Sanctions during the Venezuelan crisis explained

During the crisis in Venezuela, governments of the United States, the European Union (E.U.), Canada, Mexico, Panama and Switzerland have applied sanctions against Venezuela, as well as against specific government entities and individuals associated with the administration of Nicolás Maduro. Through April 2019, the U.S. sanctioned more than 150 companies, vessels and individuals, in addition to revoking visas of 718 individuals associated with Maduro.[1] By September 2019, the Center for Strategic and International Studies said 119 Venezuelans had been sanctioned by the U.S. and several other countries.

Early sanctions came in response to repression during the 2014 and the 2017 Venezuelan protests, and activities both during the 2017 Constituent Assembly election and the 2018 presidential election. Sanctions were placed on current and former government officials, including members of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) and the 2017 Constituent National Assembly (ANC), members of the military and security forces, and private individuals accused of being involved in human rights abuses, corruption, degradation in the rule of law and repression of democracy. In March 2015, the Obama administration imposed asset and visa sanctions against 110 Venezuelan individuals, and eight entities;[2] in August 2017, the Trump administration imposed sanctions which prohibited Venezuela's access to U.S. financial markets, and in May 2018, expanded them to block purchase of Venezuelan debt.

Beginning in January 2019, during the Venezuelan presidential crisis, the U.S. applied additional economic sanctions to individuals or companies in the petroleum, gold, mining, and banking industries and a food subsidy program. Companies in the petroleum sector evaded the PDVSA sanctions to continue oil shipments. In October 2023, the administration of Joe Biden temporarily lifted some U.S. sanctions on the oil, gas and gold industries in exchange for the promise of the release of political prisoners and free 2024 elections;[3] the sanctions were reimposed in April when the U.S. State Department said the Barbados Agreement to hold free elections had not been fully honored.

United States

Through April 2019, the U.S. has sanctioned more than 150 companies, vessels and individuals, in addition to revoking visas of 718 individuals associated with Maduro.[1]

History and legislation

The U.S. has been concerned about Venezuelan narcotics trafficking since 2005 and its lack of cooperation in combatting terrorism since 2006. The U.S. has used sanctions as a policy tool for at least a decade to combat terrorism-related activity as well as narcotics and human trafficking, corruption and human rights violations, according to the Congressional Research Service. In 2008, Executive Order (EO) 13224 aimed to reduce terrorist funding in Venezuela via sanctions, and the United States Department of the Treasury has used the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (Kingpin Act) to sanction at least 22 Venezuelans, including several current and former government officials.[4]

Prior to the crisis in Venezuela, in 2010 the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned three current or former Venezuelan government officials, saying there was evidence they had materially helped the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in the illegal drug trade.[5] The order "freezes any assets the designated entities and individuals may have under U.S. jurisdiction and prohibits U.S. persons from conducting financial or commercial transactions involving those assets".[5] Hugo Carvajal, former director of Venezuela's military intelligence (DGIM); Henry Rangel Silva, director National Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services (DISIP); and Ramón Rodríguez Chacín, former Minister of the Interior, were sanctioned.[5] Carvajal was arrested in Spain on 12 April 2019 based on a U.S. arrest warrant for the 2011 charges; the U.S. asked Spain to extradite Carvajal.[6]

In 2011, four allies of Hugo Chávez, including a general, two politicians, and an intelligence official, were sanctioned for allegedly helping FARC obtain weapons and smuggle drugs.[7] [8]

U.S. President Barack Obama signed the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014, a U.S. Act imposing sanctions on Venezuelan individuals held responsible by the U.S. for human rights violations during the 2014 Venezuelan protests, in December of that year.[9] [10] The Act was extended in 2016 to expire on 31 December 2019.[11] On 2 February 2015, the United States Department of State imposed visa restrictions on current and former Venezuelan officials that were allegedly linked to presumed human rights abuses and political corruption.[12] The visa restrictions also included family members.[12] Obama issued Executive Order 13692 in March 2015, which blocks assets or imposes travel bans on those "involved in or responsible for the erosion of human rights guarantees, persecution of political opponents, curtailment of press freedoms, use of violence and human rights violations and abuses in response to antigovernment protests, and arbitrary arrest and detention of antigovernment protestors, as well as significant public corruption by senior government officials in the country."[13]

The U.S. condemned actions of the governments of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela and maintained both broad and targeted sanctions against their leadership.[14] Into 2020, Trump expressed that he believed that the removal of Maduro from office was occurring too slowly and that incremental processes, such as sanctions, did not provide results;[15] he began to consider military options, including a naval blockade.

When Joe Biden took office, his administration reviewed how sanctions affected Venezuela. As of November 2022, the Biden administration had not imposed any sanctions on Venezuela and the Associated Press reported that some companies could be flouting the sanctions imposed by the Trump administration.[16]

On individuals

As of 27 March 2018, the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) said 78 Venezuelans associated with Maduro had been sanctioned by different countries. Under EO 13692, the Obama administration sanctioned 7 individuals, and the Trump administration had sanctioned 73 as of 8 March 2019.[4] By September 2019, the Center for Strategic and International Studies said 119 Venezuelans had been sanctioned by the U.S. and several other countries. As of 7 August 2023, the Congressional Research Service said the U.S. maintained sanctions on more than 110 individuals.


Obama issued a presidential order on 9 March 2015 declaring Venezuela a "threat to its national security" and ordered the U.S. Treasury Department to freeze property and assets of seven Venezuelan officials.[17] [18] The U.S. held the seven individuals sanctioned responsible for repression and at least 43 deaths during demonstrations and human rights abuses including "persecution of political opponents, restrictions on press freedom ... and arbitrary arrests".[19] Among those sanctioned were Antonio Benavides Torres, commander in the Venezuelan armed forces and former leader of the Venezuelan National Guard, and SEBIN directors Manuel Bernal Martínez and Gustavo González López.[20]


Tareck El Aissami, Vice President of Economy and Minister for National Industry and Production, and his frontman Samark Jose Lopez Bello were named in February under the Kingpin Act as significant international narcotics traffickers. Five U.S. companies in Florida and an airplane registered in the U.S. were also blocked.[21] [22]

The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Maikel Moreno and seven members of the Venezuelan Supreme Justice Tribunal (TSJ) in May for usurping the functions of the Venezuelan National Assembly and permitting Maduro to govern by decree.[23] [24] In July, thirteen senior officials of the Venezuelan government associated with the 2017 Venezuelan Constituent Assembly elections were sanctioned for what the U.S. labeled as their role in undermining democracy and human rights.[25] Those sanctioned included Elías Jaua, Presidential Commission for the ANC and Minister of Education; Tibisay Lucena, President of the Maduro-controlled National Electoral Council (CNE); Néstor Reverol, Minister of Interior and former Commander General of Venezuelan National Guard (GNB), indicted in 2016 by U.S. for drug conspiracy; Tarek William Saab, Ombudsman and President of Moral Council; and Iris Varela ANC member and Prisons Minister.[26]

The U.S. State Department condemned the Venezuelan Constituent Assembly election and refused to recognize it.[27] The day after the election, the U.S. sanctioned Maduro, stating that the election "aspires illegitimately to usurp the constitutional role of the democratically elected National Assembly, rewrite the constitution, and impose an authoritarian regime".[28] Maduro became the fourth head of state to be sanctioned by the U.S. government after Bashar al-Assad of Syria, Kim Jong-un of North Korea and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.[29] Maduro fired back at the sanctions during his victory speech saying "I don't obey imperial orders. I'm against the Ku Klux Klan that governs the White House, and I'm proud to feel that way."

The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned eight officials associated with the 2017 Constituent National Assembly (ANC) in August,[30] for participating in "anti-democratic actions pursuant to Executive Order 13692" by facilitating the "illegitimate Constituent Assembly to further entrench [Maduro's] dictatorship".[31] The individuals sanctioned included Francisco Ameliach and Adán Chávez, the brother of Hugo Chávez.[31]

In November, ten more government officials were added to OFAC's list of Venezuelans sanctioned after the regional elections;[32] the U.S. Treasury Department described the individuals as being "associated with undermining electoral processes, media censorship, or corruption in government-administered food programs in Venezuela".[33] Among those sanctioned was Minister Freddy Bernal, who heads the Local Committees for Supply and Production (CLAP) program, and was previously named in 2011 as a drug trafficker under the Kingpin Act for aiding the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).[32]


The U.S. Treasury Department said on 5 January that corruption and repression continued in Venezuela and four senior military officers were sanctioned.[34] [35] Four more current or former officials were added to the sanctioned list in March 2018.[36] [37]

Just before the May 2018 Venezuelan presidential election, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned four Venezuelans and three companies it said were involved in corruption and money laundering.[38] Individuals sanctioned included Diosdado Cabello, Chavismo's number two person and President of the ANC,[38] his wife, Marleny Contreras Hernández de Cabello, who was also the Tourism Minister, and his brother José David Cabello Rondón, the president of Venezuela's tax authority, SENIAT. The Florida companies, owned or controlled by sanctioned front man Rafael Sarria in Florida were: SAI Advisors Inc., Noor Plantation Investments LLC, and 11420 Corp. Fourteen other properties owned or controlled by Sarria in Florida and New York were also sanctioned.[39] The U.S. Treasury Department said the Cabello brothers had "approved a money laundering scheme based on illicit financial activities targeting the Venezuelan state-owned oil company Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA)."[39]

The U.S. Treasury Department seized a private jet and imposed sanctions on Maduro's inner circle in September.[40] [41] Maduro's wife, Cilia Flores, and Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López, Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, and her brother Jorge Rodríguez, Minister of Communications, were sanctioned. Agencia Vehiculos Especiales Rurales y Urbanos, C.A. (AVERUCA, C.A.), Quiana Trading Limited (Quiana Trading), and Panazeate SL were sanctioned as companies owned or controlled in the U.S., British Virgin Islands, and Spain by sanctioned parties.[42] [43]


The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned seven individuals on 8 January 2019, who they said were benefitting from a corrupt currency exchange scheme.[44] Alejandro Jose Andrade Cedeño, a former national Treasurer, "was sentenced by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida on November 27, 2018, to 10 years in prison for accepting over $1 billion in bribes for his role" in the scheme.[45] [46] OFAC also sanctioned five other individuals and 23 companies,[46] including Venezuelan private TV network Globovisión and other companies owned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín and Gustavo Perdomo.

On 15 February 2019, officials of Maduro's security and intelligence were sanctioned for helping suppress democracy; the head of state-run PDVSA was also sanctioned. The U.S. Treasury Department said the security officials were responsible for torture, human rights abuses, and extrajudicial killings.[47] [48]

During the February 2019 shipping of humanitarian aid to Venezuela, U.S. Vice-president Mike Pence announced new U.S. sanctions against four Venezuelan state governors, who the U.S. said had furthered the humanitarian crisis by participating in the blocking of aid;[49] [50] the governors of the United Socialist Party representing Zulia, Apure, Vargas and Carabobo states were blacklisted.[51] On 1 March, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned six more military and security forces individuals, including members of FAES (Fuerzas de Acciones Especiales), a special police force.[52] The U.S. said these individuals helped obstruct the delivery of humanitarian aid to Venezuela on the Colombian and Brazilian borders.[53]

The U.S. sanctioned Minerven, Venezuela's state-run mining company, and its president, Adrian Antonio Perdomo in March 2019; the U.S. Treasury department said that the Venezuelan military grants access to criminal organizations in exchange for money.[54] [55]

On 17 April 2019, the U.S. Treasury added sanctions to the Central Bank of Venezuela and one of its directors, Iliana Ruzza.[56] Directors Simon Alejandro Zerpa Delgado and William Antonio Contreras were already sanctioned.[57] Bolton said the sanction was "aimed at restricting U.S. transactions with the bank and cutting off the bank's access to U.S. currency", as a warning to Russia and others.[56] United States Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin stated that the sanction was to prevent the Central Bank "from being used as a tool of the illegitimate Maduro regime"[57] Maduro said the sanctions were "totally illegal" and that "Central banks around the world are sacred, all countries respect them. ... To me the empire looks crazy, desperate."[58]

On 26 April 2019, the U.S. Treasury sanctioned Maduro's foreign minister Jorge Arreaza and Judge Carol Padilla, which it accused of exploiting the U.S. financial system to support Maduro.[59] [60] The U.S. State Department issued a statement describing Arreaza as being "at the forefront" of the Maduro administration attempts "to thwart the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people", and Padilla as the judge involved in the detention of Roberto Marrero, who was Juan Guaidó's top aide.[61] [62]

Following the Venezuelan uprising on 30 April 2019, the U.S. removed sanctions against former SEBIN chief Manuel Cristopher Figuera, who broke ranks with Maduro.[63] The U.S. Treasury Department press release said the action demonstrated that sanctions could be removed from those who help "restore democratic order" in Venezuela.[64]

On 27 June 2019, the U.S. sanctioned two former Venezuelan government officials Luis Alfredo Motta Domínguez and Eustiquio Jose Lugo Gomez, who, it said, were engaging in significant corruption and fraud.[65] The Miami U.S. attorney's office stated that Motta was indicted on seven counts of money laundering and one count of money laundering conspiracy, after awarding US$60 million in contracts to three Florida-based companies in return for bribes. In April, Maduro dismissed Motta as Electricity Minister after a series of March blackouts.[65] [66]

President Maduro's son, Nicolás Maduro Guerra, was sanctioned on 28 June 2019 for being a current or former official of the Government of Venezuela, as well as being a member of Venezuela's Constituent Assembly.[67] The U.S. Treasury Department accused him of maintaining a stranglehold on the economy and suppressing the people of Venezuela.[68]

Following the death of Venezuelan navy captain Rafael Acosta Arévalo on 29 June, the U.S. sanctioned Dirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar (DGCIM) on 11 July 2019, accusing the defense agency of being responsible for his death.[69] On 19 July 2019, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence announced new sanctions on DGCIM officials who, he said, were responsible for repressing and torturing Venezuelans. Pence said the UN had reported that there were nearly 7,000 "killings by [the] Maduro regime in the last 18 months".[70] [71] [72] [73]

Five politicians and security officials, who had earlier been sanctioned by the E.U. or Canada, were also sanctioned by the U.S. on 5 November 2019 for corruption and violence during opposition protests; those individuals are Remigio Ceballos Ichaso from the armed forces, Nestor Neptali Blanco Hurtado from the National Guard, Secretary General of the National Defense Council Jose Adelino Ornelas Ferreira, Pedro Miguel Carreno Escobar from the ANC, and Carlos Alberto Calderon Chirinos in intelligence.[74] [75]


See main article: 2020 Venezuelan National Assembly Delegated Committee election and Operación Alacrán. The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned seven individuals for their involvement in the January disputed internal parliamentary elections of the National Assembly. The election was disrupted and resulted in two claims for the Presidency of the National Assembly: one by legislator Luis Parra, later supported by Maduro, and one by the incumbent Guaidó. According to U.S. Secretary of Treasury Mnuchin, the U.S. blacklisted the Venezuelan lawmakers "who, at the bidding of Maduro, attempted to block the democratic process in Venezuela".[76] Those sanctioned included the members of Parra's appointed board of directors and his supporters: Franklyn Duarte, José Gregorio Noriega,, José Brito,, and Parra himself.[76] [77]

On 22 September 2020, five more individuals were sanctioned for what the U.S. Treasury described as supporting, manipulating and rigging the upcoming 2020 Venezuelan parliamentary elections. The new sanctions applied to Miguel Ponente, Guillermo Luces, José Bernabé Gutiérrez, Chaim Bucaran and Williams Benavides.[78] [79]

Guillermo Carlos San Agustin and Marcos Javier Machado Requena were sanctioned on 18 December 2020, along with the company Ex-Cle Soluciones Biometricas CA, for providing services for the 2020 Venezuelan parliamentary election, which the U.S. alleges were fraudulent; Maduro responded that the sanctions were "stupid", saying that a third of eligible voters had participated.[80] [81] [82]

OFAC sanctioned the president and board chairman, Didier Casimiro, of Rosneft on 18 February 2020, for supporting Maduro's government by operating in the oil sector.[65] [83]

On 26 March 2020, the U.S. State Department offered a $15 million reward on Nicolás Maduro, and $10 million each on Diosdado Cabello, Hugo Carvajal, Clíver Alcalá Cordones and Tareck El Aissami, for information to bring those individuals to justice for drug trafficking and narco-terrorism.[84]

Brothers Santiago Jose Moron Hernandez and Ricardo Jose Moron Hernandez, active in the gold mining sector and friends of Maduro's son, were sanctioned on 23 July 2020 for their alleged role in a "financial mechanism of an illicit gold scheme", according to Reuters.[85] [86]

On industries

Trump issued EO 13850 on 1 November 2018 to block the assets of anyone involved in corruption in the gold sector, or "any other sector of the economy as determined in the future by the Secretary of the Treasury".[4] Mnuchin announced on 28 January 2019 that EO 13850 applied to the petroleum sector.[4]

Three additional Executive Orders have been applied in the areas of Venezuelan sanctions. EO 13808, issued on 27 July 2017, prohibits the Venezuelan government from accessing U.S. financial markets, allowing for "exceptions to minimize the impact on the Venezuelan people and U.S. economic interests. The sanctions restricted the Venezuelan government's access to US debt and equity markets." This includes the state-run oil company, PDVSA.[4] Issued in 2018, EO 13827 prohibited the use of Venezuelan digital currency, and EO 13835 prohibited the purchase of Venezuelan debt.[4]


