Pulsar planet explained

Pulsar planets are planets that are orbiting pulsars. The first such planets to be discovered were around a millisecond pulsar in 1992 and were the first extrasolar planets to be confirmed as discovered. Pulsars are extremely precise clocks and even small planets can create detectable variations in pulsar traits; the smallest known exoplanet is a pulsar planet.

They are extremely rare, with only half a dozen listed by the NASA Exoplanet Archive. Only special processes can give rise to planet-sized companions around pulsars, and many are thought to be exotic bodies, such as planets made of diamond, that were formed through the partial destruction of a companion star. The intense radiation and winds consisting of electron-positron pairs would tend to strip atmospheres away from such planets, thus making them unlikely abodes for life.


The formation of planets requires the existence of a protoplanetary disk, most theories also require a "dead zone" within it where there is no turbulence. There, planetesimals can form and accumulate without falling into the star. Compared to young stars, pulsars have a much higher luminosity and thus the formation of a dead zone is hindered by the ionization of the disk by the pulsar's radiation, which allows the magnetorotational instability to trigger turbulence and thus destroy the dead zone. Thus, a disk needs to have a large mass if it is to give rise to planets.

There are several processes that could give rise to planetary systems:


The formation scenarios have consequences for the planets' composition: A planet formed from supernova debris is likely rich in metals and radioactive isotopes and may contain large quantities of water; one formed through the break-up of a white dwarf would be carbon rich and consist of large amounts of diamond; an actual white dwarf fragment would be extremely dense., the most common type of planet around a pulsar is a "diamond planet", a very low mass white dwarf. Other objects around pulsars could include asteroids, comets and planetoids. More speculative scenarios are planets consisting of strange matter, which could occur much more close to the pulsars than ordinary matter planets, potentially emitting gravitational waves.

Planets can interact with the magnetic field of a pulsar to produce so-called "Alfvén wings", these are wing-shaped electrical currents around the planet which inject energy into the planet and could produce detectable radio emissions.


Pulsars are extremely precise clocks and pulsar timing is highly regular. It is thus possible to detect very small objects around pulsars, down to the size of large asteroids, from changes in the timing of the pulsar hosting them. The timing needs to be corrected for the effects of the motions of Earth and the Solar System, errors in the position estimates of the pulsar and of the travel times of the radiation across the interstellar medium. Pulsars spin and slow down over time in highly regular fashion; planets alter this pattern through their gravitational attraction on the pulsar, causing a Doppler shift in the pulses. The technique could in theory be also used to detect exomoons around pulsar planets. There are limitations to pulsar planet visibility however; pulsar glitches and changes in the pulsation mode can mimick the existence of planets.

The first extrasolar planets to be discovered (in 1992 by Dale Frail and Aleksander Wolszczan) were the pulsar planets around PSR B1257+12. The discovery demonstrated that exoplanets can be detected from Earth, and led to the expectation that extrasolar planets might not be uncommon. the least massive known extrasolar planet (PSR B1257+12 A, only) is a pulsar planet.

However, the size and particular spectroscopic traits makes actually visualizing such planets very difficult. One potential way to image a planet is to detect its transit in front of the star: in case of pulsar planets, the probability of a planet transiting in front of pulsar is very low because of the small size of pulsars. Spectroscopic analyses of planets are rendered difficult by the complicated spectra of pulsars. Interactions between a planetary magnetic field, the pulsar and the thermal emissions of planets are more likely avenues of getting information on the planets.

Pulsar planets have been invoked to explain certain astronomical phenomena, such as X-ray bursts from soft gamma repeaters.


only about half-dozen pulsar planets are known, implying an occurrence rate of no more than one planetary system per 200 pulsars. Most of the planet formation scenarios require that the precursor be a binary star with one star much more massive than the other, and that the system survives the supernova that generated the pulsar. Both these conditions are rarely met and thus the formation of pulsar planets is a rare process. Additionally, planets and their orbits would have to survive the energetic radiation emitted by pulsars, including X-rays, gamma rays and energetic particles ("pulsar wind"). This would be particularly important for millisecond pulsars that were spun up by accretion, while they formed X-ray binaries; the radiation emitted under these circumstances would evaporate any planet. Pulsars remain visible for only a few million years, less than the time it takes for a planet to form, thus limiting the chance of observing one.

