List of proper names of stars explained

These names of stars that have either been approved by the International Astronomical Union or which have been in somewhat recent use. IAU approval comes mostly from its Working Group on Star Names, which has been publishing a "List of IAU-approved Star Names" since 2016. As of April 2022, the list included a total of 451 proper names of stars.


Of the roughly 10,000 stars visible to the naked eye, only a few hundred have been given proper names in the history of astronomy. Traditional astronomy tends to group stars into constellations or asterisms and give proper names to those, not to individual stars.

Many star names are, in origin, descriptive of the part in the constellation they are found in; thus Phecda, a corruption of Arabic Arabic: فخذ الدب ('thigh of the bear'). Only a handful of the brightest stars have individual proper names not depending on their asterism; so Sirius ('the scorcher'), Antares ('rival of Ares', i.e., red-hued like Mars), Canopus (of uncertain origin), Alphard ('the solitary one'), Regulus ('kinglet'); and arguably Aldebaran ('the follower' [of the [[Pleiades]]]) and Procyon ('preceding the dog' [Sirius]). The same holds for Chinese star names, where most stars are enumerated within their asterisms, with a handful of exceptions such as Chinese: 織女 ('weaving girl') (Vega).

In addition to the limited number of traditional star names, there were some coined in modern times, e.g. "Avior" for Epsilon Carinae (1930), and a number of stars named after people (mostly in the 20th century).

IAU catalog

See main article: IAU Working Group on Star Names. In 2016, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) organized a Working Group on Star Names (WGSN) to catalog and standardize proper names for stars. The WGSN's first bulletin, dated July 2016, included a table of 125 stars comprising the first two batches of names approved by the WGSN (on 30 June and 20 July 2016) together with names of stars adopted by the IAU Executive Committee Working Group on the Public Naming of Planets and Planetary Satellites during the 2015 NameExoWorlds campaign and recognized by the WGSN. Further batches of names were approved on 21 August, 12 September, 5 October, and 6 November 2016. These were listed in a table of 102 stars included in the WGSN's second bulletin, dated November 2016. The next additions were done on 1 February 2017 (13 new star names), 30 June 2017 (29), 5 September 2017 (41), 17 November 2017 (3), 1 June 2018 (17), and on 10 August 2018 (6). All 336 names are included in the current List of IAU-approved Star Names.

In 2019, the IAU organised its IAU 100 NameExoWorlds campaign to name exoplanets and their host stars. The approved names of 112 exoplanets and their host stars were published on 17 December 2019, with an additional pair of names (for the star HAT-P-21 and its planet) approved on 1 March 2020. An additional two star names were approved on 4 April 2022. In June 2023 an additional 20 names where approved in the NameExoWorlds 2022 campaign bringing the current total to 471 named stars.[1]


In the table below, unless indicated by a "†", the "modern proper name" is the name approved by the WGSN and entered in the List of IAU-approved Star Names or otherwise approved by the IAU. The WGSN decided to attribute proper names to individual stars rather than entire multiple-star systems.[2] Names marked with a "†" have not been approved by the IAU.

For such names relating to members of multiple-star systems, and where a component letter (from, e.g., the Washington Double Star Catalog) is not explicitly listed, the WGSN says that the name should be understood to be attributed to the visually brightest component. In the "Historical names/comments" column, "IAU new 2015" and "IAU new 2019" denote that the name was approved by the IAU as a consequence of its 2015 and 2019 NameExoWorlds campaigns, respectively.

Modern proper name Historical names/comments English pronunciation[3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Absolutno IAU new 2019
Czech Republic proposal; a fictional substance in the novel Továrna na absolutno by Karel Čapek.
θ1 Eridani A
α Eridani A The name was originally Arabic: آخر النهر|rtl=yes ('river's end').
η Cassiopeiae A Apparently first applied to η Cassiopeiae in the Skalnate Pleso Atlas of the Heavens published in 1950, but is not known prior to that.[8]
β1 Scorpii Aa The traditional name of the β Scorpii system has been rendered Akrab and Elakrab, derived (like Acrab) from Arabic: العقرب|rtl=yes ('the scorpion').
α Crucis Aa "Acrux" is a modern contraction of the Bayer designation, coined in the 19th century, but which entered into common use only by the mid-20th century.[9] [10]
α Cancri Aa The name was originally Arabic: الزبانى|rtl=yes ('the claws').
ζ Leonis Aa Also called Arabic: Aldhafera. The name is originally from Arabic: الضفيرة|rtl=yes ('the braid (or curl, or strand)' [of the lion's mane]).pronounced as //ædəˈfɪərə//
ε Canis Majoris A The name is originally from Arabic: عذارى|rtl=yes ('virgins'). In the Calendarium of Al Achsasi Al Mouakket, it is designated Arabic: أول العذاري|rtl=yes, translated into Latin as Latin: Prima Virginum ('first virgin').pronounced as //əˈdɛərə//
ξ Andromedae The name was originally Arabic: الذيل|rtl=yes (the train, lit. 'the tail').pronounced as //əˈdɪl//
ε Tauri Aa1 The name is originally from Arabic: عين|rtl=yes ('eye') and was reviewed and adopted by the Working Group on Star Names.pronounced as //ˈeɪn//
ν1 Sagittarii A From Arabic: عين الرامي|rtl=yes ('eye of the archer').pronounced as //ˌɛnəlˈreɪmi//
CarinaHD 95086AiolosIAU new 2022Greek proposal; named after Aeolus a god from Greek mythology
η Lyrae Aa The name is originally from Arabic: الأظفر|rtl=yes ('the talons' [of the swooping eagle]), shared with μ Lyrae (Alathfar).pronounced as //əˈlædfɑːr//
Alasia IAU new 2019
Cypriot proposal; first historically recorded name of Cyprus (mid-15th century).
