In geometry and crystallography, a stereohedron is a convex polyhedron that fills space isohedrally, meaning that the symmetries of the tiling take any copy of the stereohedron to any other copy.
Two-dimensional analogues to the stereohedra are called planigons. Higher dimensional polytopes can also be stereohedra, while they would more accurately be called stereotopes.
A subset of stereohedra are called plesiohedrons, defined as the Voronoi cells of a symmetric Delone set.
Parallelohedrons are plesiohedra which are space-filling by translation only. Edges here are colored as parallel vectors.
The catoptric tessellation contain stereohedra cells. Dihedral angles are integer divisors of 180°, and are colored by their order. The first three are the fundamental domains of
Any space-filling stereohedra with symmetry elements can be dissected into smaller identical cells which are also stereohedra. The name modifiers below, half, quarter, and eighth represent such dissections.
5 | 6 | 8 | 12 | |||||||||||
Type | Tetrahedra | Square pyramid | Triangular bipyramid | Cube | Octahedron | Rhombic dodecahedron | ||||||||
Images | 1/48 (1) | 1/24 (2) | 1/12 (4) | 1/12 (4) | 1/24 (2) | 1/6 (8) | 1/6 (8) | 1/12 (4) | 1/4 (12) | 1 (48) | 1/2 (24) | 1/3 (16) | 2 (96) | |
Symmetry (order) | C1 1 | C1v 2 | D2d 4 | C1v 2 | C1v 2 | C4v 8 | C2v 4 | C2v 4 | C3v 6 | Oh 48 | D3d 12 | D4h 16 | Oh 48 | |
Honeycomb | Eighth pyramidille | Triangular pyramidille | Oblate tetrahedrille | Half pyramidille | Square quarter pyramidille | Pyramidille | Half oblate octahedrille | Quarter oblate octahedrille | Quarter cubille | Cubille | Oblate cubille | Oblate octahedrille | Dodecahedrille |
10 | 12 | ||||
Symmetry (order) | D2d (8) | D4h (16) | |||
Images | |||||
Cell | Gyrobifastigium | Elongated gyrobifastigium | Ten of diamonds | Elongated square bipyramid |