Common year starting on Monday explained

A common year starting on Monday is any non-leap year (i.e., a year with 365 days) that begins on Monday, 1 January, and ends on Monday, 31 December. Its dominical letter hence is G. The most recent year of such kind was 2018 and the next one will be 2029 in the Gregorian calendar, or likewise, 2019 and 2030 in the Julian calendar, see below for more. This common year is one of the three possible common years in which a century year can begin on and occurs in century years that yield a remainder of 300 when divided by 400. The most recent such year was 1900 and the next one will be 2300.

Any common year that starts on Monday has two Friday the 13ths: those two in this common year occur in April and July.From July of the year in this type of year to September in the year that follows this type of year is the longest period that occurs without a Friday the 13th, unless the following year is a leap year starting on Tuesday, in which case the gap is reduced to just 11 months, as the next Friday the 13th is already in June.

Applicable years

Gregorian calendar

In the (currently used) Gregorian calendar, along with Sunday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, the fourteen types of year (seven common, seven leap) repeat in a 400-year cycle (20871 weeks). Forty-three common years per cycle or exactly 10.75% start on a Monday. The 28-year sub-cycle only spans across century years divisible by 400, e.g. 1600, 2000, and 2400.

1st !2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
16th centuryprior to first adoption (proleptic) 1590
17th century1691
18th century1798
19th centurycolspan1900
20th century1990
21st century2091
22nd century2198
400-year cycle
0–991 7 18 29 35 46 57 63 74 85 91
100–199103 114 125 131 142 153 159 170 181 187 198
200–299210 221 227 238 249 255 266 277 283 294
300–399300 306 317 323 334 345 351 362 373 379 390

Julian calendar

In the Julian calendar, the fourteen types of year (seven common, seven leap) repeat in a 28-year cycle (1461 weeks). This sequence occurs exactly once within a cycle, and every common letter thrice.

As the Julian calendar repeats after 28 years that means it will also repeat after 700 years, i.e. 25 cycles. The year's position in the cycle is given by the formula ((year + 8) mod 28) + 1). Years 6, 12 and 23 of the cycle are common years beginning on Monday. 2017 is year 10 of the cycle. Approximately 10.71% of all years are common years beginning on Monday.

1st !2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
15th century1498
16th century1582 <-- Wikipedia year articles refer to Gregorian years from 1582 --> 1593 1599
17th century1610 1621 1627 1638 1649 1655 1666 1677 1683 1694
18th century1705 1711 1722 1733 1739 1750 1761 1767 1778 1789 1795
19th century1806 1817 1823 1834 1845 1851 1862 1873 1879 1890
20th century1901 1907 1918 1929 1935 1946 1957 1963 1974 1985 1991
21st century2002 2013 2019 2030 2041 2047 2058 2069 2075 2086 2097



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