Roller derby explained

Roller derby
First:1935, Chicago, Illinois
Team:15 on roster, up to 5 on track during each jam.
Category:Indoor, roller sport
Equipment:Roller skates, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, mouthguard
Venue:Roller rink, pitch

Roller derby is a roller skating contact sport played on an oval track by two teams of five skaters. It is played by approximately 1,250 amateur leagues[1] worldwide, though it is most popular in the United States.[2]

A 60-minute roller derby game, or bout, is a series of two-minute timed jams. Each team, typically with a roster of 15, fields five skaters during each jam: one jammer, designated with a star on their helmet, and four blockers. During each jam, players skate counterclockwise on a circuit track. The jammer scores a point for each opposing blocker they lap. The blockers simultaneously defend by hindering the opposing jammer, while also playing offense by maneuvering to aid their own jammer. Because roller derby uses a penalty box, power jams, in which one team has a temporary numerical advantage after a foul, can have a major effect on scoring.[3]


While the sport has its origins in the banked-track roller-skating marathons of the 1930s, Leo Seltzer and Damon Runyon are credited with evolving the sport to its competitive form. Professional roller derby quickly became popular; in 1940, more than 5 million spectators watched in about 50 American cities. In the ensuing decades, however, it predominantly became a form of sports entertainment, where theatrical elements overshadowed athleticism. Gratuitous showmanship largely ended with the sport's grassroots revival in the first decade of the 21st century.[4] Although roller derby retains some sports entertainment qualities such as player pseudonyms and colorful uniforms, it has abandoned scripted bouts with predetermined winners.[5]

Modern roller derby is an international sport, mostly played by amateurs. It was under consideration as a roller sport for the 2020 Summer Olympics.[6] [7] [8] Fédération Internationale de Roller Sports (FIRS), recognized by the International Olympic Committee as the official international governing body of roller sports, released its first set of Roller Derby Rules for the World Roller Games, organised by World Skate, that took place September 2017 in Nanjing, China. Most modern leagues (and their back-office volunteers) share a strong "do-it-yourself" ethic[9] that combines athleticism with the styles of punk and camp.[10], the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) had 451 full member leagues and 46 apprentice leagues and the Roller Derby Coalition of Leagues (RDCL) supporting women's banked track roller derby had eight full member leagues.[11]


Contemporary roller derby has a basic set of rules, with variations reflecting the interests of a governing body's member leagues. The summary below is based on the rules of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA).[12] In March 2010, Derby News Network said that more than 98% of roller derby competitions were conducted under WFTDA rules.[13] For example, members of the United Kingdom Roller Derby Association are required to play by WFTDA rules,[14] while members of the former Canadian Women's Roller Derby Association were encouraged to join the WFTDA.[15]

Basics of play

PositionHelmet coverResponsibility
JammerStarScores points by lapping opposing blockers.
BlockerNoneForms the pack, hinders the opposing jammer from passing through the pack, and helps their team's jammer pass through the pack.[16]
PivotStripeA blocker who may be converted to a jammer during the course of a jam, if the jammer's helmet cover is correctly transferred in a "star pass" maneuver. The pivot is often an experienced player who establishes team strategy during play and sets the pace of the pack.[17]
Roller derby is played in two periods of 30 minutes. Two teams of up to 15 players each field up to five members for episodes called "jams". Jams last two minutes unless called off prematurely. Each team designates a scoring player (the "jammer"); the other four members are "blockers". One blocker can be designated as a "pivot"—a blocker who is allowed to become a jammer in the course of play. The next jam may involve different players of the 15 roster players, and different selections for jammer and pivot.

During each jam, players skate counterclockwise on a circuit track. Points are scored only by a team's jammer. After breaking through the pack and skating one lap to begin another "trip" through the pack, the jammer scores one point for passing any opposing blocker.[18] The rules describe an "earned" pass; notably, the jammer must be in-bounds and upright. The jammer's first earned pass scores a point for passing that blocker and a point for each opponent blocker not on the track (for instance, serving a penalty, or when the opposition did not field five players for the jam). If the jammer passes the entire pack, it is a four-point scoring trip, commonly called a "grand slam".

Each team's blockers use body contact, changing positions, and other tactics to help their jammer score while hindering the opposing team's jammer.


Play begins by blockers lining up on the track anywhere between the "jammer line" and the "pivot line" 30 feet in front. The jammers start behind the jammer line. Jams begin on a single short whistle blast, upon which both jammers and blockers may begin engaging immediately.

