List of editiones principes in Latin explained

See main article: Editio princeps.

In classical scholarship, the editio princeps (plural: editiones principes) of a work is the first printed edition of the work, that previously had existed only in inscriptions or manuscripts, which could be circulated only after being copied by hand. The following is a list of Latin literature works.

Latin works

15th century

DateAuthor, WorkPrinterLocationclass=unsortableComment
1453-1454[1] Aelius Donatus, [2] [3] Johannes GutenbergMainz[4] or StrasbourgThis is the 27-line Donatus that only survives in fragments. Gutenberg made at least 24 impressions of this popular schoolbook; of all of these editions have reached us incomplete. As yet, dating remains problematic. Albert Kapr believes the first printed 27-line Donatus were made in Strasbourg in the late 1440s, while the last in Mainz.
c. 1454[5] Biblia Vulgata[6] Johannes GutenbergMainzThis is the well-known 42-line Bible, a major venture that was started in 1451. Undated, Gutenberg and his associate Johann Fust first promoted the results of their job in Frankfurt in October 1454 and cardinal Enea Silvio Piccolomini attested in March 1455 that either 158 or 180 bibles had been completed.
1465[7] Cicero, De Officiis and Paradoxa StoicorumJohann FustMainzUlrich Zell may have printed earlier the De Officiis in Cologne (but not the Paradoxa); but the Cologne edition does not bear any indication of date.
1465Cicero, De OratoreConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzSubiacoThis edition was published without date but it is believed to be before September 1465.
1465[8] Lactantius,, Divinae Institutiones and De ira DeiConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzSubiaco
c. 1465[9] Augustinus, De doctrina christianaJohannes MentelinStrasbourgThis is thought to be the first edition of any of Augustine's works. The volume is incomplete as it has only the last of the four books that make up De doctrina christiana; the remaining three books were printed by Kaspar Hochfeder in Kraków in 1475.[10]
1465–1470[11] Augustinus, ConfessionesJohannes Mentelin[12] Strasbourg
1466[13] Rabanus Maurus, Adolf RuschStrasbourg
1466[14] -1468[15] Hieronymus, Epistulae and De viris illustribus,[16] Contra Rufinum, Altercatio Luciferiani et Orthodoxi et Adversus IovinianumSixtus RiessingerRomeSine nomine, sine data and sine loco, this compilation in two volumes of Jerome’s works was edited by Theodorus Laelius. Titled Epistolae et tractus, 131 of Jerome’s 154 surviving letters are collected here together with 24 of his tracts and excluding only his biblical commentaries.[17] The issue of the editio princeps remains open due to this imprint being undated; thus the 1468 Roman edition of the Epistulae printed by Sweynheym and Pannartz and edited by Joannes Andreas is also considered a possible first edition. This edition shares Riessinger’s structure and tracts since this too is based on Laelius’ efforts. In both printings RufinusExpositio is misattributed to Jerome. Two of the very few differences between these texts are represented by Gennadius and the Epistula Aristeae, available in Riessinger but not in Pannartz and Sweynheim.
Rufinus, Expositio symboli,[18] Apologia ad Anastasium, Apologia contra Hieronymum
Origenes, Libri X in Canticum canticorum[19] and In Canticum canticorum homiliae II[20]
Gennadius Massiliensis, De viris illustribus[21]
Augustinus, De pastoribus
1467[22] [23] Augustinus, De Civitate DeiConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz[24] Subiaco
1467[25] Cicero, Ad familiaresConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeSweynheym and Pannartz reprinted it in 1469; Johannes de Spira published a new edition in 1469 in Venice.
1467[26] Cicero, De senectute and De amicitia[27] Ulrich ZellCologne
1467–1469[28] [29] Juvenalis, SaturaeUdalricus GallusRome
1467[30] -1468[31] Gregorius Magnus, Moralia in JobBerthold RuppelBaselUndated, it may be earlier than 1468, but not later.
1468[32] InstitutionesPeter SchöfferMainz
1468[33] Ps.-Lactantius, De ave phoeniceConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeThis is the second edition of Lactantius’ works; Venantius Fortunatus' De Pascha is here due to its wrong attribution to Lactantius.
Venantius Fortunatus, Carmen de Pascha
1468[34] [35] Pseudo-Matthaei evangeliumArnoldus Pannartz and Conradus SweynheymRomeOnly parts of the text were edited by Joannes Andreas in his impression of HieronymusEpistolae. William Caxton in 1477 printed another edition which included the latter half and also the pars altera, a later addition to the gospel's narrative. The full text came out only in 1832, when Johann Karl Thilo edited it for his collection Codex apocryphus Novi Testamenti.
1468[36] -1470[37] Rufius Festus, Sixtus RiessingerRome or NaplesRiessinger's edition of the De viris illustribus omits 9 lives (Caesar, Octavianus, Cato, Cicero, Brutus, Sextus Pompeius, Marcus Antonius, Cleopatra); these were first published by Andreas Schottus in 1577.[38]
Ps.-Aurelius Victor, De viris illustribus[39]
1469[40] Cicero, Brutus and Orator[41] Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomePrinted together with the De Oratore.
1469[42] ApuleiusConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeEdited by Joannes Andreas Together with Apuleius' works, this edition contains the spurious Asclepius and a Latin translation of Epitome disciplinarum Platonis by Alcinous.[43]
Ps.-Apuleius, Asclepius[44]
1469[45] [46] Livius, Ab Urbe conditaConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeEdited by Joannes Andreas. The Rome edition included only Books 1–10, 21–32, 34–39 and a portion of 40. In a 1518 Mainz edition, the rest of Book 40 and part of 33 were published, while in a 1531 Basel edition, Books 41-45 were published, edited by Simon Grynaeus. He had discovered the only surviving manuscript of the fifth decade in 1527 while searching in the Lorsch Abbey in Germany. In 1616 the remaining part of Book 33 was published in Rome, by which all extant Livy had reached print.[47]
1469[49] Lucanus, PharsaliaConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeEdited by Joannes Andreas.
1469[50] [51] [52] Vergilius, Aeneis, Georgica and BucolicaConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeEdited by Joannes Andreas. Together with the three standard Virgilian works, Bussi included Donatus' Vita Vergilii. He also included a selection of the Priapeia and five poems from the Appendix Vergiliana, such as the , and . The missing pieces were added to the Priapeia and Appendix by Bussi in 1471 when he made a second Roman edition of Virgil's works.[53] [54] [55]
Appendix Vergiliana
Aelius Donatus, Vita Vergilii
1469[56] Julius Caesar, Commentarii de Bello Gallico and Commentarii de Bello CiviliConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeEdited by Joannes Andreas.
De Bello Hispaniensi[57]
De Bello Alexandrino
De Bello Africo
1469[58] Plinius Maior, Naturalis historiaJohannes de SpiraVenice
1469[59] Cicero, Tusculanae DisputationesUdalricus Gallus[60] Rome
1469[61] Aulus Gellius, Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeEdited by Joannes Andreas.
1469[62] -1470[63] Terentius, ComoediaeJohannes MentelinStrasbourgThis is disputed, as others believe that the Venetian edition printed by Vindelinus de Spira may come first.
1469–1470[64] Persius, Udalricus GallusRome
c. 1470[65] Valerius Maximus, Johannes MentelinStrasbourgNot after 1470.
c. 1470[66] Isidorus Hispalensis, Johannes SensenschmidtNurembergUndated, it was not printed after April 1470.
c. 1470[67] Isidorus Hispalensis, Georgius HeroltRome
c. 1470[68] Ambrosius, Ulrich ZellCologne
1470[69] Priscianus CaesariensisVindelinus de SpiraVeniceEdited by Benedictus Prunulus.
, Commentaria in metra Terentiana[70] and De compositione et de numeris oratorum[71]
c. 1470[72] [73] Statius, Thebais and Achilleis[74] Rome
1470[75] Augustinus, SermonesUlrich Zell[76] CologneThis edition is made of 50 sermons. The first large scale edition came out in Basel in 1494 by Johann Amerbach, who gathered together for the first time most of the augustinian medieval collections of sermons. In 1564 Jean Vlimmerius published in Leuven for the first time a further 42 sermons; later on in Paris in 1631 Jacques Sirmond and in 1654 made further additions.[77] The complete works of Augustine by the Maurists were printed in 1683: 394 sermons, of which 364 are believed to be Augustinian; further discoveries have added 175 sermons to these. Among the main recent discoveries, Germain Morin in 1917 added 34 sermons, from the Codex Guelferbytani; Dom André Wilmart in 1921–1930 added 15 sermons from the Codex Wilmart; Dom Cyrille Lambot found 24 new sermons, seven in fragments, in the Codex Lambot. The last major discovery was made in 1990, when discovered in Mainz a manuscript with 26 sermons.[78]
c. 1470[79] [80] Cicero, PhilippicaeUdalricus GallusRomeEdited by Johannes Antonius Campanus.
c. 1470[81] Cicero, De finibusUlrich ZellCologne
c. 1470[82] Gregorius Magnus, Regula PastoralisUlrich Zell[83] Cologne
c. 1470Cicero, De LegibusVeniceAccording to others, the editio princeps is instead the one printed in 1471 in Rome by Pannartz and Sweynheim.[84]
1470Cicero, Somnium ScipionisVindelinus de SpiraVenicePrinted in an impression that included also De officiis, De amicitia, Paradoxa and De senectute.
1470[85] Sallustius, Bellum Catilinae and Bellum Iugurthinum[86] Vindelinus de SpiraVenice
1470[87] Suetonius, De Vita CaesarumJohannes Philippus de LignamineRomeEdited by Johannes Antonius Campanus.
1470[88] [89] Quintilianus, Institutio OratoriaJohannes Philippus de LignamineRomeEdited by Johannes Antonius Campanus.
1470Cicero, De InventioneNicolaus JensonVeniceEdited by .
Rhetorica ad Herennium
c. 1470[90] Servius, Commentarii in Vergilii operaUdalricus GallusRome
1470Justinus, Epitoma Historiarum PhilippicarumNicolaus JensonVenice
1470Cicero, Epistulae ad Brutum, Epistulae ad Quintum fratrem, and Epistulae ad AtticumNicolaus JensonVeniceThere are good chances that this publication is preceded by the edition in the same year of Cicero's letters printed in Rome by Sweynheym and Pannartz and edited by Joannes Andreas. Thus, they are generally considered both editiones principes.[91]
Cornelius Nepos, Vita Attici[92]
c. 1470[93] Disticha CatonisPrinter of the SpeculumUtrechtSine loco et anno, so both the year and place of impression are uncertain.
c. 1470[94] [95] Tacitus, Historiae, Annales, Germania and DialogusVindelinus de SpiraVeniceThis edition only has books 11–16 of the Annales. Books 1–6 were rediscovered in 1508 in the Corvey Abbey (now in Germany) and brought to Rome. There they were printed by Étienne Guillery in 1515 together with the other books of the Annales while the edition was prepared by Philippus Beroaldus.
1470[96] Leo Magnus, Sermones and EpistulaeJohannes Philippus de LignamineRomeUndated. In the same year Sweynheym and Pannartz printed in Rome an edition of the same writer, so there is some ambiguity regarding which came first. In either case, Joannes Andreas was the editor of both volumes. Both the editions are incomplete as they present 92 of Leo's 96 extant sermons and just 5 of his 173 surviving letters.[97]
c. 1470[98] Ilias LatinaUtrechtThe undated Dutch edition only printed excerpts for a total of 500 of the 1070 lines that compose the Ilias Latina in a volume titled Speculum Meonii homeri greci poetarum maximi opus insigne cui yliada titulus inscribitur e greco in latinum versa. The first complete edition was instead printed by Filippo di Pietro in Venice in c. 1476.[99]
1470[100] Pamphilus Caesariensis, Apologia pro OrigenePetrus SchoefferMainzAvailable in an edition of Jerome's works.
Rufinus Aquileiensis, De adulteratione librorum Origenis
1470[101] -1471[102] HoratiusPrinter of the BasiliusVenice
1470–1471[103] Curtius Rufus, Historiae Alexandri MagniVindelinus de SpiraVenice[104]
1470–1471[105] Isidorus Hispalensis, Johannes Sensenchmidt[106] Nuremberg
1470-1471Martinus Bracarensis, Printer of the Historia S. AlbaniCologne
Ps.-Seneca, De moribus, De remediis fortuitorum and Proverbia Senecae
1470–1475[107] Ps.-Dictys Cretensis, Ulrich ZellCologneAn ancient Latin translation made by Lucius Septimius of a lost Greek original.
1470[108] -1475[109] Nonius Marcellus, Georgius LauerRomeEdited by Julius Pomponius Laetus. An undated edition, the year of print is much debated: often attributed to c. 1470, it has been countered that the printing types used do not precede 1474. Apart from this the text presented is incomplete, as it lacks Book III of De compendiosa doctrina, a lacuna that was repeated in the following Venetian edition printed by Nicolaus Jenson in 1476. This was first printed in 1511 in Pesaro and edited by .
1471Ps.-Sallustius, Vindelinus de SpiraVeniceThese two speechs were included by Vindelinus in his second edition of Sallust's works. The Venetian edition's priority is doubted as the real editio princeps for both texts may very well be the undated edition printed in Cologne in probably the same year. Differently from the Venice edition the Cologne edition does not include Catilina and Iugurtha.[110]
Ps.-Cicero, Invectiva in Sallustium
c. 1471[111] Augustinus, EpistulaeJohannes MentelinStrasbourg
1471[112] Cicero, OrationesConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz[113] RomeEdited by Joannes Andreas, a total of 56 speeches were printed.
