An elastic cloud is a cloud computing offering that provides variable service levels based on changing needs.
Elasticity is an attribute that can be applied to most cloud services. It states that the capacity and performance of any given cloud service can expand or contract according to a customer's requirements and that this can potentially be changed automatically as a consequence of some software-driven event or, at worst, can be reconfigured quickly by the customer's infrastructure management team.
Elasticity has been described as one of the five main principles of cloud computing by Rosenburg and Mateos in The Cloud at Your Service - Manning 2011.[1]
Cloud computing was first described by Gillet and Kapor in1996;[2] however, the first practical implementation was a consequence of a strategy to leverage Amazon's excess data center capacity.[3]
Amazon and other pioneers of the commercial use of this technology were primarilyinterested in providing a “public” cloud service, whereby they could offer customers the benefits of using the cloud, particularly the utility-basedpricing model benefit.[4]
Other suppliers followed suit with a range of cloud-basedmodels all offering elasticity as a core component, but these suppliers wereonly offering this service as an element of their public cloud service.
Due to perceived weaknesses in security, or at least a lackof proven compliance, many organizations, particularly in the financial andpublic sectors, have been slow adopters of cloud technologies.[5] Thesewary organizations can achieve some of the benefits of cloud computing byadopting privatecloud[6] technologies.
An alternative form of the elastic cloud has been offeredby vendors such as EMC[7] andIBM,[8] whereby the service is based around an enterprise's own infrastructure butstill retains elements of elasticity and the potential to bill by consumption.
Elasticity in cloud computing is the ability for theorganization to adjust its storage requirements in terms of capacity andprocessing with respect to operational requirements. This has the followingbenefits:
Operational Benefits - Servicescan be acquired quickly, meaning that the evolving requirements of the businesscan be addressed almost immediately, giving an organization a potential agilityadvantage. A properly implemented elastic system will provision/de-provisionaccording to application demands, so if a particular business has activityspikes then the provision can be enabled to match the demand and the capacitycan be re-allocated.
Research and Development (R&D) Projects - R&D activities are nolonger hindered by a requirement to secure a capex budget prior to a projectstarting. Capability can simply be provisioned from the cloud and released atthe end of the exercise.
Testing and Deployment - Withmost large-scale projects a size test needs to be performed prior to finalrollout. By taking advantage of the elasticity of the cloud and creating a full-scaleavatar of the proposed production system, realistic data and traffic volumescan be provisioned and released as needed.[9]
Expensive Resources Allocated - This will normally apply onlyin the context where a customer is applying at least some of their own serversas part of a cloud infrastructure, specifically where a business (forperformance reasons) has decided to invest in solid-state storage as opposed tospinning platters. There are instances when, due to activity spikes, a lesscritical process may need to be moved from the high-performance resources tomore traditional storage.
Server Specification - Whena customer has elected to own/lease hardware, they can select and specifyservers that are specifically tuned to meet the likely needs of their operation(i.e., directly controlling the cost/benefit equation).[10]
Utility Based Payments - Thereis, of course, a key cost driver in this process, and the notion that youshould pay for what you consume is acceptable for many organizations. Whenhardware capacity is sourced internally, organizations need to over-provision.This applies just as much to traditional outsourcing as it does to capex-relatedexpenditure on in-house servers.
Cloud Platform – At the heartof any cloud storage system is the ability to manage hyperscale object storageand a HadoopDistributed Files System (HDFS). Elastic storage capability is particularlywell suited to hyperscale [11] and Hadoop environments, where its capability to rapidly respond to changingcircumstances and priorities is essential [12]