Clastic dike explained

A clastic dike is a seam of sedimentary material that fills an open fracture in and cuts across sedimentary rock strata or layering in other rock types.

Clastic dikes form rapidly by fluidized injection (mobilization of pressurized pore fluids) or passively by water, wind, and gravity (sediment swept into open cracks). Diagenesis may play a role in the formation of some dikes.[1] Clastic dikes are commonly vertical or near-vertical. Centimeter-scale widths are common, but thicknesses range from millimetres to metres. Length is usually many times width.

Clastic dikes are found in sedimentary basin deposits worldwide. Formal geologic reports of clastic dikes began to emerge in the early 19th century.[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Terms synonymous with clastic dike include: clastic intrusion, sandstone dike, fissure fill, soft-sediment deformation, fluid escape structure, seismite, injectite, liquefaction feature, neptunian dike (passive fissure fills), paleoseismic indicator, pseudo ice wedge cast, sedimentary insertion, sheeted clastic dike, synsedimentary filling, tension fracture, hydraulic injection dike, and tempestite.

Environments of formation

Clastic dike environments include:

A large variety of dikes are found in the geologic record. However, clastic dikes are typically produced by seismic disturbance and liquefaction of high water content sediments. Examples of this type are many.[8] [9] [10] Clastic dikes are paleoseismic indicators in certain geologic settings.[11] [12] Several qualitative, field-based systems have been developed to help distinguish seismites[13] from soft sediment deformation features [14] [15] formed by non-seismic processes.[16] [17] [18] [19] [20]

Results from analytical modeling of clastic dike injection in soft rocks[21] indicate propagation occurred at a rate of approximately 4 to 65 m/s at driving pressures of 1–2 MPa. Emplacement duration (<2 s) is similar to the speed with which acoustic energy (pressure waves) moves through partially lithified sedimentary rock.

Sandstone dikes formed by downward injection are found along Black Dragon wash upstream of the famous petroglyphs area, San Rafael Swell, Utah.

Sandstone dikes with cataclastically deformed sand grains, sourced in the Permian White Rim Sandstone, are found within Upheaval Dome, Canyonlands National Park, Utah,[22] [23] [24] [25] [26] at Roberts Rift,[27] and elsewhere.[28] [29] Commonly, the fill is composed of angular grains, evidence that the injected material was lithified prior to impact and was crushed during injection into fractures (preexisting or impact-formed).

Clastic dike swarms associated with salt dome diapirism are reported from the Dead Sea region.[30] [31]

Sand injection features are reported to have formed under heavy loads and confining pressures beneath grounding glacial ice.[32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37]

Though unusual, a significant number of reports describe sedimentary material intruding fractured crystalline bedrock, usually within fault zones. Some of the articles referenced here describe lithified clastic dikes.[38] [39] [40] [41] [42]

Cyclic stresses from large waves can cause wet sediments to fluidize, forming various types of soft sediment deformation features including clastic dikes.[43] [44] [45] [46]

Clastic dikes in the Columbia Basin

Tens of thousands of unusual clastic dikes (1 mm–350 cm wide, up to 50 m deep) penetrate sedimentary and bedrock units in the Columbia Basin of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Their origin remains in question. The dikes may be related to loading by outburst floods. Other evidence suggests they are sediment-filled desiccation cracks (mudcracks). Some have suggested the dikes are ice wedge casts or features related to the melting of buried ice.[47] Earthquake shaking and liquefaction is invoked by others to explain the dikes (i.e., sand blows).