1471[114] Cicero, De Natura Deorum,[115] De Divinatione, Academica priora[116] and Academica posteriora[117] Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRome[118] Edited by Joannes Andreas as an attempt to gather together Cicero’s scripta philosophica. Thus the edition also includes De finibus, De senectute and Tusculanae disputationes.
1471[119] [120] CyprianusConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeEdited by Joannes Andreas, this impression lacks the third book of ; it was to be printed in c. 1477 in Deventer by . Also, is here incomplete; three letters were added by Erasmus in 1520 and sixteen new letters were printed in 1563 in Rome by Paulus Manutius, together with two of Novatian’s three extant letters. After Manutius, Guillaume Morel published another four letters in Paris in 1564.[121] [122] [123]
Ps.-Cyprianus, ,[124] De montibus Sina et Sion and De singularitate clericorum[125]
Novatianus, Epistulae[126]
1471[127] [128] Florus, Ulrich Gering, Michael Friburger and Martin CrantzParisEdited by Robert Gaguin.
1471[129] Plinius Minor, EpistulaeChristophorus ValdarferVeniceEdited by . The edition does not include all ten books of the Epistulae but only the first seven and the ninth, for a total of 122 letters of the currently existing 375. These were increased to 236 letters in nine books with the publication of the Roman edition in 1490. Still missing was the tenth book, found by Giovanni Giocondo between 1495 and 1500 in the Abbey of St. Victor near Paris. Giocondo made a transcription, as did briefly after another Italian, Pietro Leandro, who once returned from France gave his partial copy of the tenth book to who printed the new 46 letters in Verona in 1502. For an edition of all Pliny's letters it was necessary to wait 1508, when Aldus Manutius printed in Venice a complete edition taking advantage of the transcript and other Plinian manuscripts Giocondo had given him.[130]
1471OvidiusBaldassarre AzzoguidiBolognaEdited by . There is some dispute regarding the possibility it may have been preceded by the Roman edition printed by Sweynheym and Pannartz, which is without date but thought to be also from 1471.
1471[131] Ps.-Ovidius, Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz[132] RomeThis poem is inserted in a volume of Ovid’s works edited by Joannes Andreas.
1471Eutropius, Georgius LauerRome
Paulus Diaconus, [133]
1471Cornelius Nepos, Nicolaus JensonVenice
1471[134] Cicero, De fatoVindelinus de Spira[135] VenicePublished together with De natura deorum, De divinatione, De legibus and the Academica under the title M. Tulli Ciceronis De natura deorum libri III, De divinatione libri II, De fato liber, De legibus libri III, Academicorum libri II. It may have been preceded by the Opera philosophica printed in the same year in Rome by Arnold Pannartz and Konrad Sweynheim.
c. 1471[136] Claudianus, De raptu ProserpinaeChristophorus ValdarferVeniceBeing undated, it is not certain whether this is the editio princeps; others have proposed as first edition the incunable from printers and Gerardus de Leempt, which appears in Utrecht in 1473–1475, that also results to be undated.[137]
1471[138] [139] Orosius, Johannes SchüsslerAugsburg
1471[140] Pomponius Mela, Panfilo CastaldiMilanWhile the press was owned by Castaldi he seems to have had limited himself to an organizational role while the everyday activity was done by his associates Gabriele Orsoni and the brothers Fortunato and .
1471[141] Martialis, Andreas GallicusFerraraThe priority issue is highly controversial. The Roman undated edition printed by Sweynheym and Pannartz circa 1470–1471 is often thought to be the editio princeps; also, there is a Venetian edition that is possibly the first printed edition.[142] The Ferrara edition does not include the , which is instead present in the Roman and Venetian incunables.[143]
1471[144] Silius Italicus, PunicaConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus PannartzRomeEdited by Joannes Andreas that published together Silius Italicus, Calpurnius and Hesiod. To this edition of the Punica 58 newly found lines were added by Jacobus Constantius in 1508.[145]
Calpurnius, Carmina bucolica[146]
Nemesianus, Carmina bucolica[147]
1471[148] Ps.-Probus, Vita VergiliiConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz[149] RomeEdited by Joannes Andreas as part of his second edition of Virgil’s works.
c. 1471Boethius, De Consolatione PhilosophiaeHans GlimSaviglianoUndated, others have suggested the incunable's date to be 1473 or 1474. This would probably make the editio princeps the lavish edition that came out in Nuremberg in 1473 from Anton Koberger's press, containing a commentary traditionally attributed to Thomas of Aquin and a German translation.[150]
1471–1472[151] [152] Aelius Donatus, Christophorus Valdarfer or Paulus Butzbach and Georgius de AugustaVenice or VeronaBook III or De barbarismo had been previously printed separately by an unknown printer in Venice in c. 1471. There is much uncertainty regarding the printer: according to an interpretation it was made by Valdarfer in Venice, according to another by Paulus and Georgius in Verona.
1471-1472[153] Paulus Diaconus, Epitome Festi De verborum significatu[154] Georgius LauerRomeEdited by Julius Pomponius Laetus.
1471–1472[155] Varro, Georgius LauerRomeEdited by Julius Pomponius Laetus
1472[156] [157] Epiphanius Scholasticus, Historia ecclesiastica tripartitaJohannes SchüsslerAugsburg
1472Plautus, ComoediaeJohannes de ColoniaVeniceEdited by Georgius Merula basing himself on the Codex Ursinianus. With a dedication to Iacopo Zeno, bishop of Padua.[158]
1472[159] Macrobius, In Somnium Scipionis and SaturnaliaNicolaus JensonVenice
1472[160] Cicero, [161] Milan
c. 1472[162] [163] Gregorius Magnus, Gunterius ZainerAugsburg[164]
1472Cato Maior, De agri culturaNicolaus JensonVeniceEdited by Georgius Merula and Francesco Colucia under the collective title Scriptores rei rusticae. Merula took care of the first three texts to which he also added three glossaries, one for each author; Colucia instead occupied himself with Palladius. While Palladius’ edition contains the poem that represents the fifteenth bbok (De insitione), it lacks the forteenth (De veterinaria medicina); this one was only found later and published by Josef Svennung in Gothenburg under the title Palladii Rutilii Tauri Aemiliani viri illustris Opus agriculturae - quartus decimus De veterinaria.[165] [166]
Varro, [167]
Palladius, [168]
1472Lactantius, EpitomeVindelinus de SpiraVeniceAn abridgement of the Divinae Institutiones. The Venice edition of the Epitome is incomplete, the full text having been first published by in Paris in 1712.[169] [170]
1472[171] [172] Catullus, CarminaVindelinus de Spira[173] VeniceThe three poets were all published together for the first time in a quarto volume. In the volume was also Propertius. There is considerable debate if this is the Corpus Tibullianum’s editio princeps; others have argued that an impression printed by in Venice the same year should be considered the first edition.
Tibullus, [174]
Appendix Tibulliana[175]
Statius, Silvae
1472[176] [177] Propertius, VeniceThis edition appeared in February and is thought to be probably the first, but the issue is controversial as another edition of Propertius printed by Vindelinus de Spira including Catullus, Tibullus and Statius also appeared in Venice in the same year.
1472[178] [179] Isidorus Hispalensis, EtymologiaeGunterius ZainerAugsburgThe editio princeps is thought to be the first printed volume ever to show a mappa mundi.[180]
1472[181] Isidorus Hispalensis, Gunterius ZainerAugsburg
1472Cicero, Partitiones oratoriaeMilanEdited by .
c. 1472[182] Aelius Donatus, Commentum TerentiiVindelinus de Spira[183] VeniceEdited by Raphael Zovenzonius. This volume may have been preceded by the first dated edition printed in Rome in 1472 by Sweynheym and Pannartz; otherwise, the editio princeps could alo possibly be an also undated and unnamed edition probably printed in Strasbourg by Johannes Mentelin between 1470 and 1472.
1472[184] AusoniusVeniceEdited by Bartholomaeus Girardinus, the volume also contains poetry by Ovid, Calpurnius Siculus and Gregorius Tifernas.[185] Ausonius’editio princeps is incomplete because it used a Z class manuscript, which represents the briefest of the surviving selections. The first additions came in 1490 in Milan when Julius Aemilius Ferrarius first added to the Ordo urbium nobilium. In 1499 in Parma was able to use also a manuscript from the richer Y selection, adding for the first time among other works the , Signa caelestia and the Ludus septem sapientum. Further additions to the ausonian corpus were made by in 1507 in Venice who published the Praefatiunculae and other texts. Finally, a new manuscript permitted Stephanus Charpinus in Lyon in 1558 to make major contributions to the corpus, such as Ephemeris, Parentalia, Professores and De herediolo.[186] [187] [188] [189] [190] [191] [192]
Faltonia Proba, De laudibus Christi[193]
1472[194] Ambrosius, Johannes SchüsslerAugsburg
1472[195] -1473[196] Suetonius, Nicolaus JensonVeniceUndated, its position as princeps is contested by a 1474 Venetian edition and a 1478 Florentine one.
c. 1473[197] Lucretius, De rerum naturaThomas Ferrandus[198] Brescia
1473[199] [200] Servius, Centimeter and De finalibus[201] MilanThese texts appear in this volume with other similar works, including ' De orthographia.
Beda, and De schematibus tropis
, De ratione metrorum and De finalibus metrorum[202]
Ps.-Servius, De littera
, De nomine et verbo[203]
c. 1473[204] Sidonius Apollinaris[205] and Gerardus de LeemptUtrecht
c. 1473Isidorus Hispalensis, ChronicaJohannes Philippus de LignamineRomeAn incomplete edition of the chronicle. A complete version of the text was first printed in Turin in 1593 and edited by .
c. 1473[206] Sedulius, Paschale Carmen and Gerardus de LeemptUtrecht
1473Gregorius Magnus, Gunterius ZainerAugsburg
1473[207] Solinus, Nicolaus JensonVenice
c. 1473[208] Gregorius Magnus, Ulrich ZellCologne1473 or not much later.
1473-1474[209] Vegetius, De Re Militari and Gerardus de Leempt[210] Utrecht
1473-1474[211] Marcus Manilius, AstronomicaJohannes RegiomontanusNuremberg
1474Ps.-Acro, Scholia in HoratiumMilanIn two volumes, the first having Horace’s works and the second Pseudo-Acro’s scholia.
c. 1474[212] Ps.-Lactantius, Narrationes fabularum OvidianarumPetrus MauferPaduaThe printer misattributes the work to Aelius Donatus.
1474[213] Maximianus, Elegiae and Gerardus de LeemptUtrechtPublished under the title Maximianus. Ethica suavis et periocunda; Epitaphia; Epigrammata.
1474[214] Gaius Valerius Flaccus, and Dionysius BertochiusBologna
1474[215] Marius Victorinus, Explanationes in Ciceronis rhetoricamMilan
1474[216] Germanicus, and Dionysius BertochiusBolognaTogether with Germanicus' translation of Aratus' Phaenomena the volume also contains Manilius' Astronomica.
c. 1474[217] Serenus Sammonicus, Venice
c. 1474[218] Augustinus, De TrinitateGeorg Reyser[219] StrasbourgPrinted not later than 1474.
c. 1474[220] Historia Apollonii regis Tyri and Gerardus de Leempt[221] Utrecht
1474[222] Ammianus Marcellinus, Georgius Sachsel and Bartholomaeus GolschRomeEdited by Angelus Sabinus with a dedication to the humanist Niccolò Perotti. The edition is incomplete as it contains only the first 13 of the surviving 18 books. The unprinted books were published together with the others in 1533 in two different editions, one in Augsburg edited by Mariangelus Accursius and printed by Silvanus Otmar, the other in Basel edited by Sigismund Gelenius and printed by Hieronymus Froben.[223]
1474[224] Paulinus Diaconus, Vita AmbrosiiMilan
1474-1475Pomponius Porphyrion, Commentum in Horatium FlaccumBartholomaeus GuldinbeckRomeEdited by Aelius Franciscus Marchisius with support from Angelus Sabinus, this volume includes Horace’s lyrical poetry and his Ars poetica with scholia by both Porphyrion and Pseudo-Acro. In about 1481 in Treviso or Venice in an edition of Horace opera omnia all of Porphyrion’s commentaries were edited by Raphael Regius.
1474-1476Hieronymus, Chronicon[225] Philippus de LavagnaMilanDue to this edition being undated, the year of impression is highly controversial, with the scholar A. Ganda dating it as early as 1468. As for the editor it was Boninus Mombritius that also added to the volume Prosper and Matteo Palmieri’s continuations of Jerome.
1475Codex JustinianusPeter SchöfferMainzThis edition only contains the first nine books. The remaining three books were published by the same printer two years later, also in Mainz.
1475DigestaVitus PuecherRomePuecher only published the second part of the collection, the Digestum infortiatum. The first part (Digestum vetus) was printed the following year in Foligno by Henricus Clayn; the last part (Digestum novus) also in 1476 in Rome.
1475Sallustius, and Epistulae ad CaesaremArnoldus PannartzRome
1475[226] [227] Seneca Philosophus, , De beneficiis, De Clementia and Epistulae morales ad LuciliumMatthias MoravusNaplesThe first complete edition of Seneca's philosophical works. Due to a confusion between the son and the father the volume also includes Seneca the Elder's widely known epitomized version composed of excerpts from his Suasoriae et Controversiae; the complete surviving text was printed in 1490 in Venice by Bernardinus de Cremona together with the younger Seneca. Also in the edition is Publilius Syrus, whose Sententiae are in the so-called Proverbia Senecae. The mistake was corrected in 1514 by Erasmus when the latter published in Southwark in 1514 an edition of Publilius that is generally considered to be the real editio princeps. Erasmus was followed in Leipzig in 1550 by Georg Fabricius, who also added twenty new sentences to the print.[228] [229]
