Zhuge Jun Explained

Zhuge Jun (Traditional Chinese: 諸葛均,189-?,hailing from Langya (present-day Yinan County, Shandong Province), was an official of the Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. He was the third brother of Zhuge Jin and the Shu Han Chancellor Zhuge Liang.


Zhuge Jun, due to the early death of his father Zhuge Gui,[1] was raised alongside his brother Zhuge Liang[2] under the care of their uncle Zhuge Xuan.[3] When Zhuge Xuan was appointed as the Administrator of Yuzhang by Yuan Shu,[4] he took Zhuge Jun and his brothers with him to Yuzhang. However, later, when the Han court appointed Zhu Hao to replace Zhuge Xuan,[5] the latter left for Jingzhou to join his old friend Liu Biao.[6] Zhuge Jun and Zhuge Liang followed him to Jingzhou. Eventually, while Zhuge Liang served in Shu Han, Zhuge Jun also attained the rank of colonel.[7]

Notes and References

  1. https://ctext.org/datawiki.pl?if=gb&res=167600 諸葛珪- 中國哲學書電子化計劃
  2. https://www.sohu.com/a/430369201%20120426219 诸葛亮三兄弟是谁,为何有人说三兄弟分别在魏蜀吴三国任要职
  3. https://www.sohu.com/a/497114689%20121008286 诸葛亮和诸葛珪、玄、瑾、均、诞、恪、瞻、尚是什么关系?_诸葛瑾
  4. https://www.sohu.com/a/752144100%20121677877 原创袁术刘表共推诸葛玄为豫章太守,标志着两大势力的和解
  5. https://www.163.com/dy/article/HMGG3EA0055339FF.html 诸葛玄:诸葛亮的叔父,曾是刘表的部下,最终是什么结局?
  6. https://www.soundofhope.org/post/383254?lang=b5 諸葛亮隱居隆中而不願依附劉表做官是受了誰的影響?
  7. 《三國志·諸葛亮傳》:「漢末為太山郡丞。亮早孤,從父玄為袁術所署豫章太守,玄將亮及亮弟均之官。會漢朝更選朱皓代玄。玄素與荊州牧劉表有舊,往依之。」「亮弟均,官至長水校尉。」