Conservatism in South Korea explained

Conservatism in South Korea is a political and social philosophy characterized by Korean culture and from Confucianism. South Korean conservative parties largely believe in stances such as a developmental state, pro-business, opposition to trade unions, strong national defense, anti-communism, pro-communitarianism, pro-United States and pro-European in foreign relations, pay attention on North Korean defectors, sanctions and human rights, and recently free trade, economic liberalism, and neoliberalism.

Starting from the dictatorship of Syngman Rhee, South Korean conservatism has been influenced from the military dictatorships of Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan. In domestic policy, South Korean conservatism has a strong elitist streak and promotes rapid modernization and social stability.[1] Since the mid-to-late 2010s, conservatives with right-wing populist tendencies have become more prominent in the public sphere.

Unlike conservatives in the United States, conservatives in South Korea often define themselves as liberals. Both groups fervently denounce socialism and refer to themselves as anti-socialists. They are distinct from the general liberals in South Korea.[2] [3]

Notes and References

  1. ko:한국 보수주의를 묻는다 . Historical Criticism . 95 . ko . . 10 September 2011 . dead . . 2 April 2012 .
  2. News: 한국 보수가 사랑한 '자유'···그들이 외친 '자유'는 따로 있었다 :자유주의란 무엇인가? . Korean conservatives loved "Liberty" but... But there was a separate "Liberty" they shouted. :What is liberalism?. ko. Joongang Ilbo. 19 April 2020 . 19 September 2021.
  3. News: 윤석열이 22번 언급한 그 단어... 자유주의의 역습 . The word that Yoon Seok Yeol mentioned 22 times... The counterattack of liberalism. . ... 윤희숙 국민의힘 의원은 민주당 의원들이 발의한 사회적경제기본법을 자유주의의 적이라고 규정했고 ... . ... Yoon Hee-sook, a member of the People Power Party National Assembly member, defined the Framework Act on Social Economy proposed by Democratic Party of Korea as an enemy of liberalism .... ko . . 8 July 2021 . 4 November 2021.
  4. Kim. Hanna. Cho. Heejung. Jeong. Bokgyo. 2011. Social Networks and Ideological Orientation of South Korean NGOs Involved in the Unification Issues of the Korean Peninsula. Asian Survey. 51. 5. 844–875. 10.1525/as.2011.51.5.844. 10.1525/as.2011.51.5.844. 0004-4687.
  5. News: Kang. Hyun-kyung. 2 April 2012. Is red scare right-wing conspiracy?. The Korea Times. 6 May 2012.
  6. Jung. Jin-Heon. 2016. The Religious-Political Aspirations of North Korean Migrants and Protestant Churches in Seoul. Journal of Korean Religions. 7. 2. 123–148. 24892380. 2093-7288. On the other side, the contingencies of the ritual seem to become more tactile and controversial in the public spaces of Seoul where one can witness the extent to which "Red complex" has been reinvigorated. In this scheme, political and religious conservatives view liberal and progressive South Koreans as pro-North leftist Reds. It is fairly common that in any public space, such as Seoul City Hall Plaza, one might find politically conservative evangelical Christians holding pickets on which the terms chongbuk chwappal ("pro-North Korea leftist-red") are printed along with the term tongsŏngae ("homosexuality")..
  7. Web site: Korean Cloak-and-dagger Case Might Be Unparalleled in Scope – tribunedigital-chicagotribune . . dead . . 2018-09-11.
  8. Chae. Haesook. 2010. South Korean Attitudes toward the ROK—U.S. Alliance: Group Analysis. PS: Political Science and Politics. 43. 3. 493–501. 10.1017/S1049096510000727. 25699357. 155083075. 1049-0965.
  9. NAM. HWASOOK. 2013. Progressives and Labor under Park Chung Hee: A Forgotten Alliance in 1960s South Korea. The Journal of Asian Studies. 72. 4. 873–892. 10.1017/S0021911813001113. 43553233. 162957725. 0021-9118.
  10. Kang. David C.. 2008. South Korea's Not-So-Sharp Right Turn. Current History. 107. 710. 256–262. 10.1525/curh.2008.107.710.256. 45318249. 0011-3530. free.
  11. News: Park. Jang-jun. 13 November 2011. ko:한국의 보수는 1950년에 머물러 있다. ko. Media Today. 19 November 2011.
  12. News: 23 September 2020. ko: 김종인 "호남 홀대해 전국민에 실망"…주호영 "호남에 죄송합니다". ko. The Dong-a Ilbo. 25 September 2020.
  13. News: Bae. Myeong-jae. 11 May 2011. ko:보수단체 "광주학살은 北 특수부대 소행". ko. Kyunghyang Shinmun. 19 November 2011.
  14. News: [박찬수 칼럼] '자유'와 민주주의, 리버럴 |trans-title=[Park Chansoo's column] "Liberal" and democracy, liberalism. |quote=... '자유'라는 말만큼 요즘 그 의미가 새롭게 다가오는 단어도 드물다. 주말마다 광화문에서 열리는 태극기집회에 가면 '자유민주주의 수호’란 구호를 귀가 따갑도록 들을 수 있다. 그분들이 말하는 자유는 자유한국당의 '자유'와 일맥상통하지만, 1960년 4·19 직후 김수영 시인이 쓴 시의 한 구절 "어째서 자유에는 피의 냄새가 섞여 있는가를”에 나오는 '자유'와는 사뭇 다르다 ... 십수년 전 워싱턴특파원 시절, 가장 곤혹스러운 영어단어 중 하나가 '리버럴'(liberal)이었다. 미국에선 '리버럴' 하면 보통 민주당 지지자나 진보주의자를 뜻하는데 ... |trans-quote=... Few words have a new meaning these days as much as the word "liberal". If you go to the Taegukgi rallies held at Gwanghwamun every weekend, you can hear the slogan "Guardian of Liberal Democracy." The liberal they say is in line with the Liberty Korea Party's "liberal", but it is clearly different from "liberal" in a verse from a poem written by poet Kim Soo-young shortly after 19 April 1960. ... When I was a Washington correspondent decades ago, one of the most embarrassing English words was "liberal". In the United States, "liberal" usually means a Democratic supporter or progressive, but if it is incorporated into a sentence ... |language=ko |work=The Hankyoreh |date=3 July 2018 |access-date=30 October 2021}}[3]


