Tawjihi Explained

Tawjihi or Al-Tawjeehi (امتحان شهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة) is the General Secondary Education Certificate Examination in Jordan and Palestine. It is the last stage of school education. To sit for the exam, students are required to finish 2 years of pre-school education, 10 years of basic education, and 2 years of secondary academic or vocational education (Tawjihi year). Subjects in the exam include Arabic, English, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Civil Studies and Islamic studies (unless Christian).

Only those who pass the exam with a good mark may apply to proceed to university. For example, to be accepted to study medicine you must take the scientific stream in the last 2 years of the secondary education and get a mark not less than 85 degrees out of 100 in the Tawjihi exam.[1]

Jordanian Tawjihi Equivalency

Foreign secondary education programs such as GCE/IGCSE/GCSE, SATs, and International Baccalaureate require to have Tawjihi-equivalency, so that the student could later work in Jordan or proceed to a higher education in Jordan. Upon graduation, the ministry of Higher Education transforms the Grades/Marks of these foreign educational programs, into the same marks used in grading Tawjihi students. However, even after the equivalency transformation, non-Tawjihi graduates are not allowed to compete with Tawjihi graduates for public university places. For non-Tawjihi graduates, there is a set quota of 5% of places.

Below is a summary of the requirements of the Ministry of education to receive an equivalency to the Jordanian Tawjihi.

GCE/IGCSE/GCSE equivalency

General conditions:

The Ministry of Education will not accept the subject of Arabic as a Second Language for the equivalency purposes. It will consider acceptance if the student was enrolled in an English language medium school outside Jordan for the majority of his/her scholastic years. The Ministry will consider case by case to grant the equivalency.

The final percentage of a score is calculated as follows:

A* = 100 C = 75

A = 95 D = 65

B = 85 E = 55

8 subject percentages(6GCSEs/IGCSEs, 2 A'level subjects) are added up and then the total is divided by 8.

International Baccalaureate Equivalency

For The international baccalaureate the equivalency goes as follows:Each subject is calculated individually then they are summed up and divided by 6, then a 0.3% is added for each point scored from the diploma program

Keep in mind that a 2 is considered a fail and a 3 is considered a fail if it is in higher level.

See also


  1. http://www.admhec.gov.jo/Files/BSCUnivMajorsForPrint.pdf وحدة تنسيق القبول الموحد