List of Kamen Rider Fourze episodes explained

This is a list of episodes of the 2011–2012 Kamen Rider series Kamen Rider Fourze. Each episode title consists of four kanji that are separated from each other but can be read as a full statement.


Title Director Writer Original airdate

Youth-Ful Trans-Formation

Space Is Amaz-Ing

Queen E-Lec-Tion

Trans-Formation Se-Cret

Friend-Ship Two-Faced

Blitz-Krieg Only Way

The King, The Jerk

Iron Knight's Coop-Eration

The Witch Awa-Kens

Moon-Light Rum-Ble

Dis-Appearing Moon-Door

Mis-Sion Ken's Life

School Re-Jec-Tion

Sting-Er At-Tack

Holy Night Cho-Rus

Right-Wrong Con-Flict

Me-Teor Ar-Rival

Gen/Ryu Show-Down

Steel Dragon, No Equal

Excel-Lent Magne-Tism

Gui-Dance Mis-Counseling

True Self Rejec-Tion

The Swan Un-Ion

Hero-Ic De-Sire

Grad-Uation Trou-Bles

Per-Fect Round Dance

Trans-Formation De-Nied

Star-Storm Come-Back

Jun-Ior Sil-Ence

Sen-Ior Futil-Ity

Plei-Ades King-Dom

Super Cos-Mic Sword

Old City May-Hem

Sky Hole Offense/Defense

Mon-Ster Broad-Cast

Seri-Ous Last Song

Star Group Selec-Tion

Win-Ner Deci-Sion

Cam-Pus Ordi-Nance

I-Dea Pas-Sion

The Club Col-Lapses

Sagit-Tarius Con-Trols

Gem-Ini Light/Shade

Star Fate Cere-Mony

Li-Bra De-Fects

Supe-Rior Sagit-Tarius

Close Friends Sepa-Rated

Youth-Ful Gal-Axy

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