Harmonic number explained

In mathematics, the -th harmonic number is the sum of the reciprocals of the first natural numbers:[1] H_n= 1+\frac+\frac+\cdots+\frac =\sum_^n \frac.

Starting from, the sequence of harmonic numbers begins:1, \frac, \frac, \frac, \frac, \dots

Harmonic numbers are related to the harmonic mean in that the -th harmonic number is also times the reciprocal of the harmonic mean of the first positive integers.

Harmonic numbers have been studied since antiquity and are important in various branches of number theory. They are sometimes loosely termed harmonic series, are closely related to the Riemann zeta function, and appear in the expressions of various special functions.

The harmonic numbers roughly approximate the natural logarithm function and thus the associated harmonic series grows without limit, albeit slowly. In 1737, Leonhard Euler used the divergence of the harmonic series to provide a new proof of the infinity of prime numbers. His work was extended into the complex plane by Bernhard Riemann in 1859, leading directly to the celebrated Riemann hypothesis about the distribution of prime numbers.

When the value of a large quantity of items has a Zipf's law distribution, the total value of the most-valuable items is proportional to the -th harmonic number. This leads to a variety of surprising conclusions regarding the long tail and the theory of network value.

The Bertrand-Chebyshev theorem implies that, except for the case, the harmonic numbers are never integers.[2]

Identities involving harmonic numbers

By definition, the harmonic numbers satisfy the recurrence relation H_ = H_ + \frac.

The harmonic numbers are connected to the Stirling numbers of the first kind by the relation H_n = \frac\left[{n+1 \atop 2}\right].

The harmonic numbers satisfy the series identities \sum_^n H_k = (n+1) H_ - nand\sum_^n H_k^2 = (n+1)H_^2 - (2 n +1) H_n + 2 n.These two results are closely analogous to the corresponding integral results\int_0^x \log y \ d y = x \log x - xand\int_0^x (\log y)^2\ d y = x (\log x)^2 - 2 x \log x + 2 x.

Identities involving

There are several infinite summations involving harmonic numbers and powers of :[3] \begin\sum_^\infty \frac &= \frac \\\sum_^\infty \frac &= \frac\pi^4 \\\sum_^\infty \frac &= \frac\pi^4 \\\sum_^\infty \frac &= \frac\end


An integral representation given by Euler[4] is H_n = \int_0^1 \frac\,dx.

The equality above is straightforward by the simple algebraic identity \frac=1+x+\cdots +x^.

Using the substitution, another expression for is\beginH_n &= \int_0^1 \frac\,dx = \int_0^1\frac\,du \\[6pt]&= \int_0^1\left[\sum_{k=1}^n \binom nk (-u)^{k-1}\right]\,du = \sum_^n \binom nk \int_0^1 (-u)^\,du \\[6pt]&= \sum_^n \binom nk \frac.\end

The th harmonic number is about as large as the natural logarithm of . The reason is that the sum is approximated by the integral\int_1^n \frac\, dx,whose value is .

The values of the sequence decrease monotonically towards the limit \lim_ \left(H_n - \ln n\right) = \gamma,where is the Euler–Mascheroni constant. The corresponding asymptotic expansion is\begin H_n &\sim \ln+\gamma+\frac-\sum_^\infty \frac\\ &=\ln+\gamma+\frac-\frac+\frac-\cdots, \endwhere are the Bernoulli numbers.

Generating functions

A generating function for the harmonic numbers is\sum_^\infty z^n H_n = \frac,where ln(z) is the natural logarithm. An exponential generating function is\sum_^\infty \frac H_n = e^z \sum_^\infty \frac \frac = e^z \operatorname(z)where Ein(z) is the entire exponential integral. The exponential integral may also be expressed as\operatorname(z) = \mathrm_1(z) + \gamma + \ln z = \Gamma (0,z) + \gamma + \ln zwhere Γ(0, z) is the incomplete gamma function.

Arithmetic properties

The harmonic numbers have several interesting arithmetic properties. It is well-known that H_n is an integer if and only if n=1, a result often attributed to Taeisinger.[5] Indeed, using 2-adic valuation, it is not difficult to prove that for n \ge 2 the numerator of H_n is an odd number while the denominator of H_n is an even number. More precisely,H_n=\frac\fracwith some odd integers a_n and b_n.

