Comparison of BSD operating systems explained

There are a number of Unix-like operating systems based on or descended from the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) series of Unix variant options. The three most notable descendants in current use are FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD, which are all derived from 386BSD and 4.4BSD-Lite, by various routes. Both NetBSD and FreeBSD started life in 1993, initially derived from 386BSD, but in 1994 migrated to a 4.4BSD-Lite code base. OpenBSD was forked from NetBSD in 1995. Other notable derivatives include DragonFly BSD, which was forked from FreeBSD 4.8.

Most of the current BSD operating systems are open source and available for download, free of charge, under the BSD License. They also generally use a monolithic kernel architecture, apart from DragonFly BSD which feature hybrid kernels. The various open source BSD projects generally develop the kernel and userland programs and libraries together, the source code being managed using a single central source repository.

In the past, BSD was also used as a basis for several proprietary versions of UNIX, such as Sun's SunOS, Sequent's Dynix, NeXT's NeXTSTEP, DEC's Ultrix and OSF/1 AXP (which became the now discontinued Tru64 UNIX).

Aims and philosophies


FreeBSD aims to make an operating system usable for any purpose.[1] It is intended to run a wide variety of applications, be easy to use, contain cutting edge features, and be highly scalable, including for network servers with very high loads.[2] FreeBSD is free software, and the project prefers the FreeBSD license. However, they sometimes accept non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and include a limited number of nonfree hardware abstraction layer (HAL) modules for specific device drivers in their source tree, to support the hardware of companies who do not provide purely libre drivers (such as HALs to program software-defined radios so that vendors do not share their nonfree algorithms).

To maintain a high level of quality and provide good support for "production quality commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) workstation, server, and high-end embedded systems", FreeBSD focuses on a narrow set of architectures.[3] A significant focus of development since 2000[4] has been fine-grained locking and symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) scalability. From 2007 on, most of the kernel was fine-locked and scaling improvements started to be seen.[5] Other recent work includes Common Criteria security functionality, such as mandatory access control and security event audit support.



NetBSD aims to provide a freely redistributable operating system that professionals, hobbyists, and researchers can use in any manner they wish. The main focus is portability, through the use of clear distinctions between machine-dependent and machine-independent code. It runs on a wide variety of 32-bit and 64-bit processor architectures and hardware platforms, and is intended to interoperate well with other operating systems. NetBSD places emphasis on correct design, well-written code, stability, and efficiency, where practical, close compliance with open API and protocol standards is also aimed for. In June 2008, the NetBSD Foundation moved to a two-clause BSD license, citing changes at UCB and industry applicability.[10] NPF is a project spawned by NetBSD.



OpenBSD is a security-focused BSD known for its developers' insistence on extensive, ongoing code auditing for security and correct functionality, a "secure by default" philosophy, good documentation, and adherence to strictly open source licensing. The system incorporates numerous security features that are absent or optional in other versions of BSD. The OpenBSD policy on openness extends to hardware documentation and drivers, since without these, there can be no trust in the correct operation of the kernel and its security, and vendor software bugs would be hard to resolve.[12]

OpenBSD emphasizes very high standards in all areas. Security policies include disabling all non-essential services and having sane initial settings; and integrated cryptography (originally made easier due to relaxed Canadian export laws relative to the United States), full public disclosure of all security flaws discovered; thoroughly auditing code for bugs and security issues; various security features, including the W^X page protection technology and heavy use of randomization to mitigate attacks. Coding approaches include an emphasis on searching for similar issues throughout the code base if any code issue is identified. Concerning software freedom, OpenBSD prefers the BSD or ISC license, with the GPL acceptable only for existing software which is impractical to replace, such as the GNU Compiler Collection. NDAs are never considered acceptable. In common with its parent, NetBSD, OpenBSD strives to run on a wide variety of hardware.[13] Where licenses conflict with OpenBSD's philosophy, the OpenBSD team has re-implemented major pieces of software from scratch, which have often become the standard used within other versions of BSD. Examples include the pf packet filter, new privilege separation techniques used to safeguard tools such as tcpdump and tmux, much of the OpenSSH codebase, and replacing GPL licensed tools such as diff, grep and pkg-config with ISC or BSD licensed equivalents.

