Adessive case explained

An adessive case (abbreviated ; from Latin adesse "to be present (at)": ad "at" + esse "to be") is a grammatical case generally denoting location at, upon, or adjacent to the referent of the noun; the term is used most frequently for Uralic studies. For Uralic languages, such as Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian, it is the fourth of the locative cases, with the basic meaning of "on"—for example, Estonian Estonian: laud (table) and Estonian: laual (on the table), Hungarian Hungarian: asztal and Hungarian: asztalnál (at the table).[1] It is also used as an instrumental case in Finnish.

For Finnish, the suffix is Finnish: -lla/Finnish: -llä, e.g. Finnish: pöytä (table) and Finnish: pöydällä (on the table). In addition, it can specify "being around the place", as in Finnish: koululla (at the school including the schoolyard), as contrasted with the inessive Finnish: koulussa (in the school, inside the building).

In Estonian, the ending -l is added to the genitive case, e.g. Estonian: laud (table) - Estonian: laual (on the table). Besides the meaning "on", this case is also used to indicate ownership. For example, "mehel on auto" means "the man owns a car".

As the Uralic languages don't possess the verb "to have", the concept is expressed as a subject in the adessive case + on (for example, Finnish: minulla on, "I have", literally "at me is").

The other locative cases in Finnish, Estonian, and Hungarian are:


The Finnish adessive case has the word ending Finnish: -lla or Finnish: -llä (according to the rules of vowel harmony). It is usually added to nouns and associated adjectives.

It is used in the following ways.

Possible English meanings of on, on top of, or atop

Finnish: Kynä on pöydällä - The pen is on the table.

This is the Finnish way to express the English verb to have

Finnish: Meillä on koira. = We have a dog. ('on our (possession, responsibility, etc.) is dog')

Possible English meanings of with, by or using

Finnish: Hän meni Helsinkiin junalla. - He went to Helsinki by train.

Finnish: Hän osti sen eurolla. - He bought it for a Euro.

Possible English meanings of during, in or over

Finnish: Aamulla. - In the morning.

Finnish: Keväällä. - During Spring.

Possible English meaning of at

Finnish: Poikani on koululla - My son is at school.

(c.f. inessive case: Finnish: Poikani on koulussa - My son is inside the school.)

Finnish: Hän on ruokatunnilla. - He is at lunch. - literally "on the lunch hour".

(This proximity difference corresponds to adverbial forms such as Finnish: täällä - "around here" and Finnish: tässä - "right here",though they are not strictly a use of the adessive case).


Other languages which employ an adessive case or case function include archaic varieties of Lithuanian (which likely developed by the influence of Uralic), some Northeast Caucasian languages such as Lezgian[2] and Hunzib,[3] and the Ossetic languages,[4] both ancient and modern.

Further reading

  1. However, unlike its Finnic relatives, the adessive in Hungarian does not specifically have the meaning "on (top of)".
    • Haspelmath, M. (1993). A grammar of Lezgian. (Mouton grammar library; 9). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. –, p. 2
  2. Berg, Helma van den, A Grammar of Hunzib (with Texts and Lexicon) (Lincom Europa, München 1995), pp. 44–49.