List of airports in South Sudan explained

This is a list of airports in South Sudan, sorted by location.

South Sudan, officially the Republic of South Sudan, is a landlocked country in east-central Africa bordered by Ethiopia to the east, Kenya to the southeast, Uganda to the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the southwest, the Central African Republic to the west, and Sudan to the north. South Sudan's capital and largest city is Juba. The country is divided into 10 states.



Airport names shown in bold indicate the airport has scheduled service on commercial airlines.

City servedStateICAOIATAAirport name
Public airports
AdareilEastern NileAEEAdareil Airstrip
AkoboEastern BiehHSAKAkobo Airport
Aweil (Uwayl)Aweil StateHSAWAweil Airport
BentiuNorthern LiechHSBTBentiu Airport
BorUnity StateHSBRBor Airport
DuarJonglei StateThar Jath Airstrip
Gogrial (Qaqriyal)Gogrial StateHSGOGogrial Airport
JubaCentral Equatoria StateHJJJJUBJuba International Airport *
Kajo KejiCentral Equatoria StateHSKJKajo Keji Airstrip
KapoetaNamorunyangHSKPKapoeta Airport
MalakalUpper Nile StateHSSMMAKMalakal Airport *
MaridiMaridi StateHSMDMaridi Airport
NimuleImatong StateHSNMNimule Airport
PaloichUpper Nile StateHSFAPaloich Airport
PochallaUpper Nile StateHSPAPochalla Airport
PiborBoma StateHSPIPibor Airport
RagaLol StateHSRJRaga Airport
RenkUpper Nile StateHSRNRenk Airport
RumbekWestern LakesHSMKRBXRumbek Airport
Tonj (Tong)Tonj StateHSTOTonj Airport
ToritImatong StateHSTRTorit Airport
TumburaGbudweHSTUTumbura Airport
WauWau StateHSWWWUUWau Airport
YambioGbudweHSYAYambio Airport
YeiYei River StateHSYEYei Airport
YirolEastern LakesHSYLYirol Airport

See also