OpenBSD prominently notes the success of its security approach on its website home page., only two vulnerabilities have ever been found in its default install (an OpenSSH vulnerability found in 2002, and a remote network vulnerability found in 2007) in a period of almost 22 years. According to OpenBSD expert Michael W. Lucas, OpenBSD "is widely regarded as the most secure operating system available anywhere, under any licensing terms."[14]

OpenBSD has spawned numerous child projects such as OpenSSH, OpenNTPD, OpenBGPD, OpenSMTPD, PF, CARP, and LibreSSL. Many of these are designed to replace restricted alternatives.


DragonFly BSD

DragonFly BSD aims to be inherently easy to understand and develop for multi-processor infrastructures. The main goal of the project, forked from FreeBSD 4.8, is to radically change the kernel architecture, introducing microkernel-like message passing which will enhance scaling and reliability on symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) platforms while also being applicable to NUMA and clustered systems. The long-term goal is to provide a transparent single system image in clustered environments. DragonFly BSD originally supported both the IA-32 and x86-64 platforms, however support for IA-32 was dropped in version 4.0.[22] [23] Matthew Dillon, the founder of DragonFly BSD, believes supporting fewer platforms makes it easier for a project to do a proper, ground-up symmetric multiprocessing implementation.[24]


In September 2005, the BSD Certification Group, after advertising on a number of mailing lists, surveyed 4,330 BSD users, 3,958 of whom took the survey in English, to assess the relative popularity of the various BSD operating systems. About 77% of respondents used FreeBSD, 33% used OpenBSD, 16% used NetBSD, 2.6% used Dragonfly, and 6.6% used other (potentially non-BSD) systems. Other languages offered were Brazilian and European Portuguese, German, Italian, and Polish. Note that there was no control group or pre-screening of the survey takers. Those who checked "Other" were asked to specify that operating system.[25]

Because survey takers were permitted to select more than one answer, the percentages shown in the graph, which are out of the number survey of participants, add up to greater than 100%. If a survey taker filled in more than one choice for "other", this is still only counted as one vote for other on this chart.

Another attempt to profile worldwide BSD usage is the *BSDstats Project, whose primary goal is to demonstrate to hardware vendors the penetration of BSD and viability of hardware drivers for the operating system. The project collects data monthly from any BSD system administrators willing to participate, and currently records the BSD market share of participating FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonflyBSD, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, TrueOS, and MirBSD systems.[26]

In 2020, a new independent project was introduced to collect statistics with the goal of significantly increasing the number of observed parameters.[27]

DistroWatch, well known in the Linux community and often used as a rough guide to free operating system popularity, publishes page hits for each of the Linux distributions and other operating systems it covers. As of 27 March 2020, using a data span of the last six months it placed FreeBSD in 21st place with 452 hits per day, GhostBSD in 51st place with 243 hits, TrueOS in 54th place with 182 hits per day, DragonflyBSD in 75th place with 180 hits, OpenBSD in 80th place with 169 hits per day and NetBSD in 109th place with 105 hits per day.[28]

Names, logos, slogans

The names FreeBSD and OpenBSD are references to software freedom: both in cost and open source.[29] NetBSD's name is a tribute to the Internet, which brought the original developers together.[30]

The first BSD mascot was the BSD daemon, named after a common type of Unix software program, a daemon. FreeBSD still uses the image, a red cartoon daemon named Beastie, wielding a pitchfork, as its mascot today. In 2005, after a competition, a stylized version of Beastie's head designed and drawn by Anton Gural was chosen as the FreeBSD logo.[31] The FreeBSD slogan is "The Power to Serve."