pronounced as //əˈleɪziə//
Alathfar† The name is originally from Arabic: الأظفر|rtl=yes ('the talons' [of the swooping eagle]), shared with η Lyrae (Aladfar).pronounced as //əˈlæθfɑːr//
π Sagittarii A The name is originally from Arabic: البلدة|rtl=yes ('town'). In the Calendarium of Al Achsasi Al Mouakket, it is designated Arabic: نير البلدة|rtl=yes, translated into Latin as Latin: Lucida Oppidi ('brightest of the town').pronounced as //ælˈbɔːldə//
ε Aquarii The name is originally from Arabic: البالع|rtl=yes ('the swallower').pronounced as //ælˈbeɪli//
β1 Cygni Aa The source of the name Albireo is not entirely clear.pronounced as //ælˈbɪrioʊ//
α Corvi From Arabic: الخباء|rtl=yes ('tent'). In the Calendarium of Al Achsasi Al Mouakket, it is designated Arabic: المنخر الغراب|rtl=yes, translated into Latin as Latin: Rostrum Corvi ('beak of the crow').pronounced as //ˈælkᵻbə//
80 Ursae Majoris Ca From Arabic: الخوار|rtl=yes ('the faint one').pronounced as //ˈælkɔːr//
η Tauri A Member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). Alcyone (Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἀλκυόνη) was one of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology.pronounced as //ælˈsaɪəniː//
α Tauri The name was originally Arabic: الدبران|rtl=yes ('the follower' [of the [[Pleiades]]]).[11] pronounced as //ælˈdɛbərən//
α Cephei From Arabic: الذراع اليمين|rtl=yes ('the right arm' [of Cepheus]).pronounced as //ælˈdɛrəmɪn//
γ Gruis The name was originally Arabic: الذنب|rtl=yes ('the tail' [of the constellation of the [[Piscis Austrinus|Southern Fish]]]).pronounced as //ˈældənæb//
ζ Draconis A From Arabic: الضباع|rtl=yes ('the hyenas').pronounced as //ælˈdaɪbə//
ε Delphini Shortening of Arabic: ذنب الدلفين|rtl=yes ('tail of the dolphin').pronounced as //ælˈdʌlfən//
β Cephei Aa From Arabic: الفرق|rtl=yes ('the flock'). Name given by Ulugh Beg to the asterism consisting of α, β and η Cephei.pronounced as //ˈælfərk//
α2 Capricorni From Arabic: الجدي ('the (male) kid'). Alternative traditional names are Al Giedi, Secunda Giedi and Algiedi Secunda.pronounced as //ælˈdʒiːdi//
γ Pegasi From Arabic: الجانب|rtl=yes ('the flank'). Algenib is also another name for α Persei (Mirfak).pronounced as //ælˈdʒiːnᵻb//
γ1 Leonis From Arabic: الجبهة|rtl=yes ('the forehead' [of the lion]).pronounced as //ælˈdʒiːbə//
β Persei Aa1 From Arabic: رأس الغول|rtl=yes ('head of the ogre'). In Egyptian, Horus.[12] pronounced as //ˈælɡɒl//
δ Corvi A The traditional name Algorab is derived from Arabic: الغراب|rtl=yes ('the crow'). The WGSN re-designated the star as Algorab in July 2016. pronounced as //ˈælɡəræb//
γ Geminorum Aa Derived from Arabic: الهنعة|rtl=yes ('the brand' [on the neck of the camel]).pronounced as //ælˈhiːnə//
ε Ursae Majoris A Member of the Big Dipper or the Plough (UK).pronounced as //ˈæliɒθ//
ε Cygni Aa pronounced as //ˈældʒənə//
η Ursae Majoris Member of the Big Dipper or the Plough (UK).pronounced as //ælˈkeɪd//
μ1 Boötis Aa pronounced as //ælkəˈljʊərɒps//
κ Ursae Majoris A pronounced as //ælˈkæfrə//
υ Pegasi pronounced as //ˈælkəræb//
α Crateris pronounced as //ˈælkɛs//
ε Aurigae pronounced as //ˈælmeɪ.əz//
γ Andromedae A pronounced as //ˈælmæk//
Al Minliar al Asad† From Arabic: أل مينلير أل أسد|rtl=yes ('lion's nose')
α Gruis pronounced as //ælˈnɛər//
γ2 Sagittarii From Arabic: النصل|rtl=yes ('the point' [of the archer's arrow]).[13] pronounced as //ælˈnæzəl//
ε Orionis The middle star in Orion's belt. Derived from Arabic: النظام|translit=al-niẓām|rtl=yes|lit=arrangement/string (of pearls).pronounced as //ˈælnᵻlæm//
ζ Orionis Aa The traditional name, alternately spelled Al Nitak or Alnitah, is from Arabic: النطاق|rtl=yes ('the girdle').pronounced as //ˈælnᵻtæk//
σ Scorpii Aa1 pronounced as //ælˈnaɪæt//
α Hydrae pronounced as //ˈælfɑːrd//
α Coronae Borealis The name Arabic: نير الفكة|rtl=yes ('bright (star) of the broken' [ring of stars]) is found in the Al Achsasi al Mouakket catalogue .[14] pronounced as //ælˈfɛkə//
α Andromedae Aa pronounced as //ælˈfɪəræts//
η Piscium A pronounced as //ˈælfɜːrɡ//
μ Draconis A From Arabic: الراقص|rtl=yes ('the dancer'); also spelled Arrakis and Elrakis.pronounced as //ælˈreɪkᵻs//
α Piscium A pronounced as //ælˈriːʃə//
HD 161693 pronounced as //ælˈruːbə//
σ Draconis pronounced as //ælˈseɪfi//
31 Lyncis pronounced as //ælʃiˈɔːkæt//
δ Velorum Aa pronounced as //ælsᵻˈfaɪnə//
β Aquilae A pronounced as //ælˈʃeɪn//
ν Capricorni A pronounced as //ˈælʃæt//
α Aquilae From Arabic: (النسر) الطائر|rtl=yes ('the flying' [eagle]). Altair is one of the vertices of the Summer Triangle asterism.pronounced as //ælˈteɪ.ər//
δ Draconis pronounced as //ælˈteɪ.ᵻs//
λ Leonis pronounced as //ˈæltərf//
η Canis Majoris pronounced as //əˈluːdrə//
ξ Ursae Majoris Aa pronounced as //əˈluːlə ɔːˈstreɪlᵻs//
ν Ursae Majoris pronounced as //əˈluːlə bɒriˈælᵻs//
θ1 Serpentis A pronounced as //ˈeɪliə//
ξ Geminorum Alternately spelled Alzir.pronounced as //ˈælzər//
Amadioha IAU new 2019
Nigerian proposal; named after Amadioha, a god in Igbo mythology.
Amansinaya IAU new 2019
Philippines proposal. Named after Aman Sinaya, deity of the ocean and protector of fishermen in Tagalog mythology.
Anadolu IAU new 2019
Turkish proposal; refers to the motherland in Turkish culture.
VelaGJ 367IAU new 2022Chilean proposal; named for the endemic Chilean wildflowers Phycella cyrtanthoides.pronounced as //aɲaˈɲuka//
θ Aquarii pronounced as //ˈæŋkə//
τ2 Eridani The name is originally from Arabic: عرجة النهر|rtl=yes ('the bend of the river').pronounced as //ænˈdʒɛtᵻnɑːr//
Aniara IAU new 2019
Swedish proposal; name of a spaceship in Aniara, the eponymous poem by Harry Martinson.
α Phoenicis pronounced as //ˈæŋkə//
α Vulpeculae Alternative traditional name is Lucida Anseris.pronounced as //ˈænsər//
α Scorpii A From Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Ἀντάρης ('rival of Ares') (Mars).pronounced as //ænˈtɛəriːz//
Arcalís IAU new 2019
Andorran proposal; named after Vallnord, a peak in the north of the country.
α Boötis From ancient Greek Ἀρκτοῦρος (Arktouros), "Guardian of the Bear".pronounced as //ɑːrkˈtjʊərəs//
β2 Sagittarii pronounced as //ˈɑːrkæb pɒˈstɪəriər//
β1 Sagittarii pronounced as //ˈɑːrkæb ˈpraɪər//
α Leporis A The traditional name Arneb is from Arabic: أرنب|rtl=yes ('hare'). (Latin: Lepus is Latin for hare.)pronounced as //ˈɑːrnɛb/
ζ Sagittarii A Part of the Teapot asterism.pronounced as //əˈsɛlə//
δ Cancri Aa pronounced as //əˈsɛləs ɔːsˈtreɪlᵻs//
γ Cancri Aa pronounced as //əˈsɛləs bɒriˈælᵻs//
ε Hydrae A pronounced as //æʃˈleɪʃə//
Asellus Primus† Latin for 'first donkey colt'.pronounced as //əˈsɛləs ˈpraɪməs//
Asellus Secundus† Latin for 'second donkey colt'.pronounced as //əˈsɛləs sᵻˈkʌndəs//
Asellus Tertius† Latin for 'third donkey colt'.pronounced as //əˈsɛləs ˈtɜːrʃiəs//
ι Carinae pronounced as //ˌæspᵻˈdɪskiː//
21 Tauri A Member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). Asterope was one of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology.pronounced as //(ə)ˈstɛrəpiː//
Atakoraka IAU new 2019
Togolese proposal; means 'the chain of the Atacora', a mountain range.