The pack is the largest single group of blockers containing members of both teams skating in proximity, arranged such that each player is within 10 feet of the next. Blockers must maintain the pack, but can skate freely within 20 feet behind and ahead of it, an area known as the "engagement zone".

The first jammer to break through the pack earns the status of "lead jammer". A designated referee blows the whistle twice and continually points at the jammer to confer lead jammer status, which lets that jammer stop the jam at any time by repeatedly placing hands on hips. Lead jammer status cannot be transferred to other skaters, but certain actions (such as being sent to the penalty box) cancel lead jammer status, meaning that the jam has no lead jammer and must continue for the full two-minute period. If the jam is not called off by the lead jammer, it ends after two minutes. If time remains in the period, teams then have 30 seconds to get on the track and line up for the next jam. If the 30-minute period ends while a jam is underway, the jam plays out to its natural conclusion.


A skater may block an opponent to impede their movement or to force them out of bounds. The blocker must be upright, skating counterclockwise, in bounds, and within the engagement zone. Groups of blockers on the same team typically create formations, known as walls, to prevent the opposing blocker from passing. Blocking with hands, elbows, head, and feet is prohibited, as is contact above the shoulders, below mid-thigh, or to the back.


Referees penalize rules violations. A player receiving a penalty is removed from play and must sit in the penalty box for 30 seconds of jam time. If the jam ends during this interval, the player remains in the penalty box during the subsequent jam until the interval ends. While the penalty is being served, the penalized player's team plays short-handed, as in ice hockey. A player "fouls out" of the game on the seventh penalty, and is required to return to the locker room.

A "power jam", derived from ice hockey's "power play", refers to a scenario when one team's jammer is sent to the penalty box.[19] In this case, that jammer's team cannot score. If the lead jammer is penalized, no one can prematurely end the jam.

It would be pointless to play if neither team could score; thus, both jammers cannot serve a penalty at the same time. If one jammer is sent to the penalty box while the opposing jammer is already serving a penalty, the opposing jammer is released from the penalty box early. The second jammer's penalty is then only as long as the amount of time the first jammer spent in the box.


Players skate on four-wheeled ("quad") roller skates, and are required to wear protective equipment, including a helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads, and mouth guards. All current sets of roller derby rules explicitly forbid inline skates for players. (USARS requires quad skates for all skaters. WFTDA and MRDA permit inline skates for referees, but virtually all referees wear quad skates.) Individual teams may mandate additional gear, such as padded knee length pants, similar to what aggressive skateboarders wear, and sex-specific gear such as a hard-case sports bra and protective cups.

Strategy and tactics

Offense and defense are played simultaneously,[20] a volatile aspect that complicates strategy and tactics. For example, one team's blockers may take offensive action to create a gap in the opposing wall for their jammer to pass through, but this same maneuver could potentially weaken their own defenses and allow the opposing team's jammer to score.[21] [22]

Strategies (high-level plans toward achieving the game's goal, which is to outscore the opposition) include the following:

Tactics (deliberate conceptual tasks in support of the strategy) may include the following:


WFTDA bouts are officiated by three to seven skating referees and many non-skating officials (NSOs). Volunteer leagues adapt when fewer than the optimal number of officials are present.


Up to four referees skate on the inside of the track. In flat-track derby, up to three additional referees skate on the outside of the track. They call penalties, award points, and ensure safe game play. Referees must wear skates and typically wear white and black stripes.

Head Referee1The head referee is responsible for the general supervision of the bout and has final authority on all rulings. The head referee skates as an inside pack referee, but is also responsible for issuing expulsions and for announcing the results of official reviews.
Pack RefereesUp to 5Pack referees are responsible for watching the skaters in the pack, assessing pack definition, and calling penalties. They are located both inside and outside the track.[32]
Jammer Referees 2Skating on the inside of the track, a jammer referee watches the jammer of a designated team, awards points scored by their jammer, signals whether their jammer has achieved lead jammer status, and signals the end of the jam if their jammer is lead and calls off the jam. Jammer referees wear a wristband (and optionally a helmet cover) in that team's color to identify which team's jammer they are watching.

Non-skating officials (NSOs)

NSOs take up a range of positions inside and outside the track, start and time the jams, record and display scores and penalties communicated by referees, record the number of each skater on track for a given jam, and time and record skaters in the penalty box.