The NetBSD flag, designed in 2004 by Grant Bissett, is inspired by the original NetBSD logo,[32] designed in 1994 by Shawn Mueller, portraying a number of BSD daemons raising a flag on top of a mound of computer equipment. This was based on a World War II photograph, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. The Board of Directors of The NetBSD Foundation believed this was too complicated, too hard to reproduce and had negative cultural ramifications and was thus not a suitable image for NetBSD in the corporate world. The new, simpler flag design replaced this.[33] The NetBSD slogan is "Of course it runs NetBSD", referring to the operating system's portability.

Originally, OpenBSD used the BSD daemon as a mascot, sometimes with an added halo as a distinguishing mark, but OpenBSD later replaced its BSD daemon with Puffy. Although Puffy is usually referred to as a pufferfish, the spikes on the cartoon images give him a closer likeness to the porcupinefish. The logo is a reference to the fish's defensive capabilities and to the Blowfish cryptography algorithm used in OpenSSH. OpenBSD also has a number of slogans including "Secure by default", which was used in the first OpenBSD song, "E-railed", and "Free, Functional & Secure",[34] and OpenBSD has released at least one original song with every release since 3.0.[35]

The DragonFly BSD logo, designed by Joe Angrisano, is a dragonfly named Fred.[36] A number of unofficial logos[37] by various authors also show the dragonfly or stylized versions of it. DragonFly BSD considers itself to be "the logical continuation of the FreeBSD 4.x series."[38] FireflyBSD has a similar logo, a firefly, showing its close relationship to DragonFly BSD. In fact, the FireflyBSD website states that proceeds from sales will go to the development of DragonFly BSD, suggesting that the two may in fact be very closely related.

PicoBSD's slogan is "For the little BSD in all of us," and its logo includes a version of FreeBSD's Beastie as a child,[39] showing its close connection to FreeBSD, and the minimal amount of code needed to run as a Live CD.

A number of BSD OSes use stylized version of their respective names for logos. This includes TrueOS, GhostBSD, DesktopBSD, ClosedBSD,[40] and MicroBSD.[41] TrueOS's slogan is "Personal computing, served up BSD style!", GhostBSD's "A simple, secure BSD served on a Desktop." DesktopBSD's "A Step Towards BSD on the Desktop." MicroBSD's slogan is "The small secure unix like OS."

MirOS's site collects a variety of BSD mascots and Tux, the Linux mascot, together, illustrating the project's aim of supporting both BSD and Linux kernels. MirOS's slogan is "a wonderful operating system for a world of peace."[42]

