In abstract algebra, the term associator is used in different ways as a measure of the non-associativity of an algebraic structure. Associators are commonly studied as triple systems.
[ ⋅ , ⋅ , ⋅ ]:R x R x R\toR
The associator in any ring obeys the identity
The associator is alternating precisely when R is an alternative ring.
The associator is symmetric in its two rightmost arguments when R is a pre-Lie algebra.
The nucleus is the set of elements that associate with all others: that is, the n in R such that
[n,R,R]=[R,n,R]=[R,R,n]=\{0\} .
The nucleus is an associative subring of R.
⋅ :Q x Q\toQ
a ⋅ x=b
y ⋅ a=b
( ⋅ , ⋅ , ⋅ ):Q x Q x Q\toQ
(a ⋅ b) ⋅ c=(a ⋅ (b ⋅ c)) ⋅ (a,b,c)
In higher-dimensional algebra, where there may be non-identity morphisms between algebraic expressions, an associator is an isomorphism
In category theory, the associator expresses the associative properties of the internal product functor in monoidal categories.