Scorekeepers2Record points scored by jammers, as indicated by the Jammer Referees.
Penalty Trackers1 (min)Record each skater's penalties and notify the head referee of skaters in the current jam who are in danger of fouling out.
Penalty Box Manager 1The manager is the head of the affairs within the penalty box. The manager can call penalties for penalty box violations or illegal procedures (such as removing the helmet in the penalty box). Also, the manager points where the player is assigned to sit, times the jammers, and executes any necessary jammer swap.
Penalty Box Timers 2 (min)Ensure skaters sent to the penalty box serve their entire penalties, and notify referees if any do not.
Jam Timer 1Start jams, signal when a jam runs to the full two minutes, time the 30 seconds between jams, and call official timeouts.
Lineup Tracker2Record the role (Jammer, Pivot, or Blocker) of every player on the track in each jam.
Scoreboard Operator 1Update the scoreboard after every scoring pass.


See main article: History of roller derby.

Professional endurance races

The growing popularity of roller skating in the United States led to the formation of organized multi-day endurance races for cash prizes as early as the mid-1880s.[33] [34] [35] Speed and endurance races continued to be held on both flat and banked tracks in the century's first three decades[36] and spectators enjoyed the spills and falls of the skaters.[37] [38] The term derby was used to refer to such races by 1922.[39]

Evolution to contact sport

The endurance races began to transform into the contemporary form of the sport in the mid-1930s, when promoter Leo Seltzer created the Transcontinental Roller Derby, a month-long simulation of a road race between two-person teams of professional skaters.[40] The spectacle became a popular touring exhibition.[41] [42] In the late 1930s, sportswriter Damon Runyon persuaded Seltzer to change the Roller Derby rules to increase skater contact. By 1939, after experimenting with different team and scoring arrangements, Seltzer's created a touring company of four pairs of teams (always billed as the local "home" team versus either New York or Chicago),[43] with two five-person teams on the track at once, scoring points when its members lapped opponents.[44]


On November 29, 1948, before television viewership was widespread, Roller Derby debuted on New York television. The broadcasts increased spectator turnout for live matches.[45] For the 1949–1950 season, Seltzer formed the National Roller Derby League (NRDL), comprising six teams.[46] NRDL season playoffs sold out Madison Square Garden for a week. During the late 1950s and 1960s, the sport was broadcast on several networks, but attendance declined. Jerry Seltzer (Leo's son), the Roller Derby "commissioner", hoped to use television to expand the live spectator base. He adapted the sport for television by developing scripted story lines and rules designed to improve television appeal, but derby's popularity had declined.[47]

1989 saw the debut of RollerGames, an even more theatrical variant of roller derby for national audiences. It used a figure-8 track and rules adapted for this track. Bill Griffiths, Sr. served as commissioner while his son, Bill Griffiths, Jr., managed the L.A. T-Birds, who (according to the storyline) were seeking revenge on the Violators (led by Skull) for cheating in the Commissioner's Cup. The other teams included the Maniacs (led by Guru Drew), Bad Attitude (led by Ms. Georgia Hase), the Rockers (led by DJ Terringo and consisting of skaters who were also professional rock and roll musicians), and Hot Flash (led by Juan Valdez Lopez). It ran one season, because some of its syndicators went bankrupt.

In 1999, TNN debuted RollerJam, which used the classic rules and banked oval track, but allowed inline skates (although some skaters wore traditional quad skates). Jerry Seltzer was commissioner for this version.

Contemporary roller derby

Amateur revival

Roller derby began its modern revival in Austin, Texas in the early 2000s as an all-female, woman-organized amateur sport. By August 2006, there were over 135 similar leagues.[48] Leagues outside the U.S. also began forming in 2006, and international competition soon followed. There are over 2,000 amateur leagues worldwide[49] in countries including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, France,[50] Brazil, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Norway,[51] Sweden,[52] Denmark,[53] Israel,[54] Singapore,[55] [56] [57] UAE,[58] [59] Egypt,[60] [61] [62] Thailand, and China.[63] In many international leagues, gear and equipment must be imported.[64] Roller derby's contemporary resurgence has been regarded as an aspect of globalization which demonstrates "the speed with which pop culture is now transported by highly mobile expatriates and social media, while also highlighting the changing role of women in many societies".[2]

Many roller derby leagues are amateur, self-organized and all-female[65] and were formed in a do-it-yourself spirit by relatively new enthusiasts.[66] In many leagues (especially in the U.S.), a punk[67] [68] aesthetic and/or third-wave feminist[69] ethic is prominent.[70] Members of fledgling leagues often practice and strategize together, regardless of team affiliation, between bouts.[71] Most compete on flat tracks, though several leagues skate on banked tracks, with more in the planning stages.[72]

Each league typically features local teams in public bouts that are popular with a diverse fan base.[73] Some venues host audiences ranging up to 7,000.[74] Successful local leagues have formed traveling teams comprising the league's best players to compete with comparable teams from other cities and regions. In February 2012, the International Olympic Committee considered roller derby, amongst eight other sports, for inclusion in the 2020 Olympic Games.[75] [76]

In 2009, the feature film Whip It featured roller derby and introduced a wider audience to the sport. The WFTDA encouraged leagues to coordinate with promotions during the film's release to increase awareness of the leagues.[77] Furthermore, corporate advertising has used roller derby themes in television commercials for insurance,[78] a breakfast cereal, and an over-the-counter analgesic.

