Truncated trapezohedron explained

Set of truncated trapezohedra
Faces:2 polygons,
Symmetry: order
Rotation Group: order
Dual:gyroelongated bipyramids

In geometry, an truncated trapezohedron is a polyhedron formed by a trapezohedron with pyramids truncated from its two polar axis vertices.

The vertices exist as 4 in four parallel planes, with alternating orientation in the middle creating the pentagons.

The regular dodecahedron is the most common polyhedron in this class, being a Platonic solid, with 12 congruent pentagonal faces.

A truncated trapezohedron has all vertices with 3 faces. This means that the dual polyhedra, the set of gyroelongated dipyramids, have all triangular faces. For example, the icosahedron is the dual of the dodecahedron.


See also

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