General information

Overview of BSD versions
NamePrimary developersFirst public releaseBased onLatest stable versionCost (USD)Preferred licensePurposeShort description
VersionRelease Date
FreeBSDThe FreeBSD Project1993-12-01386BSD, 4.4BSD-Lite142023-11-20[43] Simplified BSDServer, Workstation, Network Appliance, EmbeddedAims to be usable for any purpose.
OpenBSDThe OpenBSD Project1996-09-01NetBSD 1.07.52024-04-05[44] ISCServer, Workstation, Network Appliance, EmbeddedAims for maximum correctness in code, bringing simplicity and security.
NetBSDThe NetBSD Project1993-04-19386BSD, 4.4BSD-Lite10.02024-03-28[45] Simplified BSDServer, Workstation, Network Appliance, EmbeddedAims for maximum portability.
DragonFly BSDMatt Dillon2004-07-12FreeBSD[46] Modified BSDServer, Workstation, Network Appliance, EmbeddedAims for maximum scalability.
386BSDWilliam and Lynne Jolitz1992-03-014.3BSD Net/22.02016-08-05BSDOpen source general purposeHistorical
BSD/OS (BSD/386)BSDi, Wind River Systems1993-03-014.3BSD Net/2, 4.4BSD5.12003-10-01General purposeHistorical
SunOSSun Microsystems19824.xBSD, UNIX System V[47] 4.1.41994-11-01Included in hardware and support chargesServer, WorkstationHistorical (Solaris is a different code base)
UltrixDigital Equipment Corporation19844.2BSD, SVR24.51995General PurposeHistorical (ran on DEC VAX & MIPS systems or emulators).
RISCiXAcorn Computers19884.3 BSD, Unix System V1.31c1993-09-07 £1000 GBP (Approx $1400)WorkstationHistorical (ran on Archimedes and R series Workstations)
Tru64 UNIX (DEC OSF/1, Digital UNIX)DEC, Compaq, HP19934.3BSD, 4.4BSD, Mach 2.5, UNIX System V5.1B-62010-10-01 $99 (non-commercial)General PurposeOnly runs on HP Alpha systems or emulators.
DarwinApple Inc.2001-03-01NeXTSTEP, FreeBSD, classic Mac OS22.5.02023-05-18APSL, GPL and othersWorkstation, Home Desktop, ServerThe kernel and certain userland components of macOS and iOS
TrueOSiXsystems, Inc.2006-04-29FreeBSD18.122018-12-15BSDServerEasy to use while maintaining full use of FreeBSD base
GhostBSDEric Turgeon2009-11-01FreeBSD24.01.12024-02-13BSDDesktop, WorkstationEasy to use, full FreeBSD w/ GNOME, Mate, Xfce, LXDE or Openbox.
FuryBSDJoe Maloney2019-10-24FreeBSDdata-sort-value="" style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;"
2019-12-02BSDDesktop, WorkstationEasy to use, full FreeBSD w/ Xfce or KDE.
DesktopBSDPeter Hofer, Daniel Seuffert2005-07-25FreeBSD1.72009-09-07BSDDesktopEasy to use
ClosedBSDJoshua Bergeron and various contributorsFreeBSD1.0B (floppy), 1.0-RC1 (CD)firewall/NAT, boot floppy, Live CD
FreeSBIEFreeBSD2.0.32007-02-01Live CD of FreeBSD. DistroWatch lists as discontinued.
PicoBSDMichael BialeckiFreeBSD0.42BSDboot floppy
Anonym.OS2005-01-01OpenBSD 3.8none (beta only)Anonymous browsingLive CD
MirOS BSDThe MirOS ProjectOpenBSD 3.1
  1. 10
ekkoBSDRick ColletteOpenBSD 3.3Servereasy to administer
MicroBSDBulgariansOpenBSD 3.0/3.40.62003-10-27General purposeSmall, secure
OliveBSDGabriel PaderniOpenBSD 3.8Live CDDistroWatch lists as discontinued.
Gentoo/FreeBSDGentoo Linux developersFreeBSDGPL, BSDServer, Workstation, Network Applianceuses Gentoo framework
Gentoo/OpenBSDGentoo Linux developersOpenBSDGPL, BSDServer, Workstation, Network Appliance, Embeddeduses Gentoo framework
Gentoo/NetBSDGentoo Linux developersNetBSDGPL, BSDServer, Workstation, Network Appliance, Embeddeduses Gentoo framework
Gentoo/DragonflyBSDRobert Sebastian Gerus (project not yet officially supported by Gentoo)DragonFly BSDServer, Workstation, Network Applianceuses Gentoo framework
Debian GNU/kFreeBSDThe Debian GNU/kFreeBSD team2011-02-06GNU, FreeBSD7.52014-04-26DFSGGeneral purposeGNU userspace on FreeBSD kernel
Debian GNU/NetBSDThe Debian GNU/kNetBSD teamAbandonedGNU, NetBSDAbandonedAbandonedDFSGGeneral purposeGNU userspace on NetBSD kernel
MidnightBSD[48] Lucas Holt2007-08-04FreeBSD 6.1 beta[49] 3.0.12023-04-03BSDDesktopGNUstep based Desktop Environment
NomadBSD[50] The NomadBSD Team2018-03-25FreeBSD140R-202401262024-01-26[51] BSDLive USBOpenbox based Desktop Environment
pfSensevarious contributors2006-10-04FreeBSD2.7.02023-06-29BSDSecurity appliancefirewall/NAT, Live CD
OPNsensevarious contributors2015-01-02pfSense23.7.52023-09-26BSDSecurity appliancefirewall/NAT, Live CD
Paxym FreeBSD for OcteonPaxym Inc.2007-12-11FreeBSD 7.04.72008-08-13Network, Storage, Security Applications: Routers/UTM/Firewall/NASFor Cavium Networks Octeon MIPS architecture multicore processors[52]
KarmaBSD[53] FreeBSD 8
Free softwareFreeBSD, OpenBSD Firewall, MP3 player, backup, others
Jibbed[54] OpenBSD, NetBSD6.0BSDLive CD of NetBSD
BitrigThe Bitrig Developers2014-11-25OpenBSD1.02014-11-25ISCGeneral PurposeFocus on modern platforms and tools
StarBSDdigital IXI Corp2009-12-01FreeBSD2020.32020-03-25Simplified BSDServer, Workstation, Network Appliance, EmbeddedAims for maximum scalability.
DeveloperFirst public releaseBased onVersionRelease DateCost (USD)Preferred licensePurposeShort description