η Draconis A pronounced as //'æθᵻbaɪn//
ο Persei A pronounced as //ˈeɪtɪk//
27 Tauri Aa1 Member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). Atlas was the Titan of endurance and astronomy[15] and the father of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology.pronounced as //ˈætləs//
α Trianguli Australis pronounced as //ˈeɪtriə//
ε Carinae A Designated "Avior" by His Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office for the Royal Air Force in the 1930s.[16] pronounced as //ˈeɪviər//
Axólotl IAU new 2019
Mexican proposal. An axolotl is a culturally significant amphibian; the name means 'water animal' in the Nahuatl language.
Ayeyarwady IAU new 2019
Myanmar proposal; named after the Irrawaddy River.
π1 Cygni Variously reported as from Arabic: السلحفاة|rtl=yes ('turtle'), Arabic: الطلف الفرس|rtl=yes ('horse track'), or Arabic: عزل الدجاجة|rtl=yes ('tail of the hen').pronounced as //əˈzɛlfəfeɪdʒ//
η Eridani Originally from Arabic: أدحي (النعام)|rtl=yes ('nest' [of the ostrich]); later miscopied as Arabic: أزحى in medieval manuscripts.pronounced as //ˈeɪzə//
ξ Puppis Alternatively rendered Asmidiske.pronounced as //ˈæzmᵻdi//
Baekdu IAU new 2019
South Korean proposal; named after the highest mountain on the Korean peninsula.
pronounced as //ˈbɛkduː//
V2500 Ophiuchi Named after the American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard, the first to measure its high proper motion.pronounced as //ˈbɑːrnərdz//
ζ Ceti Aa pronounced as //ˈbeɪtən ˈkeɪtɒs//
IndusLHS 3844IAU new 2022Costa Rican proposal; Bribri word for hummingbird
υ3 Eridani pronounced as //ˈbiːməm//
ο1 Eridani The name is originally from Arabic: البيض|rtl=yes ('the eggs').pronounced as //ˈbaɪd//
Belel IAU new 2019
Senegalese proposal; a rare source of water in the North.
Bélénos IAU new 2019
French proposal; named after Belenus, a god of light, the Sun and of health in Gaulish mythology.
γ Orionis Latin for 'female warrior'; applied to this star in the 15th century.[17] pronounced as //bɛˈleɪtrɪks//
Berehynia IAU new 2019
Ukrainian proposal. A deity of waters and riverbanks in Slavic religion; now a national goddess – "hearth mother, protectress of the earth".
α Orionis Aa Derived from Arabic: يد الجوزاء|rtl=yes ('the hand of') (an old asterism). pronounced as //ˈbɛtəldʒuːz, ˈbiːtəl-, -dʒuːs//
41 Arietis Aa pronounced as //ˈbærəni//
Bibhā IAU new 2019
Indian proposal; Bengali pronunciation of Sanskrit Sanskrit: Vibha, meaning 'a bright beam of light'.
θ Pegasi pronounced as //ˈbaɪ.æm//
Bosona IAU new 2019
Bosnia and Herzegovina proposal; name of the territory of Bosnia in the 10th century.
δ Arietis pronounced as //ˈboʊtiːn//
σ Librae A pronounced as //ˈbreɪkiəm//
Bubup IAU new 2019
Australian proposal; means 'child' in the Boonwurrung language.
Buna IAU new 2019
Ethiopian proposal; a commonly used word for coffee.
ξ Aquarii A pronounced as //ˈbʌndə//
α Carinae A Ptolemy's Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Κάνωβος, after Canopus, a pilot from Greek mythology, whose name is itself of uncertain etymology.pronounced as //kəˈnoʊpəs//
α Aurigae Aa The traditional name Latin: Capella ('small female goat') is from Latin, and is a diminutive of Latin: capra ('female goat').pronounced as //kəˈpɛlə//
β Cassiopeiae A The name is originally Arabic: كف|rtl=yes ('palm'), a residue of an old name of Cassiopeia, Arabic: الكف الخصيب|rtl=yes ('the stained hand'); also known as Arabic: السنام الناقة|rtl=yes ('the camel's hump').pronounced as //ˈkæf//
α Geminorum Aa pronounced as //ˈkæstər//
υ2 Cassiopeiae pronounced as //ˈkæstjʊlə//
β Ophiuchi pronounced as //ˌsɛbəlˈreɪ.iː//
Ceibo IAU new 2019
Uruguayan proposal; named after Erythrina crista-galli (the native tree that gives rise to the national flower).
16 Tauri Member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). Celaeno was one of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology.pronounced as //sᵻˈliːnoʊ//
μ Arae IAU new 2015
Named after Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the Spanish author of El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha (Don Quixote).[18]
pronounced as //sɜːrˈvæntiːz//
47 Ursae Majoris IAU new 2015
Named after Chalawan, a mythological crocodile king from a Thai folktale.
θ2 Tauri Aa pronounced as //ˈtʃɑːmuːkuːi//
Chaophraya IAU new 2019
Thai proposal; named after the Chao Phraya River.
pronounced as //tʃaʊˈpraɪə//
β Canum Venaticorum Aa pronounced as //ˈkɛərə//
Chasoň IAU new 2019
Slovakian proposal; an ancient Slovak term for the Sun.
Chechia IAU new 2019
Tunisian proposal; a taqiyah (traditional hat) and national headdress.
θ Leonis Alternative traditional name Chort.
Citadelle IAU new 2019
Haitian proposal; named after Citadelle Laferrière, a mountaintop fortress and UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Citalá IAU new 2019
El Salvadorian proposal; means 'river of stars' in the Nawat language.
Cocibolca IAU new 2019
Nicaraguan proposal; named after Lake Nicaragua.
55 Cancri A IAU new 2015
In honor of the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.
α2 Canum Venaticorum Aa Named after Charles I of England by Sir Charles Scarborough.[19] [20] pronounced as //ˌkɔːr ˈkærəlaɪ//
ω Herculis A Traditional name, variously spelled Kajam.pronounced as //ˈkjuːdʒəm//
β Eridani The name is originally from Arabic: الكرسي|rtl=yes ('the chair, footstool').pronounced as //ˈkɜːrsə//
β1 Capricorni Aa pronounced as //ˈdeɪbiː//
α Fornacis A pronounced as //ˈdeɪlᵻm//
TucanaL 168–9Danfeng
α Cygni The name is originally from Arabic: ذنب الدجاجة|rtl=yes .pronounced as //ˈdɛnɛb//
δ Capricorni Aa pronounced as //ˌdɛnɛb ælˈdʒiːdiː//
β Leonis pronounced as //dəˈnɛbələ//
α Comae Berenices A pronounced as //ˈdaɪədɛm//
PuppisWASP-121DilmunIAU new 2022Bahraini proposal; named after the ancient civilization of the same name
Dingolay IAU new 2019
Trinidad and Tobago proposal; means 'to dance, twist and turn', symbolising the national ancestral culture and language.
β Ceti Arabic for 'frog', from the phrase ضفدع الثاني aḍ-ḍifdaʿ aṯ-ṯānī 'the second frog' (the 'first frog' is Fomalhaut)pronounced as //ˈdɪfdə//
Dìwö IAU new 2019
Costa Rican proposal; means 'the Sun' in the Bribri language.
Diya IAU new 2019
Mauritian proposal; named after an oil lamp used on special occasions, including Diwali.
Dofida IAU new 2019
Indonesian proposal; means 'our star' in the Nias language.
Dombay IAU new 2019
Russian proposal; named after the Dombay resort region in the North Caucasus.
δ Scorpii A pronounced as //ˈdʒʌbə//
α Ursae Majoris A Member of the Big Dipper or the Plough (UK).pronounced as //ˈdʌbiː//
ψ1 Draconis A From the traditional name of Dziban or Dsiban, derived from Arabic: الذئبانِ|rtl=yes ('the two wolves' or 'the two jackals').pronounced as //ˈzaɪbən//
Ebla IAU new 2019
Syrian proposal; named after Ebla, an early kingdom in Syria.
