Zhongyang Island Explained

Zhongyang Island (Traditional Chinese: 中央嶼), also known as Da Yang Island,[1] is referred to by the locals in Xiyu Township as Nanpei-zi[1] (in Taiwanese Hanzi: 脬仔, in Taiwanese Romanization: lān-pha á), because its island shape resembles male genitalia. It is an island in Magong City,[2] Penghu County,[1] Taiwan, with an area of approximately 0.0116 square kilometers,[3] making it the smallest island in Magong City.[4] Located about 600 meters northeast of Jianshanjiao in Shee Way Township, the highest point is approximately 11 meters high. During low tide, it can be accessed by wading from Jianshanjiao in Shee Way Township.[5]


23.5956°N 119.5883°W

Notes and References

  1. http://phcsp.tmc.ksu.edu.tw/application/record/magongxiyu 澎湖縣各行政區域島嶼簡介- 馬公市、西嶼鄉島嶼- 澎湖縣國土計畫
  2. https://www.vrwalker.net/tw/scenery%20view.php?tbname=scenerys&serno=1455 中央嶼(大央嶼、LP島)-澎湖縣馬公市
  3. https://xiyu.url.tw/1/06/06-161.htm 澎湖90島名稱及面積
  4. https://www.penghu-nsa.gov.tw/AboutUs/A04.htm 島嶼簡述
  5. https://penghu.info/OB2A3A3E24412A487468 中央嶼