Contents page for GOVERNO
- Governo
- Governor
- Governor (China)
- Governor (device)
- Governor (disambiguation)
- Governor (India)
- Governor (Japan)
- Governor (Les Invalides, France)
- Governor (Nepal)
- Governor (Pakistan)
- Governor (Russia)
- Governor (Sri Lanka)
- Governor (Turkey)
- Governor (United States)
- Governor Abbott
- Governor Abercromby
- Governor Adam
- Governor Adams
- Governor Aiken
- Governor Aker Observatory
- Governor Alexander
- Governor Alfred E. Smith (fireboat)
- Governor Allen
- Governor Almond
- Governor Alvarado House
- Governor Ames
- Governor Ames (disambiguation)
- Governor Amherst
- Governor Ammons
- Governor Anderson
- Governor Anthony
- Governor Armitage
- Governor Arthur
- Governor Atkinson
- Governor Bailey
- Governor Baker
- Governor Baldwin
- Governor Bannerman
- Governor Barbour
- Governor Barnes
- Governor Barreto
- Governor Barstow
- Governor Bartlett
- Governor Bartley
- Governor Bates
- Governor Baxter
- Governor Baxter School for the Deaf
- Governor Bay
- Governor Beasley
- Governor Beckwith
- Governor Beekman
- Governor Belcher
- Governor Bell
- Governor Benjamin T. Romualdez General Hospital and Schistosomiasis Center
- Governor Bennett
- Governor Benson
- Governor Bentinck
- Governor Berkeley
- Governor Bernard
- Governor Berry
- Governor Beshear
- Governor Bibb
- Governor Bigler
- Governor Bingham
- Governor Birch
- Governor Bissell
- Governor Bisset
- Governor Blacksnake
- Governor Blair
- Governor Blake
- Governor Blakiston
- Governor Blanchard
- Governor Blanco
- Governor Bligh (play)
- Governor Blood
- Governor Blundell
- Governor Bond
- Governor Bond Lake
- Governor Bond State Memorial
- Governor Boone
- Governor Borton
- Governor Bourchier
- Governor Bourke
- Governor Bowie
- Governor Bowring
- Governor Boyle
- Governor Bradford
- Governor Bradley
- Governor Bradstreet
- Governor Branch
- Governor Brandon
- Governor Brann School
- Governor Breathitt
- Governor Brewer
- Governor Briggs
- Governor Brisbane
- Governor Brooke
- Governor Brooks
- Governor Brough
- Governor Broughton
- Governor Brown
- Governor Bruce
- Governor Bryan
- Governor Bryant
- Governor Bull
- Governor Bullock
- Governor Burke
- Governor Burns
- Governor Burton
- Governor Bush
- Governor Butler
- Governor Byng
- Governor Byrd
- Governor Byrne
- Governor Caldwell
- Governor Calvert
- Governor Cameron
- Governor Campbell
- Governor Cannon
- Governor Carey
- Governor Carlin
- Governor Carlson
- Governor Carney
- Governor Carpenter
- Governor Carr
- Governor Carroll
- Governor Carter
- Governor Carteret
- Governor Case
- Governor Cathcart
- Governor Caulfield
- Governor Chacón
- Governor Chafee
- Governor Chamberlain
- Governor Chapman
- Governor Charles Bent House
- Governor Charles Croswell House
- Governor Chase
- Governor Chaves
- Governor Cherry
- Governor Chittendon
- Governor Clark
- Governor Clay
- Governor Clay (disambiguation)
- Governor Clayton
- Governor Clement
- Governor Clements
- Governor Cleveland
- Governor Clifford
- Governor Clinton
- Governor Cobb
- Governor Cochran
- Governor Cochrane
- Governor Cockburn
- Governor Coddington
- Governor Colby
- Governor Coles State Memorial
- Governor Collins
- Governor Colquitt
- Governor Columbus
- Governor Colville
- Governor Conley
- Governor Conway
- Governor Cook
- Governor Coolidge
- Governor Cooper
- Governor Cornwallis
- Governor Cornwallis (ferry)
- Governor Cox
- Governor Coyett
- Governor Craig
- Governor Crane
- Governor Cranston
- Governor Crawford
- Governor Crittenden
- Governor Crosby
- Governor Cross
- Governor Cuomo
- Governor Curry
- Governor Curtis
- Governor Cutler
- Governor Dallas
- Governor Dalton
- Governor Daly
- Governor Daniel
- Governor Darling
- Governor Davey's Proclamation
- Governor Davidson
- Governor Dávila
- Governor Davis
- Governor Dawson
- Governor Dempsey
- Governor Denham
- Governor Dewey
- Governor Dickerson
- Governor Dickinson
- Governor Dillingham
- Governor Dinsmoor
- Governor Dix
- Governor Dixon
- Governor Docking
- Governor Dodge State Park
- Governor Douglas
- Governor Dowdeswell (1800 ship)
- Governor Drake
- Governor Drew
- Governor Drummond
- Governor Dudley
- Governor Duncan
- Governor Dundas
- Governor Dunn
- Governor Dunston
- Governor Dyer
- Governor Easton
- Governor Eaton
- Governor Eden
- Governor Edwards
- Governor Elias
- Governor Eliot
- Governor Ellis