    Domestic issues

    South Korea's conservative philosophy is derived in part from the traditional East Asian values of communitarianism and Confucian social conservatism, along with modern influences such as economic neoliberalism, leading to support for economic liberalism and opposition to welfare states. However, given the influence of the Park Chung-hee era on conservative's thinking, they also advocate for certain forms of economic interventionism which they think critical to maintain this system.

    They are also more likely to support upholding the National Security Act.[4] Because of this, conservatives are less likely to solely prioritise ethnic nationalism, with their nationalism being a mixture of it with civic nationalism, making them more receptive to multiculturalism and immigration than liberals. Modern conservatives are generally against LGBT rights and feminist activism.

    The anti-communist tendencies of South Korean conservatives has led to perceptions by progressives and liberals that conservatives foster McCarthyist-like red scares among the public.[5] [6] This includes an incident before the 1996 Legislative elections, where conservative lawmakers were arrested for secretly meeting with North Korean agents in Beijing to seek North's help in manipulating the outcome of the election in exchange for payoffs.[7] The North fired artillery into the Join Security Zone on the DMZ, which caused panic among South Korean electorates, benefiting the conservative party.

    International issues

    Conservatism in South Korea is fervently anti-communist. South Korean conservatives oppose warming relations with North Korea, and therefore wish to strengthen the US-ROK alliance in order to improve South Korean security, in contrast to South Korean progressives who prefer détente with North Korea through the Sunshine Policy along with either maintaining the US-ROK alliance as is or softening it.[8] However, there is a split between moderates and hardliners among conservatives, with the former emphasizing issues related to North Korean defectors and identifying themselves as liberals, while the latter takes up the traditional aggressive emphasis on anti-communism and pro-Americanism.