ι Draconis Common name reviewed and adopted by the Working Group on Star Names.pronounced as //ˈɛdəsɪk//
17 Tauri Member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). Electra was one of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology.pronounced as //ᵻˈlɛktrə//
φ Virginis A pronounced as //ˈɛlɡəfɑːr//
θ Columbae pronounced as //ˈɛlkərʌd//
β Tauri Aa Variously El Nath or Alnath, from Arabic: النطح|rtl=yes ('the butting') (i.e. "the bull's horns").pronounced as //ɛlˈnæθ//
γ Draconis Alternative traditional name of Etamin; both originally from the Arabic constellation name Arabic: التنين|rtl=yes ('the great serpent'). γ Dra was also one of the "Five Camels" (Latin: Quinque Dromedarii), in Arabic Arabic: العوائد|rtl=yes .pronounced as //ɛlˈteɪnᵻn//
Emiw IAU new 2019
Mozambique proposal; represents love in the Makhuwa language.
ε Pegasi pronounced as //ˈiːnɪf//
γ Cephei Aa IAU new 2015pronounced as //ɛˈreɪ.iː//
42 Draconis A IAU new 2015
Named after a Norse mythological dwarf who turned into a dragon.
π Scorpii Aa From the Chinese name Chinese: Chinese: Fáng ('the room').pronounced as //ˈfæŋ//
δ Cygni A pronounced as //fəˈwɛərᵻs//
HD 85951 pronounced as //ˈfiːlᵻs//
Felixvarela IAU new 2019
Cuban proposal; named after Félix Varela, a noted science teacher.
HydraWASP-166FiletdorIAU new 2022Spanish proposal; named after a golden sea serpent, the protagonist of a Mallorcan folktale.
Flegetonte IAU new 2019
Italian proposal. Named after Phlegethon, an underworld river of fire in Greek mythology in the poem Divina Commedia (The Divine Comedy) by Dante Alighieri.
α Piscis Austrini A IAU new 2015
The name is originally from Arabic: فم الحوت|rtl=yes ('mouth of the fish'). In Persian astrology, this star was called "Haftorang, Watcher of the South", one of the royal stars.
pronounced as //ˈfoʊməl.hɔːt//
Formosa IAU new 2019
Chinese Taipei proposal; Latin: Formosa ('beautiful') is a historical name for Taiwan.
pronounced as //fɔːrˈmoʊsə//
Franz IAU new 2019
Austrian proposal; named after Franz Joseph I of Austria.
ζ Cassiopeiae From the Chinese name Chinese: 附路 Chinese: Fùlù ('the auxiliary road').pronounced as //ˈfuːluː//
β Piscium pronounced as //ˌfʌməlˈsæməkə//
Funi IAU new 2019
Icelandic proposal; an Old Icelandic word meaning 'fire' or 'blaze'.
ζ Canis Majoris Aa pronounced as //ˈfjʊərəd//
G Scorpii From the Chinese name Fu Yue.pronounced as //ˈfuːjuːeɪ//
γ Crucis The name "Gacrux" is a contraction of the Bayer designation, coined by astronomer Elijah Hinsdale Burritt (1794–1838).[21] [22] pronounced as //ˈɡækrʌks//
Gakyid IAU new 2019
Bhutan proposal; means happiness.
VirgoGJ 486GarIAU new 2022Spanish proposal; Basque words for flame
Garnet Star† Its colour was described as "garnet" by William Herschel. Following Herschel, it was called Italian: garnet sidus by Giuseppe Piazzi.
PSR B0633+17 both a contraction of Gemini gamma-ray source, and a transcription of the words ghè minga (pronounced as /ɡɛ ˈmĩːɡa/), meaning "it's not there" in the Milanese dialect of Lombard.[23]
λ Draconis Traditional name, variously spelled Gianfar.pronounced as //ˈdʒɔːzɑːr//
γ Corvi A Also known as Gienah Gurab; the star ε Cygni is also traditionally known as Gienah.pronounced as //ˈdʒiːnə//
ε Crucis Traditional name in the culture of the Wardaman people of the Northern Territory of Australia.[24] pronounced as //ˈɡiːnən//
Gloas IAU new 2019
British proposal; means 'to shine (like a star)' in the Manx Gaelic language.
SextansWASP-43GnomonIAU new 2022Romanian proposal; named after the gnomon.
β Canis Minoris A pronounced as //ɡɒˈmaɪzə//
Graffias† Italian for 'claws'; also once applied to β Scorpii.[25] pronounced as //ˈɡræfiəs//
VirgoHAT-P-26GuahayonaIAU new 2022Puerto Rican proposal; named after a trickster from Taíno mythology
ξ Draconis A pronounced as //ˈɡruːmiəm//
κ Serpentis pronounced as //ˈɡuːdʒə//
Gumala IAU new 2019
Brunei[26] proposal; a Malay language word referring to a magical stone found in snakes or dragons.
36 Ophiuchi A pronounced as //ɡəˈniːbuː//
β Centauri Aa pronounced as //ˈheɪdɑːr//
η Aurigae pronounced as //ˈhiːdəs//
α Arietis Traditional name (also written Hemal, Hamul, or Ras Hammel) derived from Arabic: رأس الحمل|rtl=yes ('head of the ram'), in turn from the name for the constellation as a whole, ('the ram').pronounced as //ˈhæməl//
ι Aurigae pronounced as //ˈhæsəleɪ//
ι Orionis Aa pronounced as //hɑːˈtiːsə/)/
51 Pegasi IAU new 2015
Latin for 'the Helvetian' and refers to the Celtic tribe that lived in Switzerland during antiquity.
pronounced as //hɛlˈviːtiəs//
ζ Virginis A pronounced as //ˈhiːziː//
Hoggar IAU new 2019
Algerian proposal; named after the Hoggar Mountains.
ζ Pegasi A pronounced as //ˈhoʊmæm//
Horna IAU new 2019
Finnish proposal; the name of hell or the underworld in Finnic mythology.
Hunahpú IAU new 2019
Honduran proposal; one of the Maya Hero Twins who became the Sun in K'iche' Maya mythology.
Hunor IAU new 2019
Hungarian proposal; named after the Hunor, one of the legendary ancestors of the nation.
ρ Scorpii Aa pronounced as //ˈɪklɪl//
Illyrian IAU new 2019
Albanian proposal; named after the Illyrians, the people from whom Albanians are descended and what they call themselves.
pronounced as //ᵻˈlɪriən//
δ Crucis pronounced as //ˈiːmaɪ//
Inquill IAU new 2019
Peruvian proposal; a character in the story Way to the Sun by Abraham Valdelomar.
Intan IAU new 2019
Malaysian proposal; means 'diamond' in the Malay language.
pronounced as //intan//
41 Lyncis IAU new 2015
Latin: Intercrus means 'between the legs' in Latin, referring to the star's position in the constellation Ursa Major.
pronounced as //ˈɪntərkrʌs//
Irena IAU new 2019
Slovenian proposal; a character in the novel Under the Free Sun by Fran Saleški Finžgar.
Itonda IAU new 2019
Gabonese proposal; means 'all that is beautiful' in the Myene language.
ε Boötis A Originally from Arabic: إزار|rtl=yes ('veil') In the Calendarium of Al Achsasi Al Mouakket, it is designated Arabic: منطقة ألعوع|rtl=yes, translated into Latin as Latin: Cingulum Latratoris ('belt of barker'). Named Latin: Pulcherrima ('most beautiful') by Otto Struve.[27] pronounced as //ˈaɪzɑːr//
ν Scorpii Aa pronounced as //ˈdʒæbə//
ο Geminorum
γ Ceti A pronounced as //ˌkæfəlˈdʒɪdmə//
CancerGJ 3470KaewkosinIAU new 2022Thai proposal; named after the crystals of the Hindu deity of Indra in the Thai language
Kalausi IAU new 2019
Kenyan proposal; means a very strong whirling column of wind in the Dholuo language.