Trump imposed economic sanctions in August 2017 that affected Venezuela's petroleum industry by prohibiting the trading of Venezuelan bonds in U.S. markets. The New York Times said that loopholes in the sanctions would permit "financing of most commercial trade, including the export of American light crude oil to Venezuela for mixing with its heavy crude, and financing for humanitarian services to the Venezuelan people", and quoted analysts who said the sanctions would not be a "lethal blow".[87] The White House saw the measures as a way to "protect the United States financial system from complicity in Venezuela's corruption and in the impoverishment of the Venezuelan people" without disallowing humanitarian aid[87] while preventing the "fire sale" of Venezuelan assets.[13]

On 28 January 2019, the U.S. imposed sanctions on the Venezuelan state-owned oil and natural gas company, PDVSA, to pressure Maduro to resign during the 2019 Venezuelan presidential crisis.[88] [89] The sanctions prevented PDVSA from being paid for petroleum exports to the U.Ss, froze $7 billion of PDVSA's U.S. assets and prevented U.S. firms from exporting naphtha to Venezuela. Bolton estimated the expected loss to the Venezuelan economy at more than $11 billion in 2019.[88] [90]

In February 2019, Maduro ordered PDVSA to move its European office to Moscow to protect PDVSA's overseas assets from U.S. sanctions.[91] [90] The Russian state-run oil company Rosneft had supplied naphtha to Venezuela and continued to purchase Venezuelan petroleum, which it said was through contracts that were in place prior to the U.S. sanctions.[90] [92] Exports of Venezuela's heavy crude oil depend on diluents that were imported from the U.S. before sanctions; Rosneft chartered a ship to load thinners from Malta and deliver them to Venezuela on 22 March, and arranged for shipping of Venezuelan crude oil to be processed in India.[93] Other companies including India's Reliance Industries Limited, Spain's Repsol, and commodity trading companies Trafigura and Vitol continued to supply Venezuela's oil industry as of 11 April 2019.[94] On 17 April, Reuters reported that Repsol was in discussion with the Trump administration and had suspended its swaps with PDVSA.[95]

On 18 February 2020, OFAC sanctioned Rosneft's Swiss-incorporated company (Rosneft Trading S.A.) for supporting Maduro's government by operating in the oil sector.[65] [96] Rosneft had been previously sanctioned by the Obama administration on 16 July 2014 for the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by the Kremlin, and the Russian interference in Ukraine.[97] [98] On 12 March 2020, a Swiss subsidiary of Rosneft, TNK Trading International S.A., was blacklisted for helping Rosneft evade sanctions; U.S. Treasury stated that TNK bought 14 million barrels of Venezuelan crude in one month.[99] [100]

The Venezuelan National Assembly had been looking at ways to access Venezuela's overseas cash and facilities.[101] PDVSA's US subsidiary Citgo announced in February 2019 that it would formally cut ties with PDVSA to comply with U.S. sanctions on Venezuela, and halted payments to PDVSA. Guaidó and the National Assembly appointed a new Citgo board of directors under Chairperson Luisa Palacios.[101] The National Assembly authorized Guaidó's appointment of a new ad hoc board of PDVSA, Citgo, Pdvsa Holding Inc, Citgo Holding Inc. and Citgo Petroleum Corporation.[102] Although control of PDVSA assets in Venezuela remained with Maduro, Guaidó named a new PDVSA board.[103] With Citgo under the control of Guaidó's administration, the U.S. Treasury Department extended its license to operate in spite of sanctions.[104]

Stating it was a "sign of the growing dependence of Venezuela's cash-strapped government on Russia", Reuters reported on 18 April 2019 that the Maduro administration was bypassing the sanctions by funneling cash from petroleum sales through Russia's Rosneft.[105] Reliance denied reports that it was in violation of U.S. sanctions and stated that its purchases of Venezuelan oil through Rosneft had the approval of the U.S. State Department.[106] April oil exports were steady at a million barrels daily, "partially due to inventory drains", with most shipments to buyers from India and China.[107] Production in April was eight percent higher than it was in March, during the 2019 Venezuelan blackouts.[107] Even with sanctions, shipments to Cuba were unchanged.[107]

Beginning in late 2019, the US asked foreign firms not to send gasoline to Venezuela as part of the sanctions on PDVSA.[108]

Cuban oil shipments

The U.S. Treasury sanctioned two companies on 5 April 2019 that had shipped Venezuelan oil to Cuba; the U.S. said Cuban personnel and advisors help the Maduro government maintain power; the companies were Liberia-based Ballito Bay Shipping Inc., the owner of the Despina Andrianna, and the Greek company ProPer In Management Inc., the operator of the vessel that was used for an oil shipment to Cuba.[109] Another 34 ships that are owned by PDVSA were also added to the sanction list.[110] The U.S. sanctioned nine ships and four more shipping companies on 12 April 2019: Liberian companies Jennifer Navigation Ltd., Large Range Ltd. and Lima Shipping Corp.; and Italian PB Tankers.[111] [112] An unnamed U.S. senior official told Bloomberg that these companies and vessels account for as much as half of the 50,000 barrels daily of oil that "Venezuela sends to Cuba in exchange for the social, intelligence and strategic support Havana provides Maduro".[113] Cuba denies any influence on Venezuela's military and—along with Russia, China, Turkey and Iran—is determined to defend Maduro according to Bloomberg.[113]

In response to the arrest of National Assembly members, the U.S. Treasury sanctioned on 10 May 2019 two shipping companies, and two ships, that transported oil from Venezuela to Cuba between late 2018 and March 2019. Both ships sanctioned carried Panama flags: the tanker Ocean Elegance was owned by Monsoon Navigation Corporation, and Leon Dias by Serenity Martitime Limited.[114] [115]

Sanctions on PB Tankers S.P.A. were lifted in July 2019, and on Lima Shipping Corporation and Serenity Maritime Limited in September 2019.

The Cuban state-run oil import and export company, Cubametales, was sanctioned on 3 July 2019 by OFAC; a Treasury press release said it had facilitated oil imports to Cuba from Venezuela in exchange for defense support, intelligence, and security assistance.[116] Cuba continued to receive shipments, and our more companies facilitating oil shipments from Venezuela to Cuba were sanctioned in September.[117] One company based in Cypress (Caroil Transport Marine Ltd) and three Panamanian companies (Trocana World Inc, Tovase Development Corp and Bluelane Overseas SA) were sanctioned, along with four ships owned by those companies.[117] In November, the Cuban company Corporacion Panamericana SA was blacklisted for helping Cubametales evade sanctions.[118] [119]


Through Petrocaribe, Caribbean countries including Haiti and Jamaica had been able to finance 40% of their Venezuelan crude oil purchases over 25 years at 1% interest; Cuba received free oil in exchange for medical services.[120] Reuters said, "The Caribbean region has long relied on oil and gas from Venezuela, which offered cheap financing through a program called Petrocaribe, though shipments have declined in recent years because of production problems at Venezuela's state-owned oil company PDVSA." Research by the journalism group Connectas said that Venezuela had spent $28 billion worth of oil to buy support from 14 Caribbean countries; according to the Connectas study the social benefits that were intended for the countries of Petrocaribe were not realized, which they say was ignored by the Venezuelan government because Petrocaribe countries were intended to protect Venezuela's sovereignty in international organizations like the UN and OAS.[121] [122]

Several leaders of Caribbean countries supporting Maduro criticized the US sanctions, saying their support for Maduro was based on principles, not oil, and that sanctions were affecting their countries' supply, debt payments, and the region's stability.[120] The director of the Latin America and Caribbean Energy Program at the University of Texas at Austin, Jorge Piñón, said the supply cuts to these Caribbean countries were not due to the sanctions, but the mismanagement of PDVSA.[120] When Chávez was elected, Venezuela was producing 3.5 million barrels per day of crude oil; as of March 2019, production is about 1 million barrels per day, and Piñón says these countries should have seen the problems coming.[120] Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, and others criticized the US intent in the region, saying that "Washington should provide more aid to these nations and not spend billions on useless wars". With the Venezuelan crisis dividing Caribbean countries, those countries that did not recognize Maduro were invited to meet with Trump in March 2019.[123] Following the meeting, Trump promised more investment to the countries supporting Guaidó (Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica and Saint Lucia), although "the White House did not specifically tie the carrot of investment to that support".[124]

Gold mining

Venezuela's third-largest export (after crude oil and refined petroleum products) in 2019 was gold. The country's gold production is controlled by the military and is mined under dangerous conditions.[125] [54] The World Gold Council reported in January 2019 that Venezuela's foreign-held gold reserves had fallen by 69% to US$8.4 billion during Maduro's presidency, but that it was hard to track where the gold was going. Central Bank gold holdings decreased in November 2018 from US$6.1 billion to US$5.5 billion; the last independent observer to access the vault where gold is stored was Francisco Rodríguez, who saw an estimated US$15 billion in 2014.[125] Reuters reported that 20 tons were removed from the vaults in 2018, and 23 tons of mined gold were taken to Istanbul, Turkey. In the first nine months of 2018, Venezuela's gold exports to Turkey rose from zero in the previous year to US$900 million.

On 1 November 2018 Trump signed an executive order to "ban US persons from dealing with entities and individuals involved with 'corrupt or deceptive' gold sales from Venezuela".[126]

In mid-February 2019, National Assembly legislator Angel Alvarado said that about eight tons of gold had been taken from the vault while the head of the Central Bank was abroad.[127] In March, Ugandan investigators were looking into recent gold imports, and reported that 7.4 tonnes of gold worth over US$300 million could have been smuggled into that country.[128]

The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned Minerven, Venezuela's state-run mining company, in March 2019.[54]

Government sources said another eight tonnes of gold was taken out of the Central Bank in the first week of April 2019; the government source said that there were 100 tonnes left. The gold was removed while the bank was not fully operational because of the 2019 Venezuelan blackouts and minimal staff was present; the destination of the gold was not known.[129] According to Bloomberg, the Central Bank sold 9.5 tonnes of gold on 10 May and 3 more tonnes some days later.[130] Reuters estimated in March 2020 that there were about 90 tonnes of gold left in the country, compared to 129 tonnes at the start of 2019.[131]

Banking and finance

US President Trump signed an order on 19 March 2018 that prohibited people in the US from making any type of transaction with digital currency emitted by or in the name of the government of Venezuela as of 9 January 2018, referencing the Petro token.[132] He said the crypto-currency had been designed in February 2018 to "circumvent US sanctions"[133] and access international financing.[134]

On 11 March 2019, the U.S. sanctioned the Russian bank Evrofinance Mosnarbank, a joint venture of Russian and Venezuelan state-owned companies. The U.S. Treasury Department said the Moscow-based bank was an economic lifeline for Maduro's administration.[135] [136] [137]

After the detention of Guaidó's chief of staff, Roberto Marrero, in March 2019, the US Treasury Department responded by placing sanctions on the Venezuelan bank BANDES and its subsidiaries.[138] [139] Univision stated this action "put 'the entire banking sector' on notice" that Venezuelan financial transactions could be sanctioned.[140] China Development Bank had paid billions of dollars through BANDES to the Venezuelan government in exchange for crude oil as of March 2019; the sanctions would make it difficult for Venezuela to restructure its US$20 billion debt with China.[141] U.S. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said that BANDES had become a way for Maduro administration "insiders" to "move funds abroad in an attempt to prop up Maduro", circumventing the purpose of the bank to help the Venezuelan people.[142]

The U.S. Treasury added sanctions to the Central Bank of Venezuela on 17 April 2019.[56] [57] Mnuchin stated that the sanction would "inhibit most Central Bank activities undertaken" by the Maduro administration, but "ensure that regular debit and credit card transactions can proceed and personal remittances and humanitarian assistance continue unabated".[57] The new sanctions closed some loopholes that allowed for continued financing of the government; the Central Bank had been able to obtain loans without seeking approval from the National Assembly, and sold gold to the central banks of other countries. By interrupting the foreign exchange handled by the Central Bank, PDVSA purchases of production supplies were impacted.[143]

The Venezuelan banking sanctions caused a rippled effect in that the New York Federal Reserve decided to restrict opening of new accounts in Puerto Rico's offshore banking industry, and planned tighter restrictions in that area.[144]

CLAP food subsidy program

On 25 July 2019, the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on 10 people and 13 companies (from Colombia, Hong Kong (China), Mexico, Panama, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the U.S.) involved in a Venezuelan food subsidy program called CLAP, which included Maduro's stepsons and a Colombian businessman Alex Saab. Saab sold food to Venezuela for more than USD 200 million in a negotiation signed by Maduro through a registered company in Hong Kong.[145] On 23 August 2017, the Venezuelan attorney general, Luisa Ortega Díaz, had named Saab as the owner of the Mexican firm Group Grand Limited, along with Colombian businessmen Álvaro Pulido and Rodolfo Reyes, and "presumably President Nicolás Maduro" that sold food to the CLAP.[146]

According to Mnuchin, corruption in the "CLAP program has allowed Maduro and his family members to steal from the Venezuelan people" by using "food as a form of social control, to reward political supporters and punish opponents, all the while pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars through a number of fraudulent schemes."[147] The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Florida charged Saab and another Colombian businessman with money laundering related to a 2011–2015 scheme to pay bribes to take advantage of Venezuela's government-set exchange rate.[148]

After a multilateral meeting between over a dozen European and Latin American countries, U.S. Treasury Department officials had stated in April 2018 that they had collaborated with Colombian officials to investigate corrupt import programs of the Maduro administration including CLAP. They stated that Venezuelan officials pocketed 70% of the proceeds allocated for importation programs destined to alleviate hunger in Venezuela. Treasury officials said they sought to seize the proceeds that were being funneled into the accounts of corrupt Venezuelan officials and hold them for a future government in Venezuela.[149] [150]

An April 2019 communication from the U.S. State Department highlighted the 2017 National Assembly investigation finding that the government paid US$42 for food boxes that cost under US$13, and that "Maduro's inner circle kept the difference, which totaled more than $200 million dollars in at least one case", adding that food boxes were "distributed in exchange for votes".[151] On 17 September 2019, the U.S. Treasury Department expanded further sanctions on 16 entities (from Colombia, Italy and Panama) and 3 individuals, accusing them of helping the Venezuelan government to profit from food import and distribution.[152] [153] [154] [155]


OFAC added state airline Conviasa and its fleet of 40 aircraft (including presidential aircraft) to the Specially Designated Nationals ("SDN") list on 7 February 2020, making it unlikely that Conviasa would be able to source replacement parts for its Boeing B737 aircraft. U.S. citizens were prohibited from flying on Conviasa's domestic and international flights. To the extent that other countries abide by OFAC policy, those countries (Brazil, France and the United Kingdom) would refuse to sell Conviasa replacement parts for Embraer and Airbus aircraft, prohibit its nationals from flying Conviasa, and cancel Conviasa-serviced routes to their respective countries (Panama, Mexico, Bolivia, and Ecuador).[156]

2023 sanctions relief

In October, the Biden administration eased some sanctions based on a 2023 Venezuela election agreement signed in Barbados between the Maduro government and opposition parties;[157] an agreement was negotiated in which five people classified as political prisoners (including Juan Requesens) were released in exchange for the U.S. partially removing sanctions on the oil, gas and gold industries.[158] U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated Maduro would have another month to release Americans and remove bans on candidates for the 2024 presidential elections; the proposal did not address the ban on Maria Corina Machado running for office, but anonymous sources said the U.S. would reverse the release of sanctions "unless Maduro lifts the bans and frees wrongfully detained Americans".[159] On 17 April 2024, the U.S. announced that sanctions on the oil sector would be reinstated because the Barbados Agreement had not been fully honored and Machado had not been allowed to run in presidential elections.[160] [161]


Canada sanctioned 40 Venezuelan officials, including Maduro, in September 2017.[162] [163] The sanctions were for behaviors that undermined democracy after at least 125 people were killed in the 2017 protests and "in response to the government of Venezuela's deepening descent into dictatorship".[162] Canadians were banned from transactions with the 40 individuals, whose Canadian assets were frozen.[162] The Canadian government held that Maduro played a "key role in the political and economic crisis"; its sanctions targeted his cabinet, military officials, and the Supreme Tribunal of Justice and Electoral Council.[163] Chrystia Freeland, Foreign Minister, said the sanctions were intended to pressure Maduro to "restore constitutional order and respect the democratic rights of the Venezuelan people".[163]

The Canadian regulations of the Special Economic Measures Act prohibited dealings with listed persons subject to some exceptions.[164]

November 2017

On 23 November 2017, Canada added sanctions under the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act, stating the individuals were "responsible for, or complicit in, gross violations of internationally recognized human rights" and had "committed acts of significant corruption, or both."[165] Three of the 19 individuals added to the Canadian list had already been sanctioned in September (Maduro, Tareck El Aissami and Gustavo González López[163]), bringing to 56 the number of individuals sanctioned by Canada as of 2017.[166]

May 2018

Responding to the 2018 presidential elections, Canada sanctioned 14 more Venezuelans.[167] Canada's Special Economic Measures (Venezuela) Regulations were amended on 30 May 2018 to account for the "economic, political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela" that the Canadian statement said "moves [Venezuela] ever closer to full dictatorship".[168] The government sanctioned Maduro's wife, Cilia Flores, and 13 other members of the ANC and TSJ.[169]

April 2019

In April 2019, Canada announced sanctions on 43 more individuals.[170] The government statement said that high-ranking officials were sanctioned for "anti-democratic actions, particularly relating to the repression and persecution of the members of the interim government, censorship, and excessive use of force against civil society, undermining the independence of the judiciary and other democratic institutions."[171] Foreign Minister Freeland stated that the "Maduro dictatorship" was responsible for the crisis.[172]

The newly sanctioned Venezuelans included Jorge Arreaza, Maduro's Minister of Foreign Affairs.[170]

European Union

In 2017, the E.U. approved an embargo on arms and material, adding Venezuela along with North Korea and Syria, to countries where European companies cannot sell material that may be used for repression.[173] In 2018, those sanctions were continued for another year because of "human rights violations and undermining of democracy and the rule of law under President Nicolás Maduro".[174]

The E.U. sanctioned seven Venezuela officials on 18 January 2018, stating they were responsible for deteriorating democracy in the country: Diosdado Cabello, Néstor Reverol (Interior Minister), Gustavo González López (Head of Intelligence), Antonio Benavides Torres (National Guard Commander), Tibisay Lucena (Head of Electoral Council), Maikel Moreno (Supreme Court President), and Tarek William Saab (Attorney General).[175] The sanctioned individuals were prohibited from entering the nations of the EU, and their assets were frozen.[176] Cabello, known as number two in Chavismo, had not been sanctioned by the U.S. when the E.U. sanctioned him.[176]

The Venezuelan government appealed the sanctions in the European General Court (EGC) in February 2018; the EGC dismissed the appeal on 20 September 2019.[177]

On 25 June 2018, the E.U. sanctioned another eleven officials[178] in response to the May 2018 Venezuelan presidential election, which it described as "neither free nor fair".[179] The additional sanctions brought the total to 18 Venezuelans sanctioned in European nations. The sanctioned individuals included Tareck El Aissami (Vice President of Economy and Minister for Industry and Production, formerly SEBIN); Freddy Bernal (Head of Local Committees for Supply and Production and SEBIN commissioner); Elías Jaua (Minister of Education and former head of Presidential Commission for the ANC); and Delcy Rodríguez (Vice President).

