Arrondissement of Pau explained


The arrondissement of Pau (French: Arrondissement de Pau, Occitan: Distrito de Pau Basque: Paueko barrutia) is an arrondissement of France in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. It has 268 communes. Its population is 307,892 (2016), and its area is 2548.9km2.[1]


The communes of the arrondissement of Pau, and their INSEE codes, are:[2]

  1. Aast (64001)
  2. Abère (64002)
  3. Abidos (64003)
  4. Abos (64005)
  5. Andoins (64021)
  6. Angaïs (64023)
  7. Anos (64027)
  8. Anoye (64028)
  9. Arbus (64037)
  10. Aressy (64041)
  11. Argagnon (64042)
  12. Argelos (64043)
  13. Arget (64044)
  14. Arnos (64048)
  15. Arricau-Bordes (64052)
  16. Arrien (64053)
  17. Arros-de-Nay (64054)
  18. Arrosès (64056)
  19. Arthez-d'Asson (64058)
  20. Arthez-de-Béarn (64057)
  21. Artigueloutan (64059)
  22. Artiguelouve (64060)
  23. Artix (64061)
  24. Arzacq-Arraziguet (64063)
  25. Assat (64067)
  26. Asson (64068)
  27. Astis (64070)
  28. Aubertin (64072)
  29. Aubin (64073)
  30. Aubous (64074)
  31. Auga (64077)
  32. Auriac (64078)
  33. Aurions-Idernes (64079)
  34. Aussevielle (64080)
  35. Aydie (64084)
  36. Baigts-de-Béarn (64087)
  37. Balansun (64088)
  38. Baleix (64089)
  39. Baliracq-Maumusson (64090)
  40. Baliros (64091)
  41. Barinque (64095)
  42. Barzun (64097)
  43. Bassillon-Vauzé (64098)
  44. Baudreix (64101)
  45. Bédeille (64103)
  46. Bellocq (64108)
  47. Bénéjacq (64109)
  48. Bentayou-Sérée (64111)
  49. Bernadets (64114)
  50. Bésingrand (64117)
  51. Bétracq (64118)
  52. Beuste (64119)
  53. Beyrie-en-Béarn (64121)
  54. Billère (64129)
  55. Biron (64131)
  56. Bizanos (64132)
  57. Boeil-Bezing (64133)
  58. Bonnut (64135)
  59. Bordères (64137)
  60. Bordes (64138)
  61. Bosdarros (64139)
  62. Boueilh-Boueilho-Lasque (64141)
  63. Bougarber (64142)
  64. Bouillon (64143)
  65. Boumourt (64144)
  66. Bourdettes (64145)
  67. Bournos (64146)
  68. Bruges-Capbis-Mifaget (64148)
  69. Buros (64152)
  70. Burosse-Mendousse (64153)
  71. Cabidos (64158)
  72. Cadillon (64159)
  73. Cardesse (64165)
  74. Carrère (64167)
  75. Casteide-Cami (64171)
  76. Casteide-Candau (64172)
  77. Casteide-Doat (64173)
  78. Castéra-Loubix (64174)
  79. Castétis (64177)
  80. Castetner (64179)
  81. Castetpugon (64180)
  82. Castillon (Canton of Arthez-de-Béarn) (64181)
  83. Castillon (Canton of Lembeye) (64182)
  84. Caubios-Loos (64183)
  85. Cescau (64184)
  86. Claracq (64190)
  87. Coarraze (64191)
  88. Conchez-de-Béarn (64192)
  89. Corbère-Abères (64193)
  90. Coslédaà-Lube-Boast (64194)
  91. Coublucq (64195)
  92. Crouseilles (64196)
  93. Cuqueron (64197)
  94. Denguin (64198)
  95. Diusse (64199)
  96. Doazon (64200)
  97. Doumy (64203)
  98. Escoubès (64208)
  99. Escurès (64210)
  100. Eslourenties-Daban (64211)
  101. Espéchède (64212)
  102. Espoey (64216)
  103. Fichous-Riumayou (64226)
  104. Gabaston (64227)
  105. Gan (64230)
  106. Garlède-Mondebat (64232)
  107. Garlin (64233)
  108. Garos (64234)
  109. Gayon (64236)
  110. Gelos (64237)
  111. Ger (64238)
  112. Gerderest (64239)
  113. Géus-d'Arzacq (64243)
  114. Gomer (64246)
  115. Hagetaubin (64254)
  116. Haut-de-Bosdarros (64257)
  117. Higuères-Souye (64262)
  118. Hours (64266)
  119. Idron (64269)
  120. Igon (64270)
  121. Jurançon (64284)
  122. Laà-Mondrans (64286)
  123. Labastide-Cézéracq (64288)
  124. Labastide-Monréjeau (64290)
  125. Labatmale (64292)
  126. Labatut-Figuières (64293)
  127. Labeyrie (64295)
  128. Lacadée (64296)
  129. Lacommande (64299)
  130. Lacq (64300)
  131. Lagor (64301)
  132. Lagos (64302)
  133. Lahourcade (64306)
  134. Lalongue (64307)
  135. Lalonquette (64308)
  136. Lamayou (64309)
  137. Lannecaube (64311)
  138. Lanneplaà (64312)
  139. Laroin (64315)
  140. Larreule (64318)
  141. Lasclaveries (64321)
  142. Lasserre (64323)
  143. Lée (64329)
  144. Lembeye (64331)
  145. Lème (64332)
  146. Lescar (64335)
  147. Lespielle (64337)
  148. Lespourcy (64338)
  149. Lestelle-Bétharram (64339)
  150. Limendous (64343)
  151. Livron (64344)
  152. Lombia (64346)