- Governor Elphinstone
- Governor Emerson
- Governor Emilio Gaston Memorial Elementary School
- Governor Esmit
- Governor Evans
- Governor Fairbanks
- Governor Faron
- Governor Fendall
- Governor Fenner
- Governor Ferguson
- Governor Fitzgerald
- Governor Fleming
- Governor Fletcher
- Governor Floyd
- Governor Folsom
- Governor Foot
- Governor Ford
- Governor Fort
- Governor Foss
- Governor Foster
- Governor Francis
- Governor Francisco Gabrielli International Airport
- Governor Franklin
- Governor Frazier
- Governor Freeman
- Governor Fuller
- Governor Furnas Arboretum
- Governor Gage
- Governor Gardner
- Governor Gates
- Governor Gawler (1840 ship)
- Governor General of Canada
- Governor General of New France
- Governor General's Academic Medal
- Governor General's Award for English to French translation
- Governor General's Award for English-language children's illustration
- Governor General's Award for English-language children's literature
- Governor General's Award for English-language drama
- Governor General's Award for English-language fiction
- Governor General's Award for English-language non-fiction
- Governor General's Award for English-language poetry
- Governor General's Award for English-language poetry or drama
- Governor General's Award for French to English translation
- Governor General's Award for French-language children's illustration
- Governor General's Award for French-language children's literature
- Governor General's Award for French-language drama
- Governor General's Award for French-language fiction
- Governor General's Award for French-language non-fiction
- Governor General's Award for French-language poetry
- Governor General's Award for French-language poetry or drama
- Governor General's Awards
- Governor General's Body Guard
- Governor General's Bodyguard
- Governor General's Foot Guards
- Governor General's Foot Guards Band
- Governor General's Horse Guards
- Governor General's International Award for Canadian Studies
- Governor General's Performing Arts Award
- Governor General's Special Warrants
- Governor Generoso
- Governor Gibbons
- Governor Gibbs
- Governor Gilmer
- Governor Gilmore
- Governor Goldsborough
- Governor González
- Governor Gordon
- Governor Gore
- Governor Graham
- Governor Grant
- Governor Grantham
- Governor Graves
- Governor Green
- Governor Greene Cemetery
- Governor Gregg
- Governor Gregory
- Governor Grey
- Governor Griffith
- Governor Griswold
- Governor Grover (sternwheeler)
- Governor Guerrero
- Governor Guy
- Governor H. Rex Lee Auditorium
- Governor Hadley
- Governor Haines
- Governor Hale
- Governor Hall
- Governor Hamilton
- Governor Hammond
- Governor Handley
- Governor Hansen
- Governor Harding
- Governor Hardinge
- Governor Hardy
- Governor Harper
- Governor Harriman
- Governor Harris
- Governor Harrison
- Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge
- Governor Hart
- Governor Harvey
- Governor Haskell
- Governor Hastings
- Governor Hatfield
- Governor Hawkins
- Governor Hawley
- Governor Hay
- Governor Head
- Governor Heard
- Governor Hedges
- Governor Henderson
- Governor Hendricks
- Governor Hennessy
- Governor Henry
- Governor Henry Lippitt House
- Governor Herbert
- Governor Hickenlooper
- Governor Higgins
- Governor Hill
- Governor Hobart
- Governor Hodges
- Governor Hodgson
- Governor Hoffman
- Governor Holcomb
- Governor Holden
- Governor Holmes
- Governor Holt
- Governor Hone
- Governor Hope
- Governor Hopkins
- Governor Horner State Memorial
- Governor Hotel
- Governor Hough
- Governor Houston
- Governor Howard
- Governor Hoyt
- Governor Hubbard
- Governor Huddleston
- Governor Hughes
- Governor Hull (disambiguation)
- Governor Humphreys
- Governor Hunt
- Governor Hunt House
- Governor Hunter
- Governor Hunter (ship)
- Governor Huntington
- Governor Hurley
- Governor Hutchinson
- Governor Hutchinson's Field
- Governor Hyde
- Governor Irwin
- Governor Irwin (fireboat)
- Governor Island
- Governor Island (Connecticut)
- Governor Island (Tasmania)
- Governor Island, Falkland Islands
- Governor Islands
- Governor Islands (South Orkney Islands)
- Governor Islands (Western Australia)
- Governor Izard
- Governor Jackson
- Governor James
- Governor Janszoon
- Governor Jenkins
- Governor Jennings
- Governor John
- Governor John L. Pennington House
- Governor John Langdon House
- Governor John R. Rogers High School
