Supergroup (biology) explained

A supergroup, in evolutionary biology, is a large group of organisms that share one common ancestor and have important defining characteristics. It is an informal, mostly arbitrary rank in biological taxonomy that is often greater than phylum or kingdom, although some supergroups are also treated as phyla.

Eukaryotic supergroups

Since the decade of the 2000s, the eukaryotic tree of life (abbreviated as eToL) has been divided into 5–8 major groupings called 'supergroups'. These groupings were established after the idea that only monophyletic groups should be accepted as ranks, as an alternative to the use of paraphyletic kingdom Protista. In the early days of the eToL six traditional supergroups were considered: Amoebozoa, Opisthokonta, "Excavata", Archaeplastida, "Chromalveolata" and Rhizaria. Since then, the eToL has been rearranged profoundly, and most of these groups were found as paraphyletic or lacked defining morphological characteristics that unite their members, which makes the 'supergroup' label more arbitrary.Currently, the addition of many lineages of newly discovered protists (such as Telonemia, Picozoa, Hemimastigophora, Rigifilida...) and the use of phylogenomic analyses have brought a new, more accurate supergroup model. These are the current supergroups of eukaryotes:

Many orphan groups of free-living protozoa remain left behind, unable to be added to a supergroup, such as: Picozoa (possibly belongs to Archaeplastida with limited certainty), Malawimonadida (thought to be related to Metamonada), Ancyromonadida, Breviatea, Apusomonadida, etc.

A possible modern topology of the eToL would be the following (supergroups labeled in bold):

Prokaryotic supergroups

The term 'supergroup' is used in phylogenetic studies of bacteria, in a smaller sense than within eukaryotes. As of 2021, it is very commonly used for naming clades within the genus Wolbachia.