List of volcanic features on Io explained

This is a list of named volcanic surface features on Jupiter's moon Io. These names have been approved for use by the International Astronomical Union. The features listed below represent a subset of the total known volcanic features on Io's surface with the majority currently not having an officially approved name.

The names of volcanic features on Io use a combination of a name derived from mythological figures from around the world related to the Sun, fire, volcanoes, thunder, or smithing, places from the Greek mythological story of Io, Dante's Inferno, or from the name of a nearby feature on Io's surface and an approved descriptive term. The descriptive term used is based on the type of feature named and how it was first discovered. Volcanoes that were first observed as an active feature from observations of a volcanic plume fit under the category of "Eruptive Center" and do not use a descriptive term, though portions of these features may have also received names that do use a descriptive term, like Prometheus Patera or Masubi Fluctus. Lava flows use the descriptive term fluctus or the plural fluctūs, e.g. Acala Fluctus. Volcanic depressions use the term patera or the plural paterae, e.g. Ah Peku Patera. The term has also become the generic term for referring to these structures. Small shield volcanoes use the term tholus or the plural tholi, e.g. Inachus Tholus. Finally, channels carved by volcanic lava flows through thermal erosion use the term vallis or the plural valles.

See also the list of mountains on Io and the list of regions on Io.

Eruptive centers

Eruptive centers on Io are locations typically where major volcanic activity was observed and characterized before the volcanic landform was. Coordinate, diameter, and name source come from the IAU's Solar System Nomenclature Website. All of these features have been observed as active volcanoes on Io.

Volcano Named after Coordinates
Amirani (Georgian) 24.46°N -114.68°W
Kāne Milohai (Hawaiian) -18.21°N -33.61°W
Loki (Norse) 18.22°N -302.56°W
Marduk (Babylonian) -29.29°N -209.74°W
Ho-Masubi (Japanese) -49.6°N -56.18°W
Māui (Hawaiian) 19.53°N -122.31°W
Pele (Hawaiian) -18.71°N -255.28°W
Prometheus (Greek) -1.52°N -153.94°W
Surtr (Icelandic) 45.21°N -336.49°W
Tonatiuh (Aztec) 52°N -77°W
Thor (Norse) 39.15°N -133.14°W
Völundr (Norse) 28.62°N -172.5°W
Xihe (Chinese) -55°N -290°W
Zamama (Sumerian) 18.43°N -172.59°W


The following table lists named volcanic depressions or paterae on Io. Coordinate, diameter, and name source come from the IAU's Solar System Nomenclature Website.[1] Notes on whether the patera has been observed as an active volcano by either ground-based astronomers, the Hubble Space Telescope, or the various spacecraft that have encountered the Jupiter system come from the book, Volcanism on Io, unless otherwise noted.[2]

In 2006, the use of the term catena, for Ionian volcanoes with multiple depressions, was discontinued in favor of the plural paterae . These features are Tvashtar Paterae, Reshet Paterae, and Mazda Paterae.