Based on the known occurrence rate of pulsar planets, there might be as many as 10 million of them in the Milky Way. All known pulsar planets are found around millisecond pulsars, these are old pulsars that were spun up through the accretion of mass from a companion. there are no known planets around young pulsars; they are less regular than millisecond pulsars and thus detecting planets is more difficult.

Confirmed pulsar planets

|-|M62H b||||~|~||-|PSR B1257+12 b| |0.19|25.262|0|~|~|-|PSR B1257+12 c| |0.36|66.5419|0.0186|~||-|PSR B1257+12 d| |0.46|98.2114|0.03|~||-|PSR B1620-26 b||23|34,675|~|~| |-|PSR J1719-1438 b||0.0044|0.090706293|0.06|~| |-|PSR J2007+3120 b||~|723|~|~|~|-|PSR J2322-2650 b||0.0102 |0.322963997|0.0017|~| |-|PSR B0943+10 b||1.8|730 |~|~|~ |-|PSR B0943+10 c ||2.9|1,460 |~|~|~|-|PSR J1748-2021H b||0.0111|0.360787526 |~|~|~|-|PSR J0636+5129 b||0.0036|0.0665513392|~|60||-|PSR J1807-2459 A b||~|0.07 |~|~|~|-|PSR B1802-07 b||0.008098|0.071092|0.0000003 |~|~|-|PSR J1211-0633 b||0.0116 |0.38634962 |~|~|~|-|PSR J0312-0921 b||0.00465|0.0975 |~|~|~|-|PSR J1824-2452G b||0.004875|0.1046|0.0000003|~|~|-|PSR J1928+1245 b||0.005825|0.1366347269 |~|~|~ |-|PSR J1824-2452M b||0.00854|0.242519219 |~|~|~|-|PSR J1630+3550 b||~|0.315863166|0.00042|~|~|-|PSR J2241-5236 b||~|0.1456722395 |~|~|~|-|PSR J1311-3430 b||~|0.065115 |~|~|~|-

M62H is a millisecond pulsar located in the constellation Ophiuchus. It is located in the globular cluster Messier 62, at a distance of 5600pc from Earth. The pulsar was discovered in 2024 using the MeerKAT radio telescope. M62H has a rotational period of 3.70 milliseconds, meaning it completes 270 rotations per second (270 Hz). Its planetary companion has a minimum mass of and a median mass of, assuming a mass of for the pulsar. Its minimum density is of 11 g/cm. Assuming the median mass, it implies a maximum radius of . The planet takes just 0.133day to complete an orbit, and is located at a distance equivalent to 0.49% of an astronomical unit from M62H.

PSR B1257+12

The pulsar PSR B1257+12, parsecs away in the constellation Virgo, was confirmed to have planets in 1992 based on observations made with the Arecibo Observatory. The system consists of one tiny planet with a mass of Earth masses and two Super-Earths with masses and times that of Earth, assuming that the pulsar has a mass of 1.4 solar masses. They most likely formed from a protoplanetary disk, probably generated from the partial destruction of a companion star. Computer simulations have shown that the system should be stable for at least one billion years and that exomoons could survive in the system. The system resembles the inner Solar System; the planets orbit the pulsar at distances comparable to that of Mercury to the Sun and may have comparable surface temperatures. Reports of additional bodies in this system might be due to solar disturbances.

PSR J1719-1438

A cthonian planet with a mass comparable to Jupiter but less than 40% of its radius orbits the pulsar PSR J1719-1438. This planet is probably the carbon-rich remnant of a companion star that was evaporated by the pulsar's radiation and has been described as a "diamond planet".

PSR B1620-26

A circumbinary planet with a mass of Jupiter masses orbits around PSR B1620-26, a binary star consisting of a pulsar and a white dwarf in the globular cluster M4. This planet may have been captured into the pulsar's orbit, a process which is particularly likely within the packed environment of a globular cluster, and may be about 12.6 billion years old, making it the oldest known planet. Its existence may demonstrate that planets can form in metal-poor medium including the globular clusters.

PSR J2322-2650

PSR J2322-2650 seems to have a roughly Jupiter-mass companion. The radiation from the pulsar could be heating it to about ; a light source observed close to the pulsar may be the planet. This pulsar is considerably less luminous than many, which may explain why the planet has survived to this day.

