Alumni magazine explained

An alumni magazine is a magazine published by a university, college, or other school or by an association of a school's alumni (and sometimes current students) in order to keep alumni abreast of fellow alumni and news of their university, often with an implicit goal of fundraising.

An emerging version of alumni magazines are unrelated to educational institutions. Instead the intended readers are former employees of a company. An example of this type of alumni magazine is MoForever magazine of the law firm of Morrison & Foerster.[1]


The oldest alumni magazine in the United States is Wayland Academy's Greetings, founded in 1882. [2] Still published today, Greetings was initially mailed to Baptist families throughout Wisconsin, but by the July 1888 issue was devoted to "give former students a picture of present Wayland life and to furnish information regarding those who have once been its students."[3] The oldest known university alumni magazine isYale Alumni Magazine, founded in 1891.[4] Chartered in 1636, Harvard University—the oldest university in the U.S.--established an official alumni association in 1840 but did not publish the Harvard Bulletin until 1898. Seven years earlier, Yale University began publishing a weekly alumni publication, which has been credited as the first such periodical that dealt solely with college or university alumni matters. In 1894, Princeton University started producing the Alumni Princetonian in the Saturday edition of the student newspaper.[5] The College of Wooster, however, has been credited as the first institution to publish an alumni magazine-the Alumni Bulletin-in 1886.[6]

Role of Alumni Magazines

"The role of college and university magazines is to inform, interpret, interest, and at times to inspire."[7] Over the years, the role of these magazines has evolved from serving solely as house organs of college and university administrations to independent journalistic voices that report about campus life, even if the stories may negatively portray the university that sponsors the publication. Alumni magazines generally report to different university departments. "Most of the magazines receive some support from gifts, the college and alumni. Some editors report to the alumni association, while other report to the offices of alumni relations or development."[8]
The editor of the University of Idaho alumni magazine Idaho the University explicitly stated his view of the role of these publications: "Good university magazines hold themselves a little apart from the universities they serve and even farther apart from their alumni offices. They are not disloyal, but they are honest. That touch of independence is a reality check: There is a larger world to be served than just that of the university."[9] Almost two decades earlier, Mark Singer, the former associate editor of the Yale Alumni Magazine also had strong views about the importance of maintaining an independent campus voice: "An alumni magazine should be a vehicle for continuing education; the publication that functions as a house organ is bound to estrange its audience from the intellectual life of the institution."[10]

In April 1998, about 175 college and university alumni editors asked the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) to endorse a statement affirming the right of editorial freedom in their publications. Editors "should be assured the freedom to exercise their editorial judgment without censorship, within the framework of agree-upon editorial policy." The statement updated an earlier version on professional standards endorsed by the American Alumni Council, the predecessor of CASE. The proposed standards "balances good and bad news" and gives a "complete picture of the institution. The editors called on CASE to adopt the standards for all of its members and mediate disputes between editors and the university administration.[11] This current discussion partially arose because of the controversial 1995 retirement of Anthony Lyle, the editor of the University of Pennsylvania alumni magazine, Pennsylvania Gazette who published some articles that upset the Penn university administration.[12]

CASE refused the request and in October 1998 its commission on communications "concluded that it is not within CASE's mission to sponsor, endorse, or mediate the job conditions for any group of professionals within the association."


Although there are several thousand college and university alumni magazines, no comprehensive listing of these publications has been published.[13] In 2013, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) published a study on some alumni magazine readers.[14] Some of their findings from 252 participating institutions:

Ivy League Magazine Network (Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, Yale) conducts surveys of its member institutions. The 2019 Media Kit published the following findings about the alumni readers of these magazines:[15]


Awards for Excellence

The Robert Sibley Magazine of the Year award, which bears the name of a former editor of the University of California at Berkeley's alumni monthly, helped initiate the award in 1943 which is the highest award given to alumni magazine editors. The first awards focusing on editorial excellence and achievement by alumni magazines were awarded by the American Alumni Council in 1929. More than 100 magazines competed for awards recognizing best editorial and best story on the achievement of an alumnus, among other topics. California Monthly—the predecessor publication to California, the alumni publication of the University of California, Berkeley—took home top honors for articles about alumni. Robert Sibley was the editor of the winning publication.[21]

