Simply connected at infinity explained

In topology, a branch of mathematics, a topological space X is said to be simply connected at infinity if for any compact subset C of X, there is a compact set D in X containing C so that the induced map on fundamental groups


is the zero map. Intuitively, this is the property that loops far away from a small subspace of X can be collapsed, no matter how bad the small subspace is.

The Whitehead manifold is an example of a 3-manifold that is contractible but not simply connected at infinity. Since this property is invariant under homeomorphism, this proves that the Whitehead manifold is not homeomorphic to R3.

However, it is a theorem of John R. Stallings[1] that for


, a contractible n-manifold is homeomorphic to Rn precisely when it is simply connected at infinity.

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Theory : Chapter 10 . PDF . . 2015-03-08.