Minister-President of the French Community explained

The minister-president of the French Community of Belgium is the head of the Government of the French Community of Belgium.

List of officeholders

Term of officePolitical partyGovernment
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
1Philippe Moureaux
22 December 19819 December 19853 years,351 daysPSMoureaux IPS, PRL
2Philippe Monfils
9 December 19852 February 19882 years,54 daysPRLMonfilsPRL, PSC
3Philippe Moureaux
12 February 19889 May 198887 daysPSMoureaux IIPS, PSC
11 May 19887 January 19923 years,240 daysPSFéauxPS, PSC
5Bernard Anselme
7 January 19924 May 19931 year,118 daysPSAnselmePS, PSC
6Laurette Onkelinx
6 May 199313 July 19996 years,67 daysPSOnkelinx IPS, PSC
Onkelinx IIPS, PSC
7Hervé Hasquin
14 July 199918 July 20045 years,4 daysPRL/MRHasquinPRL/MR, PS, Ecolo
8Marie Arena
19 July 200420 March 20083 years,244 daysPSArenaPS, cdH
9Rudy Demotte
20 March 200813 September 201911 years,176 daysPSDemotte IPS, cdH
Demotte IIPS, cdH, Ecolo
Demotte IIIPS, cdH
13 September 201915 July 20244 years, 306 daysMRJeholetPS, MR, Ecolo
11Élisabeth Degryse
15 July 2024IncumbentLEDegryseLE, MR


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See also