Kamuy IAU new 2019
Japanese proposal; a word denoting Kamuy, a supernatural entity in the Ainu language.
From the Chinese name Chinese: Chinese: Kàng ('the neck').pronounced as //ˈkæŋ//
Karaka IAU new 2019
New Zealand proposal; word for a local plant that produces orange fruit in the Māori language.
ε Sagittarii A Part of the Teapot asterism.pronounced as //ˈkɔːs ɔːˈstreɪlᵻs//
λ Sagittarii The top of the Teapot asterism.pronounced as //ˈkɔːs bɒriˈælᵻs//
δ Sagittarii Part of the Teapot asterism.pronounced as //ˌkɔːs ˈmiːdiə//
Kaveh IAU new 2019
Iranian proposal; named after Kāve, a hero of the epic poem Shahnameh composed by Ferdowsi.
ο2 Eridani A pronounced as //ˈkaɪd//
λ Virginis A pronounced as //kæmˈbeɪliə//
α Equulei A pronounced as //kᵻˈtælfə//
β Ursae Minoris pronounced as //ˈkoʊkæb//
Koeia IAU new 2019
Puerto Rican proposal; means 'star' in the Taíno language.
Koit IAU new 2019
Estonian proposal; means 'dawn' in the Estonian language.
Canes VenaticiHAT-P-12KomondorIAU new 2022Hungarian proposal; after the dog breed of the same name
β Herculis Aa pronounced as //kɔːrˈnɛfərəs//
ColumbaWASP-63IAU new 2022Croatian proposal; after a character from Croatian Tales of Long Ago
pronounced as //ˈkræz//
Kuma† pronounced as //ˈkjuːmə//
ξ Cephei Aa pronounced as //ˈkɜːr.hə//
Y Canum Venaticorum A modern (19th century) name, due to Angelo Secchi.pronounced as //ˌlɑːsuːˈpɜːrbə//
ε Scorpii Traditional name in the culture of the Wardaman people of the Northern Territory of Australia.pronounced as //ˈlærəwæɡ//
Lerna IAU new 2019
Greek proposal; named after Lerna, the lake where the mythical Hydra lived.
pronounced as //ˈlɜːrnə//
υ Scorpii pronounced as //ˈliːsæθ//
ξ Aquilae A IAU new 2015
Latin for 'liberty' (Latin: Aquila is Latin for 'eagle', a popular symbol of liberty).
pronounced as //ˈlɪbərtæs//
IAU new 2015
A neutron star and pulsar with planets. A lich is a fictional undead creature known for controlling other undead creatures with magic.
pronounced as //ˈlɪtʃ//
Liesma IAU new 2019
Latvian proposal; means 'fire' and is the name of a character in the poem Staburags un Liesma.
39 Arietis pronounced as //ˈlɪliaɪ ˈbɔərɪə//
Lionrock IAU new 2019
Hong Kong proposal; named after Lion Rock, a culturally important lion-shaped peak.
pronounced as //ˈlaɪənrɒk//
Lucilinburhuc IAU new 2019
Luxembourger proposal; named after the Fortress of Luxembourg built in 963 by Count Siegfried, the founder of Luxembourg.
Lusitânia IAU new 2019
Portuguese proposal; ancient name for Lusitania, the region where most of Portugal is situated.
Maasym pronounced as //ˈmeɪəsɪm//
Macondo IAU new 2019
Colombian proposal; named after a mythical village from the novel Cien anos de soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude) by Gabriel García Márquez.
Mago IAU new 2019
German proposal; named after Mago National Park, a national park in Ethiopia noted for its giraffes (Latin: Camelopardalis is Latin for 'giraffe').
θ Aurigae A
Mahsati IAU new 2019
Azerbaijani proposal; named after the poet Mahsati Ganjavi.
20 Tauri Member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). Maia was one of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology.pronounced as //ˈmeɪ.ə, ˈmaɪ.ə//
Malmok IAU new 2019
Aruban proposal; the indigenous name given to Palm Beach, a beach and popular snorkelling spot.
λ Ophiuchi A pronounced as //ˈmɑːrfɪk//
α Pegasi pronounced as //ˈmɑːrkæb//
κ Velorum pronounced as //ˈmɑːrkɛb//
Márohu IAU new 2019
Dominican Republic proposal; the god of drought and protector of the Sun.
κ Herculis A pronounced as //ˈmɑːrsɪk//
η Pegasi Aa pronounced as //ˈmeɪtɑːr//
CentaurusHIP 65426MatzaIAU new 2022Mexican proposal; Zoque word for star
VolansWD 0806−661MaruIAU new 2022South Korean proposal; Korean word meaning sky.
Mazaalai IAU new 2019
Mongolian proposal; a name given to the Gobi bear.
ε Geminorum pronounced as //mɛbˈsuːtə//
δ Ursae Majoris Member of the Big Dipper or the Plough (UK).pronounced as //ˈmiːɡrɛz//
λ Orionis A Traditional name deriving from Arabic: الميسان|rtl=yes ('the shining one').pronounced as //ˈmaɪsə//
ζ Geminorum Aa pronounced as //mɛkˈbjuːdə//
ε Cancri Aa
β Aurigae Aa pronounced as //mɛŋˈkælᵻnæn//
α Ceti Derived from Arabic: منخر|rtl=yes ('nostril'), or ('nose' [of Cetus]).[28] pronounced as //ˈmɛŋkɑːr//
θ Centauri pronounced as //ˈmɛŋkɛnt//
ξ Persei pronounced as //ˈmɛŋkᵻb//
β Ursae Majoris Member of the Big Dipper or the Plough (UK).pronounced as //ˈmɪəræk//
38 Boötis pronounced as //ˈmɜːrɡə//
α Coronae Australis pronounced as //məˌrɪdiˈænə//
23 Tauri Aa Member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). Merope was one of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology.pronounced as //ˈmɛrəpi//
γ1 Arietis A pronounced as //mɛˈsɑːrθᵻm//
β Carinae pronounced as //ˌmaɪəˈplæsᵻdəs//
β Crucis Also bore the alternative historical name "Becrux", a modern contraction of the Bayer designation.[29] pronounced as //mᵻˈmoʊsə//
σ Hydrae pronounced as //ˈmɪŋkər//
δ Virginis Alternately spelled Minelava.pronounced as //ˌmɪnəˈlɔːvə//
δ Orionis Aa The right-most star in Orion's belt. The name Arabic: Mintaka itself is derived from Arabic: منطقة|rtl=yes ('belt').pronounced as //ˈmɪntəkə//
ο Ceti Aa Latin for 'wonderful' or 'astonishing'; named by Johannes Hevelius in his Historiola Mirae Stellae (1662).pronounced as //ˈmaɪərə//
β Andromedae pronounced as //ˈmaɪræk//
η Persei A pronounced as //ˈmaɪræm, ˈmaɪərəm//
α Persei pronounced as //ˈmɜːrfæk//
β Canis Majoris pronounced as //ˈmɜːrzəm//
κ Persei Aa pronounced as //ˈmaɪzəm//
ζ Ursae Majoris Aa Member of the Big Dipper or the Plough (UK). The name is originally from Arabic: المئزر|rtl=yes ('apron, waistband, girdle'). Also called Chinese: Chinese: ('Status'), one of the "Three Stars" in Chinese mythology. The Lù star is believed to be Zhang Xian, who lived during the Later Shu dynasty. The word Chinese: specifically refers to the salary of a government official. As such, the Lù star is the star of prosperity, rank, and influence.pronounced as //ˈmaɪzɑːr//
Moldoveanu IAU new 2019
Romanian proposal; named after Moldoveanu Peak, the highest peak in Romania.