Patera Named after Coordinates Diameter (km) Activity Observed
Ababinili (Chickasaw) 12.79°N -142.16°W 105.0 No
Agni (Hindu and others) -40.8°N -333.05°W 19.7 No
Ah Peku (Mayan) 10.34°N -107.04°W 84.0 Yes
Aidne (Irish) -34.4°N -177.09°W 30.26 Yes
Altjira (Australian Aboriginal) -1.78°N -108.97°W 52.55 Yes
Amaterasu (Japanese) 38.13°N -306.53°W 93.1 Yes
Angpetu (Dakota) -21.15°N -8.79°W 13.68 No
Aramazd (Armenian) -73.58°N -336.81°W 68.82 No
Arusha (Hindu) -39.06°N -101.48°W 68.07 Yes
Asha (Zoroastrian) -8.84°N -225.69°W 108.33 Yes
Asis (Nandi) 44.33°N -91.14°W 98.00 Yes
Atar (Zoroastrian) 31.1°N -278.58°W 86.41 Yes
Aten (Egyptian) -48.53°N -310.02°W 43.4 Yes
Babbar (Sumerian) -39.79°N -271.98°W 85.74 Yes
Balder (Norse) 11.44°N -156.1°W 42.0 No
Belenus (Celtic) 2.9°N -157.72°W 23.01 No
Bochica (Muisca) -61.5°N -18.85°W 52.38 No
Camaxtli (Aztec) 15.25°N -136.8°W 58.39 Yes
Carancho (Bolivian) 1.43°N -317.2°W 30.04 No
Catequil (Inca) -23.89°N -16.57°W 133.95 No
Cautha (Etruscan) -53.76°N -101.58°W 68.59 Yes
Chaac (Mayan) 11.88°N -157.44°W 95.88 Yes
Chors (Slavic) 68.47°N -249.85°W 64.97 Yes
Creidhne (Celtic) -53.02°N -342.53°W 152.82 Yes
Cuchi (Australian Aboriginal) -0.9°N -144.57°W 76.28 Yes
Culann (Celtic) -20.22°N -160.17°W 54.48 Yes
Daedalus (Greek) 19.52°N -274.35°W 73.29 Yes
Dazhbog (Slavic) 55.1°N -301.48°W 118.39 Yes
Dingir (Sumerian) -4.13°N -341.37°W 47.38 No
Dusura (Nabataean) 37.47°N -119.02°W 68.58 Yes
Ekhi (Basque) -28.35°N -88.5°W 51.04 Yes
Emakong (Sulca people of New Britain) -3.33°N -119.82°W 80.08 Yes
Estan (Hittite) 21.61°N -87.71°W 95.0 Yes
Fo (Chinese) 40.79°N -192.25°W 47.15 Yes
Kamuy Fuchi (Ainu) 28.34°N -327.57°W 63.67 Yes
Gabija (Lithuanian) -51.9°N -202.53°W 48.0 Yes
Galai (Mongol) -10.87°N -288.11°W 105.23 No
Gauwa (!Kung) 35.65°N -12.18°W 27.00 Yes
Gibil (Sumerian) -14.99°N -294.64°W 102.38 Yes?
Girru (Babylonian) 22.8°N -239.92°W 68.23 Yes
Gish Bar (Babylonian) 16.18°N -90.26°W 122.25 Yes
Grannus (Celtic) 11.17°N -145.29°W 45.0 No
Grian (Celtic) -11.84°N -11.98°W 70.0 Yes
Gurzil (Berber) 50.4°N -48.26°W 51.00 Yes
Haokah (Lakota) -20.87°N -186.65°W 53.86 Yes
Hatchawa (Yaroro) -59.42°N -31.99°W 84.98 No
Heiseb (Bushman) 29.79°N -244.85°W 62.48 No
Heno (Iroquois) -57.14°N -311.47°W 71.06 Yes
Hephaestus (Greek) 1.95°N -289.79°W 38.84 Yes
Hi'iaka (Hawaiian) -3.64°N -79.47°W 128.27 Yes
Hiruko (Japanese) -65.09°N -328.83°W 89.54 No
Horus (Egyptian) -9.82°N -338°W 144.21 No
Huo Shen (Chinese) -15.01°N -328.98°W 62.73 No
Ilmarinen (Finnish) -14.44°N -1.15°W 45.94 No
Inti (Inca) -68.37°N -347.52°W 70.91 No
