State funeral explained

A state funeral is a public funeral ceremony, observing the strict rules of protocol, held to honour people of national significance. State funerals usually include much pomp and ceremony as well as religious overtones and distinctive elements of military tradition. Generally, state funerals are held in order to involve the general public in a national day of mourning after the family of the deceased gives consent. A state funeral will often generate mass publicity from both national and global media outlets.


State funerals already existed in antiquity. In ancient Athens, for example, fallen soldiers were regularly buried in a public ceremony.[1] In the Roman Empire, a state funeral (funera publica) could be instructed by the senate for the city of Rome, whereas city councils could instruct a communal state funeral.[2]

By country

Czech Republic

See main article: List of Czech state funerals.


On 17 November 2012, Bal Thackeray was accorded a state funeral in the city of Mumbai. On 10 October 2024, businessman Ratan Tata was given a state funeral in Mumbai.[3] Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh was given a State funeral on 28 December 2024.


In Italy state funerals are granted[4] by law to the Presidents of the constitutional entities, such as the Presidency, the Parliament, the Government and the Constitutional Court, even after their terms have expired, and to Ministers who died during their term in office. State Funerals can also be granted, by decree of the Council of Ministers, to people who gave particular services to the country; to citizens that brought honor to the nation; or to citizens who died in the line of duty, or were victims of either terrorism, or organized crime.

The official protocol provides for

Public mourning, either national or local, is declared following the dispositions of the Prime Minister's decrees. The flags are flown at half-mast outside of public buildings, while inside they display two black ribbons, with the exceptions provided for military flags, when required by military protocol.

If the departed held a public office, the body can lie in state in the building of the office's institution. In other cases it is followed the will of the family, the traditions of the office or the local customs.

Outside of the cases provided for by the protocol, for example during natural events that deeply impact the community, solemn funerals can be arranged and the six people who carry the coffins are members of the Civil Protection.

United States

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Wienand, Johannes (2023). Der politische Tod. Gefallenenbestattung und "Epitaphios Logos" im demokratischen Athen [The political death. The burial of the fallen and the ‘Epitaphios Logos’ in democratic Athens]. Historia Einzelschriften, vol. 272. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, .
  2. Wesch-Klein, Gabriele (1993). Funus publicum. Eine Studie zur öffentlichen Beisetzung und Gewährung von Ehrengräbern in Rom und den Westprovinzen [Funus publicum. A study on public burial and the granting of graves of honour in Rome and the western provinces]. Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien, vol. 14. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, .
  3. News: holds state funeral for tycoon Ratan Tata |first=Simon|last=Fraser|publisher=BBC News|date=10 October 2024|access-date=10 October 2024.
  4. Web site: Protocol for State Funerals and National Mourning . Official website of the Italian Government - Department of State Ceremonies.