- Governor John S. Barry House
- Governor John Walter Smith House
- Governor Johnson
- Governor Johnston
- Governor Jones
- Governor Jordan
- Governor Joseph Johnson House
- Governor Kanai
- Governor Kelly
- Governor Kennedy
- Governor Kent
- Governor King
- Governor King (ship)
- Governor Kirke
- Governor Kitchener
- Governor Knight
- Governor Knowles
- Governor Knowles State Forest
- Governor Knox
- Governor Kohler
- Governor L. D. Lewelling House
- Governor L. G. Hardman House
- Governor Lake
- Governor Lake, Nova Scotia
- Governor Lane
- Governor Law
- Governor Lawrence
- Governor Lee
- Governor Legge
- Governor Leon Guerrero
- Governor Leslie
- Governor Leslie Jensen House
- Governor Letcher
- Governor Lewis
- Governor Light
- Governor Lincoln
- Governor Lippitt
- Governor Little
- Governor Livingston High School
- Governor Lloyd
- Governor Locke
- Governor Long
- Governor Lounsbury
- Governor Lovelace
- Governor Lowe
- Governor Lowndes
- Governor Lowry
- Governor Lucas
- Governor Luce
- Governor Lumley
- Governor Lynch
- Governor Lyttelton
- Governor Machado
- Governor Mackenzie
- Governor MacMillan
- Governor Macpherson
- Governor Maitland
- Governor Manning
- Governor Manrique
- Governor Mark
- Governor Marland
- Governor Marmaduke
- Governor Márquez
- Governor Marshall
- Governor Martin
- Governor Martinez
- Governor Mascarenhas
- Governor Mason
- Governor Mathews
- Governor Maxwell
- Governor McCall
- Governor McCarthy
- Governor McDonald
- Governor McDowell
- Governor McEnery
- Governor McLane
- Governor McLean
- Governor McMaster
- Governor McMillin
- Governor McMullen
- Governor McNair
- Governor McNutt
- Governor McRae
- Governor Mead
- Governor Mechem
- Governor Merriam
- Governor Merrill
- Governor Metcalfe
- Governor Mickelson
- Governor Middleton
- Governor Mifflin School District
- Governor Mifflin Senior High School
- Governor Miller
- Governor Milliken
- Governor Mitchell
- Governor Montagu
- Governor Montgomerie
- Governor Moody
- Governor Moore
- Governor Moore (gunboat)
- Governor Morehead
- Governor Morehead School
- Governor Morgan
- Governor Morrill
- Governor Morris (disambiguation)
- Governor Morrison
- Governor Morrow
- Governor Morton
- Governor Moses
- Governor Murphy
- Governor Murray
- Governor Napier
- Governor Nash
- Governor Nelson
- Governor Nelson State Park
- Governor Newell (sternwheeler)
- Governor Noble
- Governor Nobre de Carvalho Bridge
- Governor Noel
- Governor Northcote
- Governor O'Brien
- Governor O'Neal
- Governor O'Neill
- Governor of Abia State
- Governor of Abra
- Governor of Adana
- Governor of Adıyaman
- Governor of Afyonkarahisar
- Governor of Ağrı
- Governor of Aguascalientes
- Governor of Agusan del Norte
- Governor of Agusan del Sur
- Governor of Aklan
- Governor of Aksaray
- Governor of Albay
- Governor of Alderney
- Governor of Altai Krai
- Governor of Amasya
- Governor of Amur Oblast
- Governor of Anguilla
- Governor of Anjouan
- Governor of Ankara
- Governor of Antalya
- Governor of Antioquia
- Governor of Antique
- Governor of Apayao
- Governor of Ardahan
- Governor of Artvin
- Governor of Aruba
- Governor of Ascension
- Governor of Astrakhan Oblast
- Governor of Atlántico
- Governor of Aurora
- Governor of Awdal
- Governor of Aydın
- Governor of Baja California
- Governor of Baja California Sur
- Governor of Balıkesir
- Governor of Balochistan, Pakistan
- Governor of Bangka Belitung Islands
- Governor of Bangkok
- Governor of Bartın
- Governor of Basilan
- Governor of Bataan
- Governor of Batanes
- Governor of Batangas
- Governor of Batman
- Governor of Bayburt
- Governor of Belgorod Oblast
- Governor of Benguet
- Governor of Bermuda
- Governor of Bilecik
- Governor of Biliran
- Governor of Bingöl
- Governor of Biobío Region
- Governor of Bitlis
- Governor of Blackness Castle
- Governor of Bohol
- Governor of Bolu
- Governor of British Mauritius
- Governor of Brittany
- Governor of Bryansk Oblast
- Governor of Buenos Aires Province
- Governor of Bukidnon
- Governor of Bulacan
- Governor of Burdur
- Governor of Bursa
- Governor of Cagayan
- Governor of California
- Governor of Calshot Castle
- Governor of Camarines Norte
- Governor of Camarines Sur
- Governor of Camiguin
- Governor of Campeche
- Governor of Çanakkale
- Governor of Çankırı
- Governor of Capiz
- Governor of Cardenal Caro
- Governor of Catamarca Province
- Governor of Catanduanes