As a consequence of Wolstenholme's theorem, for any prime number


the numerator of


is divisible by p^2. Furthermore, Eisenstein[6] proved that for all odd prime number p it holdsH_ \equiv -2q_p(2) \pmod pwhere q_p(2) = (2^ -1)/p is a Fermat quotient, with the consequence that p divides the numerator of


if and only if p is a Wieferich prime.

In 1991, Eswarathasan and Levine[7] defined


as the set of all positive integers


such that the numerator of


is divisible by a prime number


They proved that\\subseteq J_pfor all prime numbers


and they defined harmonic primes to be the primes p such that


has exactly 3 elements.

Eswarathasan and Levine also conjectured that


is a finite set for all primes


and that there are infinitely many harmonic primes. Boyd[8] verified that


is finite for all prime numbers up to


except 83, 127, and 397; and he gave a heuristic suggesting that the density of the harmonic primes in the set of all primes should be


. Sanna[9] showed that


has zero asymptotic density, while Bing-Ling Wu and Yong-Gao Chen[10] proved that the number of elements of


not exceeding


is at most
}, for all




The harmonic numbers appear in several calculation formulas, such as the digamma function \psi(n) = H_ - \gamma.This relation is also frequently used to define the extension of the harmonic numbers to non-integer n. The harmonic numbers are also frequently used to define using the limit introduced earlier: \gamma = \lim_, although \gamma = \lim_ converges more quickly.

In 2002, Jeffrey Lagarias proved[11] that the Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to the statement that \sigma(n) \le H_n + (\log H_n)e^,is true for every integer with strict inequality if ; here denotes the sum of the divisors of .

The eigenvalues of the nonlocal problem on


\lambda \varphi(x) = \int_^ \frac
\, dy are given by


, where by convention


, and the corresponding eigenfunctions are given by the Legendre polynomials




Generalized harmonic numbers

The nth generalized harmonic number of order m is given byH_=\sum_^n \frac.

(In some sources, this may also be denoted by H_n^ or H_m(n).)

The special case m = 0 gives


The special case m = 1 reduces to the usual harmonic number:H_ = H_n = \sum_^n \frac.

The limit of H_ as is finite if, with the generalized harmonic number bounded by and converging to the Riemann zeta function\lim_ H_ = \zeta(m).

The smallest natural number k such that kn does not divide the denominator of generalized harmonic number H(k, n) nor the denominator of alternating generalized harmonic number H′(k, n) is, for n=1, 2, ... :

77, 20, 94556602, 42, 444, 20, 104, 42, 76, 20, 77, 110, 3504, 20, 903, 42, 1107, 20, 104, 42, 77, 20, 2948, 110, 136, 20, 76, 42, 903, 20, 77, 42, 268, 20, 7004, 110, 1752, 20, 19203, 42, 77, 20, 104, 42, 76, 20, 370, 110, 1107, 20, ...

The related sum



occurs in the study of Bernoulli numbers; the harmonic numbers also appear in the study of Stirling numbers.

Some integrals of generalized harmonic numbers are\int_0^a H_ \, dx = a \frac -H_and\int_0^a H_ \, dx = a A - \frac H_, where A is Apéry's constant ζ(3),and\sum_^n H_=(n+1)H_- H_ \text m \geq 0 .

Every generalized harmonic number of order m can be written as a function of harmonic numbers of order


usingH_ = \sum_^ \frac + \frac   for example:


1 ⋅ 2


2 ⋅ 3


3 ⋅ 4



A generating function for the generalized harmonic numbers is\sum_^\infty z^n H_ = \frac,where


is the polylogarithm, and . The generating function given above for is a special case of this formula.

A fractional argument for generalized harmonic numbers can be introduced as follows:

For every


integer, and


integer or not, we have from polygamma functions:H_=\zeta(m)-p^m\sum_^\infty \fracwhere


is the Riemann zeta function. The relevant recurrence relation isH_=H_+\frac.Some special values are\beginH_ &= 16-\tfrac\pi^2 -8G\\H_ &= 4-\frac \\H_ &= \frac-\frac\pi^2 + 8G \\H_ &= 64-\pi^3-27\zeta(3) \\H_ & =8-6\zeta(3) \\H_ &= \left(\frac\right)^3+\pi^3 -27\zeta(3)\endwhere G is Catalan's constant. In the special case that


, we getH_=\zeta(m, 1) - \zeta(m, n+1),



is the Hurwitz zeta function. This relationship is used to calculate harmonic numbers numerically.

