Complex polytope explained

In geometry, a complex polytope is a generalization of a polytope in real space to an analogous structure in a complex Hilbert space, where each real dimension is accompanied by an imaginary one.

A complex polytope may be understood as a collection of complex points, lines, planes, and so on, where every point is the junction of multiple lines, every line of multiple planes, and so on.

Precise definitions exist only for the regular complex polytopes, which are configurations. The regular complex polytopes have been completely characterized, and can be described using a symbolic notation developed by Coxeter.

Some complex polytopes which are not fully regular have also been described.

Definitions and introduction

The complex line


has one dimension with real coordinates and another with imaginary coordinates. Applying real coordinates to both dimensions is said to give it two dimensions over the real numbers. A real plane, with the imaginary axis labelled as such, is called an Argand diagram. Because of this it is sometimes called the complex plane. Complex 2-space (also sometimes called the complex plane) is thus a four-dimensional space over the reals, and so on in higher dimensions.

A complex n-polytope in complex n-space is the analogue of a real n-polytope in real n-space. However, there is no natural complex analogue of the ordering of points on a real line (or of the associated combinatorial properties). Because of this a complex polytope cannot be seen as a contiguous surface and it does not bound an interior in the way that a real polytope does.

In the case of regular polytopes, a precise definition can be made by using the notion of symmetry. For any regular polytope the symmetry group (here a complex reflection group, called a Shephard group) acts transitively on the flags, that is, on the nested sequences of a point contained in a line contained in a plane and so on.

More fully, say that a collection P of affine subspaces (or flats) of a complex unitary space V of dimension n is a regular complex polytope if it meets the following conditions:[1] [2]

(Here, a flat of dimension −1 is taken to mean the empty set.) Thus, by definition, regular complex polytopes are configurations in complex unitary space.

The regular complex polytopes were discovered by Shephard (1952), and the theory was further developed by Coxeter (1974).

A complex polytope exists in the complex space of equivalent dimension. For example, the vertices of a complex polygon are points in the complex plane


(a plane in which each point has two complex numbers as its coordinates, not to be confused with the Argand plane of complex numbers), and the edges are complex lines


existing as (affine) subspaces of the plane and intersecting at the vertices. Thus, as a one-dimensional complex space, an edge can be given its own coordinate system, within which the points of the edge are each represented by a single complex number.

In a regular complex polytope the vertices incident on the edge are arranged symmetrically about their centroid, which is often used as the origin of the edge's coordinate system (in the real case the centroid is just the midpoint of the edge). The symmetry arises from a complex reflection about the centroid; this reflection will leave the magnitude of any vertex unchanged, but change its argument by a fixed amount, moving it to the coordinates of the next vertex in order. So we may assume (after a suitable choice of scale) that the vertices on the edge satisfy the equation


where p is the number of incident vertices. Thus, in the Argand diagram of the edge, the vertex points lie at the vertices of a regular polygon centered on the origin.

Three real projections of regular complex polygon 42 are illustrated above, with edges a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h. It has 16 vertices, which for clarity have not been individually marked. Each edge has four vertices and each vertex lies on two edges, hence each edge meets four other edges. In the first diagram, each edge is represented by a square. The sides of the square are not parts of the polygon but are drawn purely to help visually relate the four vertices. The edges are laid out symmetrically. (Note that the diagram looks similar to the B4 Coxeter plane projection of the tesseract, but it is structurally different).

The middle diagram abandons octagonal symmetry in favour of clarity. Each edge is shown as a real line, and each meeting point of two lines is a vertex. The connectivity between the various edges is clear to see.

The last diagram gives a flavour of the structure projected into three dimensions: the two cubes of vertices are in fact the same size but are seen in perspective at different distances away in the fourth dimension.

Regular complex one-dimensional polytopes

A real 1-dimensional polytope exists as a closed segment in the real line


, defined by its two end points or vertices in the line. Its Schläfli symbol is .

Analogously, a complex 1-polytope exists as a set of p vertex points in the complex line


. These may be represented as a set of points in an Argand diagram (x,y)=x+iy. A regular complex 1-dimensional polytope p has p (p ≥ 2) vertex points arranged to form a convex regular polygon in the Argand plane.[4]

Unlike points on the real line, points on the complex line have no natural ordering. Thus, unlike real polytopes, no interior can be defined.[5] Despite this, complex 1-polytopes are often drawn, as here, as a bounded regular polygon in the Argand plane.

A regular real 1-dimensional polytope is represented by an empty Schläfli symbol, or Coxeter-Dynkin diagram . The dot or node of the Coxeter-Dynkin diagram itself represents a reflection generator while the circle around the node means the generator point is not on the reflection, so its reflective image is a distinct point from itself. By extension, a regular complex 1-dimensional polytope in


has Coxeter-Dynkin diagram, for any positive integer p, 2 or greater, containing p vertices. p can be suppressed if it is 2. It can also be represented by an empty Schläfli symbol p, }p

Notes and References

  1. [Peter Orlik]
  2. Coxeter, Regular Complex Polytopes, p. 115
  3. Coxeter, Regular Complex Polytopes, 11.3 Petrie Polygon, a simple h-gon formed by the orbit of the flag (O0,O0O1) for the product of the two generating reflections of any nonstarry regular complex polygon, p1p2.
  4. Complex Regular Polytopes,11.1 Regular complex polygons p.103
  5. Shephard, 1952; "It is from considerations such as these that we derive the notion of the interior of a polytope, and it will be seen that in unitary space where the numbers cannot be so ordered such a concept of interior is impossible. [Para break] Hence ... we have to consider unitary polytopes as configurations."