Derby names

Examples of derby names[79] ! Name!! Allusion
Guinefear of Jamalot Guinevere of Camelot
Mazel Tov Cocktail Mazel tov, Molotov cocktail
O Hell No Kitty Hello Kitty
Sandra Day O'Clobber Sandra Day O'Connor
Punky Bruiser Punky Brewster
Roly Mary Mother of QuadHoly Mary Mother of God
Ania Marx On Your Marks
Princess Lay-Ya Flat Princess Leia
Anna Mosity Animosity
Smack Ops Black Ops
Cactus Rack Cactus Jack, a persona of retired professional wrestler Mick Foley
Trauma QueenDrama Queen
Bonnie ThundersJohnny Thunders

Most players in roller leagues skate under pseudonyms, also called "derby names" or "skater names". These typically use word play with satirical, mock-violent or sexual puns, alliteration, and allusions to pop culture. Referees often use derby names as well, often shown on the backs of their striped uniforms. Some players claim their names represent alter egos that they adopt while skating.[80]

Whether a team should skate under real names or derby names is sometimes debated.[81] Some derby names are obscene, a subject of some internal controversy.[82]

Copying of derby names has attracted legal and sociological analysis as an example of indigenous development of property rights. New players are encouraged to check derby names against an international roster to ensure they are not already in use.[83]

The names of roller derby events are also as sardonic and convoluted—for example, Night of the Rolling Dead (Night of the Living Dead), Knocktoberfest (Oktoberfest), Spanksgiving (Thanksgiving), Seasons Beatings (Seasons Greetings), Grandma Got Run Over By a Rollergirl ("Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer"), Cinco de May-hem (Cinco de Mayo), and War of the Wheels (War of the Worlds).[84]


Roller derby is a contact sport, and injuries can occur. Superficial injuries include bruising. However, torn ligaments, broken bones, and concussions also occur.[85] [86] [87]

Some leagues prominently display their injuries, to embellish the image of violence or machismo. However, some skaters say the sport is reasonably safe if skaters take precautions.[88] The rules require appropriate medical professionals on-site at every bout, even if not required by laws or arena regulations. The WFTDA offers insurance for leagues in the United States with legal liability and accident coverage, but it recommends that skaters also carry their own primary medical insurance.[89]


Although the early 2000s revival of roller derby was initially all-female, some leagues later introduced all-male teams and all-gender games; there were over 140 junior roller derby programs in the United States, and many more around the world.[90]

College roller derby is also expanding in the United States. The University of Arizona's Derby Cats describe themselves as the first-ever official college flat-track roller derby team.[91] The first intercollegiate derby bout took place on March 3, 2018, when the Claremont Colleges roller derby team defeated Arizona State University.[92]

The website FlatTrackStats compiles ratings of WFTDA teams, adjusting them after every bout based on how the actual score compares to the predicted score. The WFTDA's own Stats Repository has comparable information and often is updated at halftime of a bout.[93]

Roller derby bouts are now streamed online, and there are archived videos of past bouts and tournaments. The WFTDA offers live streaming video of its tournaments at Derby News Network offered live streaming video and archived video including events outside the WFTDA.

FiveOnFive magazine covers roller derby and diverse aspects such as business, training, junior roller derby, and nutrition.[94]

Governance and organization

See main article: List of roller derby associations. The largest governing body for the sport is the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA), with 397 full member leagues and 48 apprentice leagues.[95] WFTDA membership is a major goal of aspiring leagues.[96] Other associations support either mixed-gender or men-only derby; the largest organization supporting male roller derby is the Men's Roller Derby Association (MRDA).[97] [98] [99] Within the United States, the Junior Roller Derby Association governs play by those under 18. It modifies the WFTDA rules for minors at three skill levels, with the lowest level allowing no intentional contact between skaters, and the highest allowing full contact; additional rules are also changed according to the needs of youth skaters.[100] Some U.S. leagues decline affiliation with a national organization because they prefer local governance.[101] [102]