- Governor of Cavite
- Governor of Cebu
- Governor of Central Java
- Governor of Ceylon
- Governor of Chaco Province
- Governor of Chelyabinsk Oblast
- Governor of Cherkasy Oblast
- Governor of Chernihiv Oblast
- Governor of Chernivtsi Oblast
- Governor of Chester
- Governor of Chiapas
- Governor of Chihuahua
- Governor of Chubut Province
- Governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
- Governor of Chuuk
- Governor of Colima
- Governor of Colorado
- Governor of Córdoba
- Governor of Córdoba (Colombian department)
- Governor of Córdoba, Argentina
- Governor of Cork
- Governor of Corrientes Province
- Governor of Çorum
- Governor of Cotabato
- Governor of Curaçao
- Governor of Davao de Oro
- Governor of Davao del Norte
- Governor of Davao del Sur
- Governor of Davao Oriental
- Governor of Denizli
- Governor of Diyarbakır
- Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast
- Governor of Donetsk Oblast
- Governor of Duncannon Fort
- Governor of Durango
- Governor of Dutch Mauritius
- Governor of Düzce
- Governor of East Java
- Governor of East Kalimantan
- Governor of Eastern Samar
- Governor of Edirne
- Governor of Elazığ
- Governor of Entre Ríos Province
- Governor of Erzincan
- Governor of Erzurum
- Governor of Eskişehir
- Governor of Estonia
- Governor of Fiji
- Governor of Formosa
- Governor of Formosa Province
- Governor of Fort William
- Governor of Fujian
- Governor of Gagauzia
- Governor of Galway
- Governor of Gangwon State
- Governor of Gaziantep
- Governor of Georgia
- Governor of Gibraltar
- Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan
- Governor of Giresun
- Governor of Gozo
- Governor of Grande Comore
- Governor of Gravesend and Tilbury
- Governor of Guanajuato
- Governor of Guangdong
- Governor of Guimaras
- Governor of Gümüşhane
- Governor of Gyeonggi Province
- Governor of Hakkâri
- Governor of Harare Province
- Governor of Hatay
- Governor of Hawaii
- Governor of Hebei
- Governor of Hofburg Palace
- Governor of Hong Kong
- Governor of Iceland
- Governor of Ifugao
- Governor of Iğdır
- Governor of Illinois
- Governor of Ilocos Norte
- Governor of Ilocos Sur
- Governor of Iloilo
- Governor of Imo State
- Governor of Indiana
- Governor of Inverness
- Governor of Irkutsk Oblast
- Governor of Isabela
- Governor of Isfahan
- Governor of Isle de France (Mauritius)
- Governor of Isparta
- Governor of Istanbul
- Governor of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
- Governor of Ivanovo Oblast
- Governor of İzmir
- Governor of Jakarta
- Governor of Jalisco
- Governor of Jeju Province
- Governor of Jeonbuk State
- Governor of Jerusalem Seal
- Governor of Jiangsu
- Governor of Jujuy Province
- Governor of Kaduna State
- Governor of Kahramanmaraş
- Governor of Kalinga
- Governor of Kaliningrad Oblast
- Governor of Kaluga Oblast
- Governor of Kamchatka Krai
- Governor of Karabük
- Governor of Karaman
- Governor of Karnali Province
- Governor of Kars
- Governor of Kastamonu
- Governor of Kayseri
- Governor of Kemerovo Oblast
- Governor of Kentucky
- Governor of Khabarovsk Krai
- Governor of Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug
- Governor of Kharkiv Oblast
- Governor of Kherson Oblast
- Governor of Khmelnytskyi Oblast
- Governor of Khmelnytskyi oblast
- Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- Governor of Kilis
- Governor of Kinsale
- Governor of Kirov Oblast
- Governor of Kirovohrad Oblast
- Governor of Kırıkkale
- Governor of Kırklareli
- Governor of Kırşehir
- Governor of Kocaeli
- Governor of Konya
- Governor of Koror
- Governor of Koshi Province
- Governor of Kosrae
- Governor of Kostroma Oblast
- Governor of Krasnodar Krai
- Governor of Krasnoyarsk Krai
- Governor of Kurgan Oblast
- Governor of Kursk Oblast
- Governor of Kütahya
- Governor of La Pampa Province
- Governor of La Rioja Province
- Governor of La Union
- Governor of Labuan
- Governor of Lagos State
- Governor of Laguna
- Governor of Lanao del Norte
- Governor of Lanao del Sur
- Governor of Landguard Fort
- Governor of Leningrad Oblast
- Governor of Leyte
- Governor of Limburg
- Governor of Limerick
- Governor of Lipetsk Oblast
- Governor of Londonderry
- Governor of Louisiana
- Governor of Luhansk Oblast
- Governor of Lviv Oblast
- Governor of Macau
- Governor of Machakos
- Governor of Madhesh Province
- Governor of Magadan Oblast
- Governor of Maguindanao