Isum (Assyrian) 29.82°N -208.46°W 62.24 Yes
Itzamna (Mayan) -16.13°N -99.46°W 126.36 Yes
Janus (Roman) -4.56°N -39.05°W 60.07 Yes
Kami-Nari (Japanese) -8.7°N -235.08°W 53.39 No
Kāne (Hawaiian) -48.39°N -11.77°W 135.77 No
Kan-Laon (Philippine) -31.06°N -337.96°W 94.0 Yes
Karei (Semang people of the Malay Peninsula) 0.2°N -13.08°W 35.29 Yes
Kava (mythology) (Persian) -16.83°N -341.33°W 63.82 No
Khalla (Bushman) 5.14°N -303.56°W 48.24 No
Kibero (Yaroro) -11.83°N -305.11°W 63.13 No
Kinich Ahau (Mayan) 49.34°N -310.2°W 45.21 Yes
Kothar-wa-Khasis (Ugaritic) 11.18°N -61.37°W 67.00 Yes
Kurdalagon (Ossetian) -49.61°N -217.99°W 28.15 Yes
Laki-oi (Kayan people of Borneo) -38.94°N -61.93°W 105.16 No
Llew (Celtic) 12.16°N -242.31°W 78.0 Yes
Loki (Norse) 12.97°N -308.8°W 227.79 Yes
Lu Huo (Chinese) -38.52°N -353.17°W 63.95 No
Masau'u (Hopi) -40.28°N -339.09°W 43.99 No
Mahu-ike (Polynesian) -13.52°N -259.47°W 148.32 No
Malik (Babylonian and Canaanite) -34.15°N -129.59°W 121.68 Yes
Mama (Chibchan people of Central America) -11.28°N -355.31°W 15.72 No
Mandulis (Kushite) -30.42°N -305.52°W 37.00 Yes
Manua (Hawaiian) 35.78°N -321.73°W 110.51 Yes
Masaya (Nicaraguan) -22.62°N -344.49°W 55.09 No
Māui (Hawaiian) 16.61°N -124.25°W 37.84 Yes
Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrian) -8.81°N -313.28°W 240.78 Yes
Mbali (Pygmy) -31.5°N -5.06°W 40.7 Yes
Menahka (Mandan) people of North America) -31.31°N -344.75°W 9.15 No
Mentu (Egyptian) 7°N -139.36°W 103.0 No
Michabo (Algonquian peoples of North America) 1.2°N -167.6°W 104.0 Yes
Mihr (Armenian) -16.51°N -305.45°W 61.72 Yes
Mithra (Zoroastrian) -59°N -266.46°W 33.78 Yes
a god of the Tupí-Guaraní (Brazil)[3] 19.72°N -105.39°W 112.89 Yes
Mulungu (East African) 17.26°N -217.87°W 62.48 Yes
Namarrkun (Australian Aboriginal) 10.06°N -175.52°W 16.69 No
Nina (Inca) -38.24°N -162.6°W 52.07 No
Ninurta (Sumerian and Akkadian) -16.74°N -315.25°W 82.34 No
Nusku (Assyrian) -65.01°N -3.82°W 124.31 Yes
Nyambe (Zambezi) 0.38°N -343.11°W 58.15 No
Odqan (Mongol) -42.33°N -174.36°W 86 Yes
Olafat (Caroline Islands) -62.66°N -244.39°W 119 Yes
Ot Ene (Mongol) 1.1°N -217.4°W 52.26 Yes
Päive (Sami) -45.71°N -358.54°W 59.05 No
Päive (Sami) -45.71°N -358.54°W 59.05 Yes
Pajonn (Sami) -45.71°N -358.54°W 59.05 Yes
Pautiwa (Hopi) -34.2°N -345.59°W 6.62 No
Pillan (Mapuche people of South America) -12.34°N -243.25°W 73.43 Yes
Podja (Evenk people of Russia and China) -18.41°N -304.74°W 67.03 No
Prometheus (Greek) -0.62°N -152.45°W 73.43 Yes
Purgine (Mordvin people of Russia) -2.61°N -297.3°W 35.74 No
Perun (Slavic) -55.64°N -251.21°W 52.18 Yes