See also

Notes and references

Other sources

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 1995–2006 . Chapter 1 Introduction: 1.2. – What is the goal of the FreeBSD Project? . Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 4.X, 5.X, and 6.X . The FreeBSD Documentation Project . 2006-04-22.
  2. Web site: About FreeBSD . 2006-10-14 . 2006-10-12 . The FreeBSD Project.
  3. Web site: Support for Multiple Architectures: Statement of General Intent . 2006-10-14 . Committer's Guide . The FreeBSD Documentation Project. The FreeBSD Project targets "production quality commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) workstation, server, and high-end embedded systems"..
  4. Web site: Destabilization due to SMP development . 27 May 2015 . . 3 February 2015 . dead .
  6. Web site: capture from 1st Nov 2020. FuryBSD. 1 November 2020. 2020-11-01.
  7. Web site: TrueOS Discontinuation. TrueOS. 5 May 2020.
  8. Web site: Hello — helloSystem documentation . helloSystem . 16 October 2021.
  9. Web site: CheriBSD. University of Cambridge. 19 April 2022.
  10. Web site: 2006-01-08 . About the NetBSD Project – What is the NetBSD project? . The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. . 2006-04-22.
  11. Web site: A fast, open and Secure desktop Operating System based on NetBSD . 2020-11-13 . 2021-08-02.
  12. Web site: Presentation at OpenCON. de Raadt. Theo. Theo de Raadt. OpenBSD. 5 December 2006 . 13 December 2011.
  13. Web site: 2005-10-12 . OpenBSD Project Goals . OpenBSD . 2006-04-22.
  14. Book: Lucas , Michael W. . Absolute OpenBSD: Unix for the practical paranoid . 2013 . 2nd . . San Francisco . en . 978-1-59327-476-4 . xxix.
  15. Web site: Liberty BSD . . . August 30, 2018 . live.
  16. Web site: Interview with Jonathan Gray and Damien Bergamini . Jeremy . Andrews . 2008-01-06 . 2006-04-19 . . dead . . 2007-12-11 .
  17. "LibertyBSD - FAQ"
  18. Web site: Levesque. Jaidyn. LibertyBSD. 2021-09-07. LibertyBSD.
  19. Web site: pavroo . Isotop . 2022-05-06 . ArchiveOS . 17 May 2021 . en-US.
  20. Web site: 3hg isotop - index . 2022-05-06 . . 2022-04-01 . . dead .
  21. Web site: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. . 2022-05-06 .
  22. Web site: DragonFly Frequently Asked Questions . The DragonFly BSD Project . 2006-07-01 . . 2006-06-15.
  23. Web site: DragonFlyBSD: FAQ-English . The DragonFly BSD Project . 2014-12-24.
  24. Web site: Biancuzzi . Federico . 2004-07-08 . Behind DragonFly BSD An Interview with the developers. . 3 . O’Reilly Media, Inc. . 2006-04-29 . 2012-08-06 . . dead .
  25. BSD Certification site
  26. Web site: *BSD Usage Statistics . 2006-09-30 . The *BSD Stats Project.
  27. Web site: BSD Hardware Trends . 2020-06-03 . BSD Hardware Project.
