Isotopes of rhenium explained

Naturally occurring rhenium (75Re) is 37.4% 185Re, which is stable (although it is predicted to decay), and 62.6% 187Re, which is unstable but has a very long half-life (4.12×1010 years).[1] Among elements with a known stable isotope, only indium and tellurium similarly occur with a stable isotope in lower abundance than the long-lived radioactive isotope.

There are 36 other unstable isotopes recognized, the longest-lived of which are 183Re with a half-life of 70 days, 184Re with a half-life of 38 days, 186Re with a half-life of 3.7186 days, 182Re with a half-life of 64.0 hours, and 189Re with a half-life of 24.3 hours. There are also numerous isomers, the longest-lived of which are 186mRe with a half-life of 200,000 years and 184mRe with a half-life of 177.25 days. All others have half-lives less than a day.

List of isotopes

|-| rowspan=2|159Re[2] | rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 84| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2|21(4) μs| p (92.5%)| 158W| rowspan=2|(11/2−)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α (7.5%)| 155Ta|-| rowspan=2|160Re[3] | rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 85| rowspan=2|159.98212(43)#| rowspan=2|611(7) μs| p (89%)| 159W| rowspan=2|(2−)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α (11%)| 156Ta|-| style="text-indent:1em" | 160mRe[4] | colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 185(21)# keV| 2.8(1) μs| IT| 160Re| (9+)|||-| 161Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 86| 160.97759(22)| 0.37(4) ms| p| 160W| 1/2+|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 161mRe| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 123.8(13) keV| 15.6(9) ms| α| 157Ta| 11/2−|||-| rowspan=2|162Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 87| rowspan=2|161.97600(22)#| rowspan=2|107(13) ms| α (94%)| 158Ta| rowspan=2|(2−)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| β+ (6%)| 162W|-| rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" | 162mRe| rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 173(10) keV| rowspan=2|77(9) ms| α (91%)| 158Ta| rowspan=2|(9+)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| β+ (9%)| 162W|-| rowspan=2|163Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 88| rowspan=2|162.972081(21)| rowspan=2|390(70) ms| β+ (68%)| 163W| rowspan=2|(1/2+)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α (32%)| 159Ta|-| rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" | 163mRe| rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 115(4) keV| rowspan=2|214(5) ms| α (66%)| 159Ta| rowspan=2|(11/2−)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| β+ (34%)| 163W|-| rowspan=2|164Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 89| rowspan=2|163.97032(17)#| rowspan=2|0.53(23) s| α (58%)| 160Ta| rowspan=2|high| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| β+ (42%)| 164W|-| style="text-indent:1em" | 164mRe| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 120(120)# keV| 530(230) ms||| (2#)−|||-| rowspan=2|165Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 90| rowspan=2|164.967089(30)| rowspan=2|1# s| β+| 165W| rowspan=2|1/2+#| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α| 161Ta|-| rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" | 165mRe| rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 47(26) keV| rowspan=2|2.1(3) s| β+ (87%)| 165W| rowspan=2|11/2−#| rowspan=2| | rowspan=2||-| α (13%)| 161Ta|-| rowspan=2|166Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 91| rowspan=2|165.96581(9)#| rowspan=2|2# s| β+| 166W| rowspan=2|2−#| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α| 162Ta|-| rowspan=2|167Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 92| rowspan=2|166.96260(6)#| rowspan=2|3.4(4) s| α| 163Ta| rowspan=2|9/2−#| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| β+| 167W|-| rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" | 167mRe| rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 130(40)# keV| rowspan=2|5.9(3) s| β+ (99.3%)| 167W| rowspan=2|1/2+#| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α (.7%)| 163Ta|-| rowspan=2|168Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 93| rowspan=2|167.96157(3)| rowspan=2|4.4(1) s| β+ (99.99%)| 168W| rowspan=2|(5+, 6+, 7+)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α (.005%)| 164Ta|-| style="text-indent:1em" | 168mRe| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | non-exist| 6.6(15) s||||||-| rowspan=2|169Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 94| rowspan=2|168.95879(3)| rowspan=2|8.1(5) s| β+ (99.99%)| 169W| rowspan=2|9/2−#| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α (.005%)| 165Ta|-| rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" | 169mRe| rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 145(29) keV| rowspan=2|15.1(15) s| β+ (99.8%)| 169W| rowspan=2|1/2+#| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α (.2%)| 164Ta|-| rowspan=2|170Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 95| rowspan=2|169.958220(28)| rowspan=2|9.2(2) s| β+ (99.99%)| 170W| rowspan=2|(5+)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| α (.01%)| 166Ta|-| 171Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 96| 170.95572(3)| 15.2(4) s| β+| 171W| (9/2−)|||-| 172Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 97| 171.95542(6)| 15(3) s| β+| 172W| (5)|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 172mRe| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 0(100)# keV| 55(5) s| β+| 172W| (2)|||-| 173Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 98| 172.95324(3)| 1.98(26) min| β+| 173W| (5/2−)|||-| 174Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 99| 173.95312(3)| 2.40(4) min| β+| 174W||||-| 175Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 100| 174.95138(3)| 5.89(5) min| β+| 175W| (5/2−)|||-| 176Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 101| 175.95162(3)| 5.3(3) min| β+| 176W| 3+|||-| 177Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 102| 176.95033(3)| 14(1) min| β+| 177W| 5/2−|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 177mRe| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 84.71(10) keV| 50(10) μs||| 5/2+|||-| 178Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 103| 177.95099(3)| 13.2(2) min| β+| 178W| (3+)|||-| 179Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 104| 178.949988(26)| 19.5(1) min| β+| 179W| (5/2)+|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 179m1Re| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 65.39(9) keV| 95(25) μs||| (5/2−)|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 179m2Re| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 1684.59(14)+Y keV| >0.4 μs||| (23/2+)|||-| 180Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 105| 179.950789(23)| 2.44(6) min| β+| 180W| (1)−|||-| 181Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 106| 180.950068(14)| 19.9(7) h| β+| 181W| 5/2+|||-| 182Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 107| 181.95121(11)| 64.0(5) h| β+| 182W| 7+|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 182m1Re| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 60(100) keV| 12.7(2) h| β+| 182W| 2+|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 182m2Re| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 235.736(10)+X keV| 585(21) ns||| 2−|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 182m3Re| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 461.3(1)+X keV| 0.78(9) μs||| (4−)|||-| 183Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 108| 182.950820(9)| 70.0(14) d| EC| 183W| 5/2+|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 183mRe| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 1907.6(3) keV| 1.04(4) ms| IT| 183Re| (25/2+)|||-| 184Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 109| 183.952521(5)| 35.4(7) d| β+| 184W| 3(−)|||-| rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" | 184mRe| rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 188.01(4) keV| rowspan=2|177.25(7) d[5] | IT (75.4%)| 184Re| rowspan=2|8(+)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| β+ (24.6%)| 184W|-| 185Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 110| 184.9529550(13)| colspan=3 align=center|Observationally Stable[6] | 5/2+| 0.3740(2)||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 185mRe| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 2124(2) keV| 123(23) ns||| (21/2)|||-| rowspan=2|186Re| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 75| rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" | 111| rowspan=2|185.9549861(13)| rowspan=2|3.7186(5) d| β (93.1%)| 186Os| rowspan=2|1−| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| EC (6.9%)| 186W|-| style="text-indent:1em" | 186mRe| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 149(7) keV| 2.0(5)×105 y| IT| 186Re| (8+)|||-| 187Re[7] [8] | style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 112| 186.9557531(15)| 4.12(2)×1010 y[9] | β[10] | 187Os| 5/2+| 0.6260(2)| |-| 188Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 113| 187.9581144(15)| 17.0040(22) h| β| 188Os| 1−|||-| style="text-indent:1em" | 188mRe| colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 172.069(9) keV| 18.59(4) min| IT| 188Re| (6)−|||-| 189Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 114| 188.959229(9)| 24.3(4) h| β| 189Os| 5/2+|||-| 190Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 115| 189.96182(16)| 3.1(3) min| β| 190Os| (2)−|||-| rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" | 190mRe| rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" | 210(50) keV| rowspan=2|3.2(2) h| β (54.4%)| 190Os| rowspan=2|(6−)| rowspan=2|| rowspan=2||-| IT (45.6%)| 190Re|-| 191Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 116| 190.963125(11)| 9.8(5) min| β| 191Os| (3/2+, 1/2+)|||-| 192Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 117| 191.96596(21)#| 16(1) s| β| 192Os||||-| 193Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 118| 192.96747(21)#| 30# s [>300 ns]||| 5/2+#|||-| 194Re| style="text-align:right" | 75| style="text-align:right" | 119| 193.97042(32)#| 2# s [>300 ns]|||||




