Trembling hand perfect equilibrium explained

(Normal form) trembling hand perfect equilibrium
Subsetof:Nash Equilibrium
Supersetof:Proper equilibrium
Discoverer:Reinhard Selten

In game theory, trembling hand perfect equilibrium is a type of refinement of a Nash equilibrium that was first proposed by Reinhard Selten.[1] A trembling hand perfect equilibrium is an equilibrium that takes the possibility of off-the-equilibrium play into account by assuming that the players, through a "slip of the hand" or tremble, may choose unintended strategies, albeit with negligible probability.


First define a perturbed game. A perturbed game is a copy of a base game, with the restriction that only totally mixed strategies are allowed to be played.A totally mixed strategy is a mixed strategy in an


-player strategic game where every pure strategy is played with positive probability.This is the "trembling hands" of the players; they sometimes play a different strategy, other than the one they intended to play. Then define a mixed strategy profile


as being trembling hand perfect if there is a sequence of perturbed games strategy profiles
that converges to


such that for every


and every player


the strategy


is a best reply to

Note: All completely mixed Nash equilibria are perfect.

Note 2: The mixed strategy extension of any finite normal-form game has at least one perfect equilibrium.[2]


The game represented in the following normal form matrix has two pure strategy Nash equilibria, namely




. However, only


is trembling-hand perfect.


, for



Player 2's expected payoff from playing L is:


Player 2's expected payoff from playing the strategy R is:


For small values of


, player 2 maximizes his expected payoff by placing a minimal weight on R and maximal weight on L. By symmetry, player 1 should place a minimal weight on D and maximal weight on U if player 2 is playing the mixed strategy


. Hence


is trembling-hand perfect.

However, similar analysis fails for the strategy profile




. Player 1's expected payoff from playing U is:


Player 1's expected payoff from playing D is:


For all positive values of


, player 1 maximizes his expected payoff by placing a minimal weight on D and maximal weight on U. Hence


is not trembling-hand perfect because player 2 (and, by symmetry, player 1) maximizes his expected payoff by deviating most often to L if there is a small chance of error in the behavior of player 1.

Equilibria of two-player games

For 2x2 games, the set of trembling-hand perfect equilibria coincides with the set of equilibria consisting of two undominated strategies. In the example above, we see that the equilibrium <Down,Right> is imperfect, as Left (weakly) dominates Right for Player 2 and Up (weakly) dominates Down for Player 1.[3]

Equilibria of extensive form games

Extensive-form trembling hand perfect equilibrium
Subsetof:Subgame perfect equilibrium, Perfect Bayesian equilibrium, Sequential equilibrium
Discoverer:Reinhard Selten
Usedfor:Extensive form games

There are two possible ways of extending the definition of trembling hand perfection to extensive form games.

The notions of normal-form and extensive-form trembling hand perfect equilibria are incomparable, i.e., an equilibrium of an extensive-form game may be normal-form trembling hand perfect but not extensive-form trembling hand perfect and vice versa.As an extreme example of this, Jean-François Mertens has given an example of a two-player extensive form game where no extensive-form trembling hand perfect equilibrium is admissible, i.e., the sets of extensive-form and normal-form trembling hand perfect equilibria for this game are disjoint.

An extensive-form trembling hand perfect equilibrium is also a sequential equilibrium. A normal-form trembling hand perfect equilibrium of an extensive form game may be sequential but is not necessarily so. In fact, a normal-form trembling hand perfect equilibrium does not even have to be subgame perfect.

Problems with perfection

Myerson (1978)[4] pointed out that perfection is sensitive to the addition of a strictly dominated strategy, and instead proposed another refinement, known as proper equilibrium.

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Selten . R. . Reinhard Selten . 1975 . A Reexamination of the Perfectness Concept for Equilibrium Points in Extensive Games . . 4 . 1 . 25–55 . 10.1007/BF01766400 .
  2. Selten, R.: Reexamination of the perfectness concept for equilibrium points in extensive games. Int. J. Game Theory4, 1975, 25–55.
  3. Book: 10.1007/978-3-642-96978-2. Stability and Perfection of Nash Equilibria. 1987. Van Damme. Eric. 978-3-642-96980-5.
  4. Myerson, Roger B. "Refinements of the Nash equilibrium concept." International journal of game theory 7.2 (1978): 73-80.