Voice of America reported in April 2019 tension between the U.S. and the E.U. over increasing sanctions; E.U. nations were reluctant to apply sanctions to a nation, despite evidence that Russia's aid was propping up Maduro, but were still considering tougher sanctions on individuals in his government. Spain was still receiving Venezuelan oil in repayment for debt as of 10 April 2019 and many Spanish companies still operated in Venezuela.[180]

In June 2019, the Associated Press reported that the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands were considering imposing sanctions on Maduro and several top officials for the crackdown on political opponents following the 30 April uprising. However, E.U. member states were divided over the timing of any action for fear of derailing a negotiated exit to the country's crisis.[181]

The E.U. sanctioned seven intelligence and security officials in September 2019, taking what Reuters described as a more "severe tone" against torture and bringing to 25 the number of individuals sanctioned by the E.U. Those sanctioned were Alexander Enrique Granko Arteaga, Nestor Blanco Hurtado, Rafael Ramon Blanco Marrero, Carlos Calderon, Alexis Enrique Escalona Marrero, Rafael Antonio Franco Quintero and Hannover Esteban Guerrero Mijares.[182]

The E.U. sanctioned eleven individuals on 29 June 2020.[183]

Disavowing the December 2020 Venezuelan parliamentary election, on 22 February 2021, the E.U. sanctioned 19 officials of the Maduro administration for what they characterized as violations of fundamental human rights and democratic principles.[184] [185]

In November 2023 the E.U. extended its Venezuelan sanctions through 14 May 2024,[186] following earlier extensions.[187]



On 27 March 2018, Panama sanctioned 55 public officials[188] and 16 businesses that operate in Panama,[189] related to the family of Maduro's wife, Cilia Flores. Panama thus become the first country in Latin America to sanction the Maduro administration, joining the U.S., Canada, the E.U. and Switzerland.[190] The sanctioned businesses had members of the Malpica-Flores family on their boards of directors.[190]

The sanctions imposed by Panama triggered a diplomatic crisis between the two countries, which ended on 26 April 2018, when Maduro and Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela agreed to restore diplomatic relations.[191]


Switzerland implemented sanctions against Venezuela on 28 March 2018, freezing the assets of seven ministers and high officials due to human rights violations and deteriorating rule of law and democracy.[192] The sanctions mimicked those of the E.U., expressing concern over individual freedoms, illegitimate elections, and separation of powers.[192]

On 10 July 2018, Switzerland imposed sanctions against the eleven Venezuelans that were sanctioned by the E.U. in June 2018.[193] [194]

The Swiss sanctioned eleven more individuals in on 7 July 2020 for human rights violations.[195] [196]


The Mexican Senate froze the assets of officials of the Maduro administration in April 2018 and prohibited them (Antonio Benavides Torres, Delcy Rodríguez, Diosdado Cabello, Maikel Moreno, Néstor Reverol, Tarek William Saab, and Tibisay Lucena) from entering Mexico.[197]

In July 2019, the Mexican Ministry of Finance froze bank accounts of 19 companies related to the sale of low quality and over-priced food to the Venezuelan government's CLAP program and opened an investigation relating to money laundering after detecting "irregularities of more than 150 million dollars".[198] [199]


On 21 June 2019, Curaçao announced a gold import and transit ban on Venezuela. According to prime minister Eugene Rhuggenaath, criminal investigations indicated drug smuggling and money laundering were associated with the Venezuelan gold trade.[200] [201]

United Kingdom

After its exit from the E.U., the United Kingdom continued to issue sanctions aligned with the E.U. In July 2021 the U.K. issued a series of sanctions that included Colombian businessman Alex Saab, and the freezing of assets and travel bans. Álvaro Enrique Pulido, his associate, was also sanctioned—–both for "exploiting two of Venezuela's public programs that were established to provide poor Venezuelans with affordable food and housing", stating that the men had inflated prices for personal enrichment, causing "more suffering to Venezuelans who were already in poverty".[202] [203]

Entry bans

Lima Group

After Maduro's second inauguration on 7 January 2019, the Lima Group (except Mexico) announced its member countries would follow Peru's decision to ban the entry of people linked with Maduro's administration.


Colombia did not directly sanction Venezuelans, rather banned figures close to Maduro from entering the country. Christian Krüger Sarmiento, director of Colombia Migration, announced in January 2019 that the Colombian government maintained a list of people banned from entering Colombia or subject to expulsion. The initial list had 200 people with a "close relationship and support for the Nicolás Maduro regime", but Krüger said it could change.[204] The list—which was not disclosed in its entirely—was headed by Maduro, his wife Flores, Cabello, and Delcy Rodríguez and encompassed Venezuela's military leadership.[204] [205] The decision to ban collaborators of the Maduro administration from entering Colombia came after the Lima Group disavowed Maduro as the legitimate president of Venezuela.[204] [205]

The head of a company commissioned by the Maduro administration, Monómeros Colombovenezolanos, was not allowed to enter Colombia, nor was, a Venezuelan singer seeking entry for a performance.[206] Maduro's cousin, Argimiro Maduro Morán, and family were turned back when they sought refuge in Colombia during the 2019 Venezuelan blackouts.[206] In March, Édgar Alejandro Lugo Pereira—an active military person who works for Venezuela's Foreign Ministry—was detained and expelled; he was carrying US$14,000 and 20 passports.[206]

Gustavo Petro ordered in September 2022 that Colombia's travel bans be removed.[207]


Minister of Industries and National Production Tareck El Aissami announced in October 2018 in response to U.S. sanctions that all foreign exchange government auctions would be quoted in euros, Chinese yuan and other hard currencies instead of U.S. dollars. He said the government would open bank accounts in Europe and Asia as potential workarounds to financial sanctions and that Venezuela's banking sector would be able to participate in currency auctions three times a week, adding that the government would sell some 2 billion euros amid a rebound in oil prices.[208]

In January 2020, despite the entry ban imposed by the E.U., Maduro Vice President Delcy Rodríguez met in the guest area of the Madrid–Barajas Airport with Spain's minister José Luis Ábalos from the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party.[209]

Following a five-year investigation of 30 Swiss banks for alleged corruption, as of 2021, five had been reprimanded by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority for laundering money linked to PDVSA,[210] [211] [212] allowing "corrupt members of the Venezuelan government" to evade sanctions and transfer money to Switzerland.[210] [213] [214]

Some ships' captains and owners sympathetic to Venezuela turned off their transponder locations to avoid the U.S. sanctions and deliver oil to Russia, China, and India, creating an environmental risk of ship collisions.[215] As of 2020, Mexico defied the U.S. sanctions by allowing fuel shipments,[216] and in spite of sanctions on both Iran and Venezuela, Iran sent five oil tankers to Venezuela.[217]

Venezuela continued to send money and ship petroleum products to ally countries after sanctions were issued.[16] [218] [219] [220] [221] In April 2022, it sent fuel oil and diesel to Cuba,[222] and paid Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' debt with Petrocaribe, estimated to have been around $189 million dollars.[223] In August 2023, Petróleos de Venezuela increased fuel shipments to Cuba, from 53,000 barrels per day of crude oil, fuel oil, gasoline and diesel blends to 65,000 barrels.[224]

Following an investigation by the F.B.I. of trading involving Mexican companies, in January 2021, the U.S. sanctioned a network comprising three people, fourteen companies and six ships for evading sanctions on Venezuelan petroleum products; the individuals, shipping crude mainly to Asia, were Alessandro Bazzoni, Francisco D'Agostino and Philipp Apikian; the companies were Elemento Ltd and Swissoil Trading SA, and other companies owned by the three individuals.[225] [226] Maduro government officials called the sanctions a "new, desperate aggression" by Trump, and stated that the "revolutionary government [was] still standing today".[225] Six months earlier, three Mexicans, eight Mexican-based companies and two ships were sanctioned; the individuals were Olga Maria Zepeda, Veronica Esparza and Joaquin Leal Jimenez and the companies were Libre Abordo and Schlager Business Group, and others owned by Zepeda or Leal.[227] [228] The companies received at least 30 million barrels of crude.[227] A Libre Abordo spokesperson told Reuters they were exchanging crude for humanitarian aid and should not have been sanctioned; Reuters reported the food in exchange for crude was never delivered.[227] Arreaza stated that the U.S. wanted to see that the "Venezuelan people are left without food, medicine or gasoline".[227]


Maduro and his administration have stated that the U.S. is responsible for its economic collapse. Maduro's Foreign Minister Arreaza said in 2019 that economic sanctions had cost the Venezuelan economy US$30 billion;[229] a 2020 WOLA report agreed with that figure.[230] [231] Reporting on Arreaza's statement, the Associated Press said that Maduro was blocking aid on the premise that "Venezuelans are not beggars".[232] After the 2020 U.S. sanctions on Luis Parra, Arreaza stated that the U.S. sanctions were undermining democratic institutions.[233] [234]

Guaidó stated in May 2019 that the sanctions had weakened a network of Cuban spies that he said operated in Venezuela.[235] After the announcement of regional elections in 2021, Guaidó announced a "national salvation agreement" and proposed negotiation with Maduro with a schedule for free and fair elections and international support and observers, in exchange for lifting international sanctions.[236]

Economists and news reports state that the crisis began,[237] [230] [238] and shortages and high inflation existed in Venezuela, before the sanctions[239] and that sanctions prior to 2019 targeted Maduro and Chavismo "elites" while having little impact on average Venezuelans. The Washington Post stated in April 2019 that "the deprivation long predates recently imposed US sanctions".[240] The Wall Street Journal said in January 2019 that economists place the blame for Venezuela's economy shrinking by half on policies of the Maduro administration, "including widespread nationalizations, out-of-control spending that sparked inflation, price controls that led to shortages, and widespread graft and mismanagement".[241] WOLA said that Venezuela "was already suffering from a years-long crisis" before the 2017 sanctions.

As the humanitarian crisis deepened and expanded, the Trump administration imposed more serious economic sanctions in 2017, and more in 2019.[242] [243] Some economists, scholars and non-governmental organizations state[242] that the sanctions worsened the economic crisis,[244] [243] and limited income sources and public spending, considering that most of Venezuela's food and medicine is imported.[243] In 2021, the US Government Accountability Office concluded that sanctions "likely contributed to Venezuela's economic decline". The report said that as a result of sanctions, Venezuela is selling less oil, at a higher cost and a lower price.[245] In 2023, Al Jazeera wrote that the sanctions had affected citizens.[244] In 2024, the Financial Times described the sanctions as "crippling".[246]

Reuters stated that falling oil prices in 2020 during the COVID-19 recession, alongside the sanctions, contributed to fuel shortages in the country.[247] A Transparencia Venezuela 2020 report stated that an "institutional, political, economic, social and environmental crisis" had "characterized Venezuela for more than a decade", caused by authoritarian administration, while noting that sanctions have impacted the economy.[248] The Council on Foreign Relations called Venezuela "the archetype of a failed petrostate", and said that "oil continues to play the dominant role in the country's fortunes". It said that the fall in oil prices since 2014, due to the 2010s oil glut, "sent Venezuela into an economic and political spiral".[249] Other reports also cited government mismanagement as the cause of[250] or factors in the decline.[251]

In March 2019, Michelle Bachelet, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, stated after a five-person delegation visited Venezuela that the government had not acknowledged or addressed the dramatically deteriorating conditions, and she was concerned that although the serious, long-standing crisis pre-dated the early sanctions, the new sanctions could worsen the situation.[252] [253] Alena Douhan, United Nations special rapporteur, visited Venezuela in early 2021;[254] 66 Venezuelan NGOs asked her to consider the harmful impact of sanctions in the context of years of repression, corruption and economic mismanagement.[255] [256] [257] [258] In her preliminary report, Douhan said that the economic pressure against Venezuela worsened the crisis, but that Venezuela's economic decline "began in 2014 with the fall in oil prices" and that "mismanagement and corruption had also contributed". She asked the U.S., U.K. and Portugal to release an estimated $6 billion in frozen Venezuelan foreign assets.[259] [260] [261] The government welcomed the report, while the opposition accused her of "playing into the hands of the regime".[262] [263] [264] [265] Douhan's report was criticized,[266] and some NGOs manifested on social media with the hashtag "#Lacrisisfueprimero" (The crisis came first).[267] [268] [269]

Christopher Sabatini, the senior research fellow for Latin America at Chatham House, said in a July 2023 Foreign Policy article that as a result of sanctions, Western investors and institutions were either forbidden or discouraged from purchasing Venezuelan debt, and that the share migrated to "shadowy holders" via the United Arab Emirates and Turkey, among others, suspected to be fronts from buyers from China, Iran, Russia and other US rivals. Swiss hedge fund Mangart Capital estimated that the debt held by US interests decreased from 75% in 2017 to between 35% and 40% in 2023. Sabatini argued that as a result the new bondholders could prevent a democratic transition of the country and prevent it from entering global capital exchanges in the future.[270]

Impact on food, medicine and health

A 2019 joint report published by Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health stated that most sanctions were focused on abusive officials involved in corruption, did not target the economy,[271] [272] and that the 2017 sanctions allowed exceptions for food and medicine. Consulting firm ANOVA Policy Research stated in 2021 that the sanctions were linked to a decrease in monthly oil production, and increases in monthly food and medicine imports; it found no evidence of negative effects on food and medicine imports, but wrote that the economic data did not account for price controls on imported products being abandoned in 2017.[273] In 2018, Susana Raffalli had stated that 36% of Venezuelan children had stunted growth prior to sanctions; she cited the PDVAL affair (tons of imported food supplies found rotten during Hugo Chávez's government) as an example of food shortages before sanctions.[274]

The Lancet journal editors noted in 2019 that Maduro had used food as a political weapon and resisted humanitarian aid, and that the U.S. had reacted with sanctions that they said resulted in collateral food and medicine shortages. The editors called for the involvement of non-governmental entities to provide distribution of food and medicine, and for the Venezuelan government to allow them to do so, and stated that the UN Human Rights Council considers economic sanctions a violation of human rights.