Mönch IAU new 2019
Swiss proposal; named after Mönch, a prominent Alpine peak in Switzerland.
Montuno IAU new 2019
Panamanian proposal; a traditional dancing costume.
Morava IAU new 2019
Serbian proposal; named after the Great Morava river system.
Moriah IAU new 2019
Palestinian proposal; ancient name for Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
pronounced as //mɒˈraɪə//
α Trianguli pronounced as //məˈθælə//
Mouhoun IAU new 2019
Burkina Faso proposal; named after the Black Volta, the largest river.
Mpingo IAU new 2019
Tanzanian proposal; named after Dalbergia melanoxylon, a tree whose ebony wood is used for musical instruments.
pronounced as //ɛmˈpɪŋɡoʊ//
γ Canis Majoris pronounced as //ˈmjuːlᵻfeɪn//
η Boötis Aa Alternative traditional spelling of Mufrid.pronounced as //ˈmjuːfrᵻd//
ο Ursae Majoris A pronounced as //ˈmjuːsᵻdə//
18 Delphini IAU new 2015
Latin for 'music' (the ancient Greek musician Arion's life was saved at sea by dolphins (Latin: delphinus) after attracting their attention by playing his kithara).
pronounced as //ˈmjuːzᵻkə//
Muspelheim IAU new 2019
Danish proposal; named after the Norse mythological realm of fire Muspelheim.
ξ Cancri A pronounced as //ˈnɑːn//
Naledi IAU new 2019
South African proposal; means 'star' in the Sesotho, SeTswana and SePedi languages.
ζ Puppis pronounced as //ˈneɪ.ɒs//
γ Capricorni A pronounced as //ˈnæʃɪrə//
Násti IAU new 2019
Norwegian proposal; means 'star' in the Sámi language.
Natasha IAU new 2019
Zambian proposal; means 'thank you' in many national languages.
Navi† "Navi" is a modern name, due to Gus Grissom (his middle name "Ivan" spelled backward).
β Boötis pronounced as //ˈnɛkɑːr//
51 Andromedae pronounced as //ˈnɛmbəs//
Nenque IAU new 2019
Ecuadorian proposal; means 'the Sun' in the language of the Waorani tribes.
pronounced as //ˈnɛŋkiː//
Nervia IAU new 2019
Belgian proposal; adapted from Nervii, a Celtic tribe.
pronounced as //ˈnɜːrviə//
β Leporis A pronounced as //ˈnaɪ.æl//
Nikawiy IAU new 2019
Canadian proposal; means 'mother' in the Cree language.
LeoGJ 436IAU new 2022US proposal; Cherokee word for star
Nosaxa IAU new 2019
Argentinian proposal; means 'spring' in the Moqoit language.
σ Sagittarii Aa Along with τ Sagittarii, it makes up the handle of the Teapot asterism.pronounced as //ˈnʌŋki//
β Coronae Borealis A pronounced as / /ˈnjuːsəkæn//
Nushagak IAU new 2019
American proposal; named after the Nushagak River in Alaska.
pronounced as //ˈnuːʃᵻɡæk//
Nyamien IAU new 2019
Ivory Coast proposal; named after the supreme creator deity of Akan religion.
HD 149026 IAU new 2015
Named after Ogma, a deity in Celtic mythology.
pronounced as //ˈɒɡmə//
ζ Aquilae A pronounced as //ˈoʊkæb//
OphiuchusGJ 1214IAU new 2022Kenyan proposal; Maa word for red ochre
τ Scorpii A IAU new 2018pronounced as //ˌpaɪkaʊˈhɑːleɪ//
Parumleo IAU new 2019
Singaporean proposal; the name is Latin for 'little lion'.
pronounced as //pærəmˈliːoʊ//
α Pavonis Aa Designated "Peacock" (after the constellation) by His Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office for the Royal Air Force in the 1930s.pronounced as //ˈpiːkɒk//
Petra IAU new 2019
Jordanian proposal; Named after Petra, the archaeological city and UNESCO World Heritage Site.
pronounced as //ˈpiːtrə//
α Columbae pronounced as //ˈfækt//
γ Ursae Majoris Aa A member of the Big Dipper or the Plough (UK). Alternative traditional names are Phekda or Phad.pronounced as //ˈfɛkdə//
γ Ursae Minoris pronounced as //ˈfɜːrkæd//
Phoenicia IAU new 2019
Lebanese proposal; named after Phoenicia, the ancient civilisation.
pronounced as //fᵻˈnɪʃ(i)ə//
λ Cancri pronounced as //piˈɔːtɒs//
Pincoya IAU new 2019
Chilean proposal; named after Pincoya, a female water spirit from local mythology.
pronounced as //pɪŋˈkɔɪə//
μ2 Scorpii A pronounced as //pᵻˈpɪrᵻmə//
Pipoltr IAU new 2019
Liechtenstein proposal; named after a bright and visible butterfly in the local dialect of Triesenberg.
28 Tauri Aa Member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). Pleione was the mother of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology.pronounced as //ˈplaɪəniː, ˈpliːəniː//
Poerava IAU new 2019
Cook Islands proposal; means a large mystical black pearl in the Cook Islands Māori language.
α Ursae Minoris Became known as Latin: stella polaris ('polar star') during the Renaissance. See polar star for other names based on its position close to the celestial pole.pronounced as //poʊˈlɛərᵻs//
σ Octantis See South Star.pronounced as //poʊˈlɛərᵻs ɔːˈstreɪlᵻs//
μ Sagittarii Aa pronounced as //ˈpɒlᵻs//
β Geminorum pronounced as //ˈpɒləks//
γ Virginis A pronounced as //ˈpɒrɪmə//
46 Leonis Minoris pronounced as //prᵻˈsɪpjuə//
γ Tauri A pronounced as //ˌpraɪmə ˈhaɪədəm//
α Canis Minoris A Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: προκύον Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: prokuon ('preceding the Dog') (viz. Sirius); Latinized as Latin: Antecanis.pronounced as //ˈproʊsiɒn//
η Geminorum A pronounced as //ˈproʊpəs//
α Centauri C The nearest star to the Sun.pronounced as //ˌprɒksɪmə sɛnˈtɔːraɪ//
ε Eridani IAU new 2015
Named after Rán, the Norse goddess of the sea.
Rana Latin: Rana is Latin for 'frog'.
Rapeto IAU new 2019
Malagasy proposal; the name of a giant creature from folklore.
μ Leonis pronounced as //ˈræsəlæs//
α1 Herculis Aa Also spelled Ras Algethi.pronounced as //ˌræsəlˈdʒiːθi//
α Ophiuchi A Also spelled Ras Alhague.pronounced as //ˈræsəlheɪɡ//
β Draconis A pronounced as //ˈræstəbæn//
Regor† Also known as Suhail and Suhail al Muhlif, which also apply to λ Velorum (Suhail).pronounced as //ˈriːɡɔːr//
α Leonis A Latin for 'prince' or 'little king'. Regulus was known to Persian astrologers as "Venant, Watcher of the North", one of the royal stars.pronounced as //ˈrɛɡjʊləs//
ζ Piscium A pronounced as //ˈreɪvəti//
β Orionis A Traditional name first recorded in the Alfonsine Tables of 1252 and derived from the Arabic name Arabic: الرجل الجوزاء اليسرى|rtl=yes ('the left leg (foot) of Jauzah') (meaning 'leg, foot').pronounced as //ˈraɪdʒəl//
α Centauri A The name is originally from Arabic: رجل قنطورس|rtl=yes ('foot of the centaur').pronounced as //ˈraɪdʒəl kɛnˈtɔːrəs//
Rosalíadecastro IAU new 2019
Spanish proposal; named after the writer Rosalía de Castro.