Recent Award Recipients

List of alumni magazines


Magazine nameEducational institution
ACU TodayAbilene Christian University
AIU inkAmerican InterContinental University
Alabama Alumni MagazineUniversity of Alabama
AlbanyLaw MagazineAlbany Law School
The AlcaldeThe University of Texas at Austin
Alumni & FriendsUniversity of Jamestown
Alumni MagazineBlack Hills State University
AlumnusUniversity of Michigan
ALUMNUSMississippi State University
American University MagazineAmerican University
AmherstAmherst College
ArchesUniversity of Puget Sound
Arizona Alumni MagazineUniversity of Arizona
Aspire: The Lehigh Carbon Community College MagazineLehigh Carbon Community College
ASU MagazineArizona State University
AtBuffaloState University of New York at Buffalo
Auburn MagazineAuburn University


Magazine nameEducational institution
Baruch College Alumni MagazineBaruch College
Bates MagazineBates College
Baylor MagazineBaylor University
The BellThiel College
Bellarmine MagazineBellarmine University
Bentley MagazineBentley University
Berkeley Carroll School MagazineBerkeley Carroll School
BerryBerry College
Binghamton University MagazineBinghamton University
Biola MagazineBiola University
BlufftonBluffton University
Boston College MagazineBoston College
BostoniaBoston University
Brandeis MagazineBrandeis University
BROOME MagazineSUNY Broome Community College
Brown Alumni MagazineBrown University
Brown MedicineBrown University's Alpert Medical School
Bucknell MagazineBucknell University


Magazine nameEducational institution
Cal State East BayCalifornia State University, East Bay
California MagazineUniversity of California, Berkeley
CAMUniversity of Cambridge
Campbell MagazineCampbell University
Carlson SchoolUniversity of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management
The CarthaginianCarthage College
Case AlumnusCase Western Reserve University's Case School of Engineering
Castleton MagazineCastleton University
Cedarville MagazineCedarville University
Clark MagazineClark University
CMC MagazineClaremont McKenna College
Colby MagazineColby College
Colby-Sawyer College MagazineColby-Sawyer College
ColoradanUniversity of Colorado Boulder
Columbia BusinessColumbia Business School
Columbia College TodayColumbia University's Columbia College
Columbia EngineeringColumbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
Columbia Law School MagazineColumbia Law School
Columbia MagazineColumbia University
Columbia MedicineColumbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia NursingColumbia University School of Nursing
ColumnsUniversity of Washington
ConnectionsMinot State University
ContactFitchburg State University
Cornell Alumni MagazineCornell University
Crossroads MagazineMissouri Southern State University
Cumberland LawyerStamford University's Stanford Law School
Cumberlands Alumni MagazineUniversity of the Cumberlands
CupolaMoses Brown School


Magazine nameEducational institution
Dakota State MagazineDakota State University
Dartmouth Alumni MagazineDartmouth College
Denver LawUniversity of Denver's Sturm College of Law
DePaul MagazineDePaul University
DePauw MagazineDePauw University
DEMOColumbia College Chicago
DialoguesFashion Institute of Design & Merchandising
Dickinson MagazineDickinson College
Drexel MagazineDrexel University
Drexel University College of Medicine Alumni MagazineDrexel University's College of Medicine
Duke MagazineDuke University


Magazine nameEducational institution
Eastern MagazineEastern Washington University
EKU MagazineEastern Kentucky University
ElizabethtownElizabethtown College
Emory & HenryEmory & Henry College
The Evergreen MagazineThe Evergreen State College
ExchangeInstitute for the International Education of Students


Magazine nameEducational institution
Farmington FirstUniversity of Maine at Farmington
Flagler College MagazineFlagler College
Florida Gator MagazineUniversity of Florida
Florida State LawFlorida State University College of Law
Fordham NewsFordham University
ForwardSeton Hall University
Fox FocusTemple University's Fox School of Business
FoxcraftFoxcroft Academy
Framingham StateFramingham State University
Franklin College MagazineFranklin College (Indiana)
Furman Magazine (South Carolina)Furman University


