Nantua sauce explained

Serving Size:100 g
No Recipes:false

Nantua sauce (French: sauce Nantua) is a classical French sauce consisting of:

It is named for the town of Nantua, which is known for its crayfish,[1] and the term à la Nantua is used in classical French cuisine for dishes containing crayfish.[2]

Sauce Nantua is the classic accompaniment to quenelles de brochet (pike dumplings), making quenelles Nantua.[3] [4]

Notes and References

  1. Waverley Root, The Food of France, p. 215
  2. [Auguste Escoffier]
  3. Anne Willan, The Country Cooking of France, p. 80
  4. Shirley King, translator, Pampille's Table: Recipes and Writings from the French Countryside from Marthe Daudet's Les Bons Plats de France [1934], 1996,, p. 153