β Delphini A The name appeared in Piazzi's Palermo Star Catalogue in 1814, added by Niccolò Cacciatore as a prank along with Sualocin (α Delphini); "Rotanev" is Latin: Venator, the Latin form of Italian: Cacciatore ('hunter'), spelt backwards.pronounced as //ˈroʊtənɛv//
δ Cassiopeiae Aa Derived from Arabic: ركبة|rtl=yes ('knee').[30] The alternative historical name Ksora appeared in a 1951 publication, Atlas Coeli (Skalnate Pleso Atlas of the Heavens) by Czech astronomer Antonín Bečvář; professor Paul Kunitzch has been unable to find any clues as to the origin of the name.pronounced as //ˈrʌkbə//
α Sagittarii pronounced as //ˈrʌkbæt//
η Ophiuchi A pronounced as //ˈseɪbɪk//
ζ Aurigae A pronounced as //sækləˈtiːni//
γ Aquarii Aa pronounced as //səˈdækbiə//
μ Pegasi pronounced as //ˌsædəlˈbɛəri//
α Aquarii A pronounced as //ˌsædəlˈmɛlɪk//
β Aquarii A pronounced as //ˌsædəlˈsuːəd//
γ Cygni A pronounced as //ˈsædər//
Sagarmatha IAU new 2019
Nepalese proposal; the Nepali name for the world's highest peak (Mount Everest).
pronounced as //sæɡərˈmɑːθə//
κ Orionis Traditional name from Arabic: سیف الجبار, literally 'saif ('sword') of the giant'.[31] pronounced as //ˈseɪf//
τ Pegasi pronounced as //ˈsɑːm//
Sāmaya IAU new 2019
Sri Lankan proposal; means 'peace' in the Sinhala language.
Sansuna IAU new 2019
Maltese proposal; a mythological giant from Maltese folk tales.
θ Scorpii A pronounced as //ˈsɑːrɡæs//
δ Herculis Aa pronounced as //ˈsɛərɪn//
53 Eridani A Formerly "p Sceptri" in the constellation of Sceptrum Brandenburgicum.pronounced as //ˈsɛptrəm//
β Pegasi pronounced as //ˈʃiːæt//
α Cassiopeiae Also traditionally bore the name Schedir; both originally from Arabic: صدر|rtl=yes ('breast'); also called Arabic: الضاة الكرسي|rtl=yes ('the lady in the chair' by Ulugh Beg, whence Dath Elkarti by Giovanni Battista Riccioli in 1651.pronounced as //ˈʃɛdɑːr//
δ Tauri Aa pronounced as //sᵻˈkʌndə ˈhaɪədəm//
ε Cassiopeiae From an erroneous transcription of Seginus, the traditional name for γ Boötis.[32] pronounced as //ˈsɛɡᵻn//
γ Boötis Aa A mistranscription of the Arabic form of Boötes.pronounced as //sᵻˈdʒaɪnəs//
α Sagittae pronounced as //ˈʃæm//
Shama IAU new 2019
Pakistani proposal; an Urdu literary term meaning 'a small lamp or flame'.
Sharjah IAU new 2019
United Arab Emirates proposal; named after Sharjah, the cultural capital and city of knowledge of the UAE.
pronounced as //ˈʃɑːrdʒə//
λ Scorpii Aa pronounced as //ˈʃɔːlə//
β Lyrae Aa1 pronounced as //ˈʃiːliæk//
β Arietis A pronounced as //ˈʃɛrətæn//
Sika IAU new 2019
Ghanaian proposal; means 'gold' in the Ewe language.
α Canis Majoris A Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Σείριος 'the scorcher'; in Egyptian Sopdet, rendered in Greek as Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: Σῶθις . As the brightest star in the sky, Sirius has proper names in numerous cultures, including Polynesian (Maori: Takurua; Hawaiian: Ka'ulua ('Queen of Heaven'), among others). Also known as the "Dog Star".pronounced as //ˈsɪriəs//
κ Aquarii A pronounced as //ˈsɪtjʊlə//
δ Aquarii A pronounced as //ˈskæt//
Solaris IAU new 2019
Polish proposal; named after Solaris, a novel by Stanisław Lem.
pronounced as //soʊˈlɑːrᵻs//
α Virginis Aa Other traditional names are Azimech, from Arabic: السماك الأعزل|rtl=yes ('the undefended') and Arabic: Alarph, Arabic for 'the grape gatherer'. Known in Indian astronomy as Hindi: Chitra ('the bright one').pronounced as //ˈspaɪkə//
Sterrennacht IAU new 2019
Dutch proposal; named after The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh.
Stribor IAU new 2019
Croatian proposal; named after Stribog, the god of winds in Slavic mythology. Stribor is also a character in the book Croatian: Priče iz davnine (Croatian Tales of Long Ago) by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić.
α Delphini Aa The name appeared in Piazzi's Palermo Star Catalogue in 1814, added by Niccolò Cacciatore as a prank along with Rotanev (β Delphini); "Sualocin" is Latin: Nicolaus, the Latin form of Italian: Niccolò ('Nicholas'), spelt backwards.pronounced as //suˈɒloʊsɪn//
ο Leonis Aa pronounced as //ˈsuːbrə//
λ Velorum Traditionally, this name also applied to γ Velorum (Regor).pronounced as //ˈsuːheɪl//
γ Lyrae pronounced as //ˈsuːləfæt//
ι Virginis pronounced as //ˈsɜːrmə//
π3 Orionis pronounced as //ˈteɪbɪt//
Taika IAU new 2019
Lithuanian proposal; means 'peace' in the Lithuanian language.
χ Ursae Majoris From the Chinese name Chinese: 太陽守 Chinese: Tàiyángshǒu ('guard of the Sun').pronounced as //ˌtaɪæŋˈʃoʊ//
8 Draconis From the Chinese name Chinese: 太乙 Chinese: Tàiyǐ or Chinese: 太一 Chinese: Tàiyī ('the great one'), both of which refer to Tao.pronounced as //ˌtaɪˈjiː//
ι Ursae Majoris Aa Also called Talitha Borealis, as Talitha originally referred to κ Ursae Majoris (Alkaphrah) and ι Ursae Majoris together.pronounced as //ˈtælᵻθə//
Tangra IAU new 2019
Bulgarian proposal; named after Tengri, the god early Bulgars worshiped.
μ Ursae Majoris A pronounced as //ˈteɪniə ɔːˈstreɪlᵻs//
λ Ursae Majoris A pronounced as //ˈteɪniə ˌbɒriˈælᵻs//
Tapecue IAU new 2019
Bolivian proposal; means 'Milky Way' in Guarani.
γ Aquilae Alternative traditional spelling of Tarazet.pronounced as //ˈtærəzɛd//
β Cancri A pronounced as //ˈtɑːrf//
19 Tauri Aa Member of the Pleiades open star cluster (M45). Taygete was one of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology.pronounced as //teɪˈɪdʒᵻtə//
ζ1 Cancri A Alternative traditional name of Tegmen.pronounced as //ˈtɛɡmᵻniː//
μ Geminorum Aa Traditional name, also called Tejat Posterior.pronounced as //ˈtiːdʒət//
ω Sagittarii A From Ptolemy's Greek, Ancient (to 1453);: τετράπλευρον ('quadrilateral'), a group of four stars of which ω Sagittarii is the brightest.pronounced as //tɛrᵻˈbɛləm//
Tevel IAU new 2019
Israeli proposal; means 'world' or 'universe' in the Hebrew language.
