A rotor is an object in the geometric algebra (also called Clifford algebra) of a vector space that represents a rotation about the origin.[1] The term originated with William Kingdon Clifford,[2] in showing that the quaternion algebra is just a special case of Hermann Grassmann's "theory of extension" (Ausdehnungslehre).[3] Hestenes[4] defined a rotor to be any element
In mathematics, a rotor in the geometric algebra of a vector space V is the same thing as an element of the spin group Spin(V). We define this group below.
Let V be a vector space equipped with a positive definite quadratic form q, and let Cl(V) be the geometric algebra associated to V. The algebra Cl(V) is the quotient of the tensor algebra of V by the relations
v ⋅ v=q(v)
There is a unique antiautomorphism of Cl(V) which restricts to the identity on V: this is called the transpose, and the transpose of any multivector a is denoted by
Reflections along a vector in geometric algebra may be represented as (minus) sandwiching a multivector M between a non-null vector v perpendicular to the hyperplane of reflection and that vector's inverse v−1:
and are of even grade. Under a rotation generated by the rotor R, a general multivector M will transform double-sidedly as
For a Euclidean space, it may be convenient to consider an alternative formulation, and some authors define the operation of reflection as (minus) the sandwiching of a unit (i.e. normalized) multivector:
-vMv, v2=1,
However, though as multivectors also transform double-sidedly, rotors can be combined and form a group, and so multiple rotors compose single-sidedly. The alternative formulation above is not self-normalizing and motivates the definition of spinor in geometric algebra as an object that transforms single-sidedly – i.e., spinors may be regarded as non-normalised rotors in which the reverse rather than the inverse is used in the sandwich product.
In homogeneous representation algebras such as conformal geometric algebra, a rotor in the representation space corresponds to a rotation about an arbitrary point, a translation or possibly another transformation in the base space.