A is a type of Japanese festival, or matsuri, in which participants wear a minimum amount of clothing; usually just a fundoshi loincloth, sometimes with a short happi coat, and rarely completely naked.
Naked festivals are held in dozens of places throughout Japan every year, usually in the summer or winter.
Holiday Name: | Konomiya Hadaka Matsuri |
Type: | Shintō |
Observedby: | Japan |
Longtype: | Religious |
Duration: | 1 day |
Frequency: | annual |
Date: | twelfth day of the first month of the Chinese calendar |
Date2021: | 24 February |
Date2022: | 13 February |
Date2023: | 3 February |
Date2024: | 22 February |
Date2025: | 10 February |
Date2026: | 1 March |
Date2027: | 18 February |
Date2028: | 7 February |
Date2029: | 25 February |
Date2030: | 15 February |
Month: | February or March |
One of the biggest and oldest festivals is the Owari Ōkunitama Shrine Hadaka Matsuri held in Inazawa, where the festival originated over 1300 years ago. Every year, men participate in this festival in hopes of gaining luck for the entire year. The most famous part of the festival is when the shin-otoko (神男) enter the stage and has to find a way back to the shrine, called naoiden. The participating men must try and touch the shin-otoko to transfer their bad luck to him. During the night time ceremony, all the bad luck is transferred in a charcoal coloured giant mochi. The black mochi is made with rice mixed with the ashes of the burned Japanese: [[Omamori]] from last year. The mochi is then buried in a secret location in the nearby forest.[1]
The men participating only wear a fundoshi and tabi.
The festival has been regarded as off-limits to women since it was first held in the town about 1,250 years ago, but organisers have allowed a group of about 40 women to take part on 22 February 2024 [2]
Holiday Name: | Saidaiji Hadaka Matsuri |
Type: | shintō |
Observedby: | Japan |
Longtype: | Religious |
Significance: | Celebrates the blessings of a bountiful harvest and all manner of prosperity and fertility |
Scheduling: | nth weekday of the month |
Duration: | 1 day |
Frequency: | annual |
Week Ordinal: | third |
Weekday: | Saturday |
Month: | February |
The most famous festival is the Saidai-ji Eyo Hadaka Matsuri held in Okayama, where the festival originated over 500 years ago.[3] Every year, over 9,000 men participate in this festival[4] in hopes of gaining luck for the entire year.