List of names of Freyr explained

The Germanic god Freyr is referred to by many names in Old Norse poetry and literature. Multiple of these are attested only once in the extant record and are found principally in Skáldskaparmál. Some names have been further proposed by scholars to have referred to the god in the Medieval period, including one from Old English literature.


(Old Norse)
Name meaningAttestationsNotes
ÁrguðArgudGod of the Fertile SeasonSkáldskaparmál (14)
BallriðiBallridiBold riderLokasenna 37
Bani BeljaBani BeljaBeli's baneGylfaginning (61), Skáldskaparmál (262)
Belja dólgrBelja dolgAdversary of BeliSkáldskaparmál (14)
Blótgoð svíaBlotgod sviaSacrificial god of the SvearÖgmundar þáttr dytts
FégjafaFegjafaGod of Wealth-GiftsSkáldskaparmál (14)Also attested as a heiti for Njörðr in Skáldskaparmál (13)
Folkvaldi goðaFolkvaldi godaForemost of the gods, Great general of the godsSkírnismál (3)
Ingunar-FreyrIngunar-FreyrIngunar-FreyrLokasenna (43), Separate Saga of St. Olaf (Prologue)
Ǫflugr AtriðiOflug AtridiThe mighty attacking riderSkáldskaparmál (261)Compare with Norse, Old: Atriðr, a name for Odin
Son NjarðarSon NjardarSon of NjördrSkáldskaparmál (14), Skírnismál (38, 39)
Svía goðSvia godGod of the SvearNorse, Old: [[Viðbœtir við Olafs sögu hins helga]] (Chapter 11)
VanaguðVanagudGod of VanirSkáldskaparmál (14)Also attested as a heiti for Njörðr in Skáldskaparmál (13)
VananiðVananidKinsman of the VanirSkáldskaparmál (14)Also attested as a heiti for Njörðr in Skáldskaparmál (13)
VanrVanWaneSkáldskaparmál (14)Also attested as a heiti for Njörðr in Skáldskaparmál (13)
VaningiVaningiMember of the VanirSkírnismál (37)Also attested as a heiti for boar in Nafnaþulur (97)
Veralldar gud, VeraldargoðVeralldar gud, VeraldargodGod of the world, God of this worldÓláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta (Flateyjarbók I Chapter 323),Ynglinga Saga (Chapter 13)Compare with the Sámi god Vearalden Olmai (Man of the World)
YngviYngviYngveYnglinga Saga (Chapter 12)
Yngvifreyr, IngifreyrYngvifreyYngve FreyHaustlöng (10), Nafnaþulur (22), Sturlaugs saga starfsama (Chapter 19), Ynglinga Saga (Chapter 14)

Proposed names

Scholars have proposed names that may have been used historically to refer to Freyr. In contrast to the first table, these names rely to varying extents on speculation and are not unequivocal.

(Old Norse or Old English)
Name meaningAttestationsNotes
ÁlfrAlfElfSkáldskaparmál (69), Vafþrúðnismál (46,47) as a component of the sun kenning Norse, Old: [[álfröðull]]Proposed by Alaric Hall due to Snorri's description of Freyr ruling over the sun's shining, the name of his servant Skírnir is derived from Norse, Old: skírr ('bright'), and the partial synonymity between Norse, Old: álfr and Norse, Old: vanr.
AlfwaldaAlfwaldaRuler of elvesBeowulf (Line 1313)Argued by Paul Beekman Taylor to refer to Freyr, based on the association between Freyr and elves seen in the Dvergatal, in which both Yngvi and Álfr are listed, and in Grímnismál, when he is described as ruling over Álfheimr. Alaric Hall describes the reading of English, Old (ca.450-1100);: alfwalda, rather than amending to English, Old (ca.450-1100);: alwalda (all-ruler), as reasonable but notes the argument is highly speculative.
FróðiFrodi, FrodeWiseYnglinga saga (Chapter 12)In the euhemeristic Ynglinga saga, Fróði's Peace began under the rule of the Freyr, and was maintained after his death through offering him blóts and veneration. Referring to the figure after which the period of peace is named, Rudolf Simek states that "it has been realized for a long time that Fróði and Freyr are identical." In Skírnismál (1), Freyr is also referred to as non|inn fróði (the wise one).
ÞrórThrorRelated to non|Þróaz ("to grow, to increase"). Has been proposed to mean "The sexually prolific" and "The thriving".Grímnismál (49), Ynglingatal (51)A name for Óðinn, proposed by John McKinnell to have been a name for Freyr due to the description of the Norwegian branch of the Ynglings as 'Þrór's descent' (non|niðkvísl Þrós) and its use as a heiti for boar in Nafnaþulur (97). Olof Sundqvist supports this idea, noting also that Freyr is described as Norse, Old: Þroskr in Skírnismál.

See also


