List of legal publishers by language area explained
The following list provides an overview on major legal publishers by language area.
Source: Locating the Law, Chapter 12
- [Estat Law](India)
- Executive Press
- LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier, including
- LexisNexis Butterworths (UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa/Kagiso Media, India/Wadhwa Nagpur)
- vLex vLexJustis (US, UK, Canada, Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, India, etc)
- West Publishing, a subsidiary of Thomson Reuters, including
-, including
- Asia Business Law Journal
- India Business Law Journal
- China Business Law Journal
- Wolters Kluwer, including
- James Publishing (United States)
- Juta (South Africa)
- Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company, Inc. (United States)
- vLex (North America & UK)
- All India Reporter
- PLD Publishers, kausar law book publishers (Pakistan)
- Mainstream Law Reports (Bangladesh)
- LDC Publishers (Uganda)
- Whitelocke Publications (Oxford, New York, Luxembourg)
- Edward Elgar Publishing (USA, UK and International)
- Carolina Academic Press (USA)
- Bloomsbury Professional (UK and Ireland)
- Data Trace Publishing Company (United States)
- LexBooK, Athens (Greece and Cyprus)
- (Greece)
- Intersentia/Larcier-Intersentia (UK/Belgium/International)
The following are or were legal publishers:
- Lefebvre, including
Source: ARSV
- Beck, including
- Boorberg
- Deutscher Anwaltverlag
- de Gruyter
- Heymanns (Wolters Kluwer)
- Juris (= Juristisches Informationssystem für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
- ÖGB Verlag, Vienna
- Manz, Vienna
- Mohr Siebeck
- Otto Schmidt
- Schulthess, Zürich
- Stämpfli, Bern
Greece, Cyprus
1. Sakkoulas Publications, Athens, Thessaloniki.[30]
2. Nomiki Bibliothiki Publications, Athens.[31]
3. Antonis N. Sakkoulas Publications, Athens.[32]
4. P. N. Sakkoulas Publications, Athens.[33]
5. LexBook, Athens.[34]
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1990) 134 SJ XVII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1990) 134 SJ XVII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1990) 134 SJ XVII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX
- Ambrogi, Robert J. The Essential Guide to the Best (and Worst) Legal Sites on the Web. Second Edition. ALM Publishing. 2004. . p 198. Digitized copy from Google Books.
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1990) 132 SJ XVII
- Codify Legal Publishing
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1989) 133 SJ XVIII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXI
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXI
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXI
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXI
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1989) 133 SJ XXVIII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXI
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXI
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1989) 133 SJ XVIII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1990) 134 SJ XVII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXI
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXI
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XXII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1990) 134 SJ XVII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1988) 132 SJ XX at XVII
- "Books Reviewed and Legal Publishers" (1989) 133 SJ XVIII at XIX
- ARLIS/NA Update
- Web site: Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα.
- Web site: Αρχική Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη.
- Web site: Π.Ν. Σάκκουλας - Εκδόσεις νομικών βιβλίων και περιοδικών.
Source: Overview of the Sources of Italian Law
- Giuffrè
- Wolters Kluwer Italia, including:
- UTET Giuridica
- Maggioli
- Giappichelli
- Il Sole 24 Ore Editore
Source: Japanese Law via the Internet
- Dai-Ichi Hoki
- Shinnippon-Hoki (Westlaw)
- Yuhikaku
Major database providers are:
- ConsultantPlus
- Garant
- Kodeks
- Sepín
- vLex vLex (Spain and Latin America)
- Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi
- Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer
- Marcial Pons Marcial Pons
- Tirant lo Blanch Tirant lo Blanch
- Reus Reus
- Dykinson Dykinson
- Lefebvre Lefebvre
- Tecnos Tecnos
- Eastern Book Company (India)
- Ajit Prakashan (India)
- AAFDL - Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa - Portugal
- Almedina - Brazil and Portugal
- Gestlegal - Portugal
- vLex - Brazil and Portugal
Further reading
- Society of Public Teachers of Law Working Party on Law Publishing. Law Publishing and Legal Scholarship. 1977. (contains a list of more than twenty publishers with law lists).