- Governor of Maguindanao del Norte
- Governor of Maguindanao del Sur
- Governor of Maine
- Governor of Makkah Region
- Governor of Malatya
- Governor of Maluku
- Governor of Manisa
- Governor of Mardin
- Governor of Marinduque
- Governor of Maroodi Jeex
- Governor of Maryland
- Governor of Masbate
- Governor of Mashonaland East
- Governor of Massachusetts
- Governor of Mato Grosso do Sul
- Governor of Mauritius
- Governor of Mendoza Province
- Governor of Mersin
- Governor of Metro Manila
- Governor of Michigan
- Governor of Michoacán
- Governor of Minnesota
- Governor of Misamis Occidental
- Governor of Misamis Oriental
- Governor of Misiones Province
- Governor of Mississippi
- Governor of Mohéli
- Governor of Montevideo
- Governor of Montreal
- Governor of Montserrat
- Governor of Morelos
- Governor of Moscow Oblast
- Governor of Mountain Province
- Governor of Muğla
- Governor of Murmansk Oblast
- Governor of Muş
- Governor of Mykolaiv Oblast
- Governor of Nandi County
- Governor of Nayarit
- Governor of Negros Occidental
- Governor of Negros Oriental
- Governor of Nenets Autonomous Okrug
- Governor of Neuquén Province
- Governor of Nevşehir
- Governor of New France
- Governor of New Hampshire
- Governor of New Jersey
- Governor of New Mexico
- Governor of New South Wales
- Governor of New York
- Governor of Niğde
- Governor of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
- Governor of North Borneo
- Governor of North Carolina
- Governor of North Chungcheong Province
- Governor of North Dakota
- Governor of North Gyeongsang Province
- Governor of North Sumatra
- Governor of Northern Ireland
- Governor of Northern Nigeria
- Governor of Northern Rhodesia
- Governor of Northern Samar
- Governor of Novgorod Oblast
- Governor of Novosibirsk Oblast
- Governor of Nueva Ecija
- Governor of Nueva Vizcaya
- Governor of Nuevo León
- Governor of Oaxaca
- Governor of Occidental Mindoro
- Governor of Odesa Oblast
- Governor of Oklahoma
- Governor of Omsk Oblast
- Governor of Ordu
- Governor of Oregon
- Governor of Orenburg Oblast
- Governor of Oriental Mindoro
- Governor of Oryol Oblast
- Governor of Osmaniye
- Governor of Palawan
- Governor of Palpa
- Governor of Pampanga
- Governor of Pangasinan
- Governor of Peleliu
- Governor of Pendennis Castle
- Governor of Penza Oblast
- Governor of Perm Krai
- Governor of Pernambuco
- Governor of Pitcairn
- Governor of Pohnpei
- Governor of Poltava Oblast
- Governor of Primorsky Krai
- Governor of Pskov Oblast
- Governor of Puebla
- Governor of Puerto Rico
- Governor of Punjab
- Governor of Punjab, Pakistan
- Governor of Quebec
- Governor of Queensland
- Governor of Querétaro
- Governor of Quezon
- Governor of Quintana Roo
- Governor of Quirino
- Governor of Rhode Island
- Governor of Rio Grande do Sul
- Governor of Río Negro Province
- Governor of Rivers State
- Governor of Rivne Oblast
- Governor of Rizal
- Governor of Rize
- Governor of Rochester Castle
- Governor of Romblon
- Governor of Rostov Oblast
- Governor of Ryazan Oblast
- Governor of Sahil
- Governor of Saint Helena
- Governor of Saint Petersburg
- Governor of Sakarya
- Governor of Sakhalin Oblast
- Governor of Salta Province
- Governor of Samar
- Governor of Samara Oblast
- Governor of Samsun
- Governor of San Cristóbal
- Governor of San Juan Province
- Governor of San Luis Potosí
- Governor of Sanaag
- Governor of Şanlıurfa
- Governor of Santa Cruz
- Governor of Santa Cruz Department
- Governor of Santa Cruz Province
- Governor of Santa Fe Province
- Governor of Santiago del Estero
- Governor of Sarangani
- Governor of Saratov Oblast
- Governor of Sarawak
- Governor of Sevastopol
- Governor of Sevastopol (Russia)
- Governor of Sheerness
- Governor of Siirt
- Governor of Sinaloa
- Governor of Sindh
- Governor of Sinop
- Governor of Sint Maarten
- Governor of Siquijor
- Governor of Sivas
- Governor of Şırnak
- Governor of Smolensk Oblast
- Governor of Sonora
- Governor of Sool
- Governor of Sorsogon
- Governor of South Australia
- Governor of South Carolina
- Governor of South Chungcheong Province
- Governor of South Cotabato
- Governor of South Dakota
- Governor of South Gyeongsang Province
- Governor of South Jeolla Province
- Governor of Southern Leyte
- Governor of Southern Rhodesia
- Governor of Stavropol Krai
- Governor of Stirling Castle
- Governor of Stockholm
- Governor of Stockholm County
