Yuraklar jangi explained

Alt Name:Battle of Hearts
Runtime:31 minutes
Director:Ozod Shams
Producer:Ruslan Mirzayev
Starring:Umid Irgashev
Saida Rametova
Sitora Alimjonova
Ozod Shams
Rayhon Ulasenova
Bahshillo Fatullayev
Sardor Zoirov
Aleksandr Bekjanov
Mömin Rizo
Theme Music Composer:Farruh Sobirov
Network:Sevimli TV
Num Episodes:73

Yuraklar jangi - Battle of hearts is an Uzbek drama series produced by Ruslan Mirzayev that premiered on Sevimli TV on December 5, 2018.[1] The series consists of two seasons and aired from October 5, 2018 to August 6, 2019.[2]

The series was shot in collaboration with Turkish filmmakers in Turkey and Uzbekistan. The filmmakers, who initially announced the filming of the series "Güneşim benim", later told to media that they did not have the funds to shoot the series. The filmmakers have agreed to co-produce "Yuraklar jangi" instead of "Güneşim benim".[3]


Notes and References

  1. Web site: Milliy serial "Yuraklar jangi". rizanova.com.
  2. Web site: Yuraklar jangi filmi namoyishi. buluteka.com.
  3. Web site: Turklar bilan hamkorlikda olinayotgan "Güneşim benim" seriali uchun yetarli mablag' topa olmagan o'zbek kino ijodkorlari "Yuraklar jangi" serialini boshladi. 8 August 2018. daryo.uz.
  4. Web site: Aktyor Umid Irgashev bilan "Yuraklar jangi" seriali xaqida intervyu. aniq.uz. May 2021 .