Ra (Egyptian) -8.66°N -324.7°W 39.11 Yes
Radegast (Slavic) -27.78°N -159.98°W 27.11 Yes
Rarog (Slavic) -41.71°N -304.41°W 104.35 Yes
Rātā (Māori) -35.61°N -199.78°W 46.31 Yes
Reiden (Japanese) -13.4°N -235.45°W 73.26 Yes
Reshef (Phoenician) 27.69°N -158.06°W 62.0 No
Reshet (Aramaic) -0.53°N -305.48°W 148.34 No
Ruaumoko (Māori) 14.72°N -139.74°W 19.0 Yes
Ruwa (East African) 0.19°N -1.75°W 62.44 Yes
Savitr (Hindu) 48.19°N -123.36°W 92.48 No
Sêd (Phoenician) -2.91°N -303.57°W 52.1 No
Sengen (Japanese) -32.89°N -303.73°W 63.64 Yes
Seth (Egyptian) -5.35°N -131.67°W 59.82 Yes
Sethlans (Etruscan) -52.29°N -193.83°W 78.57 Yes
Shakuru (Pawnee people of North America) -24.12°N -265.74°W 105.01 Yes
Shamash (Babylonian and Assyrian) -34.99°N -152.59°W 205.3 Yes
Shamshu (Arabian) -10.07°N -62.97°W 96.36 Yes
Shango (Yorùbá) 32.35°N -100.52°W 90.22 Yes[4]
Shoshu (Caucasian) -20.36°N -324.67°W 13.08 No
Shurdh (Albanian) -38.47°N -290.74°W 13.08 Yes
Sigurd (Norse) -5.94°N -97.93°W 68.6 Yes
Siun (Nanai people of Siberia) -49.84°N -0.44°W 52.5 No
Steropes (Greek) 15.54°N -138.85°W 20.0 No
Sui Jen (Chinese) -19.1°N -2.65°W 33.78 No
Surya (Hindu) -21.47°N -151.59°W 49.81 Yes
Susanoo (Japanese) 22.39°N -219.8°W 58.41 Yes
Svarog (Slavic) -48.66°N -265.74°W 124.03 Yes
Tabiti (Scythian) -6.75°N -275.9°W 103 Yes
Talos (Greek) -26.39°N -354.75°W 24.67 No
Taranis (Celtic) -71.37°N -25.53°W 130.67 No
Taw (Monguor) -33.65°N -358.37°W 4.74 No
Tawhaki (Maori) 3.32°N -76.18°W 49.85 Yes
Thomagata (Muisca) 25.67°N -165.94°W 59.0 No
Tien Mu (Chinese) 12.31°N -134.3°W 28.0 Yes
Tiermes (Sami) 22.38°N -349.95°W 79.76 Yes
Tiwaz (Luwian) -70.44°N -279.75°W 78 Yes
Tohil (Mayan) -25.63°N -158.66°W 76.59 No
Tol-Ava (Mordvin people of Russia) 1.8°N -322.14°W 84.53 No
Tung Yo (Chinese) -18.27°N -0.93°W 59.68 No
the thunder god Tupan of the Tupí-Guaraní people of Brazil[5] -18.73°N -141.13°W 79.13 Yes
Tvashtri (Hindu) 62.76°N -123.53°W 306.19 Yes
Ukko (Finnish) 30.95°N -18.41°W 35.25 Yes
Ülgen (Siberian) -40.85°N -287.31°W 43.89 Yes
Utu (Sumerian) -35.86°N -22.4°W 43.89 Yes
Vahagn (Armenian) -24.11°N -350.75°W 99.6 No
Verbt (Albanian) 37.99°N -87.92°W 62.00 Yes
Viracocha (Inca) -61.77°N -280.09°W 59.3 Yes
Vivasvant (Hindu) 75.14°N -293.98°W 83.19 Yes
Wabasso (Potawatomi people of North America) -22.9°N -166.7°W 32.0 No
Wanajo (Louisiade Archipelago) -58.75°N -178.87°W 24.0 Yes
Wayland the Smith (Germanic) -32.8°N -225.23°W 63.37 Yes
Yaw (Hebrew) 9.9°N -132.2°W 39.0 Yes
Yeloje (Yukaghir) 20.1°N -132.4°W 107.00 Yes
Zal (Persian) 40.25°N -74.5°W 165.94 Yes