- Governor of Sucre (Colombian department)
- Governor of Sudurpashchim Province
- Governor of Sultan Kudarat
- Governor of Sulu
- Governor of Sumy Oblast
- Governor of Surigao del Norte
- Governor of Surigao del Sur
- Governor of Svalbard
- Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast
- Governor of Tabasco
- Governor of Taganrog
- Governor of Taiwan
- Governor of Tamaulipas
- Governor of Tarlac
- Governor of Tasmania
- Governor of Tawi-Tawi
- Governor of Tekirdağ
- Governor of Tennessee
- Governor of Ternopil Oblast
- Governor of Texas
- Governor of the Administrative Arrondissement Brussels-Capital
- Governor of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
- Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
- Governor of the Bank of Canada
- Governor of the Bank of England
- Governor of the Bank of France
- Governor of the Bank of Italy
- Governor of the Bank of Namibia
- Governor of the Bank of Spain
- Governor of the Bank of Uganda
- Governor of the Bastille
- Governor of the Cayman Islands
- Governor of the Central Bank of Iran
- Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya
- Governor of the Central Bank of Malaysia
- Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
- Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
- Governor of the Falkland Islands
- Governor of the Federal District (Brazil)
- Governor of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands
- Governor of the Isle of Man
- Governor of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
- Governor of the National Bank of Romania
- Governor of the Netherlands Antilles
- Governor of the People's Bank of China
- Governor of the Santiago Metropolitan Region
- Governor of the South Seas Mandate
- Governor of the State of Mexico
- Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands
- Governor of the Virgin Islands
- Governor of Tierra del Fuego
- Governor of Tlaxcala
- Governor of Togdheer
- Governor of Tokat
- Governor of Tokyo
- Governor of Tomsk Oblast
- Governor of Trabzon
- Governor of Transylvania
- Governor of Tripoli
- Governor of Tristan da Cunha
- Governor of Tucumán Province
- Governor of Tula Oblast
- Governor of Tunceli
- Governor of Tver Oblast
- Governor of Tyumen Oblast
- Governor of Ulyanovsk Oblast
- Governor of Upnor Castle
- Governor of Uppsala County
- Governor of Uşak
- Governor of Valle del Cauca Department
- Governor of Valparaíso Region
- Governor of Van
- Governor of Vatican City
- Governor of Veracruz
- Governor of Vermont
- Governor of Victoria
- Governor of Vinnytsia Oblast
- Governor of Virginia
- Governor of Vladimir Oblast
- Governor of Volgograd Oblast
- Governor of Vologda Oblast
- Governor of Volyn Oblast
- Governor of Voronezh Oblast
- Governor of West Flanders
- Governor of West Java
- Governor of Western Australia
- Governor of Wisconsin
- Governor of Worcester
- Governor of Yalova
- Governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
- Governor of Yap
- Governor of Yaroslavl Oblast
- Governor of Yozgat
- Governor of Yucatán
- Governor of Zabaykalsky Krai
- Governor of Zacatecas
- Governor of Zakarpattia Oblast
- Governor of Zambales
- Governor of Zamboanga del Norte
- Governor of Zamboanga del Sur
- Governor of Zamboanga Sibugay
- Governor of Zaporizhzhia Oblast
- Governor of Zhejiang
- Governor of Zhytomyr Oblast
- Governor of Zonguldak
- Governor Olson
- Governor Orr
- Governor Osborn
- Governor Owen
- Governor Oxenden
- Governor Pacheco
- Governor Pack Road
- Governor Page
- Governor Palmer
- Governor Parker
- Governor Parnell
- Governor Parr
- Governor Parsons
- Governor Pascual Avenue
- Governor Pascual station
- Governor Patterson
- Governor Patterson Memorial State Recreation Site
- Governor Pattison
- Governor Patton
- Governor Peabody
- Governor Pearce
- Governor Peck
- Governor Peel
- Governor Peleg Sanford House
- Governor Penn
- Governor Pennington
- Governor Perdue
- Governor Perry
- Governor Peterson
- Governor Phillip Tower
- Governor Phillips
- Governor Phipps
- Governor Pickens
- Governor Pierce
- Governor Pinckney
- Governor Pingree
- Governor Pitt
- Governor Plaisted
- Governor Polk
- Governor Porter
- Governor Post
- Governor Powell
- Governor Powers
- Governor Prescott
- Governor Preston
- Governor Prevost
- Governor Price
- Governor Proctor
- Governor Quinn
- Governor R. M. McLane (steamboat)
- Governor Ramage R.N.