Although WFTDA has been the largest worldwide roller-derby organization, the IOC has recognized World Skate (formerly Fédération Internationale de Roller Sports) as the only governing body able to sanction international roller derby competitions within the Olympic Movement. Disputes between World Skate and WFTDA has meant that only 4 teams were present in the first Roller Derby World Championships organized by World Skate in 2017, as part of the 2017 World Roller Games[103]

USA Roller Sports (USARS) is recognized by the International Roller Sports Federation (FIRS) and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) as the National Governing Body of competitive roller sports in the United States, including speed, figure, hockey, roller derby and slalom. WFTDA and USARS maintain a reciprocity agreement for insurance purposes.[104]

Outside the United States, many roller derby leagues enjoy support from their national skate federations, such as Skate Australia,[105] the British Roller Sports Federation,[106] and Roller Sports Canada.[107] In Europe, roller derby was recognized as a sport in Paris in 2010 by the Federation Internationale de Roller Sports (FIRS), which reports directly to the International Olympic Committee. As of 2017, FIRS has been accepted as the international rule set by the International Olympic Committee. Teams competed under the FIRS rules at the 2017 Nanjing Games.[108] The former Canadian Women's Roller Derby Association worked with the American federation.[109]


Since 2006, the WFTDA has sponsored an annual championship. In 2008, it adopted the "Big 5" format: four regional playoffs and a final championship tournament.[110] As of 2019, the WFTDA postseason includes two playoffs that feed into the Championship tournament, plus three standalone, regionally-based Continental Cups.[111] The WFTDA also recognizes eligible tournaments hosted by member leagues.[112]

Internationally, the first Roller Derby World Cup took place in Toronto, Canada, in December 2011.[113] The second World Cup took place in Dallas, Texas, in December 2014.[114]

Since 2012, USARS has held an annual Roller Derby National Championship. In 2017, FIRS and the USOC recognized USARS to participate in the 2017 Nanjing games.[108]

The largest roller derby tournament in the southern hemisphere, The Great Southern Slam, has been held biannually in Adelaide, South Australia since 2010.

Social significance

Zaina Arafat said in the Virginia Quarterly Review that roller derby defies heteronormativity and patriarchal standards. In Egypt, Arafat says, there are expectations that a woman will not show visible scars, will have an unblemished body for her husband, and will refrain from activities that may damage her body. She says roller derby in Egypt is subversive, as it acts as an indirect political statement.[115]

Author Carly Giesler said that skaters enact sexualities that create or reclaim an identity, and their role parodies "hegemonic scripts of sexuality" through the use of costumes, derby names and personas. Roller derby acts as a unique stage for female athletes, letting them rebut constraints society places on women and female athletes. Giesler said that female sports objectifies them for the male gaze, but roller derby turns this on its head by disregarding gender roles and norms.[116]