Multiplication formulas

The multiplication theorem applies to harmonic numbers. Using polygamma functions, we obtain\beginH_ & =\frac\left(H_x+H_\right)+\ln 2 \\H_ &= \frac\left(H_x+H_+H_\right)+\ln 3,\endor, more generally,H_=\frac\left(H_x+H_+H_+\cdots +H_ \right) + \ln n.

For generalized harmonic numbers, we have\beginH_ &= \frac\left(\zeta(2)+\frac\left(H_+H_\right)\right) \\H_ &= \frac\left(6\zeta(2)+H_+H_+H_\right),\endwhere


is the Riemann zeta function.

Hyperharmonic numbers

The next generalization was discussed by J. H. Conway and R. K. Guy in their 1995 book The Book of Numbers. Let H_n^ = \frac1n. Then the nth hyperharmonic number of order r (r>0) is defined recursively as H_n^ = \sum_^n H_k^. In particular,

is the ordinary harmonic number



Roman Harmonic numbers

The Roman Harmonic numbers,[13] named after Steven Roman, were introduced by Daniel Loeb and Gian-Carlo Rota in the context of a generalization of umbral calculus with logarithms.[14] There are many possible definitions, but one of them, for


, is c_n^ = 1, and c_n^ = \sum_^n\frac. Of course, c_n^ = H_n.



, they satisfy c_n^ - \frac = c_^. Closed form formulas are c_n^ = n! (-1)^k s(-n,k), where


is Stirling numbers of the first kind generalized to negative first argument, and c_n^ = \sum_^n \binom \frac, which was found by Donald Knuth.

In fact, these numbers were defined in a more general manner using Roman numbers and Roman factorials, that include negative values for


. This generalization was useful in their study to define Harmonic logarithms.

Harmonic numbers for real and complex values

The formulae given above, H_x = \int_0^1 \frac \, dt= \sum_^\infty \fracare an integral and a series representation for a function that interpolates the harmonic numbers and, via analytic continuation, extends the definition to the complex plane other than the negative integers x. The interpolating function is in fact closely related to the digamma functionH_x = \psi(x+1)+\gamma,where is the digamma function, and is the Euler–Mascheroni constant. The integration process may be repeated to obtainH_= \sum_^\infty \frac H_k.

The Taylor series for the harmonic numbers isH_x=\sum_^\infty (-1)^\zeta (k)\;x^\quad\text |x| < 1which comes from the Taylor series for the digamma function (


is the Riemann zeta function).

Alternative, asymptotic formulation

There is an asymptotic formulation that gives the same result as the analytic continuation of the integral just described. When seeking to approximate  for a complex number , it is effective to first compute  for some large integer . Use that as an approximation for the value of . Then use the recursion relation backwards  times, to unwind it to an approximation for . Furthermore, this approximation is exact in the limit as  goes to infinity.

Specifically, for a fixed integer , it is the case that\lim_ \left[H_{m+n} - H_m\right] = 0.

If  is not an integer then it is not possible to say whether this equation is true because we have not yet (in this section) defined harmonic numbers for non-integers. However, we do get a unique extension of the harmonic numbers to the non-integers by insisting that this equation continue to hold when the arbitrary integer  is replaced by an arbitrary complex number ,

\lim_ \left[H_{m+x} - H_m\right] = 0\,.Swapping the order of the two sides of this equation and then subtracting them from  gives\beginH_x &= \lim_ \left[H_m - (H_{m+x}-H_x)\right] \\[6pt]&= \lim_ \left[\left(\sum_{k=1}^m \frac{1}{k}\right) - \left(\sum_{k=1}^m \frac{1}{x+k}\right) \right] \\[6pt]&= \lim_ \sum_^m \left(\frac - \frac\right) = x \sum_^ \frac\, .\end

This infinite series converges for all complex numbers  except the negative integers, which fail because trying to use the recursion relation backwards through the value  involves a division by zero. By this construction, the function that defines the harmonic number for complex values is the unique function that simultaneously satisfies (1), (2) for all complex numbers  except the non-positive integers, and (3) for all complex values .