Seneca Rhetor, Controversiae and Suasoriae[230]
Publilius Syrus, [231]
Epistulae Pauli et Senecae
1475[232] [233] Historia AugustaPhilippus de LavagnaMilanEdited by Bonus Accursius.
1475Ps.-Quintilianus, Declamationes maiores[234] Johannes Schurener[235] RomeEdited by with a dedication to Aniello Arcamone, ambassador of the Kingdom of Naples to the Holy See. The edition only contained declamations 8, 9 and 10; the other declamations were published in Venice in 1481, edited by Jacobus Grasolarius with the help of Georgius Merula. These impressions may have been preceded by an undated and without place edition printed by Leonardus Achates.
1475[236] [237] Hyginus, Poeticon astronomiconFerrara
1475[238] Johannes Scotus Eriugena, Vox spiritualis AquilaeBartholomaeus de UnkelCologneThis homily was misattributed here to Origen.
c. 1475[239] Beda, Historia Ecclesiastica gentis AnglorumHeinrich Eggestein[240] StrasbourgThe edition is undated, but it is agreed to have been printed between 1474 and 1482.
1475Boethius, Interpretatio Priorum analyticorum AristotelisKonrad BraemLeuven
1475Hieronymus, Vitae PatrumJean FabreCaselle
c. 1475[241] [242] [243] Diomedes Grammaticus, Ars grammatica[244] Nicolaus JensonVenicePublished together with grammatical works such as Priscian’s Institutio de nomine et pronomine et verbo as well as others. Regarding the Commentarius, This edition does not offer the full text but only deals with the and the second book of the . This shortcoming was healed in 1864 by Heinrich Keil who edited the near complete text for his series Grammatici Latini. Lacking was only most of the part treating the third book of the Ars maior, which was first published in 1975 by Ulrich Schindel in Göttingen.[245]
Ps.-Caper, De orthographia
Agroecius, Ars de orthographia[246]
Ps.-Servius, Commentarius in Artem Donati[247]
1475-1477[248] Tacitus, AgricolaMilanThis is the renowned scholarly editio puteolana of Tacitus' works.
1475-1478[249] Lactantius Placidus, In Statii Thebaida commentumBoninus MombritiusMilan
1475–1478Boethius, In Categorias Aristotelis and Commentaria in PorphiriumSixtus RiessingerNaplesThese commentaries are present together with Boethius' translations from the Greek of Porphyry's Isagoge and of Aristotle's Categoriae.
c. 1475[250] -1478[251] Venantius Fortunatus, Vita Sanctae Radegundis[252] Boninus MombritiusMilanA hagiographical compilation titled Sanctuarium sev vitae sanctorum. Only excerpts of Columbanus' life were printed here. A condensed version came out in London in 1516, included in a miscellany titled Nova Legenda Anglie. A complete version was made in Basel in 1563, where the work is misplaced under Bede's complete works.[253]
Jonas Bobiensis, Vita Columbani
Passio Sancti Clementis
Passio Fructuosi, Augurii et Eulogii[254]
Sulpicius Severus, , and [255]
1476[256] Rome
1476–1477[257] Avianus, FabulaeGunterius ZainerUlmEdited by Heinrich Steinhowel, it only contains 27 of Avianus' fables.
1476-1478Corpus Juris CivilisJacobus RubeusVenicePublished in six volumes, this was the first edition to print together all parts of the Corpus.
1477Asconius Pedianus, Commentarii in orationes CiceronisJohannes de Colonia and Johannes ManthenVeniceEdited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus.
Ps.-Asconius Pedianus, Commentarii in Verrinas[258]
c. 1477Ps.-Cyprianus, Ad Novatianum and Orationes iiDeventerA new edition of Cyprian’s works, Novatian’s text and Ad Novatianum are there due to a misattribution to Cyprian.
Novatianus, De bono pudicitiae
1478Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De MedicinaNicolaus LaurentiiFlorenceEdited by with a dedication to the humanist and banker Francesco Sassetti.
1479[259] Alcuinus, De dialecticaFlorenceErroneously published as a work by Augustine under the title Logica Beati Augustini.
c. 1481[260] Ps.-Apuleius, Herbarium Apuleii PlatoniciJohannes Philippus de LignamineRomeThe book is dedicated to the Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga. It is undated, but was printed between 1478 and 1482. The De herba vettonica is presented mistakenly in this edition as the first chapter of the Herbarium. Always concerning the De herba vettonica the introductory letter Epistula ad M. Agrippam is absent. This was first printed in Zürich in 1537, edited by and printed by Christoph Froschauer.[261]
Ps.-Antonius Musa,
c. 1481[262] Isidorus, De viris illustribusCologne
1482[263] Petronius, Satyricon[264] MilanThe edition that also contains Tacitus' Agricola[265] This edition of Petronius was made from a manuscript of Class O, which present only short excerpts of the Satyricon and almost nothing of the . In 1575 a new edition was published in Lyon from a different class of manuscripts which doubled he text available. Still absent was most of the Cena which was first published in Padua in 1664 following the rediscovery of the text in Trau by Marino Statileo.[266]
Panegyrici Latini[267]
Plinius Minor,
1482ClaudianusIacobus de DusaVicenzaEdited by Barnabas Celsanus with a dedication to the scholar Bartolomeo Pagello. The volume includes all Claudian's works except the Carmina minora. These were first published in 1493 by in Parma by together with the Carmina maiora.[268]
c. 1483[269] Tertullianus, ApologeticusVeniceThe work is undated and can only be said for certain that it was printed before 1494.[270]
1483–1490[271] Frontinus, De aqaeductu urbis RomaeRomeEdited by Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus and Julius Pomponius Laetus.
1484Seneca Philosophus, TragoediaeAndreas GallicusFerrara
1484Boethius, In Topica CiceronisOliverius ServiusRome
c. 1484[273] Consultus Fortunatianus, Ars rhetoricaPhilippus Mantegatius[274] MilanEdited by . Others put the date considerably later at about 1493.
1485[275] Cicero, De optimo genere oratorum and Bartholomaeus de BlavisVeniceEdited by Hieronymus Squarzaficus. The treatise was printed together with De oratore, Topica, Brutus and Partitiones oratoriae.
c. 1485[276] Haimo Halberstadensis, De Christianarum Rerum MemoriaRudolph LoeffsLeuvenPrinted together with Petrarch's , to whom it was misattributed.
1486[277] Probus, De notisBoninus de BoninisBresciaEdited by Michael Fabricius Ferrarinus.
1486[278] Augustinus, Milan
1486[279] -1487[280] Vitruvius, De architectura[281] RomeEdited by Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus. The book was published together with Frontinus' De aquaeductu.
1487Frontinus, StratagemataRomeEdited by Johannes Sulpitius Verulanus in the collection Scriptores rei militaris sive Scriptores veteres de re militari.
1487[282] Ps.-Johannes Chrysostomus, Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum[283] CologneAppeared under the title Johannes Chrysostomus super Matthaeum.
1487[284] -1488[285] Tiberius Donatus, Interpretationes vergilianaeFlorenceThe text was heavily edited by Cristoforo Landino that did not publish the full version of Tiberius Donatus' work but instead a digest inserted as part of the author's own commentary. The first complete and unadulterated edition was printed in Naples in 1535.[286]
1488[287] Cicero, Antonius de StrataVeniceTitled Astronomica, this volume also includes Germanicus’ translation of Aratus and Serenus Sammonicus Liber Medicinalis. Edited by Giorgio Valla and Victor Pisanus.
Avienius, , Ora maritima and Orbis terrae[288]
1488[289] Firmicus Maternus, Mathesis[290] Erhard RatdoltAugsburgThis volume contains Johannes Angelus’s Astrolabium Planum in tabulis in which extensive excerpts from book III, IV and V were first published. The complete edition of the Mathesis came out first in Venice in 1497 by the types of Laurentius Abstemius.
1488[291] Ambrosius, De excessu fratrisUldericus ScinzenzelerMilanAlso contains Ambrose's De officiis and De bono mortis, together with a few letters attributed to him. Also in the volume are Paulinus' Vita Ambrosii and two sermons written by Maximus of Turin.
1488Boethius, De institutione arithmeticaErhard RatdoltAugsburg
1489Boethius, De Trinitate, De hebdomadibus and De praedicationePaganino PaganiniVenicePublished together with Augustine's De Trinitate.
1489[292] Augustinus, Enarrationes in PsalmosJohannes AmerbachBaselThe first of Augustine's books published by Amerbach, who was to dedicate his life to printing all of the author's works.[293]
1489[294] Hilarius Pictaviensis,, Ad Constantium Imperatorem, In Constantium Imperatorem, Contra Auxentium, Leonardus PachelMilanEdited by Georgius Cribellus, the volume also contains Augustine's De Trinitate.
1490[295] SallustiusRomeFirst complete edition of Sallust, it was edited by Pomponius Laetus, who also added his biography of the author.[296]
Ps.-Cicero, Declamatio in Catilinam[297]
c. 1490[298] Iulianus Toletanus, Milan
1490[299] Ambrosius, EpistulaeLeonardus PachelMilanEdited by Georgius Cribellus, it was reprinted by Johannes Amerbach in Basel in 1492 in Ambrose's complete works. An independent edition of the letters was published always in Milan two months later.
1490Seneca Philosophus, Naturales quaestionesBernardinus de Cremona and Simon de Luero[300] VeniceThe Naturales quaestiones were published in a complete edition of the works of Seneca the Younger. The volume also contained the Suasoriae and Controversiae written by Seneca the Elder, whose works were erroneously attributed to the younger Seneca.
c. 1490[301] Juvencus, Historia evangelica[302] Deventer
1491Cassiodorus, Expositio psalmorumJohannes AmerbachBasel
1491[303] [304] [305] Augustinus, , De libero arbitrio, , , and Angelus UgoletusParmaEdited by Eusebius Conradus and with other works by Augustine in the Opuscula plurima. It was reprinted in the same year in Venice by Pasquale Peregrino.
Ps.-Augustinus, Regulae[306]
1491[307] Augustinus, Expositio evangelii secundum JohannemJohannes AmerbachBasel
1491–1492[308] BoethiusJohannes and Gregorius de GregoriisVeniceFirst edition of his complete works, but it lacks the De fide catholica. The edition was republished in 1497–1499, and followed in Basel in 1546 by a new collection prepared by Heinrich Glareanus.
1491-1492Ps.-Hieronymus, Psalterium RomanumGerard LeeuAntwerp
1492[309] Marius Victorinus, De accentibusJohannes and Gregorius de GregoriisVenice
1492AmbrosiusJohannes AmerbachBaselAmbrose's Opera omnia in three volumes.
1492-1497[310] Prudentius, Carmina[311] DeventerSine loco et anno. Probably edited by Alexander Hegius.
1493[312] Alcuinus, De fide sanctae ed individuae TrinitatisBaselPresent in a volume called Homeliarum doctorum.
1493[313] Claudianus, Carmina minoraAngelus UgoletusParmaEdited by . This was in the first authentically complete volume of Claudian.
1494[314] Ps.-Quintilianus, Declamationes minoresAngelus UgoletusParmaEdited by . The Parma edition lacks 9 declamations that have been printed in 1580 in Paris by Petrus Pithoeus.[315]
1495[316] Ambrosius Autpertus, Sermo de Adsumptione Sanctae MariaeJohannes AmerbachBaselAutpert's sermon is here misattributed to Augustine.
1496[317] Epigrammata Bobiensia[318] VeniceEdited by in a collection of Ausonius’ poems. Only 18 of the 71 epigrams contained in the Epigrammata Bobiensia were printed in this volume. Epigram 37 was first printed separately in Venice in 1498; after that, added seven epigrams for the first time in Parma in 1499. Also, Avantius in 1509 issued a new Venetian copy of Ausonius which first included epigram 39. Due to the loss of the original manuscript it was only in 1955 in Rome that published the complete editio princeps when a copy of the manuscript was discovered in 1950.[319] [320] [321]
c. 1496[322] Hucbald, Ecloga de CalvisPeter FriedbergMainzEdited by Johannes Trithemius.
1497[323] [324] Terentianus, De litteris, syllabis et metris HoratiiUldericus Scinzenzeler[325] Milan[326] Edited by Giorgio Galbiati.
1497[327] [328] Censorinus, De die nataliBenedictus Hectoris FaelliBolognaEdited by Philippus Beroaldus.[329] Censorinus' work is part of a miscellaneous volume including a forgery by Leon Battista Alberti and translations of Epictetus, the Tabula Cebetis and Basil of Caesarea.[330]
Ps.-Censorinus, Liber disciplinarum[331]
1497-1498[332] Hieronymus, Commentarii in Prophetas minoresJohannes and Gregorius de GregoriisVeniceThis commentary, edited by Bernardino Gadolo, appeared in the third volume of the collection in four tomes titled Commentaria in Biblia.
1498[333] Fabius Planciades Fulgentius, Mythologiae and Expositio sermonum antiquorum[334] Uldericus Scinzenzeler[335] Milan[336] Edited by with an extensive commentary to the first work.
1498Sulpiciae ConquestioBernardino VitaliVenicePublished together with such Humanist poetry collections as Gregorius TifernusOpuscula, Johannes Jovianus PontanusNeniae and Epigrams, and Octavius Cleophilus’ elegies.
1498[337] [338] Apicius, De re coquinariaMilanProbably edited by .
1498-1499Cicero[339] MilanCicero’s opera omnia, they were edited by in four volumes.
1499[340] [341] Martianus Capella, VicenzaEdited by with a dedication to Giovanni Chericato, bishop of Cattaro.
1499Ps.-Ausonius, Periochae Homeri[342] and Septem sapientum sententiaeAngelus UgoletusParmaEdited by in his edition of Ausonius. These works were by him misattributed to the poet.
1499[343] Epistola Alexandri ad AristotelemVeniceThis is the first dated edition, but it must be added that according to Lellia Ruggini the undated incunable printed by Iacobus Catalanesis is to be considered the true editio princeps.[344]