- Governor Ramsay
- Governor Randolph
- Governor Ray
- Governor Ready (1825 ship)
- Governor Reed
- Governor Reeves
- Governor Reid
- Governor Rennie
- Governor Reynolds
- Governor Reynst
- Governor Richards
- Governor Richardson
- Governor Riley
- Governor Roane
- Governor Robert McClelland House
- Governor Roberts
- Governor Robertson
- Governor Robinson
- Governor Rockefeller
- Governor Rodney
- Governor Rodrigues
- Governor Rogers
- Governor Romer
- Governor Romney
- Governor Roosevelt
- Governor Ross
- Governor Rosselló
- Governor Runnels
- Governor Russell
- Governor Rutledge
- Governor Sadler
- Governor Samuel Price House
- Governor Sanders
- Governor Sanford
- Governor Sawyer
- Governor Scott
- Governor Seay Mansion
- Governor Seymour
- Governor Shafer
- Governor Shannon
- Governor Shapiro
- Governor Sharpe
- Governor Sheldon
- Governor Shirley
- Governor Shirley Square Historic District
- Governor Shoup
- Governor Simcoe
- Governor Simcoe (1793 ship)
- Governor Simcoe Secondary School
- Governor Simpson
- Governor Sinclair
- Governor Smith
- Governor Snyder
- Governor Somerset
- Governor Spaight
- Governor Sparks
- Governor Spaulding
- Governor Sprague
- Governor Stable
- Governor Stakes
- Governor Stanford
- Governor Stanley
- Governor Stearns
- Governor Steele
- Governor Stephen
- Governor Stephen Hopkins House
- Governor Stephens
- Governor Stevenson
- Governor Stewart
- Governor Stirling Senior High School
- Governor Stokes
- Governor Stone
- Governor Stone (schooner)
- Governor Stoneman Adobe, Los Robles
- Governor Stratton
- Governor Strickland
- Governor Strong
- Governor Stuart
- Governor Stubbs
- Governor Sullivan
- Governor Sununu
- Governor Swettenham
- Governor Swift
- Governor Sykes
- Governor Taft
- Governor Talbot
- Governor Talmadge
- Governor Taylor
- Governor Temple
- Governor Terry
- Governor Thayer
- Governor Thomas
- Governor Thomas H. Kean
- Governor Thomas Johnson Bridge
- Governor Thomas Johnson High School
- Governor Thompson
- Governor Thompson State Park
- Governor Thomson
- Governor Townsend
- Governor Trumbull
- Governor Trumbull (1777 ship)
- Governor Tucker
- Governor Turnbull
- Governor Turner
- Governor Tyler
- Governor Valdez
- Governor Vance
- Governor Vaughan
- Governor Vereker
- Governor Waddington
- Governor Wade
- Governor Waite
- Governor Walker
- Governor Wallace
- Governor Waller
- Governor Walton
- Governor Wanton
- Governor Ward
- Governor Warner
- Governor Warren
- Governor Washburn
- Governor Watson
- Governor Weeks
- Governor Wellesley
- Governor Wells
- Governor Wentworth
- Governor Wentworth Historic Site
- Governor West
- Governor Whitcomb
- Governor White
- Governor Whitfield
- Governor Whitman
- Governor Wickliffe
- Governor Wilkinson
- Governor William J. Bulow House
- Governor William Owsley House
- Governor William Sprague Mansion
- Governor Williams
- Governor Williamson
- Governor Willis
- Governor Willoughby
- Governor Wilson
- Governor Wise
- Governor Wolcott
- Governor Wolf
- Governor Wood
- Governor Woodbury
- Governor Woodford
- Governor Worthington
- Governor Wright
- Governor Yates
- Governor Young
- Governor-general
- Governor-General Act 2010
- Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda
- Governor-General of Australia
- Governor-General of Baltic provinces
- Governor-General of Barbados
- Governor-General of Belize
- Governor-General of Ceylon
- Governor-General of Chōsen
- Governor-General of Fiji
- Governor-General of Finland
- Governor-General of Grenada
- Governor-General of India
- Governor-General of Jamaica
- Governor-General of Malta
- Governor-General of Mauritius
- Governor-General of New Zealand
- Governor-general of Norway
- Governor-General of Pakistan
- Governor-General of Papua New Guinea
- Governor-General of Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Governor-General of Saint Lucia
- Governor-General of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Governor-General of Solomon Islands
- Governor-General of South Africa
- Governor-General of Taiwan
- Governor-General of the Bahamas
- Governor-general of the Dutch East Indies
- Governor-General of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Governor-General of the Irish Free State
- Governor-General of the Philippines
- Governor-General of the Province of Canada
- Governor-General of the West Indies Federation
- Governor-General of Tuvalu
- Governor-General's Address to Dáil Éireann
- Governor-General's Flight RAAF
- Governor-Generalship of the Steppes
- Governor-in-chief
- Governor's Award
- Governor's Award (Albania)
- Governor's Beach, Limassol
- Governor's Body Guard of Light Horse
- Governor's Bodyguard
- Governor's Bridge
- Governor's Bridge (Isle of Man)
