Gerbe Explained
In mathematics, a gerbe (; pronounced as /fr/) is a construct in homological algebra and topology. Gerbes were introduced by Jean Giraud following ideas of Alexandre Grothendieck as a tool for non-commutative cohomology in degree 2. They can be seen as an analogue of fibre bundles where the fibre is the classifying stack of a group. Gerbes provide a convenient, if highly abstract, language for dealing with many types of deformation questions especially in modern algebraic geometry. In addition, special cases of gerbes have been used more recently in differential topology and differential geometry to give alternative descriptions to certain cohomology classes and additional structures attached to them.
"Gerbe" is a French (and archaic English) word that literally means wheat sheaf.
Gerbes on a topological space
[1] is a
groupoids over
that is
locally non-empty (each point
has an open neighbourhood
over which the
section category
of the gerbe is not empty) and
transitive (for any two objects
for any open set
, there is an open covering
such that the restrictions of
to each
are connected by at least one morphism).
A canonical example is the gerbe
of principal bundles with a fixed structure group
: the section category over an open set
is the category of principal
-bundles on
with isomorphism as morphisms (thus the category is a groupoid). As principal bundles glue together (satisfy the descent condition), these groupoids form a stack. The trivial bundle
shows that the local non-emptiness condition is satisfied, and finally as principal bundles are locally trivial, they become isomorphic when restricted to sufficiently small open sets; thus the transitivity condition is satisfied as well.
Gerbes on a site
The most general definition of gerbes are defined over a site. Given a site
[2] [3] is a category fibered in groupoids
such that
- There exists a refinement[4]
such that for every object
the associated fibered category
is non-empty
- For every
any two objects in the fibered category
are locally isomorphicNote that for a site
with a final object
, a category fibered in groupoids
is a
-gerbe admits a local section, meaning satisfies the first axiom, if
Motivation for gerbes on a site
One of the main motivations for considering gerbes on a site is to consider the following naive question: if the Cech cohomology group
for a suitable covering
of a space
gives the isomorphism classes of principal
-bundles over
, what does the iterated cohomology functor
represent? Meaning, we are gluing together the groups
via some one cocycle. Gerbes are a technical response for this question: they give geometric representations of elements in the higher cohomology group
. It is expected this intuition should hold for higher gerbes.
Cohomological classification
One of the main theorems concerning gerbes is their cohomological classification whenever they have automorphism groups given by a fixed sheaf of abelian groups
[5] [2] called a band. For a gerbe
on a site
, an object
, and an object
, the automorphism group of a gerbe is defined as the automorphism group
}_(x). Notice this is well defined whenever the automorphism group is always the same. Given a covering
, there is an associated class
representing the isomorphism class of the gerbe
banded by
For example, in topology, many examples of gerbes can be constructed by considering gerbes banded by the group
. As the classifying space
is the second
Eilenberg–Maclane space for the integers, a bundle gerbe banded by
on a topological space
is constructed from a homotopy class of maps in
which is exactly the third singular homology group
. It has been found
[6] that all gerbes representing torsion cohomology classes in
are represented by a bundle of finite dimensional algebras
for a fixed complex vector space
. In addition, the non-torsion classes are represented as infinite-dimensional principal bundles
of the projective group of unitary operators on a fixed infinite dimensional
separable Hilbert space
. Note this is well defined because all separable Hilbert spaces are isomorphic to the space of square-summable sequences
The homotopy-theoretic interpretation of gerbes comes from looking at the homotopy fiber square
analogous to how a line bundle comes from the homotopy fiber square
, giving
as the group of isomorphism classes of line bundles on
There are natural examples of Gerbes that arise from studying the algebra of compactly supported complex valued functions on a paracompact space
[7] pg 3. Given a cover
there is the Cech groupoid defined as
with source and target maps given by the inclusions
and the space of composable arrows is just
Then a degree 2 cohomology class
is just a map
We can then form a non-commutative
, which is associated to the set of compact supported complex valued functions of the space
It has a non-commutative product given by
where the cohomology class
twists the multiplication of the standard
-algebra product.
Algebraic geometry
be a
variety over an
algebraically closed field
algebraic group, for example
. Recall that a
G-torsor over
is an
algebraic space
with an action of
and a map
, such that locally on
étale topology or fppf topology)
is a direct product
. A
G-gerbe over M may be defined in a similar way. It is an Artin stack
with a map
, such that locally on
M (in étale or fppf topology)
is a direct product
[8] Here
denotes the classifying stack of
, i.e. a quotient
of a point by a trivial
-action. There is no need to impose the compatibility with the group structure in that case since it is covered by the definition of a stack. The underlying
topological spaces of
are the same, but in
each point is equipped with a stabilizer group isomorphic to
From two-term complexes of coherent sheaves
Every two-term complex of coherent sheaves
on a scheme
has a canonical sheaf of groupoids associated to it, where on an open subset
there is a two-term complex of
giving a groupoid. It has objects given by elements
and a morphism
is given by an element
such that
In order for this stack to be a gerbe, the cohomology sheaf
must always have a section. This hypothesis implies the category constructed above always has objects. Note this can be applied to the situation of
comodules over Hopf-algebroids to construct algebraic models of gerbes over affine or projective stacks (projectivity if a graded
Hopf-algebroid is used). In addition, two-term spectra from the stabilization of the derived category of comodules of Hopf-algebroids
flat over
give additional models of gerbes that are
Moduli stack of stable bundles on a curve
of genus
. Let
be the
moduli stack of
stable vector bundles on
of rank
and degree
. It has a coarse moduli space
, which is a quasiprojective variety. These two moduli problems parametrize the same objects, but the stacky version remembers
automorphisms of vector bundles. For any stable vector bundle
the automorphism group
consists only of scalar multiplications, so each point in a moduli stack has a stabilizer isomorphic to
. It turns out that the map
is indeed a
-gerbe in the sense above.