16th century

DateAuthor, WorkPrinterLocationclass=unsortableComment
1500[345] [346] Vibius Sequester, De fluminibus, fontibus, lacubus, nemoribus, paludibus et montibusFranciscus de SilvaTurinEdited by Martinus Salius.
1500[347] Pompeius Festus, De verborum significationeGabriel ConagusMilanEdited by in a volume that included also Nonius Marcellus and Varro’s .
1501[348] [349] Ps.-Cyprianus, Carmen de PaschaAldus ManutiusVeniceThis pseudocyprianic poem was published in the miscellany Poetae christiani veteres which also included Sedulius and Juvencus. Concerning Arator, the editio princeps could also possibly be the undated impression printed in Salamanca in c. 1500.
Arator, De Actibus Apostolorum [350]
1502[351] Paschasius Radbertus, In Lamentationes JeremiaeJacobus Pfortzheimius[352] BaselEdited by Franciscus Wyler.[353]
1502[354] Braulio, Hymnus de Sancto Aemiliano and Gaspare Gorricio[355] ToledoEdited by Alonso Ortiz as part of his Breviarium secundum regulam Beati Hysidori.
1503[356] [357] Rabanus Maurus, De laudibus sanctae crucisThomas AnshelmPforzheimEdited by Jakob Wimpfeling.
1503[358] Origenes, Homiliae in Genesim, Homiliae in Exodum, Homiliae in Leviticum, Homiliae in Numeros, Homiliae in Iesu Nave, Homiliae in librum IudicumAldus ManutiusVeniceThe 4th century translations are by Rufinus of Aquileia; the original Greek text is lost. In this edition the translations' paternity is wrongly attributed to Jerome.[359]
1503[360] Asper Minor, Ars grammaticaHieronymus SoncinusFanoEdited by Laurentius Abstemius.
Ps.-Palaemon, Regulae
1504[361] Epitome de CaesaribusHieronymus Soncinus[362] Fano[363] Edited by Laurentius Abstemius.
1504[364] [365] Ps.-Clemens Romanus, RecognitionesGuido Mercator for Johannes Parvus[366] [367] ParisEdited by Jacobus Faber Stapulenis as part of the collection titled Paradysus Heraclidis. Epistola Clementis. Recognitiones Petri Apostoli. Complementum epistole Clementis. Epistola Anacleti. From a lost Greek original translated by Rufinus.
1504[368] [369] Ps.-Probus, De ultimis syllabisJohannes Angelus ScinzenzelerMilanEdited by Aulus Janus Parrhasius in a sylloge of grammatical texts.
Caesius Bassus, De metris[370]
Atilius Fortunatianus, De metris Horatianis
1505[371] -1506[372] AugustinusJohannes AmerbachBaselThe first edition of Augustine’s Opera omnia, in eleven volumes. Due to Amerbach’s efforts a number of editiones principes were printed here; among these, in 1506, De Genesi ad litteram[373] and De dialectica.
1506[374] Origenes, Commentarii in Epistulam ad RomanosSimon de LueresVeniceEdited by Theophilus Salodianus, the ancient translation was made by Rufinus; the original Greek is lost. Here too the work is wrongly attributed to Jerome.
1507[375] Ps.-Probus, Commentum in Bucolicas and Commentum in GeorgicasBernardino Stagnino[376] VeniceEdited by G. B. Egnatius. The texts are present with Servius, Aelius Donatus and Cristoforo Landino's commentaries to Virgil and the works of the latter.
1508Julius Obsequens, Liber prodigiorumAldus ManutiusVeniceThe only surviving manuscript was found by Giovanni Giocondo during his stay in France between 1495 and 1506. After arriving in Venice in 1506 he gave a transcription of the manuscript to Manutius, who printed it together with the first complete edition of Pliny the Younger's Epistulae. The original manuscript has by now been lost, making the editio princeps the only surviving authority for the text.
1509[377] Medicina PliniiÉtienne GuilleryRomeEdited by Tommaso Pighinucci.
Gargilius Martialis, De hortis[378]
1509[379] Ps.-Probus, Catholica ProbiVicenzaEdited by Aulus Janus Parrhasius in a collection of grammatical treatises.
1510[380] Ps.-Hegesippus, HistoriaeJodocus BadiusParisThe main text was edited by Jacobus Faber Stapulenis while the Anacephalaeosis was left to the care of . Ambrose is here mistakenly considered as the translator as well of being judged the epitomator.[381]
Ps.-Ambrosius, Anacephaleosis
1510[382] Quintus Aurelius Symmachus, Epistulae and RelationesJohann SchottStrasbourg
1510[383] Altercatio Hadriani Augusti et Epicteti philosophiOfficina MarneforumParisPublished together with the Berosus Babylonicus: De his quae praecesserunt inundationem, a forgery by Annius of Viterbo.
1510[384] Hilarius Pictaviensis, and [385] Jodocus BadiusParisEdited by Robert Fortuné in the collection of Hilary's works titled Opera complura Sancti Hylarii Episcopi.
c. 1510[386] Victor Vitensis, Historia persecutionis Africae provinciae[387] Johannes ParvusParis
1510Walafridus Strabo, HortulusHieronymus VietorViennaEdited by Joachim Vadianus, it was followed in Nuremberg in 1512 by Johannes Weissenburger's edition. Vietor's editio princeps also contains two of Aldhelm's Aenigmata, the first thing ever to be printed of this writer.[388]
1511Terentius Scaurus, De orthographiaHieronymus SoncinusPesaroEdited by Clarelius Lupus with the collaboration of Alessandro Gaboardo della Torricella. This is a sylloge of grammatical texts that puts together also works by Nonius Marcellus, Agroecius and the Ps.-Caper’s De orthographia.
Ps.-Caper, De verbis dubiis
1511[389] Gregorius Turonensis, Vita sancti Iuliani and De Gloria MartyrumJohannes Parvus and Jean MarchandParisThis volume, a Martinellus, is a collection of medieval texts on Martin of Tours which also contains texts by Sulpicius Severus and Odo of Cluny, all edited by Hieronymus Clichtoveus.[390]
Venantius Fortunatus, Vita Sancti Martini[391]
1512Simon Vincent[392] Lyon[393] Edited by under a volume titled Leges Longobardorum seu capitulare divi ac sacratissimi Caroli Magni imperatoris et Francie regis ac novelle constitutiones domini Justiniani imperatoris cum praefaciuncula et annotationibus in ipsas II et constitutiones novellas.[394]
1512[395] Gregorius Turonensis, Historia Francorum, De Gloria Confessorum and In vitas patrumJodocus Badius AscensiusParisContained in this impression are also a life of Gregory of Tours by Joannes Egidius and one of Paul of Thebes by Jerome.
Ado Viennensis, Chronicon
1512[396] OrigenesJodocus Badius and Johannes ParvusParisEdited by Jacobus Merlin in four volumes in Origen's opera omnia, the great majority of which survive only in Latin translations. Here published here for the first time were the De pricipiis and the anonymous Latin translation of the Commentary on Matthew, known as the Commentariorum series in Matthaeum. This edition also contains two apologies of Origen, one penned by Origen's friend Pamphilus and the other by Merlin.[397]
Ps.-Origenes, Commentarii in Iob
1513[398] Seneca Philosophus, Apocolocyntosis divi ClaudiiRomeEdited by Caius Sylvanus Germanicus.
1513[399] Haito, Visio WettiniHenricus StephanusParisEdited by Jacobus Faber Stapulensis. The volume contains several other editiones principes, that is the ancient Latin translation of the Sheperd of Hermas, Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias, Elizabeth of Schönau, Saint Mechtilde and Robert of Uzès visions.
1514Paulus Diaconus, Historia LangobardorumJodocus Badius AscensiusParisAn independent edition of higher quality was made the following year in Augsburg by Konrad Peutinger. A third edition was made in Basel in 1532 by Sigismund Gelenius as part of his edition of Eutropius.
1515Jordanes, GeticaJohann Miller[400] AugsburgEdited by Konrad Peutinger. The volume also contains Paul the Deacon's Historia Langobardorum.
1516[401] [402] Paulinus Nolanus, Carmina and Epistulae[403] Jodocus Badius Ascensius and Johannes ParvusParis
1516[404] Hermeneumata PseudodositheanaJohannes Frobenius[405] BaselEdited by Beatus Rhenanus together with Theodorus GazaInstitutio grammatica. Rhenanus made his edition from the recension known as Hermeneumata Einsidlensia, but left out the Hermeneumata’s glossary while making available the Colloquia.[406] Complete, but not from the Einsidlensia, was Henricus Stephanus’ edition Glossaria duo e situ vetustatis eruta, published in 1573 in Paris. This impression contained two distinct recensions of the Hermeneumata, the Hermeneumata Leidensia and the Hermeneumata Stephani.[407]
1516[408] [409] [410] HieronymusJohannes FrobeniusBaselFirst edition in nine volumes of Jerome’s Opera onmia, edited by Erasmus.[411]
Ps.-Jerome, In omnes Divi Pauli epistolas commentaria and Expositio Evangelii secundum Marcum[412]
1517[413] Epitome AegidiiTheodoricus Martinus AlostensisAntwerp or LeuvenSine loco. Edited by Petrus Aegidius under the title Summae sive argumenta legum diversorum Imperatorum, ex Corpore Divi Theodosii, Novellis Divi Valentiniani Aug. Martiani, Maioriani, Severi, preterea Cai et Iulii Pauli sententiis. Aegidius erroneously took here the Epitome Aegidii for the Breviarium Alaricianum.
Ps.-Paulus, [415] [416]
1519[417] [418] Aquila Romanus, De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis[419] Venice
Rutilius Lupus, De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis libri duo[420]
1520[421] Velleius Paterculus, Historiae RomanaeJohannes FrobeniusBaselEdited by Beatus Rhenanus, who had discovered a surviving manuscript of the work in 1515 while visiting the Murbach Abbey in Alsace in today France.[422]
1520[423] Rutilius Claudius Namatianus, De reditu suoGirolamo Benedetti[424] BolognaEdited by .
1520Ps.-Cyprianus, De laude martyriiJohannes FrobeniusBaselEdited by Erasmus in his publication of Cyprian’s works.
Sententiae episcoporum
1520[425] Calcidius, Timaeus, a Calcidio translatus commentarioque instructusJodocus Badius AscensiusParisEdited by Augustinus Iustinianus
1520[426] Mythographus Vaticanus TertiusJean de MarnefParis
1521TertullianusJohannes FrobeniusBaselEdited by Beatus Rhenanus basing himself on two manuscripts, the Codex Hirsaugiensis and the Codex Paterniacensis. This volume was meant to be the first complete edition of the author, but it lacks many of Tertullian's works. Those offered for the first time by Rhenanus were De poenitentia, De patientia, Ad uxorem, De pallio, Ad martyres, De exhortatione castitatis, De virginibus velandis, De cultu foeminarum, De fuga, Ad scapulam, Adversus Marcionem, Adversus Hermogenem, Adversus Valentinianos, De carne Christi, De resurrectione carnis, De praescriptione haereticorum,[427] De Monogamia,[428] Adversus Praxean, Adversus Iudaeos and De corona militis. Also present is the previously printed Apologeticum.
Ps.-Tertullianus, Adversus omnes haereses[429]
1521Beda, Explanatio Apocalypsis, In Epistolas VII Catholicas, Expositio Actuum Apostolorum, In Lucae evangelium expositio and In Marci evangelium expositioJodocus Badius AscensiusParis
1521[430] Eginhardus, Vita Karoli MagniJohannes Soter[431] CologneEdited by .[432]
Annales regni Francorum
1521[433] Sulpicius Victor, Institutiones oratoriaeJohannes Frobenius[434] BaselEdited by Beatus Rhenanus in a sylloge of rhetorical treatises titled Veterum aliquot de arte Rhetorica traditiones that included also Rutilius Lupus, Aquila Romanus, Emporius, Aphthonius and Augustine’s .[435]
Rufinianus, De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis liber[436] [437]
Ps.-Rufinianus, De schematis dianoeas and De schematis lexeos
Emporius, De ethopoeia, Praeceptum de loco communi, Praeceptum deliberativae and Praeceptum demonstrativae materiae[438]
Excerpta de adtributis personae et negotio[439]
1522[440] Arnobius Junior, Commentarii in PsalmosJohannes FrobeniusBaselEdited by Erasmus with a dedicatory letter to Pope Adrian VI. The editor mistakenly attributes the work to Arnobius Afer. The volume includes also Erasmus' personal commentary to Psalm 2.