    Before democratisation in 1987, South Korean conservatives were characterised not only by anti-communism, but also authoritarianism and developmentalism. After 1987, there was a trend in conservatism towards rebranding as the New Right and focusing on economic neoliberalism. In addition, conservatives adapted to the new democratic environment by increasing the number of conservative activist groups and online presence.

    Following 1987, the South Korean public became less interested in issues such as class and politics than in the past, and thus, overall, both progressives and conservatives shifted their messaging; the former shifted from radical politics to supporting the likes of social democracy and welfare expansion, whereas the latter emphasised neoliberal values such as "freedom, capabilities, and competition of individuals".

    The large city of Daegu, although a site of radical politics in the earlier postwar era, was transformed under the rule of Daegu-born Park Chung-hee and today has been called a "citadel of conservatism" in South Korea.[9] The southeastern region of the country, once collectively known as Gyeongsang, is where Daegu is found and this entire region is known for being particularly conservative, as can be seen in modern election results.

    Following the success of Lee Myung-bak in the 2007 presidential election, some viewed it as a return to conservatism in South Korea after a decade of rule under progressive presidents, although an analysis by David C. Kang let him to argue that it was a turn towards centrism among the populace, given Lee's pragmatic business-minded tendencies, rather than traditional "arch-conservatism" of candidate Lee Hoi-chang. For instance, Lee pursued a more constructive and realistic foreign policy relationship with China in contrast to what more strident anti-communists would prefer, indicating the modern unpracticality of demonising China, even among conservative heads of state. During the campaigning seasons, Lee's aides also worked to present his approach as being "neither left nor right".[10]

    Jeong Tae-heon, a professor of Korean history at Korea University has expressed concerns that disputes over the term Jayuminjujuui reflect a strong conservative bias reacting against North Korea's political ideologies, similar to political views seen in 1950.[11] The term liberal democracy as used by South Korean conservatives has a different connotation than in the Anglosphere, as its reflects the anti-communism and state-guided economic develop of the pre-1987 era.

    In 2020, People Power Party (South Korea)'s leader Kim Chong-in apologized for the Gwangju Democratization Movement.[12] But some conservative citizen groups such as the Korean Council for Restoration National Identity and American and Korean Friendship National Council protested at UNESCO headquarters in Paris in May 2011 to prevent inscribing the records of the Gwangju Democratization Movement in the Memory of the World Register, and to petition for "reconsidering identifying North Korean Special Forces as the perpetrators of the GDM.[13]

    Conservative parties

    The political party that once were ruling party are in bold. KIP is the exception for being a ruling party during Provisional Governmental era.

    Mainstream parties

    Minor parties

    Conservative media in South Korea

    The Chojoongdong media cartel wields the largest political influence in the South Korean political scene through newspaper and other print publications. The three media cartels have been criticized for fabricating stories against North Korea to support conservative rhetoric.

    Conservative presidents

    • Rhee Syng-man (Liberal Party, 1948–1960)
    • Park Chung-hee (Military junta/Democratic Republican Party, 1962–1979)
    • Chun Doo-hwan (Military junta/Democratic Justice Party, 1980–1988)
    • Roh Tae-woo (Democratic Justice Party→Democratic Liberal Party, 1988–1993)
    • Kim Young-sam (Democratic Liberal Party→New Korea Party→Grand National Party, 1993–1998)
    • Lee Myung-bak (Grand National Party→Saenuri Party, 2008–2013)
    • Park Geun-hye (Saenuri Party→Liberty Korea Party, 2013–2017)
    • Yoon Suk-yeol (People Power Party, 2022–present)

