Canonical commutation relation explained
In quantum mechanics, the canonical commutation relation is the fundamental relation between canonical conjugate quantities (quantities which are related by definition such that one is the Fourier transform of another). For example,
between the position operator and momentum operator in the direction of a point particle in one dimension, where is the commutator of and, is the imaginary unit, and is the reduced Planck constant, and
is the unit operator. In general, position and momentum are vectors of operators and their commutation relation between different components of position and momentum can be expressed as
is the
Kronecker delta.
This relation is attributed to Werner Heisenberg, Max Born and Pascual Jordan (1925),[1] [2] who called it a "quantum condition" serving as a postulate of the theory; it was noted by E. Kennard (1927)[3] to imply the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The Stone–von Neumann theorem gives a uniqueness result for operators satisfying (an exponentiated form of) the canonical commutation relation.
Relation to classical mechanics
By contrast, in classical physics, all observables commute and the commutator would be zero. However, an analogous relation exists, which is obtained by replacing the commutator with the Poisson bracket multiplied by,
This observation led Dirac to propose that the quantum counterparts
, of classical observables, satisfy
In 1946, Hip Groenewold demonstrated that a general systematic correspondence between quantum commutators and Poisson brackets could not hold consistently.[4] [5]
However, he further appreciated that such a systematic correspondence does, in fact, exist between the quantum commutator and a deformation of the Poisson bracket, today called the Moyal bracket, and, in general, quantum operators and classical observables and distributions in phase space. He thus finally elucidated the consistent correspondence mechanism, the Wigner–Weyl transform, that underlies an alternate equivalent mathematical representation of quantum mechanics known as deformation quantization.[4] [6]
Derivation from Hamiltonian mechanics
According to the correspondence principle, in certain limits the quantum equations of states must approach Hamilton's equations of motion. The latter state the following relation between the generalized coordinate q (e.g. position) and the generalized momentum p:
In quantum mechanics the Hamiltonian
, (generalized) coordinate
and (generalized) momentum
are all linear operators.
The time derivative of a quantum state is represented by the operator
(by the
Schrödinger equation). Equivalently, since in the Schrödinger picture the operators are not explicitly time-dependent, the operators can be seen to be evolving in time (for a contrary perspective where the operators are time dependent, see
Heisenberg picture) according to their commutation relation with the Hamiltonian:
In order for that to reconcile in the classical limit with Hamilton's equations of motion,
must depend entirely on the appearance of
in the Hamiltonian and
must depend entirely on the appearance of
in the Hamiltonian. Further, since the Hamiltonian operator depends on the (generalized) coordinate and momentum operators, it can be viewed as a functional, and we may write (using
functional derivatives):
In order to obtain the classical limit we must then have
Weyl relations
generated by
exponentiation of the 3-dimensional
Lie algebra determined by the commutation relation
is called the
Heisenberg group. This group can be realized as the group of
upper triangular matrices with ones on the diagonal.
[7] According to the standard mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics, quantum observables such as
should be represented as
self-adjoint operators on some
Hilbert space. It is relatively easy to see that two
operators satisfying the above canonical commutation relations cannot both be
bounded. Certainly, if
trace class operators, the relation
gives a nonzero number on the right and zero on the left.
Alternately, if
were bounded operators, note that
, hence the operator norms would satisfy
so that, for any
However, can be arbitrarily large, so at least one operator cannot be bounded, and the dimension of the underlying Hilbert space cannot be finite. If the operators satisfy the Weyl relations (an exponentiated version of the canonical commutation relations, described below) then as a consequence of the
Stone–von Neumann theorem,
both operators must be unbounded.
Still, these canonical commutation relations can be rendered somewhat "tamer" by writing them in terms of the (bounded) unitary operators
. The resulting braiding relations for these operators are the so-called
Weyl relationsThese relations may be thought of as an exponentiated version of the canonical commutation relations; they reflect that translations in position and translations in momentum do not commute. One can easily reformulate the Weyl relations in terms of the representations of the Heisenberg group.
The uniqueness of the canonical commutation relations—in the form of the Weyl relations—is then guaranteed by the Stone–von Neumann theorem.
For technical reasons, the Weyl relations are not strictly equivalent to the canonical commutation relation
. If
were bounded operators, then a special case of the
Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula would allow one to "exponentiate" the canonical commutation relations to the Weyl relations.
[8] Since, as we have noted, any operators satisfying the canonical commutation relations must be unbounded, the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula does not apply without additional domain assumptions. Indeed, counterexamples exist satisfying the canonical commutation relations but not the Weyl relations.
[9] (These same operators give a counterexample to the naive form of the uncertainty principle.) These technical issues are the reason that the
Stone–von Neumann theorem is formulated in terms of the Weyl relations.
