Mutual monogamy is a form of monogamy that exists when two partners agree to be sexually active with only one another. Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship reduces the risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection (STI).[1] It is one of the most reliable ways to avoid STIs.[2] [3] [4] Those who choose mutual monogamy can be tested before the sexual relationship to be certain they are not infected. This strategy for the prevention of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection requires that each partner remain faithful and does not engage in sexual activity with another partner.[5]
Mutual monogamy differs from serial monogamy which is a current monogamous relationship that has not been established in the past and may not continue into the future. Serial monogamy may not result in the reduced risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection because the past sexual exposures to infection are brought into the new relationship, even though it may be exclusive of other sexual partners. The risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection while in a serial monogamous relationship is the same as the risk of those who have concurrent partners.[6] Those with a greater ability to communicate about their commitment are likely to sustain the relationship.[7] When individuals are mutually monogamous, and are free from STIs/HIV when they enter the relationship, the risk for being infected with STI/HIV acquisition from sexual intercourse is very low.[8] A mutually monogamous relationship lowers the risk of HIV, cervicitis, and other sexually transmitted infections.[9]
A mutual monogamous sexual relationship often includes a pledge to stay with the partner and includes the desire for the relationship to last, a psychological attachment and the lack of being able to find another partner. If these conditions remain a priority for both, the "couple is likely committed and mutually monogamous."[8]
Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and has negative STI test lowers the chance of acquiring gonorrhea.[10] It is also effective for lowering the risk of syphilis, chlamydia and pubic lice.[11] [12] [13] [14]
The lack of a more precise definition of mutual monogamy in the literature confounds the ability to statistically assess its effectiveness.[15]