Hyperelliptic surface explained

In mathematics, a hyperelliptic surface, or bi-elliptic surface, is a minimal surface whose Albanese morphism is an elliptic fibration without singular fibres. Any such surface can be written as the quotient of a product of two elliptic curves by a finite abelian group.Hyperelliptic surfaces form one of the classes of surfaces of Kodaira dimension 0 in the Enriques–Kodaira classification.


The Kodaira dimension is 0.

Hodge diamond:

1 1
0 2 0
1 1


Any hyperelliptic surface is a quotient (E×F)/G, where E = C/Λ and F are elliptic curves, and G is a subgroup of F (acting on F by translations), which acts on E not only by translations. There are seven families of hyperelliptic surfaces as in the following table.

order of KΛGAction of G on E
2AnyZ/2Ze → -e
2AnyZ/2ZZ/2Ze → -e, ee+c, -c=c
3ZZωZ/3Ze → ωe
3ZZωZ/3ZZ/3Ze → ωe, ee+c, ωc=c
4ZZi;Z/4Ze → ie
4ZZiZ/4ZZ/2Ze → ie, ee+c, ic=c
6ZZωZ/6Ze → -ωe
Here ω is a primitive cube root of 1 and i is a primitive 4th root of 1.

Quasi hyperelliptic surfaces

A quasi-hyperelliptic surface is a surface whose canonical divisor is numerically equivalent to zero, the Albanese mapping maps to an elliptic curve, and all its fibers are rational with a cusp. They only exist in characteristics 2 or 3. Their second Betti number is 2, the second Chern number vanishes, and the holomorphic Euler characteristic vanishes. They were classified by, who found six cases in characteristic 3 (in which case 6K= 0) and eight in characteristic 2 (in which case 6K or 4K vanishes).Any quasi-hyperelliptic surface is a quotient (E×F)/G, where E is a rational curve with one cusp, F is an elliptic curve, and G is a finite subgroup scheme of F (acting on F by translations).