  153. Lonçon (64347)
  154. Lons (64348)
  155. Loubieng (64349)
  156. Lourenties (64352)
  157. Louvigny (64355)
  158. Luc-Armau (64356)
  159. Lucarré (64357)
  160. Lucgarier (64358)
  161. Lucq-de-Béarn (64359)
  162. Lussagnet-Lusson (64361)
  163. Malaussanne (64365)
  164. Mascaraàs-Haron (64366)
  165. Maslacq (64367)
  166. Maspie-Lalonquère-Juillacq (64369)
  167. Maucor (64370)
  168. Maure (64372)
  169. Mazères-Lezons (64373)
  170. Mazerolles (64374)
  171. Meillon (64376)
  172. Méracq (64380)
  173. Mesplède (64382)
  174. Mialos (64383)
  175. Miossens-Lanusse (64385)
  176. Mirepeix (64386)
  177. Momas (64387)
  178. Momy (64388)
  179. Monassut-Audiracq (64389)
  180. Moncaup (64390)
  181. Moncla (64392)
  182. Monein (64393)
  183. Monpezat (64394)
  184. Monségur (64395)
  185. Mont (64396)
  186. Montagut (64397)
  187. Montaner (64398)
  188. Montardon (64399)
  189. Montaut (64400)
  190. Mont-Disse (64401)
  191. Morlaàs (64405)
  192. Morlanne (64406)
  193. Mouhous (64408)
  194. Mourenx (64410)
  195. Narcastet (64413)
  196. Navailles-Angos (64415)
  197. Nay (64417)
  198. Noguères (64418)
  199. Nousty (64419)
  200. Orthez (64430)
  201. Os-Marsillon (64431)
  202. Ouillon (64438)
  203. Ousse (64439)
  204. Ozenx-Montestrucq (64440)
  205. Parbayse (64442)
  206. Pardies (64443)
  207. Pardies-Piétat (64444)
  208. Pau (64445)
  209. Peyrelongue-Abos (64446)
  210. Piets-Plasence-Moustrou (64447)
  211. Poey-de-Lescar (64448)
  212. Pomps (64450)
  213. Ponson-Debat-Pouts (64451)
  214. Ponson-Dessus (64452)
  215. Pontacq (64453)
  216. Pontiacq-Viellepinte (64454)
  217. Portet (64455)
  218. Pouliacq (64456)
  219. Poursiugues-Boucoue (64457)
  220. Puyoô (64461)
  221. Ramous (64462)
  222. Ribarrouy (64464)
  223. Riupeyrous (64465)
  224. Rontignon (64467)
  225. Saint-Abit (64469)
  226. Saint-Armou (64470)
  227. Saint-Boès (64471)
  228. Saint-Castin (64472)
  229. Saint-Faust (64478)
  230. Saint-Girons-en-Béarn (64479)
  231. Saint-Jammes (64482)
  232. Saint-Jean-Poudge (64486)
  233. Saint-Laurent-Bretagne (64488)
  234. Saint-Médard (64491)
  235. Saint-Vincent (64498)
  236. Salles-Mongiscard (64500)
  237. Sallespisse (64501)
  238. Samsons-Lion (64503)
  239. Sarpourenx (64505)
  240. Saubole (64507)
  241. Sault-de-Navailles (64510)
  242. Sauvagnon (64511)
  243. Sauvelade (64512)
  244. Séby (64514)
  245. Sedze-Maubecq (64515)
  246. Sedzère (64516)
  247. Séméacq-Blachon (64517)
  248. Sendets (64518)
  249. Serres-Castet (64519)
  250. Serres-Morlaàs (64520)
  251. Serres-Sainte-Marie (64521)
  252. Sévignacq (64523)
  253. Simacourbe (64524)
  254. Siros (64525)
  255. Soumoulou (64526)
  256. Tadousse-Ussau (64532)
  257. Taron-Sadirac-Viellenave (64534)
  258. Tarsacq (64535)
  259. Thèze (64536)
  260. Urost (64544)
  261. Uzan (64548)
  262. Uzein (64549)
  263. Uzos (64550)
  264. Vialer (64552)
  265. Viellenave-d'Arthez (64554)
  266. Vielleségure (64556)
  267. Vignes (64557)
  268. Viven (64560)


The arrondissement of Pau was created in 1800.[3] At the January 2017 reorganisation of the arrondissements of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, it gained 11 communes from the arrondissement of Oloron-Sainte-Marie, and it lost 11 communes to the arrondissement of Oloron-Sainte-Marie.[4]

As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Pau were, as of January 2015:[5]

  1. Arthez-de-Béarn
  2. Arzacq-Arraziguet
  3. Billère
  4. Garlin
  5. Jurançon
  6. Lagor
  7. Lembeye
  8. Lescar
  9. Montaner
  10. Morlaàs
  11. Nay-Est
  12. Nay-Ouest
  13. Orthez
  14. Pau-Centre
  15. Pau-Est
  16. Pau-Nord
  17. Pau-Ouest
  18. Pau-Sud
  19. Pontacq
  20. Salies-de-Béarn
  21. Thèze


43.3°N -0.37°W

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Comparateur de territoire, géographie au 01/01/2019. 2019-10-03. INSEE.
  2. Web site: Arrondissement de Pau (643). 2019-10-03. INSEE.
  3. Historique des Pyrénées-Atlantiques
  4. Web site: Arrêté préfectoral, 30 December 2016. 149–167. 2019-10-25.
  5. Populations légales 2012: 64 Pyrénées-Atlantiques