See also


  1. A Roller Derby league is synonymous with an individual club or team in other team sports, as opposed to the more typical use of the word league.
  2. News: Moffett . Matt . As the World Turns, So Do the Wheels of Roller Derby . . 2013-02-03. 2013-02-15.
  3. Web site: Brian J. . Clark . L. Todd . Spencer . 2012 . Common Ground: the alternative sport of roller derby . 2021-11-07 . live . . . 2013-02-15.
  4. Web site: Roller Derby: The Fastest Growing Sport In America . 2021-11-07 . live. . 2012-02-26 . 2013-02-15.
  5. Web site: Neale . Rick . 24 June 2008 . All-Female Roller Derby Elbows Its Way In as a Legitimate Sport . . . 2008-06-19.
  6. Web site: Will roller derby be included in the 2020 Olympics? | Olympics | Sports | National Post . . 4 July 2011 . 6 March 2012 . . 20 July 2012 . dead . dmy-all .
  7. Web site: Roller Sports's pitch for the 2020 Olympics. 2013-05-28. 2017-11-01.
  8. Web site: Three Sports Make Olympic Cut for 2020 Summer Games . Greg Otto. U.S. News. 2013-05-30. 2017-09-11 . dead . . 2017-08-15.
  9. Web site: SpudTown Knockdown 3: An Interview with CandyMan, Tournament Director | Fragglepuss . . 2012-08-29 . 2013-02-15.
  10. Talk Derby to Me: Intellectual Property Norms Governing Roller Derby Pseudonyms. Dave. Fagundes. 2011-03-15. 1755305.
  11. Web site: RDCL - Roller Derby Coalition of Leagues . January 8, 2020. Roller Derby Coalition of Leagues.
  12. Web site: The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby. Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). 2018-05-15.
  13. Web site: DNN Releases First Power Rankings of 2010. Derby News Network. 2010-03-05. 2011-10-05. 2011-12-01. dead.
  14. Web site: Join Us. United Kingdom Roller Derby Association. 2011-10-04. 2011-10-26. dead.
  15. Web site: Welcome to CWRDA. dead. 2009-05-10. Canadian Women's Roller Derby Association. 2011-10-05.
  16. Web site: Derby 101. Canberra Roller Derby League. 25 July 2012.
  17. Web site: Learning to Pivot in Roller Derby. Em Dash. 2016-04-22. 2018-05-16. 2018-05-17. dead.
  18. Until 2019, the jammer also scored a point by passing the opposing jammer. There were 5 potential points per trip.
  19. Web site: Roller derby: A glossary. 5 February 2009. Silicon Valley Roller Girls. 2018-06-26.
  20. News: A Local Roller Derby Team Shows Its Toughness at a Saturday Bout but Doesn't Get a Win . Brauns, Katie . Bend Bulletin . 2009-04-14 . 2011-12-12 . 2012-09-09 . . dead .
  21. Web site: Vodoo. Big Daddy. Roller Derby Strategies and Plays. Little City Roller Girs. 2011-09-24. 2012-04-02. dead.
  22. Book: Joulwan, Melissa. Rollergirl: Totally True Tales from the Track - p 94. Simon and Schuster . 9781416538554. 2007-04-06.
  23. Web site: Game Play: Strategy. Atlanta Roller Girls. 22 September 2011. 28 September 2011. dead. dmy-all.
  24. Web site: Five Point Grand Slam: By the Position – Pivot/No. 1. Tripp. Crouse. 15 July 2011. 1 November 2017.
  25. Web site: Passing the Panty. 9 August 2015. 1 November 2017.
  26. Before 2013, there were "major" and "minor" penalties, the former included any player's fourth penalty, and it was strategic for a key player to deliberately commit such a penalty when it would have least effect.
  27. Web site: Bump. Speed. Strategy 101: The Wall. Rose City Rollers. 22 September 2011. 14 June 2018. dead.
  28. Web site: Roller Derby Training: Evasive Jamming – Part One. Lucy Croysdill. 2018-09-29. 2018-09-30. dead.
  29. Book: Joulwan, Melissa. Rollergirl: Totally True Tales from the Track - p 95. Simon and Schuster . 9781416538554. 2007-04-06.
  30. News: Game Changer. Chicago Reader. 21 October 2010. Ling . Ma. 31 October 2010.
  31. Web site: Falcon. M. Derby Techniques of Interest Part 1: Knocking a jammer out of bounds and forming a bridge. Thunder Bay Roller Derby League. 23 August 2016. 20 September 2016. dead.
  32. Book: Parnavelas, Ellen . The Roller Derby Athlete . 2012 . . London . 978-1-4088-3239-4.
  33. News: Remarkable roller-skating feat. Chicago Daily Tribune. 1884-04-13. 10.
  34. News: A six-day roller skate race. Chicago Daily Tribune. 1885-03-02. 10.
  35. News: On rollers for six days: beginning the race at the Madison-Square Garden. Thirty-six entries, including Frank Hart and several champions—cheering the start. New York Times. 2 March 1885. 10.
