Functional-theoretic algebra explained

Any vector space can be made into a unital associative algebra, called functional-theoretic algebra, by defining products in terms of two linear functionals. In general, it is a non-commutative algebra. It becomes commutative when the two functionals are the same.


Let AF be a vector space over a field F, and let L1 and L2 be two linear functionals on AF with the property L1(e) = L2(e) = 1F for some e in AF. We define multiplication of two elements x, y in AF by


It can be verified that the above multiplication is associative and that e is the identity of this multiplication.

So, AF forms an associative algebra with unit e and is called a functional theoretic algebra(FTA).

Suppose the two linear functionals L1 and L2 are the same, say L. Then AF becomes a commutative algebra with multiplication defined by



X is a nonempty set and F a field. FX is the set of functions from X to F.

If f, g are in FX, x in X and α in F, then define




With addition and scalar multiplication defined as this, FX is a vector space over F.

Now, fix two elements a, b in X and define a function e from X to F by e(x) = 1F for all x in X.

Define L1 and L2 from FX to F by L1(f) = f(a) and L2(f) = f(b).

Then L1 and L2 are two linear functionals on FX such that L1(e)= L2(e)= 1FFor f, g in FX define


Then FX becomes a non-commutative function algebra with the function e as the identity of multiplication.

Note that


FTA of Curves in the Complex Plane

Let C denote the field ofComplex numbers. A continuous function γ from the closedinterval [0, 1] of real numbers to the field C is called acurve. The complex numbers γ(0) and γ(1) are, respectively,the initial and terminal points of the curve. If they coincide, thecurve is called a loop. The set V[0, 1] of all the curves is avector space over C.

We can make this vector space of curves into analgebra by defining multiplication as above.Choosing


we have for α,β in C[0, 1],


Then, V[0, 1] is a non-commutative algebra with e as the unity.

We illustratethis with an example.

Example of f-Product of Curves

Let us take (1) the line segment joining the points (1, 0) and (0, 1) and (2) the unit circle with center at theorigin.As curves in V[0, 1], their equations can be obtained as




the circle gis a loop. The line segment f starts from :


and ends at


Now, we get two f-products


given by




See the Figure.

Observe that


showing that multiplication is non-commutative. Also both the products starts from

f(0)g(0)=1andendsat f(1)g(1)=i.

See also


Book of Beautiful Curves

Certain Number Theoretic Episodes in Algebra