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  2. Page . R. D. . Bianco . L. . Darby . I. G. . Uusitalo . J. . Joss . D. T. . Grahn . T. . Herzberg . R.-D. . Pakarinen . J. . Thomson . J. . Eeckhaudt . S. . Greenlees . P. T. . Jones . P. M. . Julin . R. . Juutinen . S. . Ketelhut . S. . Leino . M. . Leppänen . A.-P. . Nyman . M. . Rahkila . P. . Sarén . J. . Scholey . C. . Steer . A. . Hornillos . M. B. Gómez . Al-Khalili . J. S. . Cannon . A. J. . Stevenson . P. D. . Ertürk . S. . Gall . B. . Hadinia . B. . Venhart . M. . Simpson . J. . α decay of Re 159 and proton emission from Ta 155 . Physical Review C . 26 June 2007 . 75 . 6 . 061302 . 10.1103/PhysRevC.75.061302 . 2007PhRvC..75f1302P . 12 June 2023 . en . 0556-2813.
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  5. 10.1103/PhysRevC.106.044303 . Ł. . Janiak . M. . Gierlik . G. Madejowski . R. Prokopowicz . S. . Wronka . J. . Rzadkiewicz . J. J. . Carroll . C. J. . Chiara . Half-life of the 188-keV isomer of 184Re . 2022 . Physical Review C . 106 . 44303. 044303 . 2022PhRvC.106d4303J . 252792730 .
  6. Believed to undergo α decay to 181Ta
  7. [Primordial nuclide|primordial]
  8. Used in rhenium–osmium dating
  9. Can undergo Bound-state β decay with a half-life of 32.9 years when fully ionized
  10. Theorized to also undergo α decay to 183Ta