Superior epigastric vein explained

Superior epigastric vein
Latin:venae epigastricae superiores
Drainsfrom:Abdominal wall and some of the diaphragm
Drainsto:Internal thoracic vein
Artery:Superior epigastric artery

In human anatomy, the superior epigastric veins are two or more[1] venae comitantes which accompany either superior epigastric artery before emptying into the internal thoracic vein. They participate in the drainage of the superior surface of the diaphragm.



The superior epigastric vein originates from the internal thoracic vein.[2] The superior epigastric veins first run between the sternal margin and the costal margin of the diaphragm, then enter the rectus sheath.[3] They run inferiorly, coursing superficially to the fibrous layer forming the posterior leaflet of the rectus sheath, and deep to the rectus abdominis muscle.[4]

The superior epigastric veins are venae comitantes of the superior epigastric artery,[5] and mirror its course.


The superior epigastric veins participate in the drainage of the superior surface of the diaphragm.


The superior epigastric veins drain into the internal thoracic vein.

See also


  1. Book: Gray's anatomy : the anatomical basis of clinical practice . 2021 . Susan Standring . 978-0-7020-7707-4 . 42nd. [New York] . 1123 . 1201341621.
  2. Book: Flaps and reconstructive surgery . 2017 . Fu-Chan Wei, Samir Mardini . 978-0-323-26070-1 . 2nd. Edinburgh . 957740532.
  3. Book: Chiva . Luis M. . . Principles of Gynecologic Oncology Surgery . Magrina . Javier . . 2018 . 978-0-323-42878-1 . 3–49 . en . 2 - Abdominal and Pelvic Anatomy . 10.1016/B978-0-323-42878-1.00002-X.
  4. Book: Flaps and reconstructive surgery . 2009 . Saunders/Elsevier . Fu-Chan Wei, Samir Mardini . 978-0-7216-0519-7 . [Philadelphia] . 460933966.
  5. Web site: venae epigastricae superiores . 2022-08-03 .

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