Magazine nameEducational institution
GēDUNKGrove City College
Georgetown LawGeorgetown University Law Center
Georgetown MagazineGeorgetown University
Georgia MagazineUniversity of Georgia
Georgia State University MagazineGeorgia State University
Georgia Tech Alumni MagazineGeorgia Institute of Technology
Gold CoasterHarvard University's Adams House
Gonzaga MagazineGonzaga University
The GraduateUniversity of Arkansas's Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
GreetingsWayland Academy
gssmNOWSouth Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics
GW MagazineGeorge Washington University


Magazine nameEducational institution
Hamline MagazineHamline University
Harvard MagazineHarvard University
Harvard Business School Alumni BulletinHarvard Business School
HaverfordHaverford College
Here We Have Idaho MagazineUniversity of Idaho
Howard MagazineHoward University
HueFashion Institute of Technology
Huntsman Alumni MagazineUtah State University's Jon M. Huntsman School of Business


Magazine nameEducational institution
Illinois StateIllinois State University
IllusterUtrecht University
Indiana University Alumni MagazineIndiana University
Industrial & Systems EngineeringGeorgia Institute of Technology's H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
inPracticePennsylvania College of Health Sciences
Iowa Alumni MagazineUniversity of Iowa
ISU MagazineIdaho State University
IUP MagazineIndiana University of Pennsylvania


Magazine nameEducational institution
K-StaterKansas State University
Kansas AlumniUniversity of Kansas
Kentucky AlumniUniversity of Kentucky
The Kenyon College Alumni BulletinKenyon College
KnightlinesUniversity of Bridgeport
Knox MagazineKnox College (Illinois)


Magazine nameEducational institution
LiftEmbry–Riddle Aeronautical University
LinkKansas State University's Global Campus
LMULoyola Marymount University
LoquiturVermont Law School
LSU Alumni MagazineLouisiana State University
LSU Geology & Geophysics Alumni MagazineLouisiana State University's Department of Geology & Geophysics
Luther Alumni MagazineLuther College (Iowa)
Lynchburg College MagazineLynchburg College


Magazine nameEducational institution
Maine Alumni MagazineUniversity of Maine
Marian University MagazineMarian University (Indiana)
Marriott Alumni MagazineBrigham Young University's Marriott School of Business
Mars Hill: The Magazine of Mars Hill UniversityMars Hill University
Maryland Carey LawUniversity of Maryland's Francis King Carey School of Law
Mayo Clinic AlumniMayo Clinic
Medical Alumni MagazineJoint Medical Program of the University of Newcastle and the University of New England (both in Australia)
Metropolitan Denver MagazineMetropolitan State University of Denver
McCombsUniversity of Texas at Austin's McCombs School of Business
MCLA Alumni MagazineMassachusetts College of Liberal Arts
MiamiamMiami University
Middlebury MagazineMiddlebury College
MiddlesexMiddlesex School
Mines MagazineColorado School of Mines
Minnesota AlumniUniversity of Minnesota
Mirage MagazineUniversity of New Mexico
Missouri S&T MagazineMissouri University of Science and Technology
MIT Technology ReviewMassachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT SloanMIT Sloan School of Management
MIZZOUUniversity of Missouri
Monmouth University MagazineMonmouth University
MontananUniversity of Montana
Montclair State University MagazineMontclair State University
Moody Alumni NewsMoody Bible Institute
MSU Alumni MagazineMichigan State University
MuhlenbergMuhlenberg College


Magazine nameEducational institution
Nebraska MagazineUniversity of Nebraska–Lincoln
New PaltzState University of New York at New Paltz
New York Law School MagazineNew York Law School
Newhouse NetworkSyracuse University's S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
NMH MagazineNorthfield Mount Hermon School
NortheasternNortheastern University
Northeastern College of Professional Studies Alumni MagazineNortheastern University's Northeastern College of Professional Studies
Northern MagazineNorthern Michigan University
Northwest Alumni MagazineNorthwest Missouri State University
NorthwesternNorthwestern University


Magazine nameEducational institution
Oberlin Alumni MagazineOberlin College
Ohio State AlumniOhio State University
Ohio TodayFOhio University
Old Dominion UniversityOld Dominion University
On WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison
Oregon StaterOregon State University
OSWEGOState University of New York at Oswego
The OwlColumbia University School of General Studies
Oxford Today: The University MagazineOxford University


