Suitors of Helen explained

In Greek mythology, the Suitors of Helen of Troy came from many kingdoms of Greece to compete for the hand of the Spartan princess Helen, daughter of Zeus and Leda.


Selection of the husband

When it was time for Helen of Troy to marry, many kings and princes from around the world came to seek her hand, bringing rich gifts with them, or sent emissaries to do so on their behalf. During the contest, Castor and Pollux had a prominent role in dealing with the suitors, although the final decision was in the hands of Tyndareus.[1] Her future husband Menelaus did not attend but sent his brother Agamemnon to represent him.[2] Menelaus was chosen because he had the most wealth and offered the most bride-gifts.[3]

There are three available and not entirely consistent lists of suitors, compiled by Pseudo-Apollodorus (31 suitors), Hesiod (12 suitors), and Hyginus (36 suitors), for a total of 45 distinct names. There are only fragments from Hesiod's poem, so his list would have contained more. Achilles' absence from the lists is conspicuous, but Hesiod explains that he was too young to take part in the contest.[4]

Notes and References

  1. In the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women fr. 198.7–8, and 199.0–1, they are the recipients of the bridal presents. For further details, see A Catalog within a Catalog, 133–135
  2. Book: Hunter, Richard. The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women: Constructions and Reconstructions. Cambridge University Press. 2005. 9780511199035. 135–136.
  3. Hesiod. Catalogue of Women, Bk 5.
  4. Hesiod, Catalogs of Women and Eoiae, fr. 196–204; Hyginus, Fables, 81; Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca II, 10.8

    * Cingano, A Catalog within a Catalog, 124; Clader, Helen, 10 Taken together, the list of suitors matches well with the captains in the Catalog of Ships from the Iliad; however, some of the names may have been placed in the list of Helen's suitors simply because they went to Troy. It is not unlikely that relatives of a suitor may have joined the war.

    Name of suitors

    Name! colspan="3"
    Agapenorson of AncaeusArcadia
    Ajaxson of TelamonSalamis
    Ajaxson of OileusLocris
    Alcmaeonson of AmphiarausArgos
    Amphilochusson of AmphiarausArgos
    Amphimachusson of CteatusElis
    Ancaeusson of PoseidonSamos
    Antilochusson of NestorPylos
    Ascalaphusson of AresOrchomenus
    Diomedesson of TydeusArgos
    Elephenorson of ChalcodonEuboea
    Epistrophusson of IphitusPhocis
    Eumelusson of AdmetusPherae
    Eurypylusson of EuaemonOrmenius
    Ialmenusson of AresOrchomenus
    Idomeneusson of DeucalionCrete
    Leitusson of AlectorBoeotia
    Leonteusson of CoronusLapiths
    Machaonson of AsclepiusTricca
    Megesson of PhyleusDulichium
    Menelausson of AtreusSparta
    Menestheusson of PeteosAthens
    Merionesson of MolusCrete
    Nireusson of CharopusSyme
    Odysseusson of LaertesCephallenia (Ithaca)
    Patroclusson of MenoetiusOpus
    Peneleosson of HippalcimusBoeotia (Thebes)
    Phidippusson of ThessalusCos
    Philoctetesson of PoeasMeliboea
    Podaliriusson of AsclepiusTricca
    Podarcesson of IphiclesPhylace
    Polypoetesson of PirithousLapiths
    Polyxenusson of AgasthenesElis
    Protesilausson of IphiclesPhylace
    Prothousson of TenthredonMagnesia
    Schediusson of IphitusPhocis
    Sthenelusson of CapaneusArgos
    Teucerson of TelamonSalamis
    Thalpiusson of EurytusElis
    Thoasson of AndraemonAetolia
    Tlepolemusson of HerculesRhodes

    Oath of Tyndareus

    Tyndareus was afraid to select a husband for his daughter, or send any of the suitors away, for fear of offending them and giving grounds for a quarrel. Odysseus was one of the suitors, but had brought no gifts because he believed he had little chance to win the contest. He thus promised to solve the problem, if Tyndareus in turn would support him in his courting of Penelope, the daughter of Icarius. Tyndareus readily agreed, and Odysseus proposed that, before the decision was made, all the suitors should swear a most solemn oath to defend the chosen husband against whoever should quarrel with him. After the suitors had sworn not to retaliate, Menelaus was chosen to be Helen's husband. As a sign of the importance of the pact, Tyndareus sacrificed a horse.

    See also

    Works Cited

    • Cingano, Ettore. "A Catalogue within a Catalogue: Helen’s Suitors in the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women (frr. 196–204)." In The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women: Constructions and Reconstructions (2005), p. 118-152.
    • Clader, Linda Lee. Helen: the evolution from divine to heroic in Greek epic tradition. Leiden: Brill, 1976.