Benzyl potassium explained

Benzylpotassium is an organopotassium compound with the formula C6H5CH2K, an orange powder. Like organo-alkali metal reagents in general, benzyl potassium is highly reactive, so much so that it reacts with most solvents. It is highly air sensitive.


One early synthesis proceeds by two-step transmetallation reaction by p-tolylpotassium:[1]

(CH3C6H4)2Hg + 2 K → 2 CH3C6H4K + Hg

CH3C6H4K → KCH2C6H5A modern synthesis involves the reaction of butyllithium, potassium tert-butoxide, and toluene.[2] Although potassium hydride can also be used as a strong base for preparing potassium salts, benzyl potassium has the advantage of being molecular and hence more fast-acting.


  1. 10.1021/ja01863a054. Benzylalkali Compounds1. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 62. 6. 1514. 1940. Gilman. Henry. Pacevitz. Henry A. Baine. Ogden.
  2. 10.1016/0022-328X(87)80117-1. Lithium-potassium exchange in alkyllithium/potassium t-pentoxide systems. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 326. 1. 1987. Lochmann. L. Trekoval. J.