A discrete version of the Weyl relations, in which the parameters s and t range over
, can be realized on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space by means of the clock and shift matrices.
It can be shown that
, it can be shown that by
mathematical inductiongenerally known as McCoy's formula.
[11] We identify
canonical coordinates (such as in the example above, or a field in the case of
quantum field theory) and
canonical momenta (in the example above it is, or more generally, some functions involving the
derivatives of the canonical coordinates with respect to time):
This definition of the canonical momentum ensures that one of the Euler–Lagrange equations has the form
The canonical commutation relations then amount towhere is the Kronecker delta.
Gauge invariance
Canonical quantization is applied, by definition, on canonical coordinates. However, in the presence of an electromagnetic field, the canonical momentum is not gauge invariant. The correct gauge-invariant momentum (or "kinetic momentum") is
SI units)
cgs units),where is the particle's
electric charge, is the
vector potential, and is the
speed of light. Although the quantity is the "physical momentum", in that it is the quantity to be identified with momentum in laboratory experiments, it
does not satisfy the canonical commutation relations; only the canonical momentum does that. This can be seen as follows.
The non-relativistic Hamiltonian for a quantized charged particle of mass in a classical electromagnetic field is (in cgs units)where is the three-vector potential and is the scalar potential. This form of the Hamiltonian, as well as the Schrödinger equation, the Maxwell equations and the Lorentz force law are invariant under the gauge transformationwhere and is the gauge function.
The angular momentum operator isand obeys the canonical quantization relationsdefining the Lie algebra for so(3), where
is the
Levi-Civita symbol. Under gauge transformations, the angular momentum transforms as
The gauge-invariant angular momentum (or "kinetic angular momentum") is given bywhich has the commutation relationswhere is the magnetic field. The inequivalence of these two formulations shows up in the Zeeman effect and the Aharonov–Bohm effect.
Uncertainty relation and commutators
All such nontrivial commutation relations for pairs of operators lead to corresponding uncertainty relations,[12] involving positive semi-definite expectation contributions by their respective commutators and anticommutators. In general, for two Hermitian operators and, consider expectation values in a system in the state, the variances around the corresponding expectation values being, etc.
Thenwhere is the commutator of and, and is the anticommutator.
This follows through use of the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, since, and ; and similarly for the shifted operators and . (Cf. uncertainty principle derivations.)
Substituting for and (and taking care with the analysis) yield Heisenberg's familiar uncertainty relation for and, as usual.
Uncertainty relation for angular momentum operators
For the angular momentum operators, etc., one has thatwhere
is the
Levi-Civita symbol and simply reverses the sign of the answer under pairwise interchange of the indices. An analogous relation holds for the
spin operators.
Here, for and, in angular momentum multiplets, one has, for the transverse components of the Casimir invariant, the -symmetric relations
,as well as .
Consequently, the above inequality applied to this commutation relation specifieshence
\geq \frac \vert m\vertand therefore
so, then, it yields useful constraints such as a lower bound on the
Casimir invariant:, and hence, among others.
See also
Notes and References
- Web site: The Development of Quantum Mechanics.
- Born . M. . Jordan . P. . 10.1007/BF01328531 . Zur Quantenmechanik . Zeitschrift für Physik . 34 . 858–888 . 1925 . 1 . 1925ZPhy...34..858B . 186114542 .
- Kennard . E. H. . Zur Quantenmechanik einfacher Bewegungstypen . 10.1007/BF01391200 . Zeitschrift für Physik . 44 . 4–5 . 326–352 . 1927 . 1927ZPhy...44..326K . 121626384 .
- Groenewold . H. J. . On the principles of elementary quantum mechanics . 10.1016/S0031-8914(46)80059-4 . Physica . 12 . 7 . 405–460 . 1946 . 1946Phy....12..405G .
- Theorem 13.13
- Curtright . T. L. . Zachos . C. K. . 10.1142/S2251158X12000069 . Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space . Asia Pacific Physics Newsletter . 01 . 37–46 . 2012 . 1104.5269 . 119230734 .
- Section 1.2.6 and Proposition 3.26
- See Section 5.2 of for an elementary derivation
- Example 14.5
- McCoy, N. H. (1929), "On commutation formulas in the algebra of quantum mechanics", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 31 (4), 793-806 online
- Book: Townsend, J. S. . A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics . registration . University Science Books . Sausalito, CA . 2000 . 1-891389-13-0 .
- H. P. . Robertson . The Uncertainty Principle . . 34 . 1 . 1929 . 163–164 . 10.1103/PhysRev.34.163 . 1929PhRv...34..163R .