Znovuzrození Explained

Other Language 1:English
Other Title 1:Rebirth
Image Upright:.8
Artist:Josef Malejovský
Metric Unit:cm
Imperial Unit:in
City:Prague, Czech Republic

Znovuzrození (English: Rebirth) is a 1983 bronze sculpture by Josef Malejovský (1914–2003).[1] [2] It is installed outside the National Theatre in Prague, Czech Republic, on a piazzetta which was named "Náměstí Václava Havla" in 2016 to honor the first Czech president. The statue is a popular subject to artistic interventions - it has been wrapped in bubblegum-like cover, dressed in Carmen costume or into a lookalike of the famous Woman In Gold painting by Gustav Klimt.[3]

Notes and References

  1. https://pamatkovykatalog.cz/socha-znovuzrozeni-24556265 National Heritage Institute: socha Znovuzrození
  2. https://sochyamesta.cz/zaznam/16369 Sochy a města: Znovuzrození
  3. https://bydlenijeumeni.cz/socha-malejovskeho-v-robe-goldene-adele/ Socha Malejovského v róbě Goldene Adele