Lava flows

Ionian fluctūs (areas of lava flow) are named after fire and thunder gods in various mythologies, or after locations in Greek mythology associated with Io. Coordinate, length, and name source come from the IAU's Solar System Nomenclature Website.[1] Notes on whether the lava flow has been observed as part of an active volcano by either ground-based astronomers, the Hubble Space Telescope, or the various spacecraft that have encountered the Jupiter system come from the book, Volcanism on Io, unless otherwise noted.[2]

Fluctus Named after Coordinates Length Activity Observed
Acala (Buddhism) 8.97°N -334.59°W 411.11 km Yes
Arinna (Hittite) 31.24°N -149.16°W 121.94 km Yes
Donar (Germanic) 22.67°N -187.63°W 222.47 km Yes
Euboea (Greek) -45.01°N -350.96°W 104.82 km No
Fjorgyn (Norse) 11.23°N -358.08°W 414.07 km Yes
Kāne Milohai (Hawaiian) -17.68°N -33.56°W 243.47 km Yes
Lei Gong (Chinese) 40.4°N -206.47°W 386.17 km Yes
Leizi (Chinese) 14.25°N -46.16°W 361.1 km No
Marduk (Sumerian) -27.59°N -210.83°W 169.43 km Yes
Ho-Masubi (Japanese) -50.49°N -58.13°W 501.33 km Yes
Mixcoatl (Aztec) -46.32°N -141.15°W 246.0 km Yes
Quzah (Arabian) -31.76°N -311.57°W 189.0 km Yes
Sobo (Vodou) 14.08°N -150.59°W 58.83 km Yes
Tsui (Khoikhoi) -1.4°N -163.4°W 117.0 km Yes
Tung Yo (Chinese) -16.6°N -356.49°W 459.37 km No
Upulevo (Timorese) -79.88°N -314.92°W 113.0 km Yes
Utu (Sumerian) -33.05°N -16.65°W 332.31 km No

Shield volcanoes

Ionian shield volcanoes or tholi are named after mythological figures associated with fire or with the nymph Io.

Tholus Named after Coordinates Length Height
Apis (Greek) -10.9°N -347.88°W 145.71 km N/A
Inachus (Greek) -16.18°N -347.76°W 176.96 km 1.8 km[6]
Tsui (Khoikhoi) -0.1°N -163°W 53.0 km 0.8 km[7]

Lava channels

Ionian lava channels that cut into the surrounding terrain use the term vallis.


Notes and References

  1. Web site: Blue . Jennifer . Io Nomenclature: Patera, paterae . USGS . 2010-01-17 .
  2. Book: Davies, Ashley . Volcanism on Io: A Comparison with Earth . 2007 . Cambridge University Press . 978-0-521-85003-2 . 305–309 . Appendix 1: Io hot-spot locations .
  3. in English by Rosaly Lopes, who named Monan.
  4. Spencer . J. R. . etal . Io Volcanism Seen by New Horizons: A Major Eruption of the Tvashtar Volcano . Science . 318 . 5848. 240–243 . 2007 . 17932290. 10.1126/science.1147621 . 2007Sci...318..240S .
  5. in English by Rosaly Lopes, who named Tupan.
  6. Schenk . P. . etal . 2001 . The Mountains of Io: Global and Geological Perspectives from Voyager and Galileo . Journal of Geophysical Research . 106 . E12 . 33201–33222 . 10.1029/2000JE001408 . 2001JGR...10633201S. free .
  7. Schenk . P. M. . etal . Shield volcano topography and the rheology of lava flows on Io . Icarus . 169 . 98–110 . 2004 . 1 . 10.1016/j.icarus.2004.01.015 . 2004Icar..169...98S.