Magazine nameEducational institution
Pacific ReviewUniversity of the Pacific (California)
Penn GSE MagazineUniversity of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
The Penn StaterPennsylvania State University
Phoenix FocusUniversity of Phoenix
Pierce Alumni MagazineFranklin Pierce University
Portland State MagazinePortland State University
Pomona College MagazinePomona College[22]
PrairieThe Prairie School (Racine, Wisconsin)
Presbyterian College MagazinePresbyterian College
The PrideSt. Mark's School of Texas
PrimusColumbia University College of Dental Medicine
Princeton Alumni WeeklyPrinceton University
Principia PurposePrincipia College
Providence College MagazineProvidence College
PurchasePurchase College, State University of New York


Magazine nameEducational institution
Reed MagazineReed College
RegisRegis High School (New York City)
Regis University MagazineRegis University
RensselaerRensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island College MagazineRhode Island College
RiderRider University
Ripon MagazineRipon College (Wisconsin)
RISD XYZRhode Island School of Design
Rowan MagazineRowan University
Rutgers MagazineRutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Magazine nameEducational institution
Sac State MagazineCalifornia State University, Sacramento
Saint FrancisUniversity of Saint Francis (Indiana)
St. John's University Alumni MagazineSt. John's University (New York City)
St. LawrenceSt. Lawrence University
Saint Mary's MagazineSaint Mary's University of Minnesota
Saint Michael's College MagazineSaint Michael's College
St. Norbert College MagazineSt. Norbert College
St. Olaf MagazineSt. Olaf College
St. Thomas MagazineUniversity of St. Thomas (Minnesota)
The ScarabMedical College of Virginia
Scripps MagazineScripps College
SesameOpen University
Shafer Court ConnectionsVirginia Commonwealth University
ShareholderSaint Louis University's John Cook School of Business
ShipmateUnited States Naval Academy
Siena News MagazineSiena College
SIPAColumbia University's School of International and Public Affairs
Southern Alumni MagazineSouthern Connecticut State University
Southern NewsFlorida Southern College
Spark MagazineCalvin College
Stanford MagazineStanford University
STATESouth Dakota State University
StateOklahoma State University
STERN businessNew York University Stern School of Business
The Stevens IndicatorStevens Institute of Technology
Stevenson Alumni MagazineStevenson School
Stonehill Alumni MagazineStonehill College
Suffolk Law Alumni MagazineSuffolk University Law School
SuperscriptColumbia Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
SUU in ViewSouthern Utah University


Magazine nameEducational institution
TCNJ MagazineThe College of New Jersey
TCU MagazineTexas Christian University
The Tennessee AlumnusUniversity of Tennessee (all campuses)
Tepper MagazineTepper School of Business
Texas AggieTexas A&M University
The TowerKutztown University of Pennsylvania
TraditionCranbrook Schools
TritonUniversity of California, San Diego
Troy University MagazineTroy University
Tufts MagazineTufts University


Magazine nameEducational institution
UC HastingsUniversity of California, Hastings College of the Law
UC Santa Cruz ReviewUniversity of California, Santa Cruz
UCLA MagazineUniversity of California, Los Angeles
UConn MagazineUniversity of Connecticut
UH Alumni QuarterlyUniversity of Houston
UMASS AmherstUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
UMASS Lowell Magazine for Alumni and FriendsUniversity of Massachusetts Lowell
UMASSD MagazineUniversity of Massachusetts Dartmouth
UMBC MagazineUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County
UMKC School of LawUniversity of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law
UNCP MagazineUniversity of North Carolina at Greensboro
UNCP TodayUniversity of North Carolina at Pembroke
UNH MagazineUniversity of New Hampshire
Union College: A Magazine for Alumni and FriendsUnion College
The University MagazineRochester Institute of Technology
The University of Chicago MagazineUniversity of Chicago
University of Dayton MagazineUniversity of Dayton
University of New Haven Alumni MagazineUniversity of New Haven
The University of Virginia MagazineUniversity of Virginia
UNO MagazineUniversity of Nebraska Omaha
Ursinus College MagazineUrsinus College
USC Trojan Family MagazineUniversity of Southern California
Utah Tech University Magazine(alternatively UT Magazine, Formerly DSU Magazine) Utah Tech University formerly, Dixie State University
UVU MagazineUtah Valley University
UWYO MagazineUniversity of Wyoming