- Governor's Bridge (Patuxent River)
- Governor's Bridge, Belfast
- Governor's Bridge, Toronto
- Governor's Club
- Governor's Comedy Club
- Governor's Community Garden
- Governor's Cup
- Governor's Cup (academics)
- Governor's Cup (Alaska)
- Governor's Cup (harness racing)
- Governor's Cup (Kentucky)
- Governor's Cup (Missouri)
- Governor's Cup (New York)
- Governor's Cup (Texas)
- Governor's Drive
- Governor's Foreign Language Academies
- Governor's Guards
- Governor's Guards (Florida)
- Governor's Harbour
- Governor's Harbour Airport
- Governor's House
- Governor's House (Baku)
- Governor's House (Dnipro)
- Governor's House (Governors Island)
- Governor's House (Togus, Maine)
- Governor's house in Medan
- Governor's House, Edinburgh
- Governor's House, Karachi
- Governor's House, Knutsford
- Governor's House, Lahore
- Governor's House, Peshawar
- Governor's House, Quetta
- Governor's House, Ufa
- Governor's Inn
- Governor's Land Archeological District
- Governor's Lookout Battery
- Governor's Mansion
- Governor's Mansion (Bohol)
- Governor's Mansion (Marshall, Michigan)
- Governor's Mansion (Shawnee, Oklahoma)
- Governor's Mansion (Tobolsk, Russia)
- Governor's Mansion Historic District
- Governor's Mansion State Historic Park
- Governor's Museum
- Governor's Palace
- Governor's Palace (Williamsburg, Virginia)
- Governor's Palace of Mogadishu
- Governor's Palace, Asmara
- Governor's Palace, Chandigarh
- Governor's Palace, Vatican
- Governor's Punch Bowl
- Governor's School
- Governor's School for the Arts
- Governor's School for the Arts (Kentucky)
- Governor's School of Engineering and Technology
- Governor's School of International Studies
- Governor's School of New Jersey
- Governor's School of North Carolina
- Governor's School of Southside Virginia
- Governor's School of Texas
- Governor's Schools (Virginia)
- Governor's Square
- Governor's Square Mall
- Governor's Trophy
- Governor's Victory Bell
- Governorate
- Governorate (Russia)
- Governorate council (Jordan)
- Governorate General of Bahia
- Governorate General of Brazil
- Governorate General of Rio de Janeiro
- Governorate of Ambon
- Governorate of Bracamoros
- Governorate of Chiloé
- Governorate of Cuba
- Governorate of Dalmatia
- Governorate of Estonia
- Governorate of Livonia
- Governorate of Mato Grosso do Sul
- Governorate of Maynas
- Governorate of Maynas (1822–1825)
- Governorate of New Andalusia
- Governorate of New Andalusia (1501–1513)
- Governorate of New Castile
- Governorate of New León
- Governorate of New Toledo
- Governorate of Paraguay
- Governorate of Quijos
- Governorate of Terra Australis
- Governorate of the Banda Islands
- Governorate of the Río de la Plata
- Governorate-General (Russian Empire)
- Governorates of Bahrain
- Governorates of Iraq
- Governorates of Italian East Africa
- Governorates of Jordan
- Governorates of Kuwait
- Governorates of Lebanon
- Governorates of Libya
- Governorates of Oman
- Governorates of Palestine
- Governorates of Syria
- Governorates of the Grand Principality of Finland
- Governorates of the Spanish Empire
- Governorates of Tunisia
- Governorates of Yemen
- Governors Athletic F.C.
- Governors Awards
- Governors Ball Music Festival
- Governors Ball Music Festival line-ups
- Governors Bay
- Governors Club, North Carolina
- Governors Court
- Governors Drive
- Governors Highway Safety Association
- Governors Island
- Governors Island (disambiguation)
- Governors Island (Lake Winnipesaukee)
- Governors Island (Massachusetts)
- Governors Island (North Carolina)
- Governors Island (Prince Edward Island)
- Governors Island Art Fair
- Governors Island Golf Course
- Governors Island National Monument
- Governors Island Summit
- Governors of Azerbaijan (Iran)
- Governors of Bencoolen
- Governors of British Ceylon
- Governors of Hawaii (island)
- Governors of Kauai
- Governors of Maui
- Governors of Oahu
- Governors of Plantations Act 1698
- Governors of San Juan, Argentina
- Governors of Sint Eustatius, Saba and Sint Maarten
- Governors of Skåne County
- Governors of the Australian states
- Governors Point
- Governors Ridge
- Governors State University
- Governors Village
- Governors Village, North Carolina
- Governors' Climate and Forests Task Force
- Governors' Domain and Civic Precinct
- Governors' Garden
- Governors' Trophy Game
- Governorship of Charlie Baker
- Governorship of Chris Christie
- Governorship of Eduardo Riedel
- Governorship of Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Governorship of George W. Bush
- Governorship of Mark Gordon
- Governorship of Mike Huckabee
- Governorship of Reinaldo Azambuja
- Governorship of Rick Perry
- Governorship of Ronald Reagan
- Governorship of Sarah Palin
- Governorships of Bill Clinton