    Major conservative parties election results of South Korea

    ElectionCandidateTotal votesShare of votesOutcomeParty Name
    1948Rhee Syng-man180 (electoral vote)91.8%Elected NARKKI
    Kim Gu13 (electoral vote)6.7%Defeated Korean Independence Party
    1952Rhee Syng-man5,238,76974.6%Elected Liberal Party
    1956Rhee Syng-man5,046,43770.0%Elected Liberal Party
    March 1960Rhee Syng-man9,633,376100.0%Elected Liberal Party
    August 1960no candidate colspan=4
    1963Park Chung-hee4,702,64046.6%Elected Democratic Republican Party
    1967Park Chung-hee5,688,66651.4%Elected Democratic Republican Party
    1971Park Chung-hee6,342,82853.2%Elected Democratic Republican Party
    1972Park Chung-hee2,357 (electoral vote)99.91Elected Democratic Republican Party
    1978Park Chung-hee2,578 (electoral vote)99.96%Elected Democratic Republican Party
    1981Chun Doo-hwan4,755 (electoral vote)90.2%Elected Democratic Justice Party
    1987Roh Tae-woo8,282,73836.6%Elected Democratic Justice Party
    Kim Jong-pil1,823,0678.1%Defeated New Democratic Republican Party
    1992Kim Young-sam9,977,33242.0%Elected Democratic Liberal Party
    Chung Ju-yung3,880,06716.3%Defeated United People's Party
    1997Lee Hoi-chang9,935,71838.7%Defeated Grand National Party
    Lee In-je4,925,591 19.2%Defeated New National Party
    2002Lee Hoi-chang11,443,29746.5%Defeated Grand National Party
    2007Lee Myung-bak11,492,38948.7%Elected Grand National Party
    Lee Hoi-chang3,559,963 15.1%Defeated Independent
    2012Park Geun-hye15,773,12851.6%Elected Saenuri Party
    2017Hong Jun-pyo7,852,84924.03%Defeated Liberty Korea Party
    Yoo Seung-min2,208,7716.76%Defeated Bareun Party
    Cho Won-jin42,9490.13%Defeated Saenuri Party
    Lee Jae-oh9,1400.03%Defeated Evergreen Korea Party
    Oh Young-guk6,0400.02%Defeated Korea Economic Party
    2022Yoon Suk-yeol16,394,81548.56%Elected People Power Party
    Cho Won-jin25,9720.08%Defeated Our Republican Party
    Kim Gyeong-jae 8,3170.02%Defeated New Liberal Democratic Union
    Ok Un-ho4,9700.01%Defeated Saenuri Party