This last formula can be used to show that \int_0^1 H_x \, dx = \gamma, where  is the Euler–Mascheroni constant or, more generally, for every  we have: \int_0^nH_\,dx = n\gamma + \ln(n!) .

Special values for fractional arguments

There are the following special analytic values for fractional arguments between 0 and 1, given by the integralH_\alpha = \int_0^1\frac\,dx\, .

More values may be generated from the recurrence relation H_\alpha = H_+\frac\,,or from the reflection relation H_-H_ = \pi\cot.

For example: \beginH_ &= 2 - 2\ln 2 \\H_ &= 3 - \frac - \frac\ln 3 \\H_ &= \frac+\frac - \frac\ln 3 \\H_ &= 4 - \frac - 3\ln 2 \\H_ &= 5 - \frac \sqrt - \frac \ln 5 - \frac \ln\left(\frac\right) \\H_ &= \frac + \frac - 3\ln 2 \\H_ &= 6 - \frac \pi - 2\ln 2 - \frac \ln 3 \\H_ &= 8 - \frac \pi - 4\ln - \frac \left(\ln\left(2 + \sqrt\right) - \ln\left(2 - \sqrt\right)\right) \\H_ &= 12 - \left(1+\frac\right)\pi - 3\ln - \frac \ln + \sqrt \ln\left(2-\sqrt\right)\end

Which are computed via Gauss's digamma theorem, which essentially states that for positive integers p and q with p < q H_ = \frac +2\sum_^ \cos\left(\frac\right)\ln\left(\right)-\frac\cot\left(\frac\right)-\ln\left(2q\right)

Relation to the Riemann zeta function

Some derivatives of fractional harmonic numbers are given by\begin\frac & = (-1)^n!\left[\zeta(n+1)-H_{x,n+1}\right] \\[6pt]\frac & = (-1)^(n+1)!\left[\zeta(n+2)-H_{x,n+2}\right] \\[6pt]\frac & = (-1)^\frac(n+2)!\left[\zeta(n+3)-H_{x,n+3}\right].\end

And using Maclaurin series, we have for x < 1 that\beginH_x & = \sum_^\infty (-1)^x^n\zeta(n+1) \\[5pt]H_ & = \sum_^\infty (-1)^(n+1)x^n\zeta(n+2) \\[5pt]H_ & = \frac\sum_^\infty (-1)^(n+1)(n+2)x^n\zeta(n+3).\end

For fractional arguments between 0 and 1 and for a > 1,\beginH_ & = \frac\left(\zeta(2)-\frac\zeta(3)+\frac\zeta(4)-\frac \zeta(5) + \cdots\right) \\[6pt]H_ & = \frac\left(2\zeta(3)-\frac\zeta(4)+\frac\zeta(5)-\frac \zeta(6) + \cdots\right) \\[6pt]H_ & = \frac\left(2\cdot3\zeta(4)-\frac\zeta(5)+\frac\zeta(6)-\frac\zeta(7)+\cdots\right).\end

See also


Notes and References

  1. Book: Knuth, Donald . The Art of Computer Programming . Addison-Wesley . 1997 . 0-201-89683-4 . 3rd . 75-79 . en.
  2. Book: Ronald L. . Graham. Donald E. . Knuth. Oren . Patashnik. Concrete Mathematics. 1994. Addison-Wesley. Concrete Mathematics.
  3. Web site: Weisstein . Eric W. . Harmonic Number . 2024-09-30 . mathworld.wolfram.com . en.
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  10. Chen. Yong-Gao. Wu. Bing-Ling. 2017. On certain properties of harmonic numbers. Journal of Number Theory. 175. 66–86. 10.1016/j.jnt.2016.11.027.
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  14. Loeb . Daniel E . Rota . Gian-Carlo . 1989 . Formal power series of logarithmic type . Advances in Mathematics . 75 . 1 . 1–118 . 10.1016/0001-8708(89)90079-0 . 0001-8708. free .