1525[441] Gildas, De Excidio et Conquestu BritanniaeAntwerp?[442] Edited by Polydore Vergil and Robert Ridley with a dedication to the bishop Cuthbert Tunstall. This edition was reprinted in Basel in 1541 in a miscellany of works, followed in 1567 by a more accurate edition made by John Joscelyn that corrected many of Polydore's edition's errors.[443]
1526[444] [445] Irenaeus, Adversus HaeresesJohannes FrobeniusBaselThe ancient anonymous Latin translation, edited by Erasmus. Irenaeus' Greek original is lost, apart from a number of fragments.
1527[446] Laus PisonisHenricus PetriBaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus as an appendix to an edition of Ovid's works. Sichard claims to have personally found the manuscript of the text in the Lorsch Abbey, where the work was ascribed to Virgil.
1527[447] Alcuinus, Expositio In Iohannis EvangeliumJoannes HervagiusStrasbourg
1527[448] Marius Victorinus, Ars grammaticaAdam Petri[449] BaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus. Only the fourth chapter titled de orthographia was printed; the full text was edited by Joachim Camerarius in Tübingen in 1537.
1527[450] Ps.-Philo, Liber Antiquitatum BiblicarumAdam Petri[451] BaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus. This edition also contains other Latin translations of works thought to be Philo's such as Quaestiones et Solutiones in Genesim, De vita contemplativa, De Mundo and De nominibus Hebraicis.[452]
1528[453] [454] Sedulius Scottus, Collectaneum in epistolas PauliHenricus PetriBaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus.
1528[455] Scribonius Largus, CompositionesSimon Du Bois for [456] ParisEdited by Ioannes Ruellius.
1528Cassiodorus, Institutiones saecularium litterarumJohannes Bebelius[457] BaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus in his Disciplinarum liberalium orbis ex P. Consentio et Magno Aurelio Cassiodoro. As for Consentius’ work, it was published incomplete; it was only in 1605 in Hannover that made available the full text.
Consentius, De nomine et verbo[458] [459]
1528[460] Marius Victorinus, Adversus Arium, Hymni and De homoousio recipiendoHenricus Petri[461] BaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus in his volume titled Antidotum contra diversas omnium fere seculorum haereses.
Ps.-Marius Victorinus, De martyrio Macchabaeorum[462] [463]
Eusebius Vercellensis, De Trinitate[464]
Ps.-Athanasius, De Trinitate
Vincentius Lerinensis, Commonitorium[465]
1528[466] Filastrius Brixiensis, Diversarum hereseon liberHenricus Petri[467] BaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus together with Lanfranc’s treatise De corpore et sanguine Domini, written against Berengar of Tours.
1528[468] Chromatius Aquileiensis, Tractatus XVII in Evangelium Matthaeum and Sermo de octo beatitudinisAdam Petri[469] BaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus.
1528[470] , De TrinitateBasel
c. 1528Vegetius, Digesta Artis Mulomedicinae[471] Basel
1528[472] Breviarium AlaricianumHenricus Petri[473] BaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus. The Breviarium here is mistakenly believed to be the Codex Theodosianus. An epitome of the Breviarium had been already printed in Antwerp in 1517 by Petrus Aegidius, called after him Epitome Aegidiana.
Lucius Volusius Maecianus, Assis distributio[474]
Aggenus Urbicus, Commentum de agrorum qualitate
Frontinus, De arte mensoria
1529[475] Beda, De natura rerum, and De temporum rationeHenricus Petrus[476] BaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus. Chapter 66 from De temporum ratione had already been printed separately by Johannes Tacuinus in Venice in 1505 and edited by Petrus Marenus Aleander; also the first two chapters had been printed separately in 1525, by the same printer and also in Venice, in a volume that included Probus' De notis.
1529[477] Caelius Aurelianus, Henricus Petrus[478] BaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus.
1529Cassiodorus, Henricus PetriBaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus.
1529Alcuinus, In GenesimJohannes Secerius[479] Hagenau
1529[480] Iustus Urgellensis, Explanatio in Cantica CanticorumHagenauEdited by Menrad Molther.
1530Isidorus Hispalensis, Johannes SoterCologne
1530Lex RipuariaBasel[481] [482] Edited by Johannes Sichardus.
Lex Baiuvariorum
Lex Alamannorum
1531[483] [484] Claudius Taurinensis, Expositio Libri Geneseos and Triginta quaestiones super libros Regum[485] Hieronymus FrobeniusBaselEdited by Johannes Brassicanus. Claudius of Turin's texts were misattributed here to Eucherius of Lyon and inserted in a collection of the latter's works.
1531[486] Ratramnus, De corpora et sanguine Domini[487] Johannes PraelCologne
1531[488] Jordanes, RomanaJohannes HervagiusBaselEdited by Beatus Rhenanus together wih Getica and Latin translations of Procopius’s and Agathias.
1531Alcuinus, In EcclesiastenJohannes BebeliusBasel
1532[489] Theodorus Priscianus, EuporistaHieronymus Frobenius and Nikolaus EpiscopusBaselEdited by Sigismund Gelenius, the Euporistas text is incomplete. In the same year a complete edition was printed by Johann Schott in Strasbourg and edited by Hermann von Neuenar.
1532Theodorus Priscianus, PhysicaJohann SchottStrasbourgEdited by Hermann von Neuenar, this edition contains both the Euporista and the Physica. Also present in the volume was a Latin translation by Gerard of Cremona of an Arab work, Albucasis' Chirurgia.[490]
1532[491] CharisiusJohannes SultzbachNaplesEdited by Jo. Pierius Cymnius.
1532Rabanus Maurus, De clericorum institutioneJohannes Prael[492] Cologne
1533[493] Symphosius, AenigmataLouis Cyaneus[494] ParisEdited by .
1533Caelius Aurelianus, Simon de Colines[495] ParisEdited by Joannes Gunterius.
1533Cassiodorus, Variae and De animaHenricus SiliceusAugsburgEdited by Mariangelus Accursius with a dedication to the Cardinal Albert of Mainz. A limited amount of excerpts from the Variae had been previously published by Ioannes Cochlaeus in 1529.
1534[496] Ps.-Ovidius, HalieuticaAldine PressVeniceEdited by . This book is a collection which includes all Nemesianus, Grattius, the pseudo-Ovidian Halieutica and Calpurnius Siculus.
Nemesianus, Cynegetica[498]
1534Isidorus Hispalensis, Michael Blum[499] LeipzigEdited by Ioannes Cochlaeus.
1534Rabanus Maurus, Commentaria in JeremiamHenricus Petri[500] Basel
1534Beda, Homeliarum evangelii libri IIJoannes GymnicusCologne
1535[501] Hyginus, FabulaeJoannes Hervagius[502] Basel[503] Edited by Jacob Micyllus together with FulgentiusMythologiae.
1535[504] Primasius, Commentarius in Apocalypsin[505] Eucharius CervicornusCologne
1536[506] Marcellus EmpiricusJohannes FrobeniusBaselEdited by Janus Cornarius, who also published Galen's nine books on medicaments in the volume.[507]
1536[508] [509] Smaragdus Abbas, Collectiones in epistolas et evangeliaGeorges UlricherStrasbourg
1536[510] Marius Victorius, AletheiaVincentius Portonarius[511] LyonEdited by Jean de Gagny in appendix to Alcimus Avitus' works.
1536Ambrosius Autpertus, Expositio in ApocalypsinEucharius CervicornusCologne
1537[512] Gregorius Magnus, Bernardinus StagninusVenice
1537[513] Beda, Epistula ad WicthedumJohannes Prael and Petrus QuentelCologneEdited by Johannes Noviomagus. A new edition of Bede's scientific treatises after the previous one of Basel, it offers also a number of anonymous works on Paschal computation and many Carolingian glosses to Bede such as the Vetus commentarius (mostly from Abbo of Fleury) and the presumed Byrhtferth's commentaries. Novomagus also added to the volume his personal scholia to Bede.[514]
1537[515] Ps.-Primasius, In Omnes divi Pauli Epistolas CommentariiSebastian Gryphius[516] LyonEdited by Jean de Gagny.
1537[517] Gaius Marius VictorinusTübingenFirst edition of Victorinus' complete works, edited by Joachim Camerarius.
1538[518] Sextus PlacitusJohannes PetrieusNurembergEdited by Franz Emmerich. Also in the volume is the Tractatus de Lacte, a contemporary work written by Gerolamo Accoramboni.
1538[519] Pacianus, Epistulae ad Sympronianum, Paraenesis ad paenitentiam and Sermo de baptismoCharlotte GuillardParisEdited by Ioannes Tillius.
1538[520] , In Canticum Canticorum Expositio[521] FreiburgOnly the first six books were published in 1538. After that Angelo Mai made available in Rome in 1841 the books from the seventh to part of the eleventh; finally, Girolamo Bottino and Giuseppe Martini first put in print in Rome all twelve books of the Expositio.
1539Ambrosius Autpertus, Sermo de cupiditate and Sermo in purificatione Sanctae MariaeCologneAutpert's sermons are here misattributed to Alcuin and thus are printed in the Homiliae Alcuini.
1543[522] Arnobius AferFranciscus Priscianenses and Girolamo FerrariRomeEdited by Faustus Sabaeus. Here Minucius Felix's Octavius is treated not as a separate work by Minucius Felix, but instead as the last book of Arnobius' Adversus Nationes. It will only be in the 1560 Heidelberg edition, edited by Franciscus Balduinus, that the Octavius will be correctly identified as a work of Minucius Felix.[523]
Minucius Felix, Octavius
1543[524] Eiricus Altissiodorensis, Vita divi GermaniSimon de ColinesParisEdited by Pierre Pesselier.
1543[525] Arnobius Junior, Expositiunculae in EvangeliumBaselEdited by . This edition in uncomplete; the rest was published by Guy Morin in 1903 in Oxford in the Anecdota Maredsolana.
1543[526] [527] Victorinus Poetovionensis, Commentarii in Apocalypsim IoannisParisEdited by as an appendix to TheophylactusEnarrationes in Pauli epistolas et in aliquot prophetas minores. This is the heavily revised text made by Jerome of which two recensions exist, of which Lonicerus made available the shorter one. After that in Bologna in 1558 B. Millanius published the longer recension. Victorinus’ original commentary came out only in Vienna in 1916 when an unrevised manuscript was edited by .
1544Rabanus Maurus, In Ecclesiasticum commentariiSimon de Colines[528] Paris
1545[529] Tertullianus, De testimonio animae, De anima, De spectaculis, De baptismo, Scorpiace, De idolatria, De pudicitia, De ieiunio, De orationeCharlotte GuillardParisEdited by Joannes Gagneius. A new complete edition of Tertullian with many additions, known as Mesnartiana. Novatian's works were added due to their misattribution to Tertullian.
Novatianus, De Trinitate and De cibis iudaicis
1547Alcuinus, Enchiridion in Psalmos[530] and In Cantica graduum expositioNicolas Le Riche[531] Paris
1548[532] Marius Victorinus, Ad Candidum ArianumJohannes OporinusBaselEdited by Iacobus Ziegler in appendix to Ziegler’s Conceptionum in Genesim mundi et Exodum Commentarii.
1548-1549[533] Lex Salica[534] Charlotte GuillardParisSine data, it may have been printed as late as 1557. It is also sine nomine, thus the attribution to Guillard is doubtful. Having said that, it was edited by Ioannes Tillius in a volume titled Libelli seu decreta a Clodoveo, et Childeberto et Clotario prius aedita ac postrema a Carolo lucide emendata, auctaque plurimum.
Lex Gundobada[535]
1549[536] Optatus Milevitanus, Contra Parmenianum DonatistamFranciscus BehemMainzEdited by Johannes Cochlaeus.
1549[537] Ps.-Ulpianus, tituli ex corpore UlpianiGuilelmus Morelius[538] ParisEdited by Ioannes Tillius.
