency
Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform
Minister of State-Owned Enterprises
Minister of Cooperatives and Small & Medium Enterprises
Minister of Youth and Sports
Deputy Speakers of the House of Representatives

Legislative branch

In May 2021, the Indonesian House of Representatives introduced their owned special registration plates, in order to supervise their member's driving behavior. The plate design is similar to the Ministry of Defence's plate, but painted in black and white combination with the seal of the House of Representatives. The codes are:[25]

Speaker of the House of Representatives
to Deputy Speakers of the House of Representatives
Faction Leaders
Faction Secretaries
Faction Treasurers
PDI-P faction
Golkar faction
Gerindra faction
NasDem faction
PKB faction
Demokrat faction
PKS faction
PAN faction
PPP faction
to Chief of Commission I – XI
to Deputy Chief of Commission I – XI
Legislation Agency
Inter-parliament Cooperation Agency
Household Affairs Agency
Budget Agency
State Financial Accountability Agency
General Secretariat
Expertise Agency
Deputy of Assembly
Deputy of Administration
Main Inspector
Chief of General Bureau
For members of the parliament, the format is xx- where xx is the member number and is the faction number.

Foreign countries and international organizations

Registration plates for vehicles belonging to the government of foreign countries or international organizations follow a different convention. They used to have black letters on a white background with black trim on the bottom. In June 2022, the black trim was scrapped, so the plates would look similar to regular personal vehicle plates.

The plates have the letter (abbreviation of Corps Diplomatique, French for Diplomatic Corps) followed by two or three digits denoting the country or organization, followed by up to three digits of the serial number. For example, a car with number is owned by Vietnam. Generally, the number is reserved for an ambassador's official vehicle.

The order of numbers is based on when they recognized Indonesia as a country. The United States was originally assigned ; due to the stigma associated with the number 13, they asked the Indian delegation to exchange numbers.

The list of countries and organizations follows:

United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
Sri Lanka
Czech Republic
New Zealand
Universal Postal Union
Food and Agriculture Organization
World Health Organization
Asian Development Bank
World Bank
International Monetary Fund
International Labour Organization
Papua New Guinea
Brunei Darussalam
International Finance Corporation
Permanent Mission of Indonesia for ASEAN
Red Cross
ASEAN Headquarters
ASEAN Foundation
Bosnia and Herzegovina
South Africa
International Organization for Migration
United Nations Office for Coordination of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Indonesia (UNORCID)
Islamic Development Bank
International Fund for Agricultural Development

Consulates also use the same format but instead of using the letters, they use .

Some foreign countries and international-organization vehicles in Jakarta use the format and a normal white on black plate. Where stands for five random digits, and stands for the country or organization code.

Vanity plates

A few vehicle owners pay an extra amount of money to get a certain plate as their desire. Because the convention is not flexible to include a full word, people try creative uses of numbers and letters. For example, Idris Sardi, a violin player, uses (B 10 LA) for his vehicle. It is a play on the word BIOLA which means "violin" in Indonesian. Leoni, a famous actress and singer, uses L 30 NI for her car. Even the former President Megawati Soekarnoputri chooses "M 3 GA" for her personal vehicle, as the plate resembles her broadly-known nickname. Edhie Bhaskoro Yudhoyono, former President Yudhoyono's younger son, has "B 24 EB", which "EB" is being his name initial. With the new format of three suffix alphabets, many vanity or personal registration plates are possible to be created. For example, a Toyota Fortuner owner may choose the plate B 42 NER which sounds like B four-two-NER. Syahrini, an Indonesian singer, has "B 1 SYR" as her registration plate number, with "SYR" being her initials.

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 4 April 2018 . Mengapa Plat Kendaraan Bermotor Kalsel Harus DA? Inilah Catatan Sejarahnya . 10 July 2022 . Jejakrekam . Indonesian.
  2. Web site: 54 Daftar Resmi Kode Plat Nomor Polisi di Indonesia . . 12 August 2020 . 10 July 2022 . Samsat Keliling . Indonesia One-stop Administration Services Office . Indonesian.
  3. Web site: Papua Ubah Kode Plat Kendaraan.. . dead . . 2016-07-03.
  4. Web site: Pemprov Papua Pegunungan Launching Plat Nomor Kendaraan. 25 October 2024.
  5. Web site: Bapak Samijan Jadi Pemilik Pertama Plat Nomor Wilayah Papua Selatan dengan Kode PS RMOLPAPUA.ID. 11 June 2024.
  6. Web site: Halo Warga Timika, Kode Plat Kendaraan PT Sudah Berlaku di Wilayah Papua Tengah 21 August 2024.
  7. Web site: Nomor Registrasi Kendaraan Bermotor Wilayah Papua Barat Daya Berubah Jadi PY. 11 June 2024.
  8. Web site: License Plates of Timor Leste (East Timor) . 10 July 2022 .
  9. Web site: Kentekens in Nederlands-Indië . 2022-08-05 .
  10. Web site: Handboek voor automobilisten en motor wielrijders (Handbook for car drivers and motorcyclists) . Java Motor Club . nl . . 2023-01-04.
  11. Web site: License Plates of Indonesia . 2022-08-05 .
  12. Web site: Sudjatmiko . Suryo . Plat Nomor Putih, Perubahan Paling Signifikan Sejak Jaman Kolonial . 2022-08-05 . Oto Driver . Indonesian.
  13. Web site: . Bracket Plat Nomor Polisi, Maaf Masih Terbatas! - . 2022-08-05 . . id.
  14. Web site: Ini Dia, Desain Baru Pelat Nomor Kendaraan . 2022-08-05 . detikoto . id-ID.
  15. Web site: Mengenal Pelat Nomor Kendaraan Berdasarkan Warna Dasarnya . 23 January 2022 . . 10 July 2022 . Indonesian.
  16. Web site: 2020-01-28 . Pelat Nomor Biru Berlaku Buat Mobil dan Motor Listrik . 2022-08-05 . . id-ID.
  17. Web site: Ravel . Stanly . 2020-01-29 . Kurniawan . Agung . Resmi, Pelat Nomor Kendaraan Listrik Berwarna Biru . 2022-08-05 . . id.
  18. Web site: 2020-01-28 . Detail Warna Biru Desain Pelat Nomor Kendaraan Listrik . 2022-08-05 . . id-ID.
  19. Web site: Maulana . Aditya . 2019-09-01 . Polri Ubah Jenis Huruf dan Angka pada Plat Nomor Cantik . 2022-09-22 . . id.
  20. Web site: Media . Kompas Cyber . 2022-06-17 . Mengenal Nomor Kendaraan Khusus RF Halaman 2 . 2022-11-28 . . id.
  21. Web site: Nuar . Gemilang Isromi . Tidak Akan Ada Lagi Mobil dengan Pelat RF di Indonesia . 2023-01-27 . Oto Driver . ID.
  22. Web site: Arti Kode Pada Plat Nomor Mobil Dinas TNI-AD . 2022-12-03 . Yonkav 4/KC.
  23. Web site: Nanda . Aprida Mega . 2021-09-14 . Maulana . Aditya . Mengenal Kode Pelat Nomor Kendaraan Dinas TNI . 2022-12-03 . . id.
  24. Web site: Priyantoro . Donny Dwisatryo . 2022-10-17 . Maulana . Aditya . Mengenal Arti Kode pada Pelat Nomor Kendaraan Dinas TNI . 2022-12-03 . . id.
  25. Web site: Sohuturon . Martahan . 2022-07-09 . Arti dan Cara Membaca Pelat Nomor Mobil Anggota DPR . 2023-11-10 . . id-ID.