Thabit† pronounced as //ˈθeɪbɪt//
υ2 Eridani Also written as Theemim or Beemin.pronounced as //ˈθiːmən//
α Draconis A pronounced as //ˈθjuːbæn//
β Gruis pronounced as //tiˈɑːki//
ζ Tauri A In Chinese, Chinese: 天關 ('celestial gate'). Also reported as Akkadian: Shurnarkabti-sha-shūtū ('the star in the bull towards the south' or 'the southern star towards the chariot').pronounced as //tiænˈɡwɑːn//
7 Draconis From the Chinese name Chinese: 天乙 Chinese: Tiānyǐ or Chinese: 天一 Chinese: Tiānyī ('the Celestial Great One'), a deity in Taoism.pronounced as //tiænˈjiː//
Timir IAU new 2019
Bangladeshi proposal; means 'darkness' in the Bengali language.
Tislit IAU new 2019
Moroccan proposal; named after Tislit Lake and means 'the bride' in the Amazigh language. Associated with a heartbroken girl in legend.
υ Andromedae A IAU new 2015
Named after the settlement in northern Morocco and UNESCO World Heritage Site now known as the medina (old town) of Tétouan.
pronounced as //tɪtəˈwiːn//
Tojil IAU new 2019
Guatemalan proposal; the Tohil (patron deity) of the K'iche' Maya.
α Centauri B The name is originally from Arabic: ظليمان|rtl=yes ('two (male) ostriches').pronounced as //ˈtɒlɪmæn//
IAU new 2015
Named after Tonatiuh, the Aztec god of the Sun.
pronounced as //toʊnəˈtiːuː//
ο Piscium A pronounced as //ˈtɔːrkjʊlər//
Tuiren IAU new 2019
Irish proposal. The aunt of the warrior Fionn mac Cumhaill of Irish legend.
Tupã IAU new 2019
Paraguayan proposal; Tupã is the name of God in the Guarani language.
Tupi IAU new 2019
Brazilian proposal; named after the indigenous Tupi people.
pronounced as //ˈtuːpi//
ρ Puppis A pronounced as //ˈtjʊəreɪs//
ι Hydrae pronounced as //ˈʌkdə//
Uklun IAU new 2019
Pitcairn Islands proposal. Aklen means 'we/us' in the Pitkern language.
pronounced as //ˈʌklən//
α Serpentis From Arabic: عنق الحية ('the serpent's neck'), called Latin: Cor Serpentis ('Heart of the Serpent') in Latin.pronounced as //ˌjuːnək.ælˈheɪ//
σ Canis Majoris pronounced as //ˌʌnərˈɡʌnaɪt//
Uruk IAU new 2019
Iraqi proposal; named after Uruk, an ancient city of Sumer and Babylonia in Mesopotamia.
pronounced as //ˈʊrʊk//
SculptorLTT 9779UúbaIAU new 2022Colombian proposal; U'wa word referring to stars, seeds, or eyes.
α Lyrae The name is originally from Arabic: النسر الواقع|rtl=yes ('the alighting vulture') also translated as Latin: vulture cadens ('falling vulture') (see also Aetos Dios, Stymphalian birds). As the second brightest star in the northern sky, Vega has names in numerous cultures. In Chinese, it is known as Chinese: 織女 ('weaving girl') from the Qi Xi love story. Vega is one of the vertices of the Summer Triangle asterism.pronounced as //ˈviːɡə, ˈveɪɡə//
14 Andromedae A IAU new 2015
Latin for 'where there is truth'.
pronounced as //ˌvɛrᵻˈteɪtiː//
ε Virginis Latin: Vindemiatrix is Latin for '(female) grape gatherer'.pronounced as //vɪnˌdiːmiˈeɪtrɪks//
δ Geminorum Aa pronounced as //ˈweɪsət//
WASP-19 IAU new 2022
Australian proposal; named after Acacia pycnantha the national flower of Australia.
pronounced as //ˈwɑːtl//
β Columbae pronounced as //ˈwɒzən//
δ Canis Majoris Aa pronounced as //ˈwiːzən//
AquariusWASP-69WouriIAU new 2022Cameroonian proposal; named after the river of the same name
ζ Phoenicis Aa A traditional name in the culture of the Wardaman people of the Northern Territory of Australia.pronounced as //ˈwʊrən//
μ1 Scorpii Aa pronounced as //ˌkæmidiˈmʊərə//
Xihe IAU new 2019
Nanjing proposal; Xihe is the goddess of the Sun in Chinese mythology. The star also represents the earliest Chinese astronomers and makers of calendars.
pronounced as //ˈʃiːhə//
λ Boötis From the Chinese name Chinese: 玄戈 Chinese: Xuángē ('sombre lance').
ε Ophiuchi pronounced as //ˌjɛd pɒˈstɪəriər//
δ Ophiuchi pronounced as //ˌjɛd ˈpraɪər//
δ Ursae Minoris From yildiz, Turkish for 'star'. pronounced as //jɪlˈdʌn//
η Virginis Aa pronounced as //ˈzeɪniə//
γ Eridani Traditional name, alternatively spelled Zaurac; originally from Arabic: زورق|rtl=yes ('boat').pronounced as //ˈzɔːræk//
β Virginis pronounced as //ˌzævᵻˈdʒævə//
AquariusHATS-72ZembraIAU new 2022Tunisian proposal; named after the island of the same name.
υ1 Hydrae A From the Chinese name Chinese: Chinese: Zhāng ('extended net').pronounced as //ˈdʒæŋ//
ζ Eridani Aa pronounced as //ˈzaɪbəl//
δ Leonis pronounced as //ˈzɒzmə//
α2 Librae Aa pronounced as //zuːˌbɛnɛldʒᵻˈnuːbi//
γ Librae A pronounced as //zuːˌbɛnɛlˈhækrəbi//
β Librae pronounced as //zuːˌbɛnɛʃəˈmeɪli//

See also


General references

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 2022 Approved Names . 2023-06-15 . NameExoworlds . en.
  2. Web site: Division C/Working Group Star Names: Triennial Report 2016–2018. 5. 2018-07-14. live. 2018-07-15.
  3. Book: Kunitzsch. Paul. Smart. Tim. 2006. 2nd rev.. 1986. A Dictionary of Modern Star Names: A Short Guide to 254 Star Names and Their Derivations. Sky Publishing. Cambridge, MA. 978-1-931559-44-7.
  4. Star Name Pronunciation. Rumrill. H. B.. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 48. 283. June 1936. 139. San Francisco, CA. 10.1086/124681. 1936PASP...48..139R. free.
  5. The Pronunciations, Derivations, and Meanings of a Selected List of Star Names. Davis. George A. Jr. . Popular Astronomy. 52. 1944. 8–30. 1944PA.....52....8D. free.
  6. Book: Oxford English Dictionary. 3rd. Oxford University Press. September 2005.
  7. Encyclopedia: Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  8. 1995yCat.5050....0H. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed. (Hoffleit+, 1991). VizieR On-line Data Catalog: V/50. Originally Published in: 1964BS....C......0H . 5050. Hoffleit. D.. Warren. W. H. Jr. . November 1995.
  9. Book: Lowrie, Walter Macon. Memoirs of the Rev. Walter M. Lowrie: Missionary to China. 1849. R. Carter & brothers. 93.
  10. The Geographical Journal. Royal Geographical Society. The Air Almanac: Discussion on the New Form of Nautical Allowance for Rapid Position Finding. Mackworth. P. H.. Commander van Balkom. Everitt. P. F.. Sadler. D. H.. Squadron-Leader May. Bennett. D. C. T.. Hinks. A. R.. Black. Archibald. Squadron-Leader Barnes. Comrie. L. J.. August 1938. 92. 2. 137, 145. 10.2307/1788749. 1788749. 1938GeogJ..92..133M . Acrus, which seems to be copied from the American Almanacs and is a sort of abbreviation for αCrucis, is philologically horrible. [...] Acrux, an Americanism for αCrucis [...].
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  18. Web site: The Approved Names. NameExoWorlds. International Astronomical Union. dead. 2019-03-26.
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