  36. News: Roller marathon thrills and jars: 100 boys meet with adventures and tumbles in West Side Boulevard race. Dodge cars and autos. But records are smashed by contestants in red tights, overalls, etc. Chicago Daily Tribune. 1908-11-27. 5.
  37. News: Roller skating on banked track: old-time sport is revived with speed contests at the Garden. New York Times. 1922-12-17. 11.
  38. News: 24-hour roller race: Ollie Moore will be teamed with Willie Blackburn at Garden. New York Times. 1914-12-17. S2.
  39. News: Roller derby on tomorrow. Chicago Daily Tribune. 1922-04-24. 20.
  40. News: Los Angeles Times. Rasmussen. Cecilia. 1999-02-21. L.A. Then and Now: The Man Who Got Roller Derby Rolling Along.
  41. News: Time. Roller Derby. 1936-02-03.,9171,755740-1,00.html. dead. March 14, 2009. 2008-07-13.
  42. News: Time. 1936-09-21. Variations.,9171,756673,00.html. dead. December 15, 2008. 2008-07-13.
  43. Book: Deford, Frank. Five Strides on the Banked Track: The life and times of the Roller Derby. 1971. Little, Brown and Company. 84. 0-316-17920-5.
  44. Web site: Roller Derby at the National Museum of Roller Skating . 2004 . 2007-06-08 . National Roller Skating Museum . . 2007-02-22 . dead .
  45. A Forward Roll: Dusted off and spiffed up, the Roller Derby is aiming to regain the hold it once had on TV . 1998-12-14 . Sports Illustrated . Rushin . Steve . Steve Rushin . . 2008-09-08 . 2018-04-24 . dead.
  46. Web site: Roller Derby . KTVU-TV . 2004 . 2007-06-08 . dead . . 2007-04-05.
  47. Book: Deford, Frank. Five Strides on the Banked Track: The Life and Times of the Roller Derby. Little, Brown and Company. 1971. 0-316-17920-5.
  48. (New York print edition: 2008-11-09 p. NJ6)
  49. Web site: Teams - Roller Derby Stats & Rankings - Flat Track Stats. 2017-11-01.
  50. Web site: Paris, les filles et le Roller Derby (Paris Roller Girls) . 2021-11-07 . live. . 2012-04-08 . 2013-02-15.
  51. Web site: Oslo Roller Derby. 2013-01-30.
  52. Web site: Roller Derby Worldwide. 2011-09-08. Cat O'Ninetails. 2011.
  53. Web site: Copenhagen Roller Derby. 2017-11-01.
  54. Web site: TLV Derby Girls Official site. . 2014-07-14 .
  55. Web site: Roller Derby Singapore. Roller Derby Singapore. 1 November 2017.
  56. Web site: New roller derby sport kicks off in Singapore. 2011-12-19. 2012-02-04. 2012-01-10. dead.
  57. Web site: Roller Derby Singapore | CPDG | Teaser Video . 2021-11-07 . live. . 2011-04-01 . 2013-02-15.
  58. Web site: Dani . In the beginning . Dubai Roller Derby . 2012-10-13 . 2013-10-15.
  59. News: 21 sports in Dubai this week - Sport & Outdoor Features . Time Out Dubai . 2013-01-15 . 2013-02-15.
  60. Web site: Up Close and Personal with the CaiRollers of Cairo, Egypt . . 2013-02-15 . 2013-01-28 . . dead .
  61. Web site: Egypt's Cairollers Have Best Name Ever, Are Super Rad Rollergirls . . 2012-11-27 . 2013-02-15.
  62. Web site: thoughts on the start of the 12th year of Modern Roller Derby « Jerry Seltzer . . 2013-01-18 . 2013-02-15 . 2014-03-01 . . dead .
  63. Web site: jknotts. 2019-09-08. Why Roller Derby is the Toughest Sport on Eight Wheels. 2022-01-05. EN.
  64. Web site: Cairollers Bring Roller Derby to Egypt. 13 March 2013 .
  65. Web site: Whittaker . Richard . Electric Skaterland: Austin births a Roller Derby revolution Austin Sports . . 2010-08-31.
  66. 2008-02-22 . The Dames: The Story of the Boston Roller Derby League . QuickTime . Cambridge Community Television . Cambridge, MA . 2008-06-23 . 26:50 . 2008-05-15 . . dead . See also the accompanying blog post .
  67. News: Roller derby gets a good punking . 2005-05-23 . London . . Steven. Wells.
  68. Web site: Punk On The Rocks: Roller Derby Wrecker. 2012-03-31. dead.
  69. (This is a post on the main YWTF blog.)
  70. Web site: Oddballs: Roller Derby . Pat Zanghi . Uncle Boise . 2010-04-22 . 2009-05-25 . dead . . 2010-05-28.
  71. Web site: Soldiers in the Roller Derby. Army Live.
  72. Web site: Reno Roller Girls . Reno Roller Girls . 2010-08-31 . . 2011-02-02 . dead .
  73. Web site: WFTDA 2011 Demographic Survey Results . WFTDA . 2011-03-31 . dead . . 2011-04-02.
  74. Web site: New Jersey Roller Derby packs thousands into Convention Hall - Video - 2017-11-01. 2016-03-07. dead.
