Fence (mathematics) explained

In mathematics, a fence, also called a zigzag poset, is a partially ordered set (poset) in which the order relations form a path with alternating orientations:




A fence may be finite, or it may be formed by an infinite alternating sequence extending in both directions. The incidence posets of path graphs form examples of fences.

A linear extension of a fence is called an alternating permutation; André's problem of counting the number of different linear extensions has been studied since the 19th century.[1] The solutions to this counting problem, the so-called Euler zigzag numbers or up/down numbers, are:



The number of antichains in a fence is a Fibonacci number; the distributive lattice with this many elements, generated from a fence via Birkhoff's representation theorem, has as its graph the Fibonacci cube.[2]

A partially ordered set is series-parallel if and only if it does not have four elements forming a fence.[3]

Several authors have also investigated the number of order-preserving maps from fences to themselves, or to fences of other sizes.[4]

An up-down poset is a generalization of a zigzag poset in which there are downward orientations for every upward one and total elements.[5] For instance, has the elements and relations


In this notation, a fence is a partially ordered set of the form .


Notes and References

  1. .
  2. calls the fact that this lattice has a Fibonacci number of elements a “well known fact,” while asks for a description of it in an exercise. See also,, and .
  3. .
  4. ; ; ; .
  5. .