The silt-, sand-, and gravel-filled dikes in the Columbia Basin are primarily sourced in the Touchet Formation (or the Touchet-equivalent Willamette Silt) and intrude downward into older geologic units, including:

In 1925, Olaf P. Jenkins described the clastic dikes of eastern Washington state as follows:[61]

See also

Further reading

External links

Notes and References

  1. 10.1130/G22937A.1. Giant clastic intrusions primed by silica diagenesis. 2006. Davies. Richard J.. Huuse. Mads. Hirst. Philip. Cartwright. Joe. Yang. Yuesuo. Geology. 34. 11. 917. 2006Geo....34..917D.
  2. Darwin, C., 1833–1834, Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America visited during the voyage of the H.M.S. “Beagle” (2nd Edition), p. 438
  3. Hay, R., 1892, Sandstone dikes in northwestern Nebraska, GSA Bulletin, 3, pp. 50–55
  4. Case, E.C.; 1895, On the mud and sand dikes of the White River Miocene, Ithaca, N.Y., American Geologist, 24, pp. 248–254
  5. Crosby, W.O., 1897, Sandstone dikes accompanying the great fault of Ute Pass, Colorado, Essex Institute Bulletin, 27, pp. 113–147
  6. Diller, J.S., 1890, Sandstone dikes, GSA Bulletin, 1, pp. 411–442
  7. Several c. 1850 references to dikes in Newsom, J.F., 1903, Clastic dikes, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 14, pp. 227–268
  8. G. Neef, A clastic dike-sill assemblage in late Miocene (c. 6 Ma) strata, Annedale, Northern Wairarapa, New Zealand, 1991, New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics, Vol. 34: 87–91 Web site: Neef – Clastic dike, Wairarapa . 2007-03-06. dead. 2007-07-29.
  9. Peterson, C.D., 1997, Coseismic paleoliquefaction evidence in the central Cascadia margin, USA, Oregon Geology, 59, pp. 51–74
  10. Audemard, F.A.; de Santis, F., 1991, Survey of liquefaction structures induced by recent moderate earthquakes, Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, 44, pp. 5–16
  11. Ettensohn, F.R.; Rast, N.; Brett, C.E. (editors), Ancient Seismites, GSA Special Paper, 359
  13. Seilacher, A., 1969, Fault-graded beds interpreted as seismites, Sedimentology, 13, pp. 15–159
  14. 10.1016/0037-0738(83)90046-5. Genesis and diagnostic value of soft-sediment deformation structures—A review. 1983. Mills. Patrick C.. Sedimentary Geology. 35. 2. 83–104. 1983SedG...35...83M.
  15. Groshong, R.H., 1988, Low-temperature deformation mechanism and their interpretation, GSA Bulletin, 100, pp. 1329–1360
  16. Allen, C.R., 1975, Geological criteria for evaluating seismicity, GSA Bulletin, 86, pp. 1041–1057
  17. Greb, S.F.; Ettensohn, F.R.; Obermeier, S.F., 2002, Developing a classification scheme for seismites, GSA North-central & Southeastern Section Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs
  18. Wheeler, R.L., 2002, Distinguishing seismic from nonseismic soft-sediment structures: Criteria from seismic-hazard analysis, in Ettensohn, F.R.; Rast, N.; Brett, C.E. (editors), Ancient Seismites, GSA Special Paper, 359, pp. 1–11
  19. Obermeier, S.F.; Olson, S.M.; Green, R.A., 2005, Field occurrences of liquefaction-induced features: a primer for engineering geologic analysis of paleoseismic shaking, Engineering Geology, 76, pp. 209–234
  20. Montenat, C.; Barrier, P.; d'Estevou, P.O.; Hibsch, C., 2007, Seismites: An attempt at critical analysis and classification, Sedimentary Geology, 196, pp. 5–30
  21. Levi, T.; Weinberger, R.; Eyal, Y., in press 2010, A coupled fluid-fracture approach to propagation of clastic dikes during earthquakes, Tectonophysics