1550[539] [540] Codex TheodosianusCharlotte Guillard and Guillaume Desboys[541] ParisEdited by Ioannes Tillius. Tillius only published books IX-XVI, while books VI-VIII were first published in 1566 in Lyon by Iacobus Cujacius.[542] The missing Books I-V were partly salvaged by a palimpsest when added 84 constitutions with the publication in Turin in 1824 of the Fragmenta Taurinensia.[543] Also in 1824 published in Tübingen 79 constitutions from the Code’s first two books that he had found interspersed in a copy of the Breviarium Alaricianum together with a copy of book I.[544]
1550Paschasius Radbertus, De Corpore et Sanguine DominiCologneEdited by Nicolaus Mameranus.
1551Rabanus Maurus, De Sacramento EucharistiaeCologne
1552[545] [546] Notitia DignitatumHieronymus FrobeniusBaselEdited by Sigismund Gelenius.[547]
De rebus bellicis
1552[548] Ps.-Abdias, Virtutes apostolorumBaselEdited by Wolfgang Lazius.
1554Jonas Aurelianus, Libri tres de cultu imaginumArnold Birckmann[549] Cologne
1554-1555[550] [551] Corpus Agrimensorum RomanorumAdrianus TurnebusParisEdited by under the title De agrorum conditionibus et constitutionibus limitum. Three of the texts of the gromatici’s corpus were published previously by Johannes Sichardus in Basel in 1528 together with his edition of the Codex Theodosianus. Galland’s volume while being considered the editio princeps, did not cover all texts; the Liber regionarum appeared only in 1563 when Paulus Manutius printed it in Rome. More texts appeared in 1607 in Leiden when Petrus Scriverius added other texts using the Codex Arcerianus.[552] [553]
1555Beda, HymniGeorgius CassanderCologneThere are 11 hymns attributed to Bede in a collection made of different authors and titled Hymni Ecclesiastici.
1556[554] Sulpicius Severus, BaselEdited by Matthias Flacius. It is generally but not universally considered the editio princeps, as according to another theory the first edition was printed in Milan in c. 1479 by Bonino Mombrizio.
1557[555] Edictum RothariBaselEdited by in his compilation Originum ac Germanicarum antiquitatum libri. Due to his manuscript of the Edictum being incomplete, he used the to fill the gaps present in the text.
Lex Frisionum[556]
1558Orosius, Liber ApologeticusLeuvenEdited by Johannes Costerius.
1560[557] [558] Cyprianus Gallus, HeptateucosGuilelmus Morelius[559] ParisThis volume is titled In Hexamerone and presents metrical accounts of the creation by Cyprian, Dracontius, Marius Victor, Avitus and Hilary.[560] Regarding the Heptateucos, only parts of the Genesis were printed here. In 1643 Jacques Sirmond made a few further additions to the Genesis, and Edmond Martène did the same in 1724. In Paris in 1852, Jean Baptiste François Pitra in his Spicilegium Solesmense completed the Genesis and also first added Exodus, Deuteronomy and Joshua plus parts of Leviticus and Numbers. Pitra in 1883 in his Analecta sacra et classica published in Paris and Rome published further findings, i.e. the Book of Judges and new pieces from Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers.
Ps.-Cyprianus, Carmen de Sodoma
Dracontius, Carmina christiana[561]
1562Firmicus Maternus, De errore profanarum religionumStrasbourgEdited by Flacius Illyricus.
1563[563] BedaJoannes HervagiusBaselThis is the first complete edition of Bede's works, published in eight volumes. A number of texts by other authors erroneously attributed to Bede are present in the edition, such as works by Jonas and Wigbod, while some of Bede's titles are missing.[564] [565] This represented the first printed edition for many titles, such as De locis sanctis, Libri quatuor in principium Genesis, De orthographia, In primam partem Samuhelis, In Tobiam, In Proverbia, In Cantica Canticorum, Vita sancti Cuthberti prosaica, De tabernaculo, In Regum librum XXX quaestiones, Retractatio in Actus Apostolorum, In Ezram et Neemiam, De templo and Aliquot quaestionum liber.
Jonas Bobiensis, Vita Eustasii, Vita Bertulfi, Vita Attalae and Vita Burgundofarae
Wigbodus, Commentarius in Optateuchum[566]
1563[567] Novatianus, De spectaculisPaulus ManutiusRomeEdited by Latinus Latinius.
1564[568] [569] Ps.-Cyprianus, Adversus aleatores, Carmen ad quendam senatorem,[570] Cena Cypriani, Adversus JudaeosGuilelmus MoreliusParisThe spuria are inserted in a collection of Cyprian's works.
De duodecim abusivis saeculi
c. 1564[571] Ps.-Tertullianus, Carmen adversus MarcionitasJohannes OporinusBaselEdited by Georgius Fabricius, Tertullian’s spuria were published as genuine in this miscellany of Poetarum Veterum Ecclesiasticorum Opera Christiana.
Ps.-Cyprianus, De resurrectione mortuorum[572] [573]
Rusticius Helpidius, Tristicha and Carmen de Iesu Christi beneficiis[574]
1564[575] QuerolusParis[576] Edited by Petrus Daniel.
1566Cassiodorus, Institutiones divinarum litterarumChristophe PlantinAntwerpEdited by Jacobus Pamelius.
1566[577] Gulielmus Rovillius[578] LyonEdited by Jacobus Cujacius together with the Codex Theodosianus.
1568[579] Ps.-FredegariusBaselEdited by Flacius Illyricus. The volume also contains Gregory of Tours' Historia Francorum as well as the editio princeps of the Continuations to the Chronica Fredegarii. The Continuations are incomplete as they break off at chapter 24.
1568[580] Luciferus CalaritanusParisEdited by Ioannes Tillius.
1569[581] EnnodiusBaselEdited by Johann Jakob Grynaeus as part of a corpus of church fathers it is reputed a work of low quality. Also, it was not fully complete, an issue that was solved in 1611 when two complete editions were made by Andreas Schottus in Tournai and by Jacques Sirmond in Paris.[582]
1570[583] [584] Phoebadius, Contra ArianosHenricus StephanusGenevaEdited by Theodorus Beza in a volume that also contains AthanasiusOrationes contra Arianos, Basil’s Adversus Eunomium and the Explicatio, wrongly attributed to Athanusius and Cyril.
1572[585] [586] -1573[587] Seneca Philosophus, Epigrammata[588] Gulielmus RovilliusLyonThe volume was edited by Joseph Justus Scaliger in his volume titled Appendix Vergiliana. these first used the poetic sylloge contained in the Codex Vossianus Q. 86. Most of the epigrams were printed here among the Catalecta, where Scaliger first used the poetic sylloge contained in the Codex Vossianus Q. 86. added in Poitiers in 1579 an epigram by Seneneca together with twelve new poems by Petronius; Petrus Pithoeus in 1590 also put in Seneca’s epigrams from the Codex Tuaneus.[589]
Petronius, Epigrammata
Vita Vergilii[590]
1573[591] ParisEdited by Petrus Pithoeus in his Fragmenta Quaedam Papiniani, Pauli, Ulpiani, Gaii, Modestini, aliorumque veterum Iuris auctorum ex integris ipsorum libris ante Iustiniani Imp. tempora collecta, et cum Moysis legibus collata.
De manumissionibus[592]
1573BaudoviniaLaurentius SuriusColognePublished in the De probatis sanctorum historiis compilation.
1574Venantius Fortunatus, Carminum libri octo and De vita Sancti MartiniNiccolò CanellesCagliariEdited by Giacomo Salvatore Solanio.
1574[593] [594] Asser, Vita Ælfredi regis Angul SaxonumJohn DayLondonEdited by Matthew Parker. The text had many interpolations taken from the Annals of St Neots due to Parker's persuasion that Asser was the author of the Annals.
1577[595] Pervigilium VenerisParisEdited by Petrus Pithoeus.
1577[596] [597] ParisPublished by Iacobus Cujacius in his Consultationes.
1579CassiodorusSebastianus Nivellius[598] ParisThe first complete edition of Cassiodorus' works, it was edited by Guilielmus Fornerius. The collection lacks the Historia Tripartita and the Expositio Psalmorum, already printed, as it misses also the Compexiones, as yet undiscovered; it does contain a number of Cassiodorus' works until then available only in manuscript, such as the De Ortographia. Inserted in the volume are also several works not by Cassiodorus but linked to his age and the Goths, such as Jordanes' Getica, Ennodius' Panegyricus and the as yet unprinted Edictum Theoderici and Lex Visigothorum.[599]
Edictum Theoderici
1579[600] Aurelius Victor, De CaesaribusAntwerpEdited by Andreas Schottus.
Origo gentis romanae
1579Isidorus Hispalensis, Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et SuevorumSebastianus NivelliusParisEdited by Petrus Pithoeus.
Liber iudiciorum[601]
1579[602] Res Gestae Divi AugustiAntwerp[603] Edited by Andreas Schottus. The editor had obtained in Paris view of a transcription of the Monumentum Ancyranum made by the diplomat Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq and put it at the end of the volume as a comment to the Epitome de Caesaribus.
1580[604] Calpurnius FlaccusParisEdited by Petrus Pithoeus.
1580Isidorus HispalensisParis[605] First edition of Isidore's Opera omnia, edited by Marguerin de la Bigne. The next editions of the complete works were published in Madrid in 1599 by A. Gomez and J. de Grial and in Paris in 1601 by .
1580Isidorus Hispalensis, ParisOnly the first book; the full text was first printed in Madrid in 1599 in Isidore's complete works.
1581[606] Corippus, In laudem Iustini Augusti minorisChristophorus Plantinus[607] Antwerp[608] Edited by Michael Ruizius Assagrius.
1583Gregorius Turonensis, De virtutibus sancti Martini[609] CologneThis edition also contains Gregory’s De gloria martyrum and De gloria confessorum.
1585Ps.-Cyprianus, Carmen de IonaParis[610] Edited by François Juret.
1587[611] Velius Longus, De orthographiaRome[612] Edited by Fulvius Ursinus.
1588[613] Macrobius, De verborum graeci et latini differentiis vel societatibusEdited by Johannes Opsopoeus; three years earlier Henricus Stephanus had already printed a short piece of the text's preface in his edition of Macrobius' works.
1588[614] Fulgentius Ferrandus, Breviatio canonumClaudius ChappeletParisEdited by Petrus Pithoeus.
Cresconius, Canonum Breviarium[615]
1588[616] Annales FuldensesParisEdited by Petrus Pithoeus.
1589[617] [618] Fabius Planciades Fulgentius, Expositio continentiae VirgilianaeOfficicina SanctandrianaHeidelbergEdited by Jerome Commelin. The text is present in an edition of Virgil's works which also contains Junius Philargyrius' commentary to Virgil, Fulvius Ursinus' notes to Servius, Velius Longus' De orthographia and also a title of Cassiodorus' also known as De orthographia.
1590[619] Passio ScillitanorumRomeSeveral recensions of the original text survive. The editio princeps edited by Caesar Baronius in the second volume of the Annales Ecclesiastici is a recensio longior. In 1685 Jean Mabillon published in Paris for the fourth volume of the Vetera analecta what survived of another recension; to this Thierry Ruinart added a new one in 1689 in his Acta martyrum sincera. In the 19th further recensions surfaced, beginning with B. Aubé who published one in Paris in 1881 in Les chrétiens dans l'empire Romain and followed one printed in 1889 in the Analecta Bollandiana. A shorter version was found by Armitage Robinson who printed it in Cambridge in 1891.[620]
1591[621] Collectio AvellanaRomePartly edited by Antonio Carafa in the first volume of the Epistolarum decretalium summorum pontificum. Only 166 letters contained in the collection were printed, while many others were first published in Rome by Antonio Baronio in the Annales Ecclesiastici in several volumes between 1593 and 1596. A complete edition came out only in 1895-1898 in Vienna due to the efforts of Otto Günther.[622]
1594[623] Severus Minoricensis, Epistula de miraculis sancti Stephani[624] RomeEdited by Antonio Baronio in the fifth volume of his Annales Ecclesiastici.
1596[625] PhaedrusTroyesEdited by Petrus Pithoeus.
1597[626] LuciliusFranciscus RaphelengiusLeiden[627] Edited by Franciscus Dousa.
1599[628] Alcuinus, Compendium in Canticum canticorumMadridEdited by as Isidore of Seville’s work.