  28. Web site: 2001–2011 . Put the fun back into computing. . . 2016-09-04.
  29. Web site: 1995–2006 . Chapter 1 Introduction – Why is it called FreeBSD? . Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 4.X, 5.X, and 6.X . The FreeBSD Documentation Project . 2006-06-11.
  30. Web site: 1994–2006 . About the NetBSD Project – Why the name? . The NetBSD Foundation . 2006-12-06.
  31. FreeBSD Logo Competition
  32. Web site: Mueller . Shawn . 1994 . Original NetBSD Logo . The NetBSD Foundation . 2006-04-22 . JPEG. Also see NetBSD Logos.
  33. Web site: NetBSD logo design competition . 2006-04-22 . Mewburn . Luke . 2004-01-14 . Netbsd-advocacy mailing list.
    Linked to from:
    Web site: Changes and NetBSD News in 2004 – NetBSD Logo Design Contest . 2006-10-14 . 2004-01-13 . The NetBSD Foundation, Inc..
    Also see:
    Web site: The NetBSD Foundation Press Release: Announcement of New Logo – NetBSD has a new logo! . 2006-04-22 . 2004-10-30 . The NetBSD Foundation, Inc..
  34. Web site: OpenBSD 3.9 – Free, Functional & Secure . JPEG . OpenBSD . 2006-07-01.
  35. Web site: 2006-04-15 . OpenBSD release song lyrics . OpenBSD . 2006-04-22.
  36. Web site: official DragonFlyBSD artwork . 2007-02-26 . . 2008-12-25 . dead .
  37. Web site: 2006-03-28 . DFWiki – DragonFly Artwork . The DragonFlyBSD Project . 2006-04-22 . unfit . . 2005-04-10.
  38. Web site: The History of DragonFly . The DragonFly BSD Project . 2006-04-22 . . 2006-04-14.
  39. Web site: PicoBSD Banner – For the little BSD in all of us . . The FreeBSD Project . 2006-04-22 . . 2006-05-03.
  40. Web site: ClosedBSD logo. JPEG . 2006-10-14 . 2005-03-06. Original last retrieved on 2006-04-22.
  41. Web site: MicroBSD logo – The small secure unix like OS . PNG . 2006-04-22 . . 2006-04-25 . dead .
  42. Web site: MirOS/MirPorts: a wonderful operating system for a world of peace . MirOS Project . 2006-04-22 . . 2006-04-12 . dead .
  43. Web site: FreeBSD 14-RELEASE Announcement . 2023-11-23 . The FreeBSD Project . en.
  44. Web site: OpenBSD 7.5 . 17 April 2024 . OpenBSD.
  45. Web site: Announcing NetBSD 10.0 (Mar 28, 2024) .
  46. Web site: DragonFly BSD 6.4 . Dragonfly BSD . 2023-10-13.
  47. Web site: 1989-09-30 . SunOS 4.1.3: svidii – overview of the System V environment . FreeBSD Hypertext Man Pages . The FreeBSD Project . 2006-06-14.
  48. Web site: MidnightBSD News . 27 May 2015.
  49. Web site: About MidnightBSD . 27 May 2015.
  50. Web site: NomadBSD . 24 February 2024.
  51. Web site: NomadBSD 140R-20240126 is now available! . 24 February 2024.
  52. Web site: Paxym – FreeBSD for OCTEON CPU . 27 May 2015.
  53. Web site: One Floppy OpenBSD MP3 Player . 27 May 2015 . 3 December 2013 . . dead .