[9] It is a trivial gerbe if and only if
are coprime.
Root stacks
Another class of gerbes can be found using the construction of root stacks. Informally, the
-th root stack of a line bundle
over a
scheme is a space representing the
-th root of
and is denoted
[10] pg 52
-th root stack of
has the property
as gerbes. It is constructed as the stack
sending an
to the category whose objects are line bundles of the form
(M\toT,\alphaM):\alphaM:M ⊗ \xrightarrow{\sim}L x ST
and morphisms are commutative diagrams compatible with the isomorphisms
. This gerbe is banded by the
algebraic group of roots of unity
, where on a cover
it acts on a point
by cyclically permuting the factors of
. Geometrically, these stacks are formed as the fiber product of stacks
where the vertical map of
comes from the Kummer sequence
1\xrightarrow{}\mur\xrightarrow{}Gm\xrightarrow{( ⋅ )r}Gm\xrightarrow{}1
This is because
is the moduli space of line bundles, so the line bundle
corresponds to an object of the category
(considered as a point of the moduli space).
Root stacks with sections
There is another related construction of root stacks with sections. Given the data above, let
be a section. Then the
-th root stack of the pair
is defined as the lax 2-functor
[11] \sqrt[r]{(L,s)/S}:(\operatorname{Sch}/S)op\to\operatorname{Grpd}
sending an
to the category whose objects are line bundles of the form
&\alphaM:M ⊗ \xrightarrow{\sim}L x ST\\
and morphisms are given similarly. These stacks can be constructed very explicitly, and are well understood for affine schemes. In fact, these form the affine models for root stacks with sections. Locally, we may assume
and the line bundle
is trivial, hence any section
is equivalent to taking an element
. Then, the stack is given by the stack quotient
then this gives an infinitesimal extension of
Examples throughout algebraic geometry
These and more general kinds of gerbes arise in several contexts as both geometric spaces and as formal bookkeeping tools:
Differential geometry
Jean-Luc Brylinski's approach
Gerbes first appeared in the context of algebraic geometry. They were subsequently developed in a more traditional geometric framework by Brylinski . One can think of gerbes as being a natural step in a hierarchy of mathematical objects providing geometric realizations of integral cohomology classes.
A more specialised notion of gerbe was introduced by Murray and called bundle gerbes. Essentially they are a smooth version of abelian gerbes belonging more to the hierarchy starting with principal bundles than sheaves. Bundle gerbes have been used in gauge theory and also string theory. Current work by others is developing a theory of non-abelian bundle gerbes.
See also
External links
Introductory articles
Gerbes in topology
- Homotopy theory of presheaves of simplicial groupoids, Zhi-Ming Luo
Twisted K-theory
- Twisted K-theory and K-theory of bundle gerbes
- Twisted Bundles and Twisted K-Theory - Karoubi
Applications in string theory
- Stable Singularities in String Theory - contains examples of gerbes in appendix using the Brauer group
- Branes on Group Manifolds, Gluon Condensates, and twisted K-theory
- Lectures on Special Lagrangian Submanifolds - Very down-to earth introduction with applications to Mirror symmetry
- The basic gerbe over a compact simple Lie group - Gives techniques for describing groups such as the String group as a gerbe
Notes and References
- Book: Basic bundle theory and K-cohomology invariants. 2008. Springer. Husemöller, Dale.. 978-3-540-74956-1. Berlin. 233973513.
- Web site: Section 8.11 (06NY): Gerbes—The Stacks project. 2020-10-27.
- Book: Giraud, J. (Jean). Cohomologie non abélienne.. 1971. Springer-Verlag. 3-540-05307-7. Berlin. 186709.
- Web site: Section 7.8 (00VS): Families of morphisms with fixed target—The Stacks project. 2020-10-27.
- Web site: Section 21.11 (0CJZ): Second cohomology and gerbes—The Stacks project. 2020-10-27.
- Karoubi. Max. 2010-12-12. Twisted bundles and twisted K-theory. math.KT. 1012.2512.
- Block . Jonathan . Daenzer . Calder . 2009-01-09 . Mukai duality for gerbes with connection . math.QA . 0803.1529 .
- Dan . Edidin . Brendan . Hassett. Andrew . Kresch . Angelo . Vistoli . Brauer groups and quotient stacks . . 2001 . 123 . 4 . 761–777 . math/9905049 . 10.1353/ajm.2001.0024. 16541492 .
- Hoffman. Norbert. 2010. Moduli stacks of vector bundles on curves and the King-Schofield rationality proof. Cohomological and Geometric Approaches to Rationality Problems. Progress in Mathematics . 282 . 133–148. 10.1007/978-0-8176-4934-0_5. math/0511660. 978-0-8176-4933-3. 5467668.
- Abramovich. Dan. Graber. Tom. Vistoli. Angelo. 2008-04-13. Gromov-Witten theory of Deligne-Mumford stacks. math/0603151.
- Cadman. Charles. 2007. Using stacks to impose tangency conditions on curves. Amer. J. Math.. 129. 2. 405–427. math/0312349. 10.1353/ajm.2007.0007. 10323243.