17th century

DateAuthor, WorkPrinterLocationComment
1600Servius Danielis[629] ParisEdited by Petrus Daniel as part of his edition of Virgil; some notes concerning Varro from this commentary had been published by Joseph Justus Scaliger in 1573.
1600[630] [631] Victor Tunnunensis, ChronicaIngolstadtEdited by Henricus Canisius. Together with these two authors the volume also contains the Synodus Bavarica and Liutprand of Cremona's Relatio de Legatione Constantinopolitana.
Iohannes Biclarensis
1600[632] [633] Ps.-Lactantius Placidus, Scholia in Statii AchilleidaParisEdited by in a publication of StatiusOpera omnia. It also included ’s commentary to the Silvae and Lactantius Placidus’ commentary to the Thebaid.[634]
1601Braulio, Vita Sancti AemilianiMadridEdited by Prudencio de Sandoval as part of his Primera parte de las fundaciones de los monesterios del glorioso padre San Benito.
1601[635] Ps.-Sisbertus, Exhortatio paenitendi, Lamentum paenitentiae and Oratio pro correptione vitaeParisEdited by in the Opera omnia of Isidore of Seville due to a misattribution.
1602Liber PontificalisJoannes Albinus[636] MainzEdited by Johannes Busaeus.[637]
1602[638] Hydatius, ChroniconIngolstadtEdited by Henricus Canisius, it is contained in his vast and miscellaneous compilation Antiquae Lectiones. Canisius used an abridged version of the chronicle; it was only in Rome in 1615 that the full work was published, edited by L. Sanllorente. Another complete edition came out in the same year in Pamplona due to Prudencio de Sandoval.
1604[639] Beda, Vita sancti Cuthberti metricaAndreas AngermariusIngolstadtEdited by Henricus Canisius, these texts are contained in his vast compilation Antiquae Lectiones, seu antiqua monumenta ad historiam mediae aetatis illustrandam. The Vita Columbae first printed here is the short recension of the saint's Vita; the long recension and the complete text was first published by Johannes Colganus in Leuven in 1647 as part of his Trias Thaumaturga jointly with lives of Patrick and Brigit.[640]
Adamnanus, Vita Columbae
Ruricius, Epistulae[641]
1605[642] Alcuinus, De ortographiaHanauEdited by in the collection Grammaticae Latinae auctores antiqui. Alcuin’s text is here misattributed to Bede.
1605[643] AgobardusParis[644] Edited by Jean-Papire Masson who had discovered a 9th-century manuscript in a Lyon bookshop with many previously unknown texts. It was followed in Paris in 1666 by a better second edition carefully edited by Stephanus Baluzius.[645]
1608Dungalus, Responsa contra perversas Claudii Taurinensis episcopi sententiasParis[646] Edited by Jean Papire Masson.
1613[647] Paulus Diaconus, Gesta episcoporum MettensiumHanauEdited by Marquand Freher in the collection Corpus Francicae Historiae.
1613[648] , Disputatio de Somnio Scipionis[649] Martinus NutiusAntwerpEdited by Andreas Schottus in his Cicero a calumniis vindicatus.
1615[650] Martinus Bracarensis, Sententiae Patrum AegyptiorumAntwerpEdited by Heribertus Rosweydus.
1616[651] Beatus Liebanensis and, Adversus Elipandum libri duoIngolstadtEdited by Petrus Stevartius.
1617[652] Columbanus, Oratio Sancti ColumbaniNivelle[653] ParisEdited by Andreas Quercetanus in a collected edition of the works of Alcuin; Columbanus' prayer was misattributed to Alcuin.
Ps.-Alcuinus, Officia per ferias
1619[654] Adamanus, De Locis SanctisIngolstadtEdited by Jacobus Gretser.
1620[655] Hosidius GetaLeidenEdited by Petrus Scriverius as part of his Collectanea Veterum Tragicorum aliorumque fragmenta, his edition offers only the first 134 lines of Hosidius' Medea. The editio princeps of the complete text came out in Amsterdam in 1759, edited by Petrus Burmannus Secundus as part of his Anthologia Veterum Epigrammatum et Poematum.[656]
1625[657] Tertullianus, Ad nationesGenevaEdited by Jacques Godefroy.
1626[658] Erchempertus, Historia Langobardorum BeneventanorumNaplesEdited by Antonio Cacacciolo.
1628[659] Expositio totius mundi et gentiumGenevaEdited by Jacobus Gothofredus.
1630[660] Ps.-Tertullianus, De execrandis gentium diisRomeEdited by Josephus Maria Suaresius.
1630[661] Ps.-Marius Victorinus, Ad Iustinum Manichaeum and De verbis scripturae[662] ParisEdited by Jacques Sirmond as part of his Opuscula dogmatica veterum quinque scriptorum.
, Libellus emendationis[663]
1631[664] Constitutiones SirmondianaeParis[665] Edited by Jacques Sirmond.
1633[666] Vitas patrum EmeritensiumMadridEdited by Bernabé Moreno de Vargas, it was followed by a more careful edition in Antwerp in 1638, made by Thomas Tamayo de Vargas.
1636[667] [668] Excerpta ValesianaHenricus ValesiusParisEdited by Henricus Valesius. The Excerpta are two independent texts from the same only surviving manuscript.
1638[669] [670] Ampelius, Liber MemorialisLeidenEdited by Claudius Salmasius as an appendix to Florus' Epitome.
1641[671] Annales BertinianiParisEdited by François Duchesne.
1643[672] PraedestinatusParisEdited by Jacques Sirmond.
1648[673] Ps.-Cyprianus, De rebaptismateParisEdited by Nicolas Rigault as part of his publication of Cyprian’s works.
1649[674] Fulgentius FerrandusDijonEdited by Pierre-François Chiffletius.
Ps.-Fulgentius Ferrandus, Vita Fulgentii and Liber de Trinitate[675]
1649[676] Anastasius Bibliothecarius, Chronographia TripertitaParisEdited by Carolus Annibalus Fabrotus.
1649[677] Commodianus, InstructionesToulEdited by Nicolas Rigault.
1650Ratramnus, De PraedestinationeParisEdited by Gilbert Mauguin in a miscellaneous volume titled Veterum Auctorum qui IX saeculo de Praedestinatione et Gratia scripserunt Opera et Fragmenta.
Johannes Scotus Eriugena, De Praedestinatione Liber
1650 and Marcellinus Presbyter, Libellus precumSebastianus et Gabrieles Cramoisy[678] ParisEdited by Jacques Sirmond.
1652Martinus Bracarensis, Opus Tripartitum and De iraLyonEdited by Juan Tamayo de Salazar as part of the Anamnesis sive Commemorationis sanctorum hispanorum.
1656Boethius, De fide catholicaFranciscus Hackius[679] LeidenEdited by Renatus Vallinus. The volume includes also Boethius' Opuscula sacra and the De consolatione.
1656[680] PatriciusLondon[681] Edited by Sir James Ware in his Sancto Patricio adscripta Opuscula. An edition by the Bollandists followed two years later.
1661[682] Cresconius, Concordia canonumParisEdited by Guilelmus Voellus and Henricus Justellus as an appendix to the Bibliotheca iuris canonici veteris.
1663[683] Passio PerpetuaeGiacomo Dragondelli[684] RomeA manuscript was first discovery in 1661 by Lucas Holstenius in Monte Cassino. Holtenius having died before publication, the edition was completed by Pierre Poussines, who published it together with two other works in Holtenius' collection of manuscripts.[685]
1664Beda, Epistula ad Plegvinam, Epistula ad Ecgbertum episcopum and Historia abbatum[686] John CrookDublinEdited by Sir James Ware.
1665[687] [688] Collatio Alexandri et DindimiThomas RoycroftLondonEdited by Edoardus Bissaeus in his edition of Palladius.
1666[689] Ebbo, Apologeticum EbbonisParis[690] Edited by Luc d'Achery, the text passed through at least seven reprints in historical and ecclesiastical collections. It was printed in a large collection titled Spicilegium.
1667[691] ColumbanusLeuvenEdited by Patricius Fleming in his Collectanea Sacra. Since Fleming had been killed in 1631, the work was published by Thomas Sirinus who added to the corpus of Columbanus' works also Ailerán's Interpretatio mystica progenitorum Christi, a penitential misattributed to Comininianus and Jonas' Vita Columbani, the latter thoroughly commented by Fleming that in the commentary also placed an old life of Comgall and excerpts of lives of eCainech, Coemgen, Fintan and Carthach. Lives of Molua and Mochoemoc.[692]
1671[693] Ps.-Firmicus Maternus, Edited by Dom d’Achéry in the tenth volume of his Veterum aliquot scriptorum qui in Galliae bibliothecis maxime Benedictinorum latuerunt spicilegium.[694]
1675[695] Collectio Quesnelliana[696] ParisEdited by Pasquier Quesnel, who inserted as an appendix to his Sancti Leonis Magni Opera.
, Confessio fidei
1677[697] Paschasius Radbertus, Epitaphium ArseniiParis[698] Edited by Jean Mabillon who found the only surviving manuscript, a 9th-century copy from Corbie. It is contained in the massive collection Acta sanctorum Sancti Benedicti.
1679[699] Lactantius, De mortibus persecutorumParisThe only surviving manuscript of the work was found in 1678 in the Saint-Pierre abbey in Moissac, France. The following year it was edited by Stephanus Baluzius with other texts in the Miscellaneorum Liber Secundus.
1681[700] Johannes Scotus Eriugena, De divisione naturaeOxfordEdited by Thomas Gale. In appendix to the volume is Eriugena's translation of Maximus the Confessor's Ambigua.[701] [702]
1682[703] Ps.-Cyprianus, De Pascha computusOxfordThe De pascha computus Was edited by John Wallis as part of John Fell and John Pearson’s edition of Cyprian.[704]
Pontius, Vita Cypriani[705]
1688Beda, MartyrologiumJohn van MeursAntwerpEdited by Godfrey Henschen and Daniel Papebroch, it is contained in the second volume of the Acta Sanctorum.
1688[706] DhuodaParisA limited number of extracts from Dhuoda's Liber Manualis were published by Stephanus Baluzius as an appendix to Pierre de Marca's Marca Hispanica. The first complete edition was printed in Paris in 1887 and edited by Édouard Bondurland.
1688[707] Ravennatis Anonymi CosmographiaPlacidus PorcheronParis
1688[708] Victorinus Poetovionensis, De fabrica mundiLondonEdited by William Cave in the volume Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia literaria.
1690[709] Victor Tunnunensis, De PoenitentiaParisEdited by the Benedictine fathers of St. Maur among the complete works of Ambrose, but certainly not his.
1693Beda, In HabacucSamuel RoycroftLondonEdited by Henry Wharton, the volume also included Aldhelm's De virginitate and Ecgbert's Dialogus ecclesiasticae institutionis together with a reprint of Bede's Historia abbatum.
1693[710] [711] Hilarius Pictaviensis, Apologetica responsaParisEdited by Pierre Coustant in his publication of Hilary’s works for the Congregation of Saint Maur.[712] Two short passages were discovered later by Pierre Smulders who published them in the Bijdragen. Tijdschrift voor Philosophie en Theologie in 1978.
1694Fabius Planciades Fulgentius, De Aetatibus Mundi et HominisParisEdited by P. Jacob Hommes.
1697[713] Ps.-Paulinus Nolanus, Poema ultimumMilanEdited by Ludovico Antonio Muratori in his Anecdota together with Paulinus’ poems, including three of his Natalicia.
1698[714] Ps.-Hegemonius, Acta ArchelaiRomeEdited by Lorenzo Alessandro Zaccagni in the first vokume of his Acta Collectanea monumentorum veterum.

