Tris(cyanoethyl)phosphine explained

Tris(cyanoethyl)phosphine is the organophosphorus compound with the formula P(CH2CH2CN)3. It is white solid that is air stable, which is unusual for a trialkylphosphine. It is prepared by the hydrophosphination of acrylonitrile with phosphine.[1] The compound has been the subject of much research. For example, it is an effective reagent for the desulfurization of organic disulfides.[2]


  1. Phosphine in the synthesis of organophosphorus compounds. Boris A. . Trofimov. Svetlana N. . Arbuzova. Nina K. . Gusarova. 1999. Russian Chemical Reviews. 68. 3 . 215–227 . 10.1070/RC1999v068n03ABEH000464. 1999RuCRv..68..215T . 250775640 .
  2. 10.1021/jo00008a014. Selective Reduction of Disulfides by Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 56. 8. 2648–2650. 1991. Burns. John A.. Butler. James C.. Moran. John. Whitesides. George M..