An April 2019 report by Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs claimed that a 31% rise in deaths between 2017 and 2018 was due to the 2017 sanctions, and that 40,000 people in Venezuela may have died as a result;[275] [276] Weisbrot stated that he "could not prove those excess deaths were the result of sanctions, but said the increase ran parallel to the imposition of the measures and an attendant fall in oil production".[275] The report's findings and methodology were described as invalid and disputed by other economists and accounts, who stated that most of the decline pre-dated the sanctions and that the methodology was flawed, speculative or conjecture.[275] [277] [278] [279] Opposition-aligned academic and Guaido appointee Ricardo Hausmann[280] and Frank Muci published a rebuttal in Americas Quarterly, stating that the analysis took Colombia as a counterfactual for Venezuela, when Colombia and Venezuela are "radically different in other dimensions". They argued that oil production trends between the two nations were different in the decade before sanctions and that a month after the 2017 sanctions, Maduro replaced the PDVSA president with an inexperienced military general who restructured the oil entity, worsening its performance.[281]

Public perception

Polling in 2023 by Datanalisis found that 74% of Venezuelans do not support sanctions, 30% attribute Venezuela's problems to the sanctions, and half of Venezuelans agree with the sanctions on some administration officials.[238] The director of Datanalisis stated that most Venezuelans recognize the government's blame for the sanctions, but have moved away from supporting them because their objectives have not been achieved and have worsened the lives of citizens.[238] A poll by DatinCorp conducted among Venezuelans in 2019 found that 68% believed that the sanctions have affected their quality of life.[282] [283]

Persons sanctioned

Legend: G – Government officials; S – Active or retired military or security officials; O – Other; Person no longer sanctioned

Date first
NameSummarySanctioned byTravel ban
Can EU
Swi Pan Mex Col
Gdata-sort-value=MaduroNicolás MaduroPresident of Venezuela
S2015-03-09data-sort-value=BenavidesAntonio José BenavidesCommander in the armed forces and former leader of the National Guard
G2011-09-08data-sort-value=BernalFreddy BernalMinister of Urban Agriculture, heads Local Committees for Supply and Production (CLAP), also sanctioned 9 November 2017, previously sanctioned under Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=CabelloDiosdado CabelloPresident of the ANC, Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Chavismo's number two person
S2015-03-09data-sort-value=GonzálezLGustavo González LópezDirector General of Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN)
G2015-03-09data-sort-value=HaringhtonKatherine HaringhtonNational-level prosecutor
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=HernándezSocorro Elizabeth HernándezNational Electoral Council (CNE) Rector and member of National Electoral Board
G2017-07-26data-sort-value=JauaElías JauaPresidential Commission for the ANC, Minister of Education, Minister of Foreign Affairs (former), Vice president (former)
G2017-07-26data-sort-value=Lucena Tibisay Lucena
President of National Electoral Council (CNE)
G2017-05-18data-sort-value=MorenoMaikel MorenoSupreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ)
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=OblitasRSandra Oblitas RuzzaVice President and Rector of CNE
G2017-07-26data-sort-value=ReverolNéstor ReverolMinister of Interior, Justice and Peace
former Commander General of Venezuelan National Guard (GNB)
US indictment for drug conspiracy (2016)
S2017-07-26data-sort-value=RiveroSergio José RiveroCommander General of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB)
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=RodríguezDelcy RodríguezVice president, sister of Jorge Rodríguez
G2017-07-26data-sort-value=SaabTTarek William SaabOmbudsman and President of Moral Council
G2008-09-12data-sort-value=CarvajalHugo CarvajalFormer director of military intelligence (DGIM), arrested in Spain on 12 April 2019 based on US warrant
G2008-09-12data-sort-value=RangelSHenry Rangel SilvaDirector National Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services (DISIP)
G2008-09-12data-sort-value=RodríguezCRamón Rodríguez ChacínMinister of the Interior (former)
S2011-09-08data-sort-value=AlcaláCliver Antonio Alcalá CordonesMajor General Fourth Armored Division Venezuelan Army
O2011-09-08data-sort-value=FigueroaAAmilcar Jesus Figueroa SalazarMember Latin American Parliament (Parlamento Latinamericano)
S2011-09-08data-sort-value=MadrizRamón Isidro Madriz MorenoOfficer intelligence service (SEBIN)
S2015-03-09data-sort-value=BernalManuel Gregoria Bernal MartínezDirector General of SEBIN (former)
S2015-03-09data-sort-value=NogueraJusto José Noguera PietriGeneral Commander of National Guard (former); Governor Bolivar State
S2015-03-09data-sort-value=PérezUManuel Eduardo Pérez UrdanetaDirector of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), Deputy Minister of Interior and Justice
S2015-03-09data-sort-value=VivasMiguel Alcides Vivas LandinoInspector General of the Venezuelan armed forces
G2017-02-13data-sort-value=ElAAissamiTareck El AissamiMinister of Industries and National Production, former Vice President
O2017-02-13data-sort-value=LopezBSamark José Lopez BelloBusiness associate of Tareck El Aissami
G2017-05-18data-sort-value=DelgadoRArcadio de Jesús Delgado RosalesTSJ
G2017-05-18data-sort-value=DamianiLuis Fernando Damiani BustillosTSJ
G2017-05-18data-sort-value=GutiérrezGladys GutiérrezTSJ
G2017-05-18data-sort-value=MendozaJJuan José Mendoza JoverTSJ
G2017-05-18data-sort-value=OrtegaRCalixto Antonio Ortega RiosMagistrate (de facto) of the TSJ
G2017-05-18data-sort-value=SuarezALourdes Benicia Suarez AndersonTSJ
G2017-05-18data-sort-value=ZuletaCarmen Auxiliadora Zuleta de MerchanTSJ
G2017-07-26data-sort-value=Albisinni"Rocco Albisinni SerranoPresident of National Center for Foreign Commerce (CENCOEX)
G2017-07-26data-sort-value=Fleming"Alejandro Antonio Fleming CabreraVice Minister of Foreign Affairs, former President of CENCOEX
S2017-07-26data-sort-value=GarcíaDFranklin Horacio García DuqueFormer Director of the Venezuelan National Police (PNB)
G2017-07-26data-sort-value=MalpicaFloresCarlos Erik Malpica FloresFormer National Treasurer and former Vice President of Finance for PDVSA, nephew of Cilia Flores[284]
S2017-07-26data-sort-value=PérezAmpuedaCarlos Alfredo Pérez AmpuedaNational Director of PNB
S2017-07-26data-sort-value=SuarezChJesús Suárez ChourioGeneral Commander of the Army, formerly head of President's Protection and Security Unit
G2017-07-26data-sort-value=VarelaIris VarelaANC and Prisons Minister
G2017-07-26data-sort-value=ZerpaDSimón Alejandro Zerpa DelgadoFinance VP for PDVSA, President of BANDES, Central Bank Director
G2017-08-09data-sort-value=AmeliachFrancisco AmeliachANC
G2017-08-09data-sort-value=ChávezAdán ChávezANC, brother of Hugo Chávez
G2017-08-09data-sort-value=D'AmelioTania D'Amelio CardietRector of CNE who defended the ANC
G2017-08-09data-sort-value=EscarráHermann EscarráANC
G2017-08-09data-sort-value=FaríasErika FaríasANC, Libertador Bolivarian Municipality mayor of Caracas
S2017-08-09data-sort-value=LugoBladimir LugoCommander of the Special Unit to the Federal Legislative Palace of Bolivarian National Guard involved in assault on National Assembly
G2017-08-09data-sort-value=MeléndezCarmen MeléndezANC, Lara state governor, Navy admiral, former Minister of Interior and Justice and Chief of Staff for Maduro's cabinet
G2017-08-09data-sort-value=Vivas Darío Vivas
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=BarreirosSusana BarreirosJudge involved in Leopoldo López case
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=CarreñoPedro CarreñoANC, former Interior Minister align=center
S2017-09-22data-sort-value=CeballosIRemigio Ceballos IchasoArmed Forces align=center
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=ChadertonRoy ChadertonFormer Foreign Minister and ambassador
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=GalindoBManuel Enrique Galindo Ballesterosex-Comptroller
G2017-09-22data-sort-value= IstúrizAristóbulo Istúriz
ANC, Education Minister, former Vice President
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=MéndezGAndrés Eloy Méndez GonzálezFormer director of CONATEL
S2017-09-22data-sort-value=PadrinoLópezVladimir Padrino LópezMinister of Defense
G2017-09-22data-sort-value=RodríguezJorge RodríguezMinister of Communications and Information, Vice President of Communication and Culture, brother of Delcy Rodríguez
G2017-11-09data-sort-value=FernándezMelManuel Ángel Fernández MeléndezPresident of National Telephone Company (CANTV) and subsidiary Movilnet
G2017-11-09data-sort-value=AmorosoElvis Eduardo Hidrobo AmorosoSecond Vice President of the ANC; President of the Republican Moral Council; Comptroller General of the Republic
G2017-11-09data-sort-value=MárquezMonJorge Elieser Márquez MonsalveMinister of the Office of the Presidency, former Director General of the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL)
G2017-11-09data-sort-value=OsorioZCarlos Alberto Osorio ZambranoPresident of Superior Organ of the Transport Mission, former Minister of the Office of the Presidency
G2017-11-09data-sort-value=QuinteroCCarlos Enrique Quintero CuevasAlternate Rector of the CNE, member of National Electoral Board
G2017-11-09data-sort-value=RodríguezIsaías RodríguezVenezuelan Ambassador to Italy, former Second Vice President of the ANC
G2017-11-09data-sort-value=VillegasErnesto VillegasMinister of Culture, former Minister of Communication and Information, former President of Venezolana de Television (VTV)
G2017-11-23data-sort-value=CabelloJJosé David CabelloPresident of SENIAT, national tax authority, Diosdado Cabello's brother
G2017-11-23data-sort-value=ChávezArgenis ChávezBarinas State Governor, brother of Hugo Chávez
G2017-11-23data-sort-value="Del Pino"Eulogio Antonio Del Pino DíazFormer Oil Minister
S2017-11-23data-sort-value=MarcoTRodolfo Marco TorresGovernor of Aragua State, director on the board of% directors of PDVSA, former Minister of Food, retired General National Bolivarian Armed Forces
G2017-11-23data-sort-value=MerentesNelson MerentesFormer president of Central Bank
G2017-11-23data-sort-value=MolinaPRicardo Antonio Molina PeñalozaHousing Minister
S2017-11-23data-sort-value=MottaDLuis Motta DomínguezMajor General National Guard, Former Minister of Electrical Energy, Former President of the National Electric Corporation (CORPOELEC)
G2017-11-23data-sort-value=RamírezRafael RamírezFormer Minister of Energy, Permanent Representative of Venezuela to the UN, Minister of Foreign Affairs, president of PDVSA
G2017-11-23data-sort-value=RangelAJosé Vicente Rangel ÁvalosMayor of Sucre
S2017-11-23data-sort-value=RangelGFrancisco Rangel GómezFormer Governor of Bolivar State, retired Army Division General
G2017-11-23data-sort-value=ReyesRLuis Ramón Reyes ReyesFormer governor of Lara State
G2017-11-23data-sort-value=VielmaMJosé Vielma MoraFormer governor of Tachira State
S2018-01-05data-sort-value=IzquierdoTGerardo José Izquierdo TorresMajor General of the Army
S2018-01-05data-sort-value=ZavarseFabio Enrique Zavarse PabónDivision General of National Guard
G2018-03-19data-sort-value=ContrerasWWilliam Antonio ContrerasHead of the Superintendency for the Defense of Socioeconomic Rights (SUNDDE), responsible for imposing price controls, Central Bank Director
G2018-03-19data-sort-value=LepajeSNelson Reinaldo Lepaje SalazarHead of the Office of the National Treasury
G2018-03-19data-sort-value=MataGAmérico Alex Mata GarcíaAlternate Director for National Bank of Housing and Habitat, former Vice Minister of Agricultural Economics
G2018-03-19data-sort-value=RotondarCCarlos Alberto Rotondaro CovaFormer President of Venezuelan Institute of Social Security (IVSS) [285]
G2018-05-18data-sort-value=ContrerasMMarleny ContrerasTourism Minister, Diosdado Cabello's wife
O2018-05-18data-sort-value=SarríaDRRafael Alfredo Sarría DiazBusiness associate of Diosdado Cabello[286]
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=AlfonzoIndira Maira Alfonzo IzaguirreTSJ judge
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=DíazGTania Valentina Díaz GonzalezFirst vice-president ANC
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=FloresCilia FloresANC, Maduro's wife
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=GilRodríguezMalaquías Gil RodríguezTSJ, Vice-president
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=MadrizJhannett María Madriz SotilloTSJ judge
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=MárquezCFanny Beatriz Márquez CorderoTSJ judge
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=MorenoReXavier Antonio Moreno ReyesSecretary-General of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela (CNE)
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=PérezGonzálezCarolys Helena Pérez GonzálezANC sub-secretary
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=VásquezIFidel Ernesto General Vásquez IriarteDirector of Executive Vice-presidency of the Republic
G2018-05-30data-sort-value=ZerpaChristian Tyrone ZerpaFormer TSJ judge, defected to US[287]
S2018-06-25data-sort-value=HernándezDalaIván Hernández DalaCommander of Presidential Guard and Military Counterintelligence, DGCIM
O2018-09-25data-sort-value=ParedesJosé Omar ParedesChief pilot of sanctioned AVERUCA
O2018-09-25data-sort-value=SarríaDiazEEdgar Alberto Sarría DiazDirector and CEO of sanctioned companies
G2019-01-08data-sort-value=DiazGuillenClaudia Patricia Diaz GuillenFormer national Treasurer, married to Velásquez Figueroa
O2019-01-08data-sort-value=GonzálezDellanLeonardo González DellanFrontman and ex-president of Banco Industrial de Venezuela
O2019-01-08data-sort-value=GorrínRaúl GorrínPresident of Globovisión
US indictment for violating Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
O2019-01-08data-sort-value=PerdomoRosalesGGustavo Adolfo Perdomo RosalesGorrin's brother-in-law
O2019-01-08data-sort-value=PerdomoRosalesMMaría Alexandra Perdomo RosalesGorrin's wife, sanctions removed in March
O2019-01-08data-sort-value=Tarascio-PerezMayela Antonina Tarascio-Perez de PerdomoGustavo Perdomo's wife, sanctions removed in March
O2019-01-08data-sort-value=VelásquezFAdrián José Velásquez FigueroaUnder house arrest in Spain, allegedly received bribes
O2019-01-30data-sort-value=ChávezMaría Gabriela ChávezHugo Chávez daughter, alternate ambassador to UN
G2019-01-30data-sort-value=GarcíaToJuan de Jesús García ToussanttFormer Minister of Transport
G2019-01-30data-sort-value=IturrizaReinaldo IturrizaMinister
G2019-01-30data-sort-value=MoleroDiego Molero BellaviaDefense Minister, former ambassador to Peru
G2019-01-30data-sort-value=RodríguezTorresMiguel Rodríguez TorresFormer Interior Minister, DISIP director
G2019-01-30data-sort-value=SestoFrancisco de Asís Sesto NovasGov't official
S2019-02-15data-sort-value=BastardoRafael Enrique Bastardo MendozaCommander of Police Special Actions Force (FAES)
S2019-02-15data-sort-value=FigueraManuel Cristopher FigueraFormer Director General of Venezuelan National Intelligence Service, SEBIN [288]
G2019-02-15data-sort-value=QuevedoManuel Salvador Quevedo FernándezPresident of state-owned PDVSA and Minister of Petroleum and Mining, Brigadier General
S2019-02-15data-sort-value=RodríguezMúcuraHildemaro José Rodríguez MúcuraFirst Commissioner of SEBIN
G2019-02-25data-sort-value=CarrizalezRamón CarrizalesApure state governor
G2019-02-25data-sort-value=GarcíaCarneiroJorge García Carneiro
Vargas state governor
G2019-02-25data-sort-value=LacavaRafael Alejandro Lacava EvangelistaCarabobo state governor
G2019-02-25data-sort-value=PrietoOmar PrietoZulia state governor
S2019-03-01data-sort-value=BermudezVAlberto Mirtiliano Bermudez ValderreyDivision General for Integral Defense Zone in Bolivar State
S2019-03-01data-sort-value=DomínguezRamírezJosé Miguel Domínguez RamírezChief Commissioner of the FAES in Tachira State
former Director of Operations of FAES
S2019-03-01data-sort-value=LópezVargasRichard Jesús López VargasMajor General and Commanding General Venezuelan National Guard (GNB)
S2019-03-01data-sort-value=MantillaOJesús Maria Mantilla OliverosMajor General and Commander of Strategic Integral Defense Region Guayana
S2019-03-01data-sort-value=MoralesZCristhian Abelardo Morales ZambranoDirector of the PNB and GNB colonel
S2019-03-01data-sort-value=NoronoJosé Leonardo Norono TorresDivision General and Commander for the Integral Defense Zone in Tachira State
G2019-03-19data-sort-value=PerdomoAAdrián Antonio Perdomo MataPresident of Minerven[289]
O2019-03-26data-sort-value=EnriqueOmar EnriqueEntertainer, associated with Chavismo
S2019-03-26data-sort-value=LugoPeÉdgar Alejandro Lugo PereiraMilitary, Foreign Ministry
O2019-03-26data-sort-value=MaduroMoránArgimiro Maduro MoránMaduro's cousin
G2019-03-26data-sort-value=PinoGarcíaCarlos Manuel Pino GarcíaHusband of Gloria Flórez, politician, associated with Colombian embassy
O2019-03-26data-sort-value=RamírezMendozaRonald Alexander Ramírez MendozaHead of Monómeros Colombovenezolanos
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=AmeliachVMaría Carolina Ameliach VillarroelJudge, TSJ [290]
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=ArreazaJorge ArreazaForeign Minister
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=CanoVíctor Hugo Cano PachecoMinistry of Mining
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=CésarSBárbara Gabriela César SieroJudge, TSJ
S2019-04-12data-sort-value=CimadevillaGiuseppe Alessandro Martín Alessandrello CimadevillaNavy Commander
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=DevoeLarry Devoe MárquezSecretary Office of Human Rights
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=DíazMMaría Alejandra DíazANC
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=FigueroaIInocencio FigueroaJudge, TSJ
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=GuerreroREulalia Guerrero RiveroJudge, TSJ
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=HerreraEarle HerreraANC
S2019-04-12data-sort-value=LealTCarlos Augusto Leal TelleríaCommander, National Bolivarian Militia of Venezuela; Food Minister
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=MedinaMarco Antonio MedinaJudge, TSJ
S2019-04-12data-sort-value=MontoyaRJosé Miguel Montoya RodríguezNational Guard General
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=MuñozPReinaldo Enrique Muñoz PedrozaSolicitor, former SENIAT
S2019-04-12data-sort-value=OrnelasJosé Adelino Ornelas FerreiraCommander National guard, Presidential Guard align=center
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=OrtegaMLuis Eduardo Ortega MoralesCONATEL
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=PiñateEduardo PiñateLabor Ministry
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=RequenaGladys del Valle RequenaSecond vice-president of ANC
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=RivasJosé RivasMayor of Tinaco
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=RuizAAlfredo Ruiz AnguloPublic defender
G2019-04-12data-sort-value=SilvaAFranco Silva AvilaCANTV
G2019-04-17data-sort-value=RuzzaTIliana Josefa Ruzza TeránCentral Bank Director
G2019-04-26data-sort-value=PadillaCarol PadillaFirst Special Court of First Instance in Control Functions, Substitute judge of the Court of Appeals of the criminal judicial circuit of Caracas
G2019-06-27data-sort-value=LugoGEustiquio José Lugo GómezDeputy Minister of Finance, Investment, and Strategic Alliances for the Ministry of Electric Power
G2019-06-28data-sort-value=MaduroGuerraNicolás Maduro GuerraANC, Corps of Inspectors of the Venezuelan Presidency, Son of Nicolás Maduro
S2019-07-19data-sort-value=BlancoMRafael Ramón Blanco MarreroDGCIM deputy director
S2019-07-19data-sort-value=FrancoRafael Antonio Franco QuinteroBolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN) agent
DGCIM Director of Investigations (former)
S2019-07-19data-sort-value=GrankoAlexander Enrique Granko ArteagaDGCIM Special Affairs Unit
S2019-07-19data-sort-value=GuerreroMijaresHannover Esteban Guerrero MijaresDGCIM Director of Investigations
O2019-07-25data-sort-value=GavidiaFloresWWalter Jacob Gavidia FloresStepson of Nicolás Maduro
O2019-07-25data-sort-value=GavidiaFloresYossYosser Daniel Gavidia FloresStepson of Nicolás Maduro
O2019-07-25data-sort-value=StaudingerMariana Andrea Staudinger LemoineWife of Yosser Daniel Flores
O2019-07-25data-sort-value=GavidiaFloresYoswYoswal Alexander Gavidia FloresStepson of Nicolás Maduro
O2019-07-25data-sort-value=SaabAAlex SaabColombian businessman, in US custody since October 2021
O2019-07-25data-sort-value=SaabCertainIIsham Ali Saab CertainSon of Alex Saab
O2019-07-25data-sort-value=SaabCertainSShadi Nain Saab CertainSon of Alex Saab, served as director of Group Grand Limited from 2015 to 2017
O2019-07-25data-sort-value=PulidoVAlvaro Enrique Pulido VargasColombian business owner and associate of Alex Saab
O2019-07-25data-sort-value=RubioGoEEmmanuel Enrique Rubio GonzalezSon of Alvaro Pulido Vargas
O2019-09-17data-sort-value=SaabMoranAmAmir Luis Saab MoranBrother of Alex Saab
O2019-09-17data-sort-value=SaabMoranLLuis Alberto Saab MoranBrother of Alex Saab
O2019-09-17data-sort-value=RubioGoDDavid Nicolás Rubio GonzálezSon of Alvaro Pulido Vargas, brother of Emmanuel Enrique Rubio Gonzalez
G2019-09-27data-sort-value=EscalonaMAlexis Enrique Escalona Escalona MarreroChief in Charge of the National Office Against Organized Crime and Terrorist Financing (ONDOFT); National Commander of National Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Command (CONAS)
S2019-09-27data-sort-value=BlancoHuNéstor Blanco HurtadoGeneral of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) align=center
S2019-09-27data-sort-value=CalderónDCarlos Alberto Calderón ChrinosDeputy Director of Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN) align=center
G2020-01-13data-sort-value=ParraLuis Eduardo Parra RiveroNational Assembly [291]
G2020-01-13data-sort-value=BritoJosé Dionisio Brito RodríguezNational Assembly
G2020-01-13data-sort-value=DuarteFranklyn Leonardo DuarteNational Assembly
G2020-01-13data-sort-value=MoralesLNegal Manuel Morales LloveraNational Assembly
G2020-01-13data-sort-value=NoriegaFJosé Gregorio Noriega FigueroaNational Assembly
G2020-01-13data-sort-value=PerezLConrado Antonio Pérez LinaresNational Assembly
G2020-01-13data-sort-value=SuperlanoAdolfo SuperlanoNational Assembly
O2020-02-18data-sort-value=CasimiroDidier CasimiroChairman of the board of directors and president of Rosneft Trading S.A.
O2020-06-18data-sort-value=EsparzaVeronica EsparzaCompanies Libre Abordo and Schlager Business Group
O2020-06-18data-sort-value=LealJJoaquin Leal Jimenez Coordinating between companies Libre Abordo, Schlager Business Group, and PdVSA
O2020-06-18data-sort-value=ZepedaOlga Maria ZepedaCompanies Libre Abordo and Schlager Business Group
G2020-07-07data-sort-value=MoraSFarik Karin Mora SalcedoDCGIM
G2020-07-07data-sort-value=BustamantePDinorah Yoselin Bustamante PuertaDCGIM
O2020-07-23data-sort-value=MoronHRJRicardo Jose Moron HernandezFriend of Maduro's son, active in gold mining sector
O2020-07-23data-sort-value=MoronHSJSantiago Jose Moron HernandezFriend of Maduro's son, active in gold mining sector
G2020-09-22data-sort-value=PonentePMiguel Antonio Jose Ponente ParraChief of staff to Luis Eduardo Parra Rivero
G2020-09-22data-sort-value=LucesOGuillermo Antonio Luces OsorioAlleged involvement in Operation Scorpion (Operación Alacrán), a vote-buying bribery scheme
G2020-09-22data-sort-value=Gutierrez PJose Bernabe Gutierrez Parra"Expelled from Accion Democratica in June 2020 for conspiring with the Maduro regime to force AD to join a false opposition"
G2020-09-22data-sort-value=BucaranPChaim Jose Bucaran Paraguan"UNT deputy in the AN until he was expelled from the party in January 2020 for participating in a Maduro regime effort to elect a pro-regime deputy as AN Speaker by physically preventing many opposition deputies from voting"
G2020-09-22data-sort-value=BenavidesRoWilliams José Benavides Rondónad hoc President of Tupamaro party
O2020-12-18data-sort-value=MachadoRMarcos Javier Machado RequenaWorked with Ex-Cle Soluciones Biometricas CA on 2020 elections
O2020-12-18data-sort-value=SanAgustinGuillermo Carlos San AgustinWorked with Ex-Cle Soluciones Biometricas CA on 2020 elections
O2021-01-19data-sort-value=ApikianPhilipp ApikianOwner and director of Swissoil
O2021-01-19data-sort-value=BazzoniAlessandro BazzoniOwner of Elemento Oil and Gas Ltd and others
O2021-01-19data-sort-value=D'AgostinoFrancisco D'AgostinoOwner of companies that coordinated purchase and sale of crude oil for PDVSA
G2021-02-22data-sort-value=GutierrezPJosé Bernabé Gutiérrez Parra 2020 National Assembly, expelled from party Acción Democrática
G2021-02-22data-sort-value=DegravesARené Alberto Degraves Almarza TSJ
G2021-02-22data-sort-value=MoralesPoLeonardo Enrique Morales PoleoCNE
G2021-02-22data-sort-value=CarvalloGCarlos Ramón Enrique Carvallo Guevara Deputy director of DCGIM
G2021-02-22data-sort-value=VásquezQJesús Emilio Vásquez QuinteroAttorney General of the Military Prosecutor's Office
G2021-02-22data-sort-value=TeránHCarlos Enrique Terán HurtadoBrigadier General and head of criminal investigation unit of DGCIM
G2021-02-22data-sort-value=RicoGDouglas Arnoldo Rico González Director of the Scientific, Penal, and Criminal Investigation Corps (CICPC)