  75. Web site: Van . Samantha . Roller Derby May Be Included in 2020 Olympics: A Female's Reaction . . 2012-03-06 . 2013-03-16 . . dead .
  76. News: Video. CNN .
  77. Web site: Loca. Chica. Whip It-Marketing Session. WFTDA. 24 September 2011. 20 August 2012. dead. dmy-all.
  78. Web site: Shannon and Heather's aha moment commercial - YouTube. 2016-03-01.
  79. Web site: International Rollergirls' Master Roster. King, April. 2014-09-01. 2018-06-17.
  80. Web site: Seattle Derby Brats – No Flash in the Pan. 2010-08-23. It's like your alter ego," Grianne says, "You don't want to be announced as Grianne Hunter. You want to be something tougher.. 2011-01-24. dead.
  81. Web site: Denver Roller Dolls—Teams—Mile High Club. 2009-07-19. This season, 13 of the team's members are making the switch from derby names to real names..
  82. Web site: Derby Names: Not Ready for Prime Time . . 2011-09-14 . 2011-09-24 . 2011-10-02 . . dead .
  83. Web site: Derby Roll Call . . 2018-08-21 . live.
  84. Web site: Treasure Valley Rollergirls . Treasure Valley Rollergirls . 2010-08-31 . . 2011-07-24 . dead .
  85. Web site: Anatomy of a concussion. 2016-03-01. 2008-11-20.
  86. Web site: Dain Bramage. Roller Derby. en-US. 2016-03-01. 2011-11-01. dead.
  87. Web site: PCL Injuries in Roller Derby. Ryder. Kari. 2008-06-22. 2008-06-19.
  88. Web site: Derby injuries? - SkateLog Forum. 2016-03-01. 2016-03-03. dead.
  89. Web site: WFTDA Insurance Program. WFTDA. 2018-06-18.
  90. Web site: Roller Derby Worldwide. 2013-05-01. 2013-01-11. dead.
  91. Web site: Could Roller Derby Be the Brighter Future of College Sports?. Looser. Devoney. 2014-05-02. Slate Magazine. en. 2019-10-22.
  92. Web site: 5C Roller Derby Team Victorious Against ASU in First Ever Intercollegiate Derby Bout on the West Coast. Patel. Rena. 2018-03-28. The Scripps Voice. en-US. 2022-09-24.
  93. Web site: WFTDA Stats Actually Rule . The Derby Apex . 2017-05-18.
  94. Web site: fiveonfive » women's flat track roller derby magazine. 2017-11-01.
  95. Web site: WFTDA Leagues . WFTDA . 2017 . 2017-07-08 .
  96. Web site: The rise of roller derby. Dator. James. 13 August 2013. 2016-03-01.
  97. Web site: The State of Derby – Part II: OSDA and JRDA. 2011-10-06. 2011-08-25. dead.
  98. Web site: The State of Derby – Part III: Modern Athletic Derby Endeavor. 2017-11-01. 2011-09-05. dead.
  99. Web site: The State of Derby – Part IV: Men's Roller Derby Association . Captain Gorgeous . Roller Derby Inside Track . 2011-06-28 . 2011-10-06 . dead . . 2011-09-15.
  100. Web site: RULES. Junior Roller Derby Association. 2024-08-12.
  101. Web site: To Whom It May Concern. USA Roller Sports. dead. . 2011-10-26.
  102. Web site: Open Letter to USA Roller Sports. Women's Flat Track Derby Association. . 2011-10-10. 2012-02-04. 2011-05-12.
  103. Web site: FIRS unveils 1st edition of international Roller Derby rules. 2023-04-11. 30 December 2016 .
  104. Web site: USARS / WFTDA Reciprocity . 2011-10-12. USA Roller Sports . 2009-06-24 . dead . 2011-10-06.
  105. Web site: Ballarat Junior Roller Derby Star Set for Battle . Rachel Afflick . 2011-10-05 . dead . . 2011-10-07.
  106. Web site: Roller Derby is now recognised as a sport in the UK, and UKRDA the National Association. 2011-10-02.
  107. Web site: Roller Derby. 2010-01-07 . 2017-11-01.
  108. Web site: Rolling Up to Tokio 2020. 2017-11-01.
  109. Web site: Roller Derby Association of Canada . 2011-10-12 . Welcome to the CWRDA . dead . . 2011-10-26.
  110. Web site: The Big 5 WFTDA Sponsored Tournaments . WFTDA . 2011-11-15 . dead . 2011-11-15.
  111. Web site: 2019 WFTDA Postseason Dates and Locations Released . WFTDA . 16 August 2019 . 1 March 2019.
  112. Web site: WFTDA Recognized Events. WFTDA. 2011-11-15.
  113. Web site: Blood & Thunder Roller Derby World Cup 2011. Blood & Thunder Magazine. 2011-08-08. 2011-08-12. dead.
  114. Web site: Dallas to Host 2014 Roller Derby World Cup. Blood & Thunder Magazine. 2013-06-10. 2014-12-14. 2014-12-14. dead.
  115. Arafat, Zaina, "POWER JAM: Roller Derby as Political Act", Virginia Quarterly Review, vol. 93, no. 3, Summer2017, pp. 36-59.
  116. Gieseler, Carly. "Derby Drag: Parodying Sexualities in the Sport of Roller Derby". Sexualities, vol. 17, no. 5-6, 2014, pp. 758–776., doi:10.1177/1363460714531268.

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