    General elections

    ElectionTotal seats wonTotal votesShare of votesOutcome of electionStatusElection leaderParty Name
    19481,755,54326.1 55 seats; Minorityin governmentRhee Syng-manNARRKI
    1950677,1739.7 24 seats; Minorityin governmentYun Chi-youngKorea Nationalist Party
    473,1536.841 seats; Minorityin governmentRhee Syng-manNational Association
    17,7450.3 0 seats; Minorityin oppositionKorea Independence Party
    19542,756,06136.8 114 seats; Majorityin governmentRhee Syng-manLiberal Party
    192,1092.611 seats; Minorityin governmentNational Association
    72,9231.021 seats; Minorityin governmentYun Chi-youngKorea Nationalist Party
    19583,607,09242.112 seats; Majorityin governmentRhee Syng-manLiberal Party
    50,5680.63 seats; Minorityin governmentRhee Syng-manNational Association
    1960249,9602.8124 seats; Minorityin oppositionRhee Syng-manLiberal Party
    26,6490.3 0 seats; Minorityin oppositionKorea Independence Party
    19633,112,98533.5% 110 seats; Majorityin governmentPark Chung-heeDemocratic Republican Party
    12.1%extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers
    19675,494,92250.6%19 seats; Majorityin governmentPark Chung-heeDemocratic Republican Party
    8.8%extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers
    19715,460,58148.8%16 seats; Majorityin governmentPark Chung-heeDemocratic Republican Party
    19734,251,75438.7%40 seats; Majorityin governmentPark Chung-heeDemocratic Republican Party
    19784,695,99531.7%2 seats; Majorityin governmentPark Chung-heeDemocratic Republican Party
    19815,776,62435.6% 151 seats; Majorityin governmentChun Doo-hwanDemocratic Justice Party
    2,147,29313.2% 15 seats; Minorityin oppositionKim Jong-cheolKorean National Party
    19857,040,81134.0%3 seats; Majorityin governmentChun Doo-hwanDemocratic Justice Party
    1,828,7449.2%5 seats; Minorityin oppositionKim Jong-cheolKorean National Party
    19886,675,49434.0%23 seats; Minorityin governmentRoh Tae-wooDemocratic Justice Party
    3,062,50615.6% 35 seats; Minorityin opposition (1988-1990)Kim Jong-pilNew Democratic Republican Party
    in government (1990-1993)
    65,0320.3% 20 seats; extra-parliamentaryin oppositionLee Man-sup Korean National Party
    19927,923,71938.5% 149 seats; Minorityin governmentRoh Tae-wooDemocratic Liberal Party
    3,574,41917.4% 31 seats; Minorityin oppositionChung Ju-yungUnited People's Party
    19966,783,73034.5% 139 seats; Minorityin government (1996-1998)Kim Young-samNew Korea Party
    in opposition (1998-2000)
    3,178,47416.2% 50 seats; Minorityin opposition (1996-1998)Kim Jong-pilUnited Liberal Democrats
    in government (1998-2000)
    20007,365,35939.0% 133 seats; Minorityin oppositionLee Hoi-changGrand National Party
    1,859,3319.8%35 seats; Minorityin government (2000-2001)Kim Jong-pilUnited Liberal Democrats
    in opposition (2001-2004)
    695,4233.7% 3 seats; Minorityin oppositionCho SoonDemocratic People's Party
    77,4980.4% 1 seats; Minorityin oppositionKim Yong-hwan
    Heo Hwa-pyeong
    New Korea Party of Hope
    3,9500.0% 0 seats; extra-parliamentaryin oppositionHeo Kyung-youngDemocratic Republican Party
    20047,613,66035.8%24 seats; Minorityin oppositionPark Geun-hyeGrand National Party
    600,4622.8%6 seats; Minorityin oppositionKim Jong-pilUnited Liberal Democrats
    0.68%extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers
    20086,421,65437.5%32 seats; Majorityin governmentKang Jae-seopGrand National Party
    1,173,4636.8% 18 seats; Minorityin governmentLee Hoi-changLiberty Forward Party
    2,258,75013.2% 14 seats; Minorityin governmentSuh Chung-wonPro-Park Coalition
    20129,130,65142.8% 152 seats; Majorityin governmentPark Geun-hyeSaenuri Party
    690,7543.2%13 seats; Minorityin governmentSim Dae-pyungLiberty Forward Party
    2.66%extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers
    20167,960,27242.8%30 seats; Minorityin government (2016-2017)Kim Moo-sungSaenuri Party
    in opposition (2017-2020)
    0.69%extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers
    202011,915,277 (Constituency)
    9,441,520 (Party-list PR)
    41.45% (Constituency)
    33.84% (Party-list PR)
    8 seats; Minorityin oppositionHwang Kyo-ahnUnited Future Party (Constituency)
    Future Korea Party (Party-list PR)
    0.18% (FPTP)
    2.06% (PR)
    extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers
    202413,179,769 (Constituency)
    10,395,264 (Party-list PR)
    45.73% (Constituency)
    36.67% (Party-list PR)
    5 seats; Minorityin governmentHan Dong-hoonPeople Power Party (Constituency)
    People Future Party (Party-list PR)
    0.53% (FPTP)
    0.81% (PR)
    extra-parliamentaryin oppositionOthers

    Local elections

    ElectionProvincial legislatureMunicipal mayorMunicipal legislatureParty Name
    1995Democratic Liberal Party
    United Liberal Democrats
    1998Grand National Party
    United Liberal Democrats
    2002Grand National Party
    United Liberal Democrats
    2006Grand National Party
    2010Grand National Party
    Liberty Forward Party
    Pro-Park Coalition
    2014Saenuri Party
    2018Liberty Korea Party
    2022People Power Party

    See also

    External links