Entities sanctioned

Legend: A – Aircraft; C – Company; G – Governmental organization/state institution; S – Ship; Entity no longer sanctioned

Company, vessel or entitySanction
SourceSanctioned byBased inNotes
CElemento Ltd2021-01-19U.S.MaltaBrokered the sale of Venezuelan crude oil
CSwissoil Trading SA2021-01-19U.S.Geneva, SwitzerlandParticipated in sale and shipping of Venezuelan crude oil
CElemento Oil and Gas Ltd; Elemento Solutions Limited; Element Capital Advisors Ltd; AMG S.A.S. di Alessandro Bazzoni & C.; Serigraphiclab di Bazzoni Alessandro; Jambanyani Safaris; D'Agostino & Company, Ltd; Catalina Holdings Corp.; 82 Elm Realty LLC2021-01-19U.S.Malta; U.K.; Panama; Italy; Italy; Zimbabwe; Venezuela; New York; New YorkCompanies owned or controlled by Bazzoni, D'Agostino, or Elemento
SBaliar crude oil tanker (IMO:9192258); Balita crude oil tanker (IMO:9176773); Domani shuttle tanker (IMO:9041057); Freedom crude oil tanker (IMO:9018464).2021-01-19U.S.Liberia; Cameroon; Cameroon; CameroonOwned by Fides Ship Management LLC
SMaksim Gorky2021-01-19U.S.RussiaCrude oil tanker (IMO:9590008); owned by Instituto Nacional de los Espacios Acuaticos e Insulares, Venezuela
SSierra 2021-01-19U.S.RussiaCrude oil tanker (IMO:9147447); owned by Rustanker LLC, Russia
CEx-Cle Soluciones Biometricas CA2020-12-18U.S.Venezuela, Argentine subsidiary"materially supporting the illegitimate President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro Moros, including by providing goods and services that the Maduro regime used to carry out the fraudulent December 6, 2020 parliamentary elections"
CLibre Abordo2020-06-18U.S.Mexico"brokering the resale of millions of barrels of Venezuelan crude"
CSchlager Business Group2020-06-18U.S.Mexico"brokering the resale of millions of barrels of Venezuelan crude"
CAlel Technologies LLC, Cosmo Resources Pte. Ltd, Luzy Technologies LLC and Washington Trading Ltd.2020-06-18U.S.Delaware, Singapore, Delaware, U.K.Companies owned or controlled by Leal or Zepeda
SDelos Voyager2020-06-18U.S.Panama flagCrude oil tanker (IMO:9273052); owned by Delos Voyager Shipping Ltd
SEuroforce2020-06-18U.S.Liberia flagCrude oil tanker (IMO:9251585); owned by Romina Maritime Co Inc
CTNK Trading International S.A.2020-03-12U.S.SwitzerlandFacilitating oil shipments of Venezuelan crude for Rosneft
CRosneft Trading S.A.[292] U.S.Russia
"Responsible for operating in the oil sector of the Venezuelan economy and brokered the sale and transport of Venezuelan crude oil."
CConsorcio Venezolano de Industrias Aeronáuticas y Servicios Aéreos, S.A.2020-02-07U.S.Venezuela
CCorporacion Panamericana S.A.2019-11-26U.S.CubaFacilitating oil shipments from Venezuela to Cuba
CCaroil Transport Marine Ltd.2019-09-24U.S.CypresFacilitating oil shipments from Venezuela to Cuba
CTrocana World Inc.2019-09-24U.S.PanamaFacilitating oil shipments from Venezuela to Cuba
CTovase Development Corp2019-09-24U.S.PanamaFacilitating oil shipments from Venezuela to Cuba
CBluelane Overseas SA2019-09-24U.S.PanamaFacilitating oil shipments from Venezuela to Cuba
SCarlota C 2019-09-24U.S.CypressChemical/products tanker (IMO:9502453); operated by Caroil Transport Marine Ltd.
SSandino2019-09-24U.S.PanamaChemical/products tanker (IMO:9441178); owned by Tovase Development Corp
SPetion2019-09-24U.S.PanamaProducts tanker (IMO:9295098); owned by Trocana World Inc.
SGiralt2019-09-24U.S.PanamaCrude oil tanker (IMO:9259692); owned by Bluelane Overseas SA
CFundacion Venedig2019-09-17U.S.Panama
CInversiones Rodime S.A.2019-09-17U.S.Panama
CSaafartex Zona Franca SAS2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CVenedig Capital S.A.S.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CAGRO XPO S.A.S.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CAlamo Trading S.A.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CAntiqua Del Caribe S.A.S.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CAvanti Global Group S.A.S.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CGlobal Energy Company S.A.S.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CGruppo Domano S.R.L.2019-09-17U.S.Italy
CManara S.A.S.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CTechno Energy, S.A.2019-09-17U.S.Panama
CCorporacion ACS Trading S.A.S.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CDimaco Technology, S.A.2019-09-17U.S.Panama
CGlobal De Textiles Andino S.A.S.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CSaab Certain & Compania S. En C.2019-09-17U.S.Colombia
CSilver Bay Partners FZE (Silver)2019-07-25U.S.United Arab Emirates"Responsible for or complicit in, or directly or indirectly involved in, a transaction or series of transactions involving deceptive practices or corruption and the Government of Venezuela or projects or programs administered by the Government of Venezuela."
CClio Management Corp.2019-07-25U.S.PanamaOwned and controlled by Emmanuel Enrique Rubio Gonzalez.
CSun Properties LLC2019-07-25U.S.DelawareOwned and controlled by Emmanuel Enrique Rubio Gonzalez.
CMultitex International Trading, S.A.2019-07-25U.S.PanamaOwned and controlled by Emmanuel Enrique Rubio Gonzalez.
CGlobal Structure S.A.2019-07-25U.S.PanamaOwned and controlled by Emmanuel Enrique Rubio Gonzalez.
CEmmr & CIA S.A.S.2019-07-25U.S.ColombiaOwned and controlled by Emmanuel Enrique Rubio Gonzalez.
CC I Fondo Global De Alimentos LTDA2019-07-25U.S.ColombiaOwned and controlled by Emmanuel Enrique Rubio Gonzalez.
CSeafire Foundation2019-07-25U.S.Panama"Saab and his direct family members were the beneficiaries of the entity that facilitated payments to Saab as a part of the CLAP corruption scheme."
CMulberry Proje Yatirim Anonym Sirketi (Mulberry A.S.)2019-07-25U.S.Turkey"Responsible for or complicit in, or directly or indirectly involved in, a transaction or series of transactions involving deceptive practices or corruption and the Government of Venezuela or projects or programs administered by the Government of Venezuela. Mulberry was used to facilitate payments made as a part of Saab's CLAP corruption network for the sale of gold in Turkey."
CGroup Grand Limited General Trading2019-07-25U.S.United Arab Emirates"It is a part of the global network of front and shell companies used by Saab and Pulido to facilitate the CLAP corruption scheme."
CGroup Grand Limited, S.A. de C.V.2019-07-25U.S.Mexico"It is part of the network of shell and front companies used by Pulido and Saab to facilitate the CLAP corruption scheme. The company has a warehouse that was used to receive food from different suppliers and assemble the food into boxes that were shipped from Mexico and sold in Venezuela as a part of the CLAP corruption scheme. The timing of today's action by the U.S. Treasury Department was synchronized with an action by the Government of Mexico."
CGroup Grand Limited2019-07-25U.S.Hong Kong (China)"The company served as a primary entity in the global network of shell and front companies used by both Saab and Pulido to facilitate the CLAP corruption scheme."
CAsasi Food FZE2019-07-25U.S.United Arab Emirates"This company received money from food companies in Venezuela that were receiving food imports and paying money to food providers in Mexico as a means to facilitate the CLAP corruption scheme."
C19 Mexican food companies2019-07-18MexicoMexicoMexico's Financial Intelligence Unit accuses the 19 companies of money laundering after detecting "irregularities for 150 million USD." The companies were under investigation since 2016 for selling expensive low quality food products to CLAP, a food distribution program established by the Venezuelan government.
GDirección General de Contrainteligencia Militar2019-07-11U.S.VenezuelaAgency implicated in the death of Rafael Acosta Arévalo on 29 June 2019.
CCubametales2019-07-03U.S.CubaFacilitating oil shipments from Venezuela to Cuba
CMonsoon Navigation Corporation2019-05-10U.S.Marshall IslandsRegistered owner of the tanker, Ocean Elegance.
CSerenity Maritime Limited2019-05-10 [293] U.S.LiberiaRegistered owner of the tanker, Leon Dias.
SOcean Elegance2019-05-10U.S.Panama flagCrude oil tanker (IMO: 9038749), owned by Monsoon Navigation Corporation
SLeon Dias2019-05-10U.S.Panama flagChemical and oil tanker (IMO: 9396385), owned by Serenity Maritime Limited
GCentral Bank of Venezuela2019-04-17U.S.Venezuela"While this designation will inhibit most Central Bank activities undertaken by the illegitimate Maduro regime, the United States has taken steps to ensure that regular debit and credit card transactions can proceed and personal remittances and humanitarian assistance continue unabated and are able to reach those suffering under the Maduro regime's repression."
CJennifer Navigation Limited2019-04-12U.S.Liberia
CLarge Range Limited2019-04-12U.S.Liberia
CLima Shipping Corporation2019-04-12U.S.Liberia
CPB Tankers S.P.A.2019-04-12 [294] U.S.Italy
SAlba Marina2019-04-12U.S.ItalyFloating Storage Tanker, IMO 9151838, PB Tankers
SGold Point2019-04-12U.S.MaltaChemical/Oil Tanker, IMO 9506693, PB Tankers
SIce Point2019-04-12U.S.MaltaChemical/Oil Tanker, IMO 9379337, PB Tankers
SIndian Point2019-04-12U.S.MaltaChemical/Oil Tanker, IMO 9379325, PB Tankers
SIron Point2019-04-12U.S.MaltaChemical/Oil Tanker, IMO 9388209, PB Tankers
renamed Esperanza[295]
2019-04-12U.S.GreekCrude Oil Tanker, IMO 9289166, Jennifer Navigation
SNew Hellas2019-04-12U.S.GreekCrude Oil Tanker, IMO 9221891, Lima Shipping
SSilver Point2019-04-12U.S.MaltaChemical/Oil Tanker, IMO 9510462, PB Tankers
SS-Trotter2019-04-12U.S.PanamaOil Products Tanker, IMO 9216547, Large Range
SDespina Andrianna2019-04-05U.S.LiberiaCrude oil tanker (IMO: 9182667)
CBallito Bay Shipping Incorporated2019-04-05U.S.LiberiaRegistered owner of the vessel, Despina Andrianna
CProPer In Management Incorporated2019-04-05U.S.GreeceOperator of the vessel, Despina Andrianna
SPDVSA Vessels (34)2019-04-05U.S.Blocked vessels in which PDVSA has an interest: Amapola 1, Amuay, Bicentenario I, Bicentenario Ii, Bicentenario Iii, Bicentenario Iv, Bicentenario V, Bicentenario Vi, Bicentenario Vii, Bicentenario Viii, Bicentenario Ix, Bicentenario X, Bicentenario Xi, Bicentenario Xii, Bicentenario Xiii, Bicentenario Xiv, Bicentenario Xv, Bicentenario Xvi, Caribe, Cayaurima, Cumanagoto, Gardenia, Gp-21, Gp-23, Jazmin, L-409, Manaure, Mara, Margarita 1, PDVSA Cardon, Sabaneta, Tribilin, Urdaneta, Yoraco
CBANDES2019-03-22U.S.VenezuelaSimon Zerpa, CEO and President of the Board
CBanco Bandes Uruguay S.A.2019-03-22U.S.Uruguay
CBanco Bicentenario del Pueblo, de la Clase Obrera, Mujer y Comunias, Banco Universal C.A.2019-03-22U.S.Venezuela
CBanco de Venezuela, S.A. Banco Universal2019-03-22U.S.Venezuela
CBanco Prodem S.A.2019-03-22U.S.Bolivia
CMinerven2019-03-19U.S.Venezuelaa.k.a. Compania General de Mineria de Venezuela; Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana Minverven C.A.; CVG Compania General de Mineria de Venezuela CA; CVG Minerven; Via principal Carapal, El Callao, Bolivar, Venezuela; Zona Industrial Caratal, El Callao, Bolivar, Venezuela; National ID No. J006985970 (Venezuela) [VENEZUELA-EO13850]. President, Adrian Antonio Perdomo
CEvrofinance Mosnarbank2019-03-11U.S.RussiaBank jointly owned by Russian and Venezuelan state companies.
CPetroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PdVSA)2019-01-28U.S.Venezuela
CConstello No. 1 Corporation2019-01-08U.S.DelawareOwned or controlled by Gustavo Perdomo
CConstello Inc.2019-01-08U.S.St. Kitts and NevisOwned or controlled by Gustavo Perdomo
CCorpomedios GV Inversiones, C.A.2019-01-08U.S.VenezuelaOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín and Gustavo Perdomo
CCorpomedios LLC2019-01-08U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín and Gustavo Perdomo
CGlobovision Tele C.A.2019-01-08U.S.VenezuelaOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín and Gustavo Perdomo
CGlobovision Tele CA, Corp.2019-01-08U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín and Gustavo Perdomo
CMagus Holdings USA, Corp.2019-01-08U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Gustavo Perdomo
CMagus Holding LLC2019-01-08U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Gustavo Perdomo
CMagus Holding II LLC2019-01-08U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Gustavo Perdomo
CPlanet 2 Reaching Inc.2019-01-08U.S.DelawareOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín
CPotrico Corp.2019-01-08U.S.DelawareOwned or controlled by Gustavo Perdomo
CPosh 8 Dynamic Inc.2019-01-08U.S.DelawareOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín
CRIM Group Investments, Corp.2019-01-08U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín
CRIM Group Investments I Corp.2019-01-08U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín
CRIM Group Investments II Corp.2019-01-08U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín
CRIM Group Investments III Corp.2019-01-08U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín
CRIM Group Properties of New York, Corp.2019-01-08U.S.New YorkOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín
CRIM Group Properties of New York II Corp.2019-01-08U.S.New YorkOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín
CSeguros La Vitalicia2019-01-08U.S.VenezuelaOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín
CTindaya Properties Holding USA Corp.2019-01-08U.S.New YorkOwned or controlled by Gustavo Perdomo
CTindaya Properties of New York, Corp.2019-01-08U.S.New YorkOwned or controlled by Gustavo Perdomo
CTindaya Properties of New York II Corp.2019-01-08U.S.New YorkOwned or controlled by Gustavo Perdomo
CWindham Commercial Group Inc.2019-01-08U.S.DelawareOwned or controlled by Raúl Gorrín and Gustavo Perdomo
AN133JA tail number2019-01-08U.S.U.S.Dassault Mystere Falcon 50EX private aircraft, beneficially owned by Gustavo Perdomo
AN488RC tail number2018-09-25U.S.FloridaGulfstream 200 private jet
CAgencia Vehiculos Especiales Rurales y Urbanos, C.A. (AVERUCA, C.A.)2018-09-25U.S.FloridaVenezuelan company that operates the aircraft N488RC; President Rafael Sarria
CPanazeate SL2018-09-25U.S.SpainOwned or controlled by Edgar Sarria
CQuiana Trading Limited (Quiana Trading)2018-09-25U.S.British Virgin IslandsRafael Sarria, 2009 President; beneficial owner of aircraft N488RC
CSAI Advisors Inc.2018-05-18U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Rafael Sarria
CNoor Plantation Investments LLC2018-05-18U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Rafael Sarria
C11420 Corp.2018-05-18U.S.FloridaOwned or controlled by Rafael Sarria
CAmerican Quality Professional S.A.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CInternational Business Suppliers, Inc.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CInversiones Cemt, S.A.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CLumar Development S.A.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CMarine Investment Group Inc.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CMarine Investor Corp.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CMaritime Administration Group Inc.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CMaritime Administration Panama Inc.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CMaritime Crews Inc.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CMaritime Tanker Administration, S.A.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CMaritime Tanker Services, S.A.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
COceanus Investors Corp.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CProalco S.A.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CSeaside Services Inc.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CTanker Administrators Corp.2018-03-27PanamaPanama
CTechnical Support Trading2018-03-27PanamaPanama