Debris disks and precursors

Timing variations of the pulsars PSR B1937+21 and PSR J0738-4042 may reflect the existence of an asteroid belt around the pulsars, and collisions between asteroids or comets and pulsars have been proposed as an explanation for the phenomenon of fast radio bursts, the gamma ray burst GRB 101225A and other types of pulsar variability. There are no known debris disks around pulsars, although the magnetars 4U 0142+61 and 1E 2259+586 have been suggested to harbour them.

The white dwarf-pulsar binary PSR J0348+0432 may be a system that could develop pulsar planets in the future. The existence of a dust cloud at the pulsar Geminga that may be a precursor to planets has been proposed.


There were earlier reports of pulsar planets which were either retracted or considered unconvincing, such as the 1991 "discovery" of a planet around PSR B1829-10 which turned out to be an artifact caused by the motion of the Earth. The existence of planets around the pulsar PSR B0329+54 has been debated since 1979 and is still unresolved . PSR B1828-11 has been conclusively established to display magnetospheric activity that mimicks planets, without having any, and a planet candidate around the pulsar Geminga was later attributed to timing noise.

|-|PSR B0329+54 b| |10.26|10,140|0.236|~| |-|PSR B1828-11 a| |~|231|0.14 |~|~|-|PSR B1828-11 b| |~|498|0.23 |~|~|-|PSR J1555-2908 c| |~|4,500|0.27 [1]

Notes and References

  1. |~|~|-|PSR B0525+21 b| |10.35|10,132|0.96 |~ |~|-|PSR B1937+21 b| |11|11,400|0.2 |~|~|-|PSR J2007+3120 b| |~|723|<0.38 |~|~|-|PSR J0337+1715 (AB) b| |~|3,000 |~|~|~|-|SGR 1806-20 b| |0.85|238|0.992 |~|~|-|PSR B1540-06 b| |~|1,473|0.12 |~|~|-|PSR B1714-34 b| |~|1,417|0.14 |~|~|-|PSR B1826-17 b| |~|1,102|0.35 |~|~|-|PSR B0144+59 b| |~|319|0.45 |~|~|-|PSR B1727-33 b | |~|350|0.26 |~ |~|-|PSR B2053+36 b| |~|1,013|0.4 |~|~|-|PSR J1758-1931 b| |~|719|0.43 |~|~|-|PSR J1843-0744 b| |~|650|0.4 |~|~|-|PSR J1904+0800 b| |~|946 |0.18 |~|~|-|PSR J2216+5759 b| |~|117|0.41 |~|~|-|PSR J1947+1957 b| |~|1,070|0.56 |~|~|-|PSR B1931+24 b| |~|5,180|0.25 |~|~|-|PSR B0823+26 b| |~|28|0.37 |~|~|-|SWIFT J1756.9-2508 b||0.0012346|0.0379907 |~|~|~|-


    See main article: articles and Habitability of neutron star systems. Pulsars emit a very different radiation spectrum than regular stars, with very little optical or infrared radiation but large amounts of ionizing radiation and electron-positron pairs, which are generated by the pulsar's magnetic field as it spins. Additionally, remnant heat from before the pulsar's birth, heating of the pulsar's poles from its own radiation and from mass accretion processes drives the emission of thermal radiation and neutrinos. The electron-positron pairs and X-rays are absorbed by planetary atmospheres and heat them, driving intense atmospheric escape that can strip them away. The presence of a planetary magnetic field could mitigate the impact of the electron-positron pairs.

    Habitability is conventionally defined by the equilibrium temperature of a planet, which is a function of the amount of incoming radiation; a planet is defined "habitable" if liquid water can exist on its surface although even planets with little external energy can harbour underground life. Pulsars do not emit large quantities of radiation given their small size; the habitable zone can easily end up lying so close to the star that tidal effects destroy the planets. Additionally, it is often unclear how much radiation a given pulsar emits and how much of it can actually reach a hypothetical planet's surface; of the known pulsar planets, only these of PSR B1257+12 are close to the habitable zone and, no known pulsar planet is likely to be habitable. Additional heat sources may be radioactive isotopes such as potassium-40 formed during the supernova that gave rise to the pulsar and tidal heating for planets with close orbits. Radiation from outside sources such as companion stars would also add to the energy budget.

    See also



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