18th–20th centuries

DateAuthor, WorkPrinterLocationComment
1708[715] Andreas Agnellus, Liber Pontificalis Ravennatis ecclesiaeModenaEdited by Benedetto Bacchini.
1717[716] Polemius Silvius, LaterculusJoannes Paulus Robyns[717] AntwerpEdited by Conrad Janninck in the seventh volume of the Acta sanctorum. Janning only printed the calendar, excluding the preface, the opening chapters and the other parts; it was up to Theodor Mommsen to first print the unedited parts in 1857 in the article “Polemii Siluii Laterculus” for the journal Abhandlungen der philologisch-historische Classe der königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften.
1717[718] , Altercatio legis inter Simonem iudaeum et Theophilum christianumParisEdited by Edmond Martène and Ursin Durand in the fifth volume of the Thesaurus novus anecdotorum.
1721Cassiodorus, Complexiones in epistolas et acta Apostolorum[719] FlorenceEdited by Scipione Maffei, who had found in 1712 a manuscript of the supposedly lost work in the Capitular Library of Verona.
1726[720] Ps.-Cyprianus, Ad Plebem Carthaginis and Ad TurasiumParisEdited by Stephanus Baluzius.
1728[721] Andreas Bergomas, Adbreviatio historiae LangobardorumLeipzigEdited by as part of the collection Scriptores rerum germanicarum praecipue saxonicarum.
1728[722] Isaac Judaeus, Fides IsatisVenicePublished in Jacques Sirmond’s Opera omnia.
1733Ambrosius Autpertus, Homelia de Transfiguratione DominiParis[723] Edited by Edmond Martène and Ursin Durand in the miscellaneous Veterum scriptorum amplissima collectio.
1739[724] Victricius, De laude sanctorumParisEdited by Jean Lebeuf in Recueil de divers écrits pour servir d'éclaircissements à l'histoire de France.
1740[725] Canon MuratorianusMilanEdited by Ludovico Antonio Muratori as part of his Antiquitates italicae medii aevi.
Lactantius, De motibus animi[726]
1743[727] Vetus LatinaReimsIn three volumes, it was edited by .
1751[728] Ps.-Cyprianus, Exhortatio de paenitentiaBolognaEdited by as part of his Veterum Patrum Latinorum opuscola.
1755[729] Mallius Theodorus, De metrisWolfenbüttelEdited by Johann Friedrich Heusinger.
1759Martinus Bracarensis, De correctione rusticorumMadridEdited by Henricus Florez as part of his España Sagrada.
1759[730] Anthologia LatinaAmsterdam[731] Edited by Petrus Burmannus Secundus in the first volume of the Anthologia veterum Latinorum epigrammatum. Among the many poems that were printed for the first time is included ’ De concubitu Martis et Veneris.[732]
1760Dracontius, Orestis tragoediaBernEdited by . This edition only presented the verses 1-2 and 752–770; the first 53 were first published by Angelo Mai, while the complete poem was first published in Jena in 1858, edited by Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Müller.
1770[733] Beatus Liebanensis, Commentarius in apocalypsinMadridEdited by Henricus Florez.
1773[734] Luxorius, EpigrammataAmsterdamEdited by Petrus Burmannus Secundus in the second volume of his Anthologia Veterum Latinorum Epigrammatum. 86. A few epigrams had been previously published by in Paris in 1579 in his Petronii Arbitri itemque veterum Epigrammata, while some others had been made available by Petrus Pithoeus in Paris in 1590 in his Epigrammata et Poematia Vetera.
1775Braulio, EpistulariumMadridEdited by Manuel Risco as part of his España Sagrada.
1777Alcuinus, EpistulaeRegensburgEdited by Froben Forster.
1789[735] Lex Romana CuriensisSebastianus Coletius and Franciscus PitteriusVeniceEdited by in the Barbarorum Leges Antiquae cum notis et glossariis.
1797[736] Iulianus Toletanus, RomeEdited by Francisco de Lorenzana.
1807[737] Dicuilus, De mensura Orbis terrae[738] Firmin Didot[739] ParisEdited by Charles Walkenaer.
1814Scholia BobiensiaMilanEdited by Angelo Mai.
1814Cicero, MilanFirst partially edited by Angelo Mai from a Milanese palimpsest, further parts were later added in 1824 in Stuttgart by .
1815[740] FrontoMilanEdited by Angelo Mai under the title M.Cornelii Frontonis Opera inedita cum epistulis item ineditis Antonini Pii M. Aurelii L. Veri et Appiani, nec non aliorum veterum fragmentis. Fronto’s text was found in a palimpsest together with letters by Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus and Antoninus Pius, also published. A new augmented edition was printed by Mai in 1823. As for Arusianus’ Exempla, it was mistakenly attributed to Fronto.[741]
Arusianus Messius, Exempla elocutionum[742]
1815[743] Symmachus, OrationesMilanEdited by Angelo Mai who found the text in the Bobbio palimpsest he was to use also for Fronto and Cicero. A new edition made in Rome by Angelo Mai in 1825 availed itself of a new Vatican text, thus adding some unknown material.
1817[744] Cicero, Pro TullioMilanEdited by Angelo Mai combining a palimpsest from Milan with fragments from Turin. It only survives in fragments.[745]
1817Julius Valerius, Res gestae Alexandri MacedonisMilan[746] Edited by Angelo Mai and titled Julii Valerii Res Gestae Alexandri Macedonis, translatae ex Aesopo Graeco.
1817[747] Consentius, De barbarismis et metaplasmisBerlinEdited by Philipp Karl Buttmann.
1817Itinerarium AlexandriMilanEdited by Angelo Mai under the title Itinerarium Alexandri ad Constantium Augustum Costantini Magni filium. An excerpt had previously been published by Ludovico Antonio Muratori in Milan in 1740 as part of the collection Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi.
1818[748] Scholia VeronensiaMilanEdited by Angelo Mai under the title Virgilii Maronis interpretes veteres, Asper, Cornutus, Haterianus, Longus, Nisus, Probus, Scaurus, Sulpicius et Anonymus.
1820[749] Corippus, JohannisMilanEdited by Pietro Mazzucchelli.
1820[750] Gaius, InstitutionesBerlinEdited by .
1820[751] Pompeius Grammaticus, Commentum artis DonatiLeipzigEdited by Friedrich Lindemann|lt=|de|Friedrich Lindemann (Altphilologe)}}.|-|1822[752] |Cicero, De re publica||Rome|Edition based on a palimpsest found in the Vatican Library by Angelo Mai. Of the six original books the edition contained much of the first two and a lesser amount of the following three. The Somnium Scipionis, in the last book, was preserved independently.|-|1822[753] |||Heidelberg[754] |Edited by Friedrich Carl von Savigny as an appendix to the third volume of his Geschichte des römischen Rechts im Mittelalter.[755] |-|1823[756] |Fragmenta Vaticana||Rome|Edited by Angelo Mai in the volume Iuris civilis anteiustiniani reliquiae.|-|1824|||Tübingen|Edited by .|-| rowspan="4" |1828[757] |Marius Victorinus, Commentarii in Epistulas Pauli ad Galatas, ad Philippenses, ad Ephesios| rowspan="4" || rowspan="4" |Rome| rowspan="4" |Edited dy Angelo Mai in his Scriptorum veterum nova collectio. As for Nepotianus, the work’s dedicatory letter had been previously published by Philippus Labbeus in Paris in 1657. As for Paris, he had already been used in Leipzig in 1501 by to fill a lacuna that appears in all of Valerius Maximus’ manuscripts.|-|Ps.-Marius Victorinus, Liber de physicis|-|, Epitoma librorum Valerii Maximi[758] |-|, Valerii Maximi decem libi dictorum et factorum memorabilium in epitomen redacti[759] |-|1831[760] |Ps.-Lactantius Placidus, Glossae[761] ||Rome|Edited by Angelo Mai and published in the third volume of his Classicorum Auctorum e Vaticanis codicibus editorum collectio.|-|1833[762] [763] |Ps.-Probus, Instituta artium||Rome|Edited by Angelo Mai and published in the fifth volume of his Classicorum Auctorum e Vaticanis codicibus editorum collectio.|-|1833–1838|Johannes Scotus Eriugena, Carmina||Rome|Edited by Angelo Mai as part of the miscellaneous collection Classi auctores e codicibus Vaticanis editi. A complete collection of Eriugena's poetry was edited in Paris in 1853 by Heinrich Joseph Floss for the Patrologia Latina.|-| rowspan="3" |1837[764] [765] |Anonymus Bobiensis| rowspan="3" || rowspan="3" |Wien| rowspan="3" |Edited by Joseph von Eichenfeld e Ladislus Endlicher in the Analecta grammatica maximam partem anecdota.|-|Sacerdos, Artes grammaticae[766] |-|Ps.-Probus, Appendix Probi[767] |-|1839[768] |Carmen de figuris vel schematibus|||Edited by Jules Quicherat in the journal Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartres. his impression was lacking of vv. 1-3, 33, 99; these missing verses were found and published in 1857 by Léopold Delisle in the same journal.|-|1846[769] |Archidiaconus Romanus, Sermones||Paris|Edited by J. B. Caillau among an edition of Augustine’s works.|-|1847[770] [771] |Codex Euricianus||Halle|Edited by as part of his Die Westgotische Antiqua oder das Gesetzbuch Reccared des ersten.|-|1849|Johannes Scotus Eriugena, Commentarius in Iohannem||Paris|The original manuscript was discovered by Félix Ravaisson-Mollien who edited it in the Catalogue general des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques des départements.|-|1852[772] |Aethicus Ister||Paris|Edited by Armand D'Avezac and presented as an appendix to his Mémoire on the author and his work.|-|1853|Johannes Scotus Eriugena, Ex positiones in Ierarchiam Coelestem||Paris|Edited by Heinrich Joseph Floss in the Patrologia Latina.|-|1852[773] |Commodianus, Carmen apologeticum||Paris|Edited by J. B. Pitra in his Spicilegium Solesmense.|-|1853[774] |Gregorius Turonensis, De cursu stellarum ratio||Breslau|Edited by Friedrich Gottlob Haase. Previously only unidentified excerpts were published first in Rome by Angelo Mai in 1828 and then in Leipzig by Moriz Haupt in 1838.|-|1854[775] |Origo Gentis Langobardorum||Turin|Edited by Carlo Baudi di Vesme as part of his Edicta Regum Langobardorum, itself a volume of the series Monumenta Historiae Patriae.|-|1857[776] |Granius Licinianus, Annales||Berlin|Edited by Georg Heinrich Pertz.|-|1861|Assumption of Moses|Antonio Ceriani|Milan||-|1861|Book of Jubilees|Antonio Ceriani|Milan||-|1862[777] |Johannes Scotus Eriugena, Annotationes in Marcianum|||Only parts from the fourth book were published by Barthélemy Hauréau in the journal Notices et Extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Impériale. After that Enrico Narducci in 1882 selected glosses from the seventh book while Max Manitius made available excerpts from the first three books in 1912 and 1913 in the Didaskaleion. A complete edition was finally made by Cora E. Lutz in 1939 for the Medieval Academy of America.[778] |-|1863[779] |, Commentum in Ciceronis Rhetorica|Teubner|Leipzig|Edited by Karl Felix Halm in his collection of the Rhetores latini minores, ex codicibus maximam partem primum adhibitis emendabat. Halm only published excerpts of the commentary; the full text came out in 1927 in Paderborn due to .[780] |-|1867[781] |Zacher Epitome||Halle|An epitome of Julius ValeriusRes gestae, it was edited by Julius Zacher under the title Julii Valerii epitome.|-|1867[782] |Vinidarius, Excerpta Apici||Heidelberg|Edited by Christian Theophil Schuch together with the Apicius in the volume Apici Caeli De Re Coquinaria Libri Decem.|-|1867[783] |Carmen contra paganos|||Edited by Léopold Delisle in the article "Note sur le manuscrit de Prudence n. 8084 du fond latin de la Bibliothèque impériale" in the journal Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartres.|-|1869[784] |Carmina Einsidlensia|||Edited by in the journal Philologus.|-|1869[785] |Caelius Aurelianus, Gynaecia|||Edited by Franz Zacharias Ermerins.|-| rowspan="2" |1870[786] |Anthimus, De observatione ciborum| rowspan="2" || rowspan="2" |Berlin| rowspan="2" |Edited by Valentin Rose. These treatises are found in a general collection titled Anecdota Graeca et Graecolatina.|-|Caelius Aurelianus, Medicinales responsiones|-|1870|Braulio, Confessio vel Professio Iudaeorum civitatatis Toletanae||Madrid[787] |Edited by Fidel Fita in the Spanish journal Ciudad de Dios.|-|1871[788] [789] |Dositheus, Ars grammatica||Halle|Edited by Heinrich Keil.|-|1871[790] |||Leipzig|Edited by Emil Baehrens in his Unedirte lateinische Gedichte.|-|1877[791] |Audax, De Scauri et Palladii libris excerpta||Halle|Edited by Heinrich Keil for his series Grammatici Latini.|-|1878[792] |Victorinus Poetovionensis, De decem virginibus||Paris|Edited by Léopold Delisle as part of his Notice sur un manuscrit mérovingien de la la bibliothèque d’Épinal.|-|1878|Latin Life of Adam and Eve|W. Meyer|Munich||-|1879|Cassiodorus, Ordo generis Cassiodororum||Leipzig|Only survives through an epitome commonly called Anecdoton Holderi and edited by Hermann Usener.|-|1879[793] |Cassius Felix|B. G. Teubner[794] |Leipzig|Edited by Valentin Rose.|-|1885[795] |Ps.-Cyprianus, De voluntate Dei|||Published by Carl Paul Caspari as an article titled "En kort Cyprian tillagt Tale om det christelige Liv. Efter cod. Einsiedl. s. VIII eller IX. Sermo sancti Cypriani episcopi de voluntate dei" in Theologisk Tidsskrift.|-|1886[796] [797] |Metz Epitome|||Edited by Dietrich Volkmann.|-|1886|||Bologna|Edited by in his Un'antica compilazione di diritto romano e visigoto con alcuni framenti delle leggi di Eurico tratta da un manoscritto della biblioteca di Holkham.|-| rowspan="2" |1887[798] |Hilarius Pictaviensis, and | rowspan="2" || rowspan="2" |Rome| rowspan="2" |Edited by Gian Francesco Gamurrini.|-|Egeria, Peregrinatio Aetheriae[799] |-|1891[800] |Actus Petri cum Simone||Leipzig|Edited by Richard Adelbert Lipsius in the collection Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha. An ancient partial Latin translation of the lost Acts of Peter.|-|1893|Apocalypse of Paul|M. R. James|Cambridge||-|1897[801] |Ps.-Fulgentius, Super Thebaiden|||Published by Rudolf Helm in the article "Anecdoton Fulgentianum" in the journal Rheinisches Museum für Philologie.|-|1897[802] |Prophetiae||Monte Cassino[803] |Edited by in his Miscellanea Cassinense.|-|1899[804] |Paulus Diaconus, Ars Donati||Montecassino|Edited by under the title Ars Donati quam Paulus Diaconus exposuit.|-|1899[805] ||||Edited by Émile Chatelain in the Revue de Philologie.|-|1900[806] |Liber de Morte Alexandri Magni||Strasbourg|Edited by O. Wagner together with the Metz Epitome.|-|1900[807] |Hippolytus, Traditio apostolica|Teubner|Leipzig|Edited by Edmund Hauler from the Verona Palimpsest in the Didascaliae apostolorum fragmenta Veronensia latina. Accedunt canonum qui dicuntur Apostolorum et Aegyptiorum reliquiae. Probably a Latin translation of the Greek original.|-|1900[808] |Apringius, Tractatus in Apocalypsim|Alphonse Picard|Paris|Edited by .|-|1907[809] |Dicuilus, Liber de astronomia||Dublin|Edited by Mario Esposito in the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy.|-|1914[810] |Ps.-Cyprianus, De centesima, sexagesima, tricesima|||Edited by Richard Reitzenstein in the article "Eine früchristliche Schrift von den dreierlei Früchten des christlichens Lebens" published in the journal Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft.|-|1920[811] [812] |Fortunatianus Aquileiensis, Commentarii in Evangelia|||Two excerpts edited by André Wilmart in "Deux expositions d’un évêque Fortunat sur l’évangile" in Revue Bénédictine; a further excerpt was published by Bernhard Bischoff in 1954. But the proper editio princeps came out only in 2017 when a complete manuscript was found and published in Berlin by Lukas J. Dorfbauer for the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum.[813] [814] |-|1925|Epistle of Pseudo-Titus|D. de Bruyne|||-|1937[815] |Ps.-Marius Victorinus, De soloecismo et barbarismo||Neuchâtel|Edited by M. Niedermann together with ConsentiusArs de barbarismis et metaplasmis.|-|1939[816] |Vincentius Lerinensis, Excerpta||Madrid|Edited by José Madoz in the Estudios Orienses. had edited the first part in 1888 in the Spicilegium Cassinense, but he had not identified the author.|-|1944[817] [818] |Cyprianus, Epistula ad Silvanum et Dontianum|||Edited by Maurice Bevénot in the article "A New Cyprianic Fragment" in the journal Bulletin of the John Rylands Library.|-|1951[819] |Mundus origo|||Edited by Bernhard Bischoff in the article "Die lateinischen Übersetzungen und Bearbeitungen aus den Oracula Sibyllina" in Mélanges Joseph de Ghellinck, S.J..|-|1962-1965[820] |Remigius Autissiodorensis, Commentum in Martianum Capellam|Brill|Leiden|Edited by Cora E. Lutz in two volumes.|-|1974[821] |Anonymus Budapest|Herder|Freiburg|Edited by under the title Ein neuer Paulustext und Kommentar.|-|1984[822] |Epistola Anne ad Senecam||Stuttgart[823] |Edited by Bernhard Bischoff as an entry titled “Der Brief des Hohenpriesters Annas an den Philosophen Seneca – eine jüdisch-apolotegetische Missionsschrift (Viertes Jahrhundert?)” in his collection of recent findings Anecdota novissima: Texte des vierten bis sechzehnten Jahrhunderts.|}

Latin Translations

DateAuthor, WorkPrinterLocationComment
c. 1466[824] John Chrysostom, Nonaginta homiliae in MattheumJohannes MentelinStrasbourgLatin translation by Georgius Trapezuntius. The translation was made between 1448 and 1450.
1469[825] AlcinousConradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz[826] RomeTranslated sometime before 1461 by Petrus Balbus with a dedication to Nicholas of Cusa. This author is contained in the editio princeps of Apuleius' works edited by Joannes Andreas.[827]
1470Eusebius, Praeparatio EvangelicaNicolaus JensonVeniceTranslated by Georgius Trapezuntius between 1448 and 1450. The edition omits the last of the 15 books due to the use of an incomplete manuscript. Beginning with that of Andreas Contrarius in 1454, this translation was object of many criticisms.[828]
1471Corpus HermeticumGerardus de LisaTrevisoTranslation finished by Marsilio Ficino in 1463 following a request by Cosimo de' Medici. The volume, entitled Pimander, sive De potestate et sapientia Dei, only includes the translation of 14 of the 18 texts that compose the Corpus Hermeticum.[829] [830] [831]
1471Letter of AristeasMatthias PalmeriusRome
1472Diodorus SiculusBaldassarre AzzoguidiBolognaPartial Latin translation by Poggio Bracciolini; complete Greek edition 1559.[832]
1474Homer, IliadHenricus de Colonia and Statius GallicusBresciaTranslated by Lorenzo Valla. A partial Latin translation by Nicolaus de Valle was published earlier in the same year.
1475Aristoteles, RhetoricaIohannes Stoll and Petrus Caesaris WagnerParisLatin translation by Georgius Trapezuntius. The translation had been accomplished between 1443 and 1446.
1481Themistius, De animaTreviso[833] Translated and edited by Hermolaus Barbarus, with a dedication to the humanist Georgius Merula.
1482EuclidesErhard RatdoltLatin edition.[834]
1484PlatoLaurentius de AlopaFlorenceOpera Omnia Latin edition. Translated by Marsilio Ficino.[835]
1498[836] Aristoteles, Ars PoeticaTranslated by Giorgio Valla
1527PhiloAdam PetriBaselEdited by Johannes Sichardus.[837] First part published by Agostino Giustiniani (Iustianus), O.P. in Paris (1520)[838]
1552Gospel of JamesGuillame PostelBasel
1558Marcus Aurelius, MeditationsAndreas GessnerZürichEdited and translated into Latin by Wilhelm Xylander (title: De seipso, seu vita sua, libri 12)
1562Sextus EmpiricusHenri Estienne[839] GenevaLatin translation of Sextus's "Outlines", followed by a complete Latin Sextus with Gentian Hervet as translator in 1569.[840] Petrus and Jacobus Chouet published the Greek text for the first time in 1621.
1575DiophantusEusebius Episcopius & heirs of Nicolaus EpiscopiusBaselEdition of Rerum Arithmeticarum Libri sex translated by Xylander[841]


Notes and References

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