See also



External links

Notes and References

  1. News: Treasury sanctions Venezuelan business to isolate Maduro. AP News . 12 April 2019 . 12 April 2019 .
  2. Web site: 2024-01-26 . Venezuela: Overview of U.S. Sanctions Policy . . 2024-03-16 . Congressional Research Service.
  3. Web site: 10 March 2021 . Venezuela: Political Crisis and U.S. Policy . 30 October 2023 . . en.
  4. Web site: 8 March 2019 . Venezuela: Overview of U.S. sanctions . 3 April 2019 . Congressional Research Service . Federation of American Scientists.
  5. Treasury targets Venezuelan government officials supporting the FARC . 2 April 2019 . 12 September 2008 . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 21 November 2010.
  6. Castellanos, Silvio and Miguel Gutierrez, Andy Sullivan (12 April 2019). "Ex-Venezuelan intelligence chief arrested on U.S. drug trafficking warrant". Reuters. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
  7. News: US sanctions Venezuelans for alleged Farc links. BBC . 8 September 2011 . 3 April 2019 .
  8. Treasury designates four Venezuelan officials for providing arms and security to the FARC. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 8 September 2011 . 23 October 2023 .
  9. Web site: S.2142 – Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014. 2 April 2019. Library of Congress . 18 December 2014.
  10. News: Obama signs bill to sanction Venezuelan officials . 2 April 2019 . 18 December 2014. Associated Press News.
  11. Web site: S.2845 – Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Extension Act of 2016. . 15 July 2016 . 3 April 2019 .
  12. News: U.S. slaps visa restrictions on current, former Venezuelan officials. 2 April 2019. Reuters. 2 February 2015.
  13. Web site: Venezuela-related sanctions . U.S. Department of State . 3 April 2019.
  14. News: Borger, Julian . 1 November 2018 . Bolton praises Bolsonaro while declaring 'troika of tyranny' in Latin America . . 29 November 2018.
  15. Web site: Trump Wants Pressure Raised on Maduro With Regime Persisting. Wingrove. Josh. 21 February 2020. Bloomberg. 23 February 2020.
  16. News: US-owned firms appear to help Venezuela avoid US sanctions. Associated Press . Seattle Times . Goodman, Joshua . 16 November 2022. 29 October 2023.
  17. Rhodan, Maya. White House sanctions seven officials in Venezuela. 2 April 2019. Time. 9 March 2015.
  18. News: U.S. declares Venezuela a national security threat, sanctions top officials . 10 March 2015 . Reuters . 2 April 2019.
  19. News: Qué significa que EE.UU. considere a Venezuela 'una amenaza para la seguridad nacional' . BBC Mundo . 10 March 2015 . 2 April 2019 . es . What does it mean that the US considers Venezuela 'a threat to national security'.
  20. Issuance of a new Venezuela-related Executive Order; Venezuela-related Designations . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 9 March 2015 . 23 October 2023 . . 12 March 2015.
  21. News: How a politician accused of drug trafficking became Venezuela's Vice President . Casey, Nicholas . Ana Vanessa Herrero . New York Times . 16 February 2017 . ProQuest.
  22. Treasury sanctions prominent Venezuelan drug trafficker Tareck El Aissami and his primary frontman Samark Lopez Bello. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 13 February 2017 . 23 October 2023 .
  23. News: Estados Unidos impone sanciones a 8 magistrados del Tribunal Supremo de Venezuela a los que acusa de usurpar las funciones del Parlamento. 9 May 2017. 2 April 2019. BBC Mundo. es. The United States imposes sanctions on 8 judges of the Supreme Court of Venezuela whom it accuses of usurping the functions of Parliament.
  24. Treasury sanctions eight members of Venezuela's Supreme Court of Justice . 18 May 2017 . 23 October 2023 . U.S. Department of the Treasury.
  25. News: Treasury sanctions target Venezuela president's allies . The Hill . 26 July 2017 . 3 April 2019 . Lane, Sylvan . Rafael Bernal .
  26. Treasury Sanctions 13 Current and Former Senior Officials of the Government of Venezuela . 26 July 2017 . 23 October 2023 . U.S. Department of the Treasury.
  27. Defending democracy in Venezuela. United States Department of State. 2 April 2019. 30 July 2017.
  28. Treasury Sanctions the President of Venezuela. United States Department of the Treasury. 31 July 2017 . 23 October 2023.
  29. News: U.S. slaps sanctions on Maduro and labels him a 'dictator'. Mazzei. Patricia. 31 July 2017. Miami Herald. 22 June 2019.
  30. News: El Nacional. Estados Unidos impuso sanciones a otros ocho funcionarios venezolanos. 9 August 2017. 2 April 2019. es.
  31. Treasury sanctions eight individuals involved in Venezuela's illegitimate Constituent Assembly. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 9 August 2017 . 23 October 2023 .
  32. Treasury sanctions ten Venezuelan government officials. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 9 November 2017 . 23 October 2023 .
  33. News: U.S. blacklists 10 Venezuelans for corruption, undermining state vote. Reuters . 9 November 2017 . 3 April 2019 .
  34. News: U.S. targets former Venezuela food minister in new sanctions. Reuters . 5 January 2018 . 3 April 2019 .
  35. Treasury sanctions four Venezuelan government officials associated with corruption and oppression. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 5 January 2018 . 3 April 2019 .
  36. News: U.S. Treasury places four Venezuelans on U.S. sanctions list. Reuters . 19 March 2018 . 3 April 2019 .
  37. Treasury sanctions four current or former Venezuelan officials associated with economic mismanagement and corruption. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 19 March 2018 . 3 April 2019 .
  38. News: Diosdado Cabello, José David Cabello y Marleny Contreras sancionados por el Departamento del Tesoro de EEUU. 2 April 2019. La Patilla . es . 18 May 2018.
  39. Treasury targets influential former Venezuelan official and his corruption network. U.S. Department of Treasury . 18 May 2018 . 2 April 2019.
  40. News: US imposes sanctions on Venezuela's First Lady Cilia Flores. BBC . 25 September 2018 . 2 April 2019 .
  41. News: EE UU impuso nuevas sanciones contra funcionarios del gobierno de Maduro . El Nacional . es . 25 September 2018 . 2 April 2019.
  42. Treasury targets Venezuelan President Maduro's inner circle and proceeds of corruption in the United States. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 25 September 2018 . 2 April 2019 .
  43. Web site: US Sanctions on Venezuela First Lady solidify country's Mafia State status . InsightCrime . 27 September 2018 . 4 April 2019.
  44. News: EE. UU. sanciona a siete empresarios venezolanos, entre ellos los dueños de Globovisión. 8 January 2019. 2 April 2019 . NTN24.
  45. News: Estados Unidos sanciona a la venezolana Globovisión y a sus principales responsables . es . The United States sanctions the Venezuelan Globovisión and its main officials . EuropaPress . 8 January 2019 . 18 October 2023.
  46. Treasury targets Venezuela currency exchange network scheme generating billions of dollars for corrupt regime insiders. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 8 January 2019 . 2 April 2019 .
  47. News: U.S. sanctions five Venezuelans, ratcheting up pressure on Maduro . Reuters . 15 February 2019 . 3 April 2019 . Sullivan, Andy . Lisa Lambert .
  48. Treasury sanctions officials aligned with former President Nicolas Maduro and involved in repression and corruption. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 15 February 2019 . 4 April 2019 .
  49. News: Pence On Venezuela: 'We Will Keep Standing With You Until ... Libertad Is Restored'. NPR . 25 February 2019 . 26 February 2019 .
  50. Treasury Sanctions Governors of Venezuelan States Aligned with Maduro . US Department of Treasury . 25 February 2019 . 26 February 2019.
  51. News: Pence says U.S. will up the ante as it seeks ouster of Venezuelan President Maduro . Kraul, Chris . Patrick J. McDonnell . 25 February 2019 . 26 February 2019 . Los Angeles Times.
  52. News: U.S. sanctions six Venezuelan security officials over aid block. Bloomberg . 1 March 2019 . 3 April 2019 . Mohsin, Saleha.
  53. Treasury sanctions security officials associated with violence and obstruction of humanitarian aid delivery. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 1 March 2019 . 3 April 2019 .
  54. News: Washington hits Venezuela's gold sector with new sanctions . Miami Herald . Wyss, Jim . 19 March 2019 . 20 March 2019.
  55. Treasury Sanctions Venezuela's State Gold Mining Company and its President for Propping Up Illegitimate Maduro Regime . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 19 March 2019 . 23 October 2023.
  56. News: 17 April 2019. The Latest: US sanctions on Venezuelan bank aimed at Maduro. Associated Press News. 17 April 2019.
  57. Treasury sanctions Central Bank of Venezuela and director of the Central Bank of Venezuela. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 17 April 2019 . 17 April 2019 .
  58. Web site: Trump's Cuba hawks try to squeeze Havana over Venezuela role. 17 April 2019. 17 April 2019. Reuters.
  59. News: U.S. Treasury Sanctions Venezuela's Top Diplomat Arreaza. Mohsin. Saleha. 26 April 2019. Bloomberg. 26 April 2019. Rosati. Andrew. The Treasury Department sanctioned Venezuela's foreign minister for allegedly exploiting the U.S. financial system to support what it considers the "illegitimate" regime of Nicolas Maduro..
  60. Treasury sanctions Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 26 April 2019 . 26 April 2019 .
  61. The United States sanctions Maduro-aligned individuals. U.S. Department of State . 28 April 2019 . 26 April 2019 .
  62. News: Jorge Arreaza: Estados Unidos sanciona al canciller de Venezuela para 'provocar un cambio' en su país . BBC News Mundo . 26 April 2019 . es . Jorge Arreaza: The United States sanctions the chancellor of Venezuela to 'cause a change' in his country . 18 October 2023 .
  63. News: U.S. lifts sanctions on Venezuelan general who broke with Maduro . Reuters . 7 May 2019 . 7 May 2019 . Ramptom, Roberta.
  64. Treasury removes sanctions imposed on former high-ranking Venezuelan intelligence official after public break with Maduro and dismissal. U.S. Department of State . 7 May 2019 . 7 May 2019 .
  65. Treasury Sanctions Officials of the Illegitimate Maduro Regime Involved in Rampant Corruption. United States Department of the Treasury. 29 June 2019. 27 June 2019.
  66. News: Venezuelan ex-electric chief among 2 indicted in US. 28 June 2019. Al Jazeera. Reuters . 29 June 2019.
  67. Web site: Treasury Sanctions Nicolas Maduro's Son for Serving in Venezuela's Illegitimate Government. United States Department of the Treasury. 28 June 2019. 28 June 2019.
  68. News: Mini-Maduro targeted as US turns screws on Venezuela leader's son. Daniels. Joe. 28 June 2019. The Guardian. 28 June 2019.
  69. Treasury Sanctions Venezuela's Military Counterintelligence Agency Following the Death of a Venezuelan Navy Captain. 11 July 2019. US Department of the Treasury. 13 July 2019.
  70. 1152217841363509251. VP45. Today the US announced new sanctions against VZ officials responsible for repressing & torturing innocent VZ citize… . 19 July 2019.
  71. Treasury Sanctions Officials of Venezuela's Military Counterintelligence Agency. 19 July 2019. US Department of the Treasury. 2 August 2019.
  72. News: Estados Unidos sanciona a cuatro militares venezolanos tras muerte de capitán detenido . Reuters . es . The United States sanctions four Venezuelan soldiers after the death of a detained captain. 19 July 2019 . 18 October 2023.
  73. News: Cuatro nuevos funcionarios sancionados por EE.UU. 19 July 2019. Venepress. 2 August 2019. 2 August 2019. dead.
  74. News: US slaps sanctions on five Venezuelan officials. Voice of America . 5 November 2019 . 27 October 2023 .
  75. Treasury takes steps to harmonize international sanctions efforts against venezuelan officials . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 27 October 2023.
  76. News: U.S. targets Maduro-picked top legislator, six others in fresh Venezuelan sanctions. 13 January 2020. Reuters. 13 January 2020. en.
  77. The United States Takes Action Against Officials of the Former Maduro Regime Involved in Obstructing the Venezuelan National Assembly . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 13 January 2020 . 28 October 2023.
  78. News: U.S. blacklists Venezuelan lawmakers, alleging election manipulation . Reuters . 29 October 2023.
  79. Treasury Continues Pressure on Illegitimate Regime Officials Undermining Democracy in Venezuela . 22 September 2020 . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 29 October 2023.
  80. News: US issues new Venezuela-related sanctions over recent elections . Al Jazeera . 18 December 2020 . 29 October 2023 .
  81. News: EEUU impone nuevas sanciones a entidad y dos personas relacionadas con Venezuela . es . The US imposes new sanctions on an entity and two people related to Venezuela . 18 December 2020 . Reuters . 29 October 2023 .
  82. Treasury Continues Pressure on Maduro Regime for Role in Fraudulent Elections . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 18 December 2020 . 29 October 2023.
  83. News: Pamuk. Humeyra. U.S. slaps sanctions on Russian oil firm in swipe at Venezuela's Maduro. 18 February 2020. Reuters. 19 February 2020. Psaledakis. Daphne.
  84. Web site: Department of State Offers Rewards for Information to Bring Venezuelan Drug Traffickers to Justice. 26 March 2020.
  85. News: U.S. imposes sanctions on Venezuelan brothers over support for Maduro. Reuters . 23 July 2020. 29 October 2023.
  86. Treasury Targets Individuals Supporting Illegitimate Maduro Regimes Corruption . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 23 July 2020 . 29 October 2023.
  87. News: White House raises pressure on Venezuela with new financial sanctions . Krauss, Clifford . New York Times . 25 August 2017 . ProQuest.
  88. News: Lee, Matthew . Deb Riechmann . US hits Venezuela with oil sanctions to pressure Maduro . 12 March 2019 . AP . 29 January 2019.
  89. Treasury sanctions Venezuela's state-owned oil company Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A.. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 28 January 2019 . 5 April 2019 .
  90. News: Kassai, Lucia . Zerpa, Fabiola . Russia Comes to Maduro's Rescue After U.S. Sanctions Hit . 12 March 2019 . Bloomberg . 5 March 2019.
  91. News: Venezuela to move state oil firm PDVSA office from Lisbon to Moscow. Polina, Ivanova . Maria Tsvetkova . 12 March 2019 . Reuters . 1 March 2019.
  92. News: The Latest: Russia's Rosneft Rejects US Claim on Sanctions . 12 March 2019 . AP . 12 March 2019.
  93. News: As Maduro confronts a crisis, Russia's footprint in Venezuela grows: Moscow is seizing an opportunity to stick a finger in Washington's eye, experts say . Zuñiga, Mariana and Anthony Faiola . The Washington Post . 30 March 2019 . ProQuest.
  94. News: Washington to decide on Repsol's Venezuela activity: U.S. envoy . Reuters . 11 April 2019 . 11 April 2019 . Binnie. Isla.