  22. Mashchak, M.S.; Ezersky, V.A., 1980, Clastic dikes of the Kara Crater Pai Khoi, Lunar and Planetary Sciences, 11, pp. 680–682
  23. Mashchak, M.S.; Ezersky, V.A., 1982, Clastic dikes in the impactites and allogenic breccias of the Kara astrobleme (northeast slopp. of the Pai-Khoi Range) (article in Russian), Lithology and Economic Minerals, 1, pp. 130–136
  24. Sturkell, E.F.F.; Ormo, J., 1997, Impact-related clastic injections in the marine Ordovician Lockne impact structure, central Sweden, Sedimentology, 44, pp. 793–804
  25. Huntoon, P.W., 2000, Upheaval Dome, Canyonlands, Utah: Strain indicators that reveal an impact origin, in Sprinkel, D.A.; Chidsey, T.C.; Anderson, P.B. (editors), Geology of Utah's Parks and Monuments, Utah Geological Association Publication, 28, pp. 1–10, revised 2002:, s2cid 150387489
  26. Kenkmann, T., 2003, Dike formation, cataclastic flow, and rock fluidization during impact cratering: an example from the Upheaval Dome structure, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214, pp. 43–58
  27. Huntoon, P.W.; Shoemaker, E.M., 1995, Roberts Rift, Canyonlands, Utah, A natural hydraulic fracture caused by comet or asteroid, Ground Water, 33, pp. 561–569
  28. Wittmann, A.; Kenkamnn, T.; Schmitt, R.T.; Hecht, L.; Stöffler, D., 2004, Impact-related dike breccia lithologies in the ICDP drill core Yaxcopoil-1, Chicxulub impact structure, Mexico, Meteorics & Planetary Science, 39, pp. 931–954
  29. Hudgins, J.A.; Spray, J.G., 2006, Lunar impact-fluidized dikes: Evidence from Apollo 17 Station 7, Taurus-Littrow Valley, Lunar and Planetary Science, 37, p. 1176
  30. Marco, S.; Weinberger, R.; Agnon, A., 2002, Radial clastic dykes formed by a salt diapir in the Dead Sea Rift, Israel, Terra Nova, 14, pp. 288–294
  31. 10.1130/G22001.1. Earthquake-induced clastic dikes detected by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. 2006. Levi. Tsafrir. Weinberger. Ram. Aïfa. Tahar. Eyal. Yehuda. Marco. Shmuel. Geology. 34. 2. 69. 2006Geo....34...69L.
  32. 10.2475/ajs.s5-35.208.305. A clastic dike of glacial origin. 1938. Kruger. F. C.. American Journal of Science. 35. 208. 305–307. 1938AmJS...35..305K.
  33. Goldthwait, J.W.; Goldthwait, L.; Goldthwait, R.P., 1951, Geology of New Hampshire, Part 1: Surficial Geology, New Hampshire State Planning and Development Commission, 44 pp.
  34. 10.1080/11035898609453740. Clastic dikes formed beneath an active glacier. 1986. Åmark. Max. Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar. 108. 13–20.
  35. Larsen, E.; Mangerud, J., 1992, Subglacially formed clastic dikes, Sveriges Geologisha Undersdhning, 81, pp. 163–170
  36. Boulton, G.S.; Caban, P., 1995, Groundwater flow beneath ice sheets: Part II – Its impact on glacier tectonic structures and moraine formation, Quaternary Science Reviews, 14, pp. 563–587
  37. Dreimanis, A,; Rappol, M., 1997, Late Wisconsinan sub-glacial clastic intrusive sheets along the Lake Erie bluffs, at Bradtville, Ontario, Canada, Sedimentary Geology, 111, pp. 225–248
  38. Cross, W., 1894, Intrusive sandstone dikes in granite, GSA Bulletin, 5, pp. 225–230
  39. Birman, J.H., 1952, Pleistocene clastic dikes in weathered granite-gneiss, Rhode Island, American Journal of Science, 250, pp. 721–734
  40. Vitanage, P.W., 1954, Sandstone dikes in the South Platte Area, Colorado, Journal of Geology, 62, pp. 493–500