Magazine nameEducational institution
Vanderbilt MagazineVanderbilt University
Vermont QuarterlyUniversity of Vermont
VISIONSIowa State University


Magazine nameEducational institution
W&J MagazineWashington & Jefferson College
W&MCollege of William & Mary
Wake Forest MagazineWake Forest University
Walden Alumni MagazineWalden University
Washington and Lee Law Alumni MagazineWashington and Lee University School of Law
Washington College MagazineWashington College
Washington MagazineWashington University in St. Louis
Washington Square: The Stories of San Jose State UniversitySan Jose State University
Washington State MagazineWashington State University
Wayne State MagazineWayne State University
Wesleyan TodayWesleyan University
Western MagazineWestern Illinois University
Wharton MagazineWharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
WheatonWheaten College (Illinois)
Whitman MagazineWhitman College
Williams MagazineWilliams College
WKU SpiritWestern Kentucky University
WKWSCI Alumni MagazineNanyang Technological University's Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
WVU MagazineWest Virginia University


Magazine nameEducational institution
Y MagazineBrigham Young University
Yale Alumni MagazineYale University
Yale Law ReportYale Law School
Youngstown State University: A Magazine for Alumni and FriendsYoungstown State University

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Morrison-Foerster-(MoFo) alumni magazine. 30 Nov 2016. 16 January 2017. dead.
  2. Web site: Greetings—August 1882 by Wayland Academy - Issuu. 2022-01-05. 23 November 2021 . en.
  3. Web site: Greetings—July 1888 by Wayland Academy - Issuu. 2022-01-05. 23 November 2021 . en.
  4. Web site: About Us. Yale University. New Haven, Connecticut. 27 Nov 2016.
  5. Book: College Alumni Publications. Weiner. Richard. Colarsurdo. James. Public Relations Publishing Company. 1980. 9780913046128. New York.
  6. Book: Williams, Dorothy F.. Communicating with Alumni. Jossey-Bass. 1979. San Francisco.
  7. Book: LaSalle, Patricia Ann. College and University Magazine. Council for Advancement and Support of Education. 1991. 0-89964-284-5. Washington, D.C.. 26.
  8. Nicklin. Julie. January 26, 1996. Turnover at Top Alumni Magazines Spurs Debate About their Role. Chronicle of Higher Education. 42. A23.
  9. Lyons. Stephen. February 13, 1991. Good Journalism Should be the Goal of Alumni Editors. Chronicle of Higher Education. 37. B1.
  10. Singer. Mark. October 5, 1974. Alumni Magazines: The Editors Reach Out. The Nation. 306–309.
  11. Pulley. John. June 25, 1999. Alumni Editors Fail to Win Support for Greater Independence. Chronicle of Higher Education. 45. A47-48.
  12. Bassinger. Julianne. May 1, 1998. Alumni-Magazine Editors Seek Editorial Freedom. Chronicle of Higher Education. 44. A52.
  13. Conversation with a librarian at Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).
  14. "Alumni Magazine Readers: National Survey Results: A Cross-Institutional Magazine Benchmarking Survey" 2013. Council for Advancement and Support of Education, 46 pages
  15. Book: 2019 (Alumni) Media Kit. Ivy League Magazine Network. 2019.
  16. Web site: Cornell Alumni Magazine Issues Apology for Controversial Cover. 18 September 2015.
  17. Hay. Tina. February 2013. Honesty is the Best Policy: That's been the rule at the Penn Stater magazine-even during the worst scandal in the institution's history. Case Currents. 44–48.
  18. Lyons. Stephen. February 13, 1991. Good Journalism, not Fund Raising, Should be the Goal of Alumni Editors. Chronicle of Higher Education. B1–B3.
  19. Kiessling. Karen. March 27, 1991. Debating the Proper Role of Alumni Magazines. Chronicle of Higher Education. B4–B5.
  20. News: Alumni Magazine's Editor Resigning in Dispute with Dartmouth President. Clendinen. Dudley. November 23, 1982. New York Times pg. A18.
  21. Web site: Robert Sibley Magazine of the Year Award. August 7, 2019.
  22. Web site: About Pomona College Magazine . Pomona College Magazine . Pomona College . 31 January 2022.