  95. News: Exclusive: Spain's Repsol suspends swap deal for Venezuelan oil under U.S. pressure . Reuters . 17 April 2019 . 17 April 2019 . Eaton, Collin . Marianna Parraga .
  96. News: Pamuk. Humeyra. U.S. slaps sanctions on Russian oil firm in swipe at Venezuela's Maduro. 18 February 2020. Reuters. 19 February 2020. Psaledakis. Daphne.
  97. Ukraine-related Sanctions; Publication of Executive Order 13662 Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List . . 16 July 2014 .
  98. Announcement of Treasury Sanctions on Entities Within the Financial Services and Energy Sectors of Russia, Against Arms or Related Materiel Entities, and those Undermining Ukraine's Sovereignty . . 16 July 2014 .
  99. News: Mohsin, Saleha . Millard, Peter . U.S. Sanctions Second Rosneft Subsidiary for Backing Maduro. Bloomberg . 12 March 2020 . 28 October 2023.
  100. The United States Increases Pressure on Illegitimate Former Maduro Regime with Designation of TNK Trading International S.A. . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 12 March 2020 . 28 October 2023.
  101. News: Parraga, Marianna . Citgo formally cuts ties with Venezuela-based parent company: sources . 12 March 2019 . Reuters . 27 February 2019.
  102. News: El Universal. De Vita, Antonella. 13 February 2019. El Nacional. 18 February 2019.
  103. Scigliuzzo, Davide, and David Wethe, Ben Bartenstein (9 March 2019). "Citgo eyes $1.2 billion term loan amid fight for refiner". Bloomberg. Retrieved 12 March 2019.
  104. News: Citgo avoids a shutdown With U.S. Treasury deadline extension . Yahoo News . Bloomberg . Wethe, David . Lucia Kassai . 15 March 2019 . 15 March 2019.
  105. News: Exclusive: Venezuela skirts U.S. sanctions by funneling oil sales via Russia . Reuters . 18 April 2019 . Parraga, Marianna.
  106. News: Reliance says not violating US sanctions on Venezuela, bought oil with knowledge of US authorities. . 20 April 2019 . 20 April 2019 .
  107. News: Venezuelan PDVSA's oil exports steady in April, flow to Cuba continues . Parraga, Marianna . Reuters . 2 May 2019 . 3 May 2019 .
  108. News: Parraga, Cohen, Spetalnick . Marianna, Luc, Matt . Exclusive: Venezuela gasoline shortages worsen as U.S. tells firms to avoid supply – sources . reuters. 8 April 2020 .
  109. News: US adds oil-sector firms, ships to Venezuela sanctions list . . dead . 5 April 2019 . Washington Post . Associated Press . 5 April 2019 . 5 April 2019.
  110. Treasury sanctions companies operating in the oil sector of the Venezuelan economy and transporting oil to Cuba . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 5 April 2019 . 5 April 2019.
  111. News: Wayne, Alex . U.S. sanctions four shipping companies for Venezuela ties . 12 April 2019 . Bloomberg . 12 April 2019.
  112. Treasury Increases Pressure on Cuba to End Support to Maduro by Imposing Further Oil Sector Sanctions. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 12 April 2019 . 23 October 2023 .
  113. News: U.S. sanctions firms that carry much of Venezuela's oil to Cuba . Bloomberg . Bronner, Ethan . 12 April 2019 . 14 April 2010.
  114. Web site: US imposes Venezuela-related sanctions on two companies, tankers . Al Jazeera . 10 May 2019 . 11 May 2019 .
  115. Treasury identifies the Venezuelan defense and security sector as subject to sanctions and further targets Venezuelan oil moving to Cuba. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 10 May 2019 . 11 May 2019 .
  116. News: US Hits Cuba With Sanctions in New Move Against Venezuela's Maduro . Voice of America . 3 July 2019 . 28 October 2023.
  117. News: U.S. sanctions target Venezuelan oil moving to Cuba. Reuters . 24 September 2019 . 28 October 2023.
  118. News: U.S. blacklists Cuban firm tied to Venezuela sanctions evasion. Reuters . 26 November 2019 . 28 October 2023.
  119. Treasury Takes Further Action Regarding Designated Cubametales for Attempting to Circumvent Sanctions. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 26 November 2019 . 28 October 2023.
  120. News: US sanctions on Venezuela are affecting Caribbean nations' ability to pay for oil . 21 March 2019 . Haitian Times . 23 March 2019.
  121. News: Cómo el chavismo dilapidó USD 28.000 millones del petróleo para comprar votos de 14 países . InfoBae . es . 24 March 2019 . 25 March 2019 . How Chavismo squandered USD 28 billion of oil to buy votes from 14 countries.
  122. News: #Petrofraude: una investigación revela dónde acabaron los dólares del petróleo venezolano en América Latina . UniVision . es . 20 January 2019 . 25 March 2019 .
    1. Petrofraude: an investigation reveals where the Venezuelan oil dollars in Latin America ended
  123. News: Antigua and Barbuda warns of splitting CARICOM on Venezuela issue . Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation . 23 March 2019 . 23 March 2019 . . dead .
  124. News: Trump dangles investment to Caribbean leaders who back Venezuela's Guaido . Reuters . 23 March 2019 . 23 March 2019 . Ramptom, Roberta.
  125. News: In Maduro's Venezuela, even counting gold bars is a challenge. Millan Lombrana, Laura. 31 January 2019. Bloomberg. 27 May 2019.
  126. News: Trump signs sanctions order targeting Venezuela's gold exports . CNBC . Reuters . 1 November 2018 . 2 April 2018 . Rampton, Roberta . Steve Holland . 2 April 2019 . . dead .
  127. News: Exclusive: Venezuela removed 8 tons of central bank gold last week – legislator . Pons, Corina . Mayela Armas . Reuters . 27 February 2019 . 20 March 2019.
  128. News: Uganda probes refinery over alleged smuggling of gold . . dead . 2 April 2019 . 14 March 2019 . Biryabarema, Elias . Reuters . 20 March 2019.
  129. News: Exclusive: Venezuela removes eight tonnes of gold from central bank – sources . Reuters . 9 April 2019 . 9 April 2019. Armas, Mayela.
  130. News: Venezuela crisis: Maduro sells off COLOSSAL amount of gold as he flouts Trump sanctions. Express. McLoughin. Bill. 19 May 2019. 22 May 2019.
  131. News: Pons. Corina. Exclusive: Venezuela removed six tonnes of central bank gold at turn of year – sources. 12 March 2020. Reuters. 13 March 2020.
  132. News: Estados Unidos prohibió las operaciones con el Petro, la criptomoneda venezolana. 2 April 2019. Infobae. es . The United States banned operations with the Petro, the Venezuelan cryptocurrency. 19 March 2018.
  133. News: President Trump bans deals in Venezuela's crypto-currency. BBC . 20 March 2018 . 2 April 2019 .
  134. Web site: Donald Trump has banned all American use of Venezuelan cryptocurrencies. . 19 March 2018.
  135. News: U.S., Venezuela discuss easing sanctions, make little progress: sources . Marianna Parraga, Vivian Sequera, Matt Spetalnick and Diego Oré . 6 March 2022 . Reuters . 18 October 2023.
  136. Treasury Sanctions Russia-based Bank Attempting to Circumvent U.S. Sanctions on Venezuela. 11 March 2019. US Department of the Treasury. 27 June 2019.
  137. News: Departamento del tesoro sanciono a banco ruso por transacciones con Venezuela . es . Treasury Department sanctions Russian bank for transactions with Venezuela . La Patilla . 11 March 2019 . 18 October 2023 .
  138. News: US slaps sanctions on Venezuelan bank. France 24 . 22 March 2019 . 22 March 2019 .
  139. Treasury sanctions BANDES, Venezuela's National Development Bank, and subsidiaries, in response to illegal arrest of Guaido aide . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 22 March 2019 . 5 April 2019.
  140. News: US tightens the screws on Venezuela's Maduro with banking sanctions . Univision . 22 March 2019 . 22 March 2019 . Adams, David C.
  141. News: Wroughton, Lesley . Deisy Buitrago . 22 March 2019 . U.S. blacklists Venezuelan state banks after arrest of Guaido aide . Reuters . 23 March 2019.
  142. Treasury sanctions BANDES, Venezuela's National Development Bank, and subsidiaries, in response to illegal arrest of Guaido aide . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 22 March 2019 . 22 March 2019.
  143. News: New U.S. sanctions on Venezuela aim to choke off government's finances . The New York Times . 17 April 2019 . 17 April 2019 . Krauss, Clifford.
  144. News: Exclusive: New York Fed cracks down on Puerto Rico banks following Venezuela sanctions . Reuters . 18 April 2019 . 18 April 2019 . Cohen, Luc . Corina Pons .
  145. Web site: Barranquillero Álex Saab es socio de Maduro: exfiscal Ortega. 23 August 2017. El Heraldo.
  146. Web site: El chavismo revendió paquetes de comida a los pobres un 112% más caro. 26 August 2017. La Razon (Espana) . es . Chavismo resold food packages to the poor at 112% more expensive .
  147. Treasury Disrupts Corruption Network Stealing From Venezuela's Food Distribution Program, CLAP. 25 July 2019. U.S. Department of the Treasury.
  148. News: 25 July 2019 . U.S. sanctions target food subsidy scam in Venezuela, charges businessman . . 29 July 2019.
  149. News: U.S., Colombian probe targets Venezuela food import program. Campos. Rodrigo. 19 April 2018. Reuters. 20 April 2018. en-US.
  150. News: US officials: 16 nations agree to track Venezuela corruption. Goodman. Joshua. 19 April 2018. The Washington Post. 20 April 2018. 19 April 2018. dead. Alonso Lugo. Luis. en-US. 0190-8286.
  151. News: Estados Unidos: Maduro viola sistemáticamente los derechos humanos y la dignidad de venezolanos . El Pitazo . es . 15 April 2019 . United States: Maduro sistematically violates human rights and dignity of Venezuelans . Altuve, Armando. Referencing Nicolas Maduro: Corruption and chaos in Venezuela. United States Department of State . 15 April 2019 . 17 April 2019 .
  152. Treasury Increases Pressure on Alex Saab and His Network in Venezuela. 17 September 2019. U.S. Department of the Treasury. 30 September 2019.
  153. News: US sanctions Venezuela emergency food 'corruption network'. 25 July 2019 . . France24. 28 October 2023.
  154. News: Venezuelan Elites Accused of Food Corruption Scheme . New York Times . 28 October 2023 . Casey, Nicholas Casey . Jakes, Lara . 25 July 2019.
  155. News: US sanctions Italy, Panama and Colombia firms over Venezuela ties . Jamaica Observer . . 28 October 2023 . 18 September 2019.
  156. Venezuela-related Identifications.
  157. In Response to Electoral Roadmap, Treasury Issues New Venezuela General Licenses . 18 October 2019 . U.S. Department of Treasury . 19 October 2023 .
  158. News: George . Wright . 19 October 2023. US eases Venezuela oil sanctions after election deal. BBC News . 19 October 2023.
  159. News: Mayela . Armas . Vivian . Sequera. 19 October 2023 . Five prisoners released in Venezuela after opposition deal, US demands . Reuters . 19 October 2023.
  160. News: Jennifer . Hansler . Osmary . Hernandez . CNN . 17 April 2024 . US to reimpose sanctions on Venezuela's oil and gas sector. 18 April 2024.
  161. Venezuela Sanctions Relief: Expiration of General License 44 . U.S. Department of State . 17 April 2024 . 18 April 2024.
  162. News: Canada imposes sanctions on key Venezuelan officials. CBC Canada . 22 September 2017 . Thomson Reuters . 3 April 2019 .
  163. News: Canada sanctions 40 Venezuelans with links to political, economic crisis . The Globe and Mail . Zilio, Michelle . 22 September 2017 . 3 April 2019. Also at Punto de Corte and El Nacional
  164. Web site: Canadian sanctions related to Venezuela . 19 October 2015 . Government of Canada . 4 April 2019.
  165. Web site: Canadian sanctions related to Venezuela . Government of Canada . 16 April 2019 . 2019.
  166. Web site: Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials – Case 2 . Government of Canada . 16 April 2019 . 2017.
  167. News: Canada to impose sanctions on more Venezuelan officials . VOA News . 30 May 2018 . Reuters . 4 April 2019.
  168. Regulations amending the Special Economic Measures (Venezuela) Regulations: SOR/2018-114 . Canada Gazette, Part II . 152 . 12 . 30 May 2018 . 4 April 2019.
  169. News: Canadá impone sanciones a la mujer de Maduro y otros trece cargos del régimen de Venezuela . ABC International . es . 30 May 2018 . 4 April 2019 . Canada imposes sanctions on Maduro's wife and thirteen other charges of the Venezuelan regime . Trillo, Manuel.
  170. Web site: Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Venezuela) Regulations: SOR/2019-106 . Government of Canada . 12 April 2019 . 26 October 2023 .
  171. Canada imposes additional sanctions on the Maduro regime in Venezuela. Government of Canada . 15 April 2019 . 17 April 2019 .
  172. News: Canada expands Venezuela sanctions, adds 43 people close to Maduro . CBC Canada . 15 April 2019 . 15 April 2019 . Thomson Reuters.
  173. News: EU readies sanctions on Venezuela, approves arms embargo . Reuters . 13 November 2017 . 3 April 2019 . Emmott, Robin.
  174. News: EU extends Venezuela sanctions over democracy, rights violations. Reuters . 6 November 2018 . 3 April 2019 .
  175. News: Quiénes son los 7 funcionarios de Venezuela sancionados por la Unión Europea y de qué se les acusa . BBC Mundo . 22 January 2018 . 3 April 2019 . es.
  176. News: EU imposes sanctions on 7 senior Venezuelan officials . Associated Press . 22 January 2018 . 2 April 2019 . 3 April 2019 . . dead .
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  178. Council decision (CFSP) 2018/901 of 25 June 2018 . 25 June 2018 . 3 April 2019 . Official Journal of the European Union .
  179. Venezuela: EU adds 11 officials to sanctions list . 25 June 2018 . 3 April 2018 . Council of the European Union.
  180. News: US, EU at odds over Venezuela sanctions . VOA News . 10 April 2019 . 10 April 2019 . Arostegui, Martin.
  181. News: Diplomats: Europeans weigh sanctions on Venezuela's Maduro. Goodman. Joshua. 15 June 2019. Associated Press. 15 June 2019.
  182. News: EU ready to impose more sanctions on Venezuela, to hold donor conference . Emmott . Robin . 27 September 2019 . Reuters . 27 October 2023.
  183. Legislation . Official Journal of the European Union. 63 . 29 June 2020 . 28 October 2020.
  184. Web site: Estos son los 19 nuevos funcionarios del régimen sancionados por la Unión Europea #22Feb . es . These are the 19 new officials of the regime sanctioned by the European Union #22Feb . Arévalo, José E. . 22 February 2021 . 29 October 2023 .
  185. Legislation . 64 . 22 February 2021. Official Journal of the European Union . 29 October 2023.
  186. News: Venezuela slams renewed EU sanctions . . AFP . 13 November 2023 . 23 November 2023.
  187. Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Venezuela . Council of the European Union . 2 December 2022 . 29 October 2023.
  188. News: Los 55 funcionarios sancionados por Panamá por 'blanqueo de capitales' . El Nacional . es . 30 March 2018 . 3 April 2019 . Also at Panama Economic and Finance Ministry
  189. News: Panamá sanciona a Nicolás Maduro, 54 funcionarios chavistas y a 16 empresas relacionadas (Lista) . Efecto Cocuyo . 29 March 2018 . 4 April 2019 . Hermoso Fernandez, Jesus Noel . Panama sanctions Nicolás Maduro, 54 Chavista officials and 16 related business (List) . . 5 April 2019 . dead . Also at Panama Economic and Finance Ministry
  190. News: Panama sanctions Venezuela, including Maduro & 1st Lady family companies . Latin American Herald Tribune . 27 March 2018 . 3 April 2019 . Camacho, Carlos . 24 February 2021 . . dead .
  191. News: Venezuela, Panama to restore envoys and resume airline service. 27 April 2018. Reuters. 18 April 2019.
  192. News: Swiss impose sanctions on seven senior Venezuelan officials. Reuters . 28 March 2018 . 3 April 2019 . Also at Diario Las Americas
  193. News: Switzerland Sanctions 11 More Venezuelans, including Delcy Rodriguez, El Aissami, Chourio . Latin American Herald Tribune . 9 July 2018 . 20 April 2019 . 13 August 2020 . . dead .
  194. News: Sanctions suisses contre la vice-présidente du Venezuela. Swiss Broadcasting Company. 19 April 2019. fr. Swiss sanctions against the vice president of Venezuela . 10 July 2018.
  195. News: Switzerland adds 11 Venezuelan officials to sanctions list . Swiss Info . 7 July 2020 . 28 October 2023.
  196. Web site: Mesures à l'encontre du Venezuela . fr . Measurements at the encounter of Venezuela . Swiss Confederation . 28 October 2023.
  197. News: Sumarium group. México rechaza elecciones en Venezuela y sanciona a siete funcionarios. 21 April 2018. es. Also at VPITV
  198. News: Mexico freezes accounts of 19 companies and people who sold food to the Government of Maduro. Zerega. Georgina. 18 July 2019. El Pais. 29 July 2019.
  199. News: Mexico Freezes 19 Bank Accounts Over Food Scam with Venezuela. 19 July 2019. Havana Times. 29 July 2019.
  200. Web site: Curaçao immediately prohibits the import and transit of Venezuelan gold. 21 June 2019. Curaçao Chronicle. 27 June 2019.
  201. Web site: Curazao prohibió la importación de oro de Venezuela. 21 June 2019. El Nacional. es. 27 June 2019.
  202. News: 22 July 2021. Reino Unido impuso sanciones contra el empresario acusado de ser testaferro de Maduro. es. LM Neuquen.
  203. Web site: 22 July 2021. Britain sanctions Venezuelan President Maduro's envoy Saab. 8 September 2021. Reuters.
  204. News: Maduro encabeza lista de 200 venezolanos que no pueden entrar al país . El Tiempo . es . 13 April 2019 . 30 January 2019 . Maduro tops list of 200 Venezuelans who can not enter the country.
  205. Web site: Primera parte de lista de colaboradores de Maduro que no pueden ingresar a Colombia . RCN Radio . es . 13 April 2019 . 31 January 2019 . First part of list of Maduro collaborators who can not enter Colombia.
  206. News: Los venezolanos cercanos a Maduro expulsados o inadmitidos en el país . El Tiempo . es . 13 April 2019 . 26 March 2019 . Venezuelans close to Maduro expelled or inadmissible in the country.
  207. News: Presidente de Colombia ordenó levantar las prohibiciones de ingreso al país, incluyendo la de Nicolás Maduro que ordenó Duque . es . Colombian President ordered lifting of entry bans to the country, including that of Nicolás Maduro that Duque ordered. Infobae . 28 September 2022. 31 October 2023.
  208. News: Rosati . Andrew . Zerpa . Fabiola . 17 October 2018 . Dollars Are Out, Euros Are In as U.S. Sanctions Sting Venezuela . . 17 June 2019.
  209. Web site: 23 January 2020 . Spain-Venezuela encounter by tarmac unleashes speculation . 27 February 2020 . AP NEWS.
  210. News: Swiss banks faulted over money laundering tied to Venezuela . Keaten, Jamey . 18 November 2021 . 29 October 2023 . Associated Press News .
  211. News: More Swiss banks slammed for Venezuela business . 6 December 2021 . 29 October 2023 . Swissinfo.
  212. News: 21 February 2018 . Reuters . Watchdog probes Swiss banks over links to Venezuela graft case . Miller, John . 29 October 2023 .
  213. Web site: How banks helped Venezuela's 'boligarchs' extract billions . Chavkin, Sasha . Marcano, Patricia . 21 September 2020 . 29 October 2023 . International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.
  214. Web site: Updated Advisory on Widespread Public Corruption in Venezuela . 3 May 2019 . 29 October 2023 . Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
  215. Web site: Oil tankers 'go dark' off Venezuela to evade US sanctions. 14 November 2019. The Times of India. en. 27 December 2019.
  216. Web site: México desafía las sanciones de EE.UU. al permitir el envío de combustibles a Maduro. 12 April 2020. ABC. es. 14 April 2020.
  217. Web site: El primer buque enviado por el régimen de Irán entró a aguas bajo jurisdicción de Venezuela. Infobae. 24 May 2020 . es-ES. 24 May 2020.
  218. News: Marianna . Parraga . Jonathan . Saul. Venezuelan Oil Exports Flow Using False Documents, Ships Linked to Iran . U.S. News . Reuters . 30 November 2022 . 21 October 2023.
  219. News: Cuba struggles to buy fuel as imports from Venezuela dwindle -data . Marianna . Parraga . 5 April 2022 . Reuters . 21 October 2023.
  220. News: Venezuela ramps up gasoline, food supply to Cuba -documents . Mircely . Guanipa . Marianna . Parraga . 13 January 2022 . Reuters . 21 October 2023.
  221. News: Venezuela to ship fuel to Cuba on US-blacklisted supertanker . Marianna . Parraga . 13 March 2023 . Reuters . 21 October 2023.
  222. Web site: 19 April 2022 . Régimen de Maduro prepara envío millonario de gasolina y diésel a Cuba para cubrir demanda de combustible y evitar apagones en la isla . 17 May 2022 . Alberto News . es . Maduro regime prepares millionaire shipment of gasoline and diesel to Cuba to cover fuel demand and avoid blackouts on the island . 19 April 2022 . . dead .
  223. Web site: Cooke . Ernesto . Venezuela forgives SVG's remaining PetroCaribe debt in full . 17 May 2022 . St Vincent Times . 26 April 2022 . EN.
  224. News: 5 September 2023 . Pdvsa aumentó el envío de combustible a Cuba en agosto . Pdvsa increased fuel shipments to Cuba in August . . . 27 October 2023.
  225. News: U.S. blacklists oil traders, tankers for undermining Venezuela sanctions. Ellsworth, Brian . Parraga, Marianna . Reuters . 19 January 2021 . 28 October 2023.
  226. Treasury Targets Venezuelan Oil Sector Sanctions Evasion Network . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 19 January 2021 . 28 October 2023.
  227. News: U.S. slaps sanctions on Mexican firms, individuals linked to Venezuelan oil trade. Psaledakis, Daphne . Parraga, Marianna . Reuters . 18 June 2020 . 28 October 2023.
  228. Treasury Targets Sanctions Evasion Network Supporting Corrupt Venezuelan Actors . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 18 June 2020 . 28 October 2023.
  229. News: 14 February 2019 . Maduro: FM held 'secret talks' with US Envoy to Venezuela. Voice of America. 15 February 2019.
  230. News: 29 October 2020. New report documents how U.S. sanctions have directly aggravated Venezuela's economic crisis. . 13 March 2021.
  231. News: Jakes. Lara. Kurmanaev. Anatoly. 8 March 2021. Biden grants protections for Venezuelans to remain in U.S.. The New York Times. 13 March 2021.
  232. News: Raby, John . The latest: Maduro invites envoy to come to Venezuela . AP Worldstream . 14 February 2019 . .
  233. News: Executive denounces 'coercive' US measures against Venezuelan deputies. Martínez. Valentín Romero. 13 January 2020. . 14 January 2020. es.
  234. News: Borger . Julian . US ignores calls to suspend Venezuela and Iran sanctions amid coronavirus pandemic . 13 March 2021 . The Guardian . 31 March 2020 . . 29 September 2020.
  235. News: Exclusiva con Juan Guaidó: Espías cubanos golpeados por sanciones de Trump. Camacho. Carlos. 30 May 2019. El Nuevo Herald. 3 June 2019. Delgado. Antonio María. es . Exclusive with Juan Guaidó: Cuban spies hit by Trump sanctions.
  236. News: 11 May 2021. Juan Guaidó abre la puerta a la negociación con Nicolás Maduro al invocar un acuerdo de salvación nacional . es . Juan Guaidó opens the door to negotiation with Nicolás Maduro by invoking a national salvation agreement . Daniel . Lozano . 14 May 2021. El Mundo.
  237. Web site: 20 March 2019. Oral update on the situation of human rights in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 23 March 2019. OHCHR.
  238. News: International sanctions against Venezuela are creating a chronic problem. Moleiro, Alonso . 28 August 2023 . 29 October 2023 . El Pais.
  239. Web site: Maduro reveals secret meetings with U.S. envoy. 15 February 2019. POLITICO. 15 February 2019 . Associated Press.
  240. News: Venezuela's health system in 'utter collapse' as infectious diseases spread, report says . The Washington Post . 7 April 2019 . 4 April 2019 . DeYoung, Karen. Also available at The Independent
  241. News: Forero, Juan and David Luhnow . 30 January 2019 . Venezuelans fear new U.S. oil sanctions will hit them hardest . The Wall Street Journal . .
  242. Web site: Do U.S. Sanctions on Venezuela Work? . 2024-03-16 . Council on Foreign Relations . en.
  243. News: Vidal, Laura . Jessica Carrillo Mazzali . 31 January 2019 . US sanctions squeezed Venezuela's Chavismo elites. This time, it's oil . 23 October 2023 . Public Radio International.
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  246. Web site: Hedge fund manager arranged Boris Johnson's trip to meet Venezuela's Maduro . . 2024-03-15 . 2024-03-16 . Financial Times.
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  248. Web site: 9 December 2020. Transparencia Venezuela analiza la incidencia de las sanciones internacionales en Venezuela. 13 February 2021. Transparencia Venezuela. es . Transparency Venezuela analyzes the impact of international sanctions in Venezuela.
  249. Web site: Venezuela: The Rise and Fall of a Petrostate . . 2024-03-16 . 2024-03-16 . Council on Foreign Relations . en.
  250. Domestic and international factors of the contemporary Russo–Venezuelan bilateral relationship . Adriana Boersner . Herrera . Makram . Haluani . 17 August 2023 . . 14 . 3 . 366–387 . 10.1111/lamp.12309. free .
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  252. News: 10 claves del informe de Michelle Bachelet sobre Venezuela . Prodavinci . 20 March 2019 . 20 March 2019 . es . 10 keys of Michelle Bachelet's report on Venezuela.
  253. News: Dollars Are Out, Euros Are In as U.S. Sanctions Sting Venezuela. Rosati. Andrew. 17 October 2018. Bloomberg. 17 June 2019. Zerpa. Fabiola.
  254. Web site: 2 July 2020. Venezuela security operations leave over 1,300 dead in five months, U.N. rights office says. 11 March 2021. Reuters.
  255. Web site: Calles. Óscar. Carta abierta a la Relatora Especial, Alena Douhan, por su visita a Venezuela . . 11 March 2021. es . Open letter to the Special Rapporteur, Alena Douhan, for her visit to Venezuela.
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  262. News: 15 February 2021. La rapporteuse de l'ONU juge 'dévastateurs' les effets des sanctions sur le Venezuela. 11 March 2021. Le fr . The UN rapporteur judges 'devastating' the effects of sanctions on Venezuela.
  263. Web site: Relatora de la ONU pide levantar sancionas contra Venezuela . 13 February 2021. 11 March 2021. DW.COM. es. 11 June 2021. dead . UN Rapporteur calls for lifting sanctions against Venezuela.
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  265. News: Moleiro. Alonso. 13 February 2021. Una relatora de la ONU afirma que las sanciones a Maduro 'han agravado las calamidades de los venezolanos'. 11 March 2021. EL PAÍS. es . A UN rapporteur affirms that the sanctions against Maduro 'have aggravated the calamities of Venezuelans'.
  266. News: Barráez. Sebastiana. 17 February 2021. Qué hay detrás del informe de la relatora especial de Derechos Humanos de la ONU para encubrir los crímenes contra presos políticos en Venezuela. 18 February 2021. infobae. es . What is behind the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights to cover up crimes against political prisoners in Venezuela.
  267. Web site: 'Falta mucho por decir': activistas venezolanos sobre informe de relatora de la ONU. 18 February 2021. Radio y Televisión Martí. 16 February 2021 . es . 'There is a lot left to say': Venezuelan activists on the UN rapporteur's report.
  268. Web site: Martínez. Sammy Paola. 13 February 2021. Mariela Ramírez: Alena Douhan desconoció violaciones a los DD. HH. y desmantelamiento del Estado. 18 February 2021. El Pitazo. es . Mariela Ramírez: Alena Douhan was unaware of human rights violations and dismantling of the State.
  269. Web site: 12 February 2021. Oposición acusa a relatora de ONU de seguir narrativa de Maduro por sanciones. 18 February 2021. La Vanguardia. es. Opposition accuses UN rapporteur of following Maduro's narrative due to sanctions. 19 May 2021. dead.
  270. Web site: Sabatini . Christopher . 2024-01-12 . America's Love of Sanctions Will Be Its Downfall . 2024-01-10 . Foreign Policy.
  271. News: Hodal, Kate . 5 April 2019 . UN urged to declare full-scale crisis in Venezuela as health system 'collapses' . The Guardian . 7 April 2019.
  272. Web site: Venezuela's humanitarian emergency: Large-scale UN response needed to address health and food crises . Human Rights Watch . 4 April 2019 . 7 April 2019. Also available in Spanish.
  273. Web site: 20 January 2021. Impacto de las sanciones financieras internacionales contra Venezuela: Nueva evidencia. 13 February 2021. ANOVA. es . Impact of international financial sanctions against Venezuela: New evidence.
  274. Web site: Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos . Inter-American Commission on Human Rights . 27 February 2018 . Venezuela Alimentación y Salud . 17 May 2022 . YouTube . En términos nutricionales, quizás tenemos el mejor indicador de que esta crisis no data del último año de sanciones o de medidas externas. Cuando una nación da cuenta de un 36% de niños con un retardo en crecimiento, se da cuenta biológica de un rezago nutricional, afectivo y social de al menos siete años. De eso dan cuenta también los índices de escasez de alimentos. Para mencionar un contrapeso: (...) las toneladas de carne y de cerdo perdidas, tenemos todavía la impunidad, señor representante del Estado, el caso de PDVAL, con toneladas de comida descompuesta, importadas por el Estado, que no fueron distribuidas, lo que nos hace pensar que fueron importadas con fines no alimentarios, sino posiblemente con fines de acceder a dólares preferenciales..
  275. News: US sanctions on Venezuela responsible for 'tens of thousands' of deaths, claims new report . The Independent . Buncombe, Andrew . 26 April 2019 . 4 May 2019.
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  283. Web site: 17 June 2019 . DatinCorp: 68% de la población cree que sanciones afectan su calidad de vida . 11 April 2023 . Banca y Negocios . es . DatinCorp: 68% of the population believes that sanctions affect their quality of life.
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  286. News: Por estos delitos EEUU sancionó a Diosdado Cabello, Marleny Contreras, José David Cabello y a su 'testaferro'. 2 April 2019. La Patilla. es . 18 May 2018.
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  293. Treasury Further Targets Entities and Vessels Moving Venezuelan Oil to Cuba . U.S. Department of the Treasury . 24 September 2019 . 28 October 2023.
  294. Treasury Targets Cuban Support for the Illegitimate Venezuelan Regime. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 3 July 2019 . 28 October 2023.
  295. The United States Takes Action Against the Movement of Venezuelan Oil to Cuba. U.S. Department of the Treasury . 27 October 2023 . 3 December 2019 .