  41. Harms, J.C., 1965, Sandstone dikes in relation to Laramide faults and stress distribution in the southern Front Range, Colorado, GSA Bulletin, 76
  42. Niell, A.W.; Leckey, E.H.; Pogue, K.R., 1997, Pleistocene dikes in Tertiary rocks – downward emplacement of Touchet Bed clastic dikes into co-seismic features, south-central Washington, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 29, p. 55
  43. Dalrymple, R.W., 1979, Wave-induced liquefaction: A modern example from the Bay of Fundy, Sedimentology, 26, pp. 835–844
  44. Alfaro, P.; Soria, M., 1998, Soft-sediment deformation structures induced by cyclic stress of storm waves in tempestites (Miocene, Guadalquivir Basin, Spain), Terra Nova, 10, pp. 145–150
  45. Martel, A.T.; Gibling, M.R., 1993, Clastic dykes of the Devono-Carboniferous Horton Bluff Fm, Nova Scotia: Storm-related structures in shallow lakes, Sedimentary Geology, 87, pp. 103–119
  46. Olson, S.M., 2007, Downward penetrating clastic dikes as indicators of tsunamis? GSA Southeastern Section Abstracts with Programs, 39, p. 25 (#14-5)
  47. Lupher, R.L., 1944, Clastic dikes of the Columbia Basin Region, Washington and Idaho, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 55, pp. 1431–1462
  48. Garwood and Bush, 2005
  49. Webster et al., 1982, Late Cenozoic gravels in Hells Canyon and the Lewiston Basin, WA and OR, in Bonnichsen and Breckenridge (editors), Cenozoic Geology of Idaho, Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 26
  50. Spencer, P.K.; Jaffee, M.A., 2002, Pre-late Wisconsinan glacial outburst floods in southeastern Washington: The indirect record, Washington Geology, 30, pp. 9–16
  51. Cooley, S.W.; Pidduck, B.K.; Pogue, K.R., 1995, Mechanism and timing of emplacement of clastic dikes in the Touchet Beds of the Walla Walla Valley, Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Abstracts with Programs, 28, p. 57
  52. Cooley, S.W., 1996, Timing and emplacement of clastic dikes..., BA Thesis, Whitman College
  53. Pogue, K.R., 1998, Earthquake-generated(?) structures in Missoula flood slackwater sediments (Touchet Beds) of southeastern Washington, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 30, p. A398
  54. Medley, E., 2012, Ancient cataclysmic floods in the Pacific Northwest: Ancestors to the Missoula Floods, MS Thesis, Portland State University, 174 pp.
  55. Campbell, N.P., 1977, Geology of the Snipes Mountain area, Yakima County, Washington, Washington State Division of Geology & Earth Resources Open File Report, 77–8, 3 maps, 1:24,000 scale
  56. Smith, G.A.; Bjornstad, B.N.; Fecht, K.R., 1989, Neogene terrestrial sedimentation on and adjacent to the Columbia Plateau; Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, in Reidel, S.P.; Hooper, P.R. (editors), GSA Special Paper, 239, pp. 187–198
  57. Brown, D.J.; Brown, R.E., 1962, Touchet clastic dikes in the Ringold Fm, Hanford Operations Report, HW-SA-2851, pp. 1–11
  58. Mabry, J.J., 2000, Field Trip Guidebook to the Natural History of Kittitas County, Central Washington University, 74 pp.
  59. Williams, M., 1991, Stratigraphic column of Craig's Hill, unpublished illustration, Central Washington University
  60. Fecht, K.R.; Bjornstad, B.N.; Horton, D.G.; Last, G.V.; Reidel, S.P. Lindsey, K.A., 1998, Clastic injection dikes of the Pasco Basin and vicinity, Bechtel Hanford Inc Report, BHI-01-01103
  61. Jenkins, O.P., 1925, Clastic dikes of Eastern Washington and their geologic significance, American